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Determiners and pronouns

Entry t e s t 4 Fill each of the numbered blanks with one

suitable word.
Many . . . . . . . . . . (1) time I have thought about going
1 Fill each of the numbered blanks with one
to live abroad. Only a very .......... (2) people ever
suitable word.
get the chance to do this as .......... (3) of us think
. . . . . . . . . . (1) two chefs agree on the definitive recipe we are being adventurous if we move to another
for paella, though . . . . . . . . . . (2) without exception town. My father spent a . . . . . . . . . (4) few years in
agree it contains rice. Although originating in Germany and never regretted it.
Spain, it has spread throughout the . . . . . . . . . . (3)
world and al1 . . . . . . . . . . (4) have tasted it say it is a
dish for special occasions. FOR QUANTIFIERS MUCH, MANY, A LOT OF, (A) FEW,

FOR ALL, BOTH, THE WHOLE, NEITHER, EITHER, NO, NONE, 5 Fill each of the blanks with a suitable word
or phrase.
EXAMPLE:YOUcouldn't lend us $50 by any chance,
2 Fill each of the blanks with a suitable word
could you?
or phrase.
a These negotiations don't . . . . . . . . . . anywhere at the
EXAMPLE: I admired my university tutor and listened
attentively to his every word
b My family is not . . . . . . . . . . means a rich one.
a I think your cakes are every . . . . . . . . . . as those you c My mother was talking . . . . . . . . . man or other about
buy in the shops. the weather.
b I bought a kilo of apples and each and . . . . . . . . . . of d Their train should be . . . . . . . moment now.
them was bad.
c My wife does most of the cooking but I like to do
some every . . . . . . . . . . a while. FOR ANY, SOME, SOMEWHERE, ANYWHERE, ETC., CEE SECTION 5.
d I think you have every .......... get angry about
that letter.


3 Fill each of the numbered blanks with one

suitable word.
The front door bell rang the .......... (1) day and I
opened it to discover it was .......... (2) other than
my Aunt Polly, whom I hadn't seen for ages. She
said . . . . . . . . . . (3) or other about finding herself
unexpectedly in the neighbourhood and we spent
the next couple of hours bringing . . . . . . . . (4)
another up to date on family news.



@ In rnost pairs of lines there is one unnecessary
word. For each pair of numbered lines (1-i6),
0 Correct the following sentences. write the unnecessary word in the space. Indicate
correct pairs with a tick (Y). The exercise begins
Example: Guess who took my chocolate? No other with two examples.
(None other) than Dimitra.
If 1 say '1 always te11 lies', am 1 telling the truth?
a Al1 of chocolate comes from cocoa beans. This is known J
b Both of ordinary and white chocolate are made as the Liar's Paradox. It has been around
from cocoa butter. for al1 millennia and is . .al1
c There are very few people who like neither them
d 1 have no particular preference: 1'11 eat the either. i usually attributed to Epimenides the
e Yesterday, in fact, 1 ate al1 a 400 grn bar. Cretan who said 'Al1 of Cretans are liars'. ..........

f My friends bet me 1 couldn't eat it whole. 2 Logicians cal1 this a circular argument or
g No one of them believed 1 could do it and not be problem to which there is no the ..........

sick. 3 solution. The quick answer is that while

h Chocolate is eaten al1 over the whole America. either the question is valid from a ..........

i Al1 the people love chocolate. 4 grammatical viewpoint, from both a

logical point of view it is a contrived ..........
j For everything we know, chocolate may be the
elixir of life. 5 contradictory nonsense, though this
didn't stop the philosopher Bertrand ..........
@ Fill each of the numbered blanks with one of 6 Russell spending two whole of summers
the words listed. trying to solve the contradiction. ..........

al1 wholc nonc no both neither either 7 The theological answer is that the human
race is made up of al1 three .........
8 types of people: neither saints who always
Life has slowly changed for the .......... ( 1 ) of our farnily.
te11 the truth, devils who always te11 ..........
We were .......... (2) very close once, my wife and 1 and
9 lies and sinners who sometimes te11 either
our two daughters. Aged 12 and 11, they were ..........
the truth and sometimes te11 ..........
(3)angels, keen, enthusiastic, cornrnunicative, .......... 10 lies. Logically a saint cannot say '1 always
(4) of thern, nearly .......... (5) the time. When we rneet te11 lies' since this would be ..........
up nowadays .......... (6) of us feels that cornfortable. Oh 11 a lie. A devil cannot logically say '1 always
yes, there are a few rnornents when we .......... (7) hug te11 lies' since al1 this would be ..........
and ask each other for an update. Then when w e .......... 12 the truth. Only a sinner can logically say
(8) sit down to either lunch or dinner - .......... (9) of '1 always te11 lies', and this would ..........
my daughters seems very keen to eat at the sarne time 13 be a lie. It is essentially both the same as
as us anyway - .......... (10) of us seerns to have that the dilemma faced by the barber .........

rnuch to say. .......... (1 1) rny daughters resent questions 14 who shaves al1 the men who don't shave
themselves. The whole question is: who ..........
about their activities and 1 can't ask .......... (12) of thern
15 shaves the barber? Clearly he cannot shave
about their current boyfriends without .......... (13) of
himself because he only shaves ..........
thern ganging up on me and telling me to be quiet. On 16 those who don't shave themselves. However,
the .......... (14j, 1 find eating while watching a soap neither he cannot remain unshaven as he ..........
with thern the best way out. would then have to shave himself.
......... (15) of the girls seerns at al1 interested in what
......... (16) rny wife or 1 is doing. .......... (17) 1 can say
c that life was rnuch easier and more cornfortable when
......... (18)of thern could utter anything more than
'goo-goo' and 'da-da' and .......... (19) rny wife and 1
ould settle down for a rneal without feeling strangers in
ur own horne. 1 suppose that time and tide wait for

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