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Expert Game Adventure

Merle and Jackie Rasmussen and Anne C. Gray


PREPARING FOR THE EXPEDITION .............................. 2

INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

THE ADVENTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
EAST OF O R C S HEAD PENINUSLA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 . New Hope Outpost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Nativevillage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3. Second Chance Outpost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. 7
4. Lawful Alliance Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
................................ 8
Graphic Designer: Ruth Hoyer 6 . Aranea Lairs .......................... 8
Cover Artist: Keith Parkinson O R C S HEAD PENINUSLA . .
Interior Artist: Mark Nelson 7. Peaceful Outpost . . . . . . .
Cartographer: Dave “Diesel” LaForce 8 . Gold Camp ........................
Typographer: Betty Elmore 9. AraneaLairs . . . . . . . . . . .
Q 1985 T S R , Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A 10. Forbidden River Outpost
DUNGEONS & D R A G O N S and D&D are registered trademarks 11. Egg-laying Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
owned by T S R , Inc. The T S R logo is a trademark of T S R , Inc. 12. GoldCamp . . . . . . . . . . . .
Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random 13. Phanaton Settlement . . . . . . . . ............................. 21
House, Inc., and in Canada, Ltd.
Etistributed in the toy and hobby trade by regional distributers.
14. Lost City of Risilvar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
rlistributed in the United Kingdom by T S R UK Ltd. 15. Cay-men Outpost ............................................. 24
?his adventure IS protected under the copyright laws of the United 16. Seaview Outpost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... 25
States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of
the material or anwork contained herein is prohibited without the Appendix
express written permission of T S R , Inc.
Cleric Outposts Information ........................................... 26
F’rinted in U.S.A
Monsters ........................................................... 27
Pre-rolled Characters ................................................. 31
TSR, Inc.
POB 756
The Mill, Rathmore Road
RandomEncounters .................................................. 30
Lake Geneva, Cambridge CB14AD
’NI 53147 United Kingdom LIST OF PLAYING AIDS
DMMap1 ................................................ outsidecover
DMMap2 ......................................................... 15
DMMap3 ................................................. insidecover
DMMap4 ......................................................... 16
PlayersMap 1 ....................................................... 14
PlayersMap2 ....................................................... 19
The Savagecoast .................................................... 13

An Adventure for Character Levels 4 - 10


ISBN394-54545-1TSR0600 9129
The characters may want to bring horses If the characters head for the peninsula, adds, “You, above all, should know about
along for any land travel. Horses can be pur- they discover the New Hope Outpost located honor.” H e then closes the door and bars it.
chased in Slagovich. on the tip of Claw Peninsula. H e does not open it again.
The distance from Slagovich to the Gulf of There are no secret doors or entrances to
Ilule is 23 hexes if the party follows the coast- I. NEW HOPE OUTPOST (DM M a p 2) this outpost. If the characters wait to see if
1 ne. If the adventurers sail straight southwest ~~ ~~~ anything happens outside the outpost, they
from Slagovich, the distance is 14 hexes. A An outpost stands on this sandy peninsu- see no sign of activity. The clerics know of
single hex is 24 miles across. la’s point. Small ships can be easily their vigil and halt all actions that would
Check once every five hexes for a random beached on this shore. Colorful, fragrant reveal the clerics’ purpose on the peninsula.
encounter. Roll a n 8-sided die and consult the flowers line a sandy footpath which leads The outpost serves as a “clearing house” for
O P E N SEA R A N D O M ENCOlUNTER to a small wooden gatehouse. The area is all ships that sail east. Some gold is stored at
table on page 30. strangely silent. the outpost, but most is sold for the Brother-
As you approach the gatehouse, a hood’s benefit.
East of Orcs Head Peninsula winded native wearing a simple leather If the characters try to take the outpost by
THE GULF OF HULE loincloth stumbles to the gatehouse door. force, 200 natives pour from in and around
As he turns to face you, a look of intense the outpost. They attack only if the party
fear remains frozen on his light brown attacks. Otherwise, they will let the charac-
As you enter the Gulf of Hule, th(ewaters ters turn and leave.
are calm and the sailing is smooth. A face. H e presses his back against the door
as if to prevent your entrance. Heroes (200): AC 7; H D 4-1; h p 18; M V
slight scratching noise, however, gradu-
ally infringes on the quiet of the beautiful 120’(40’); #AT 1 bow; D 1-6 + poison;
waters. The scratching becomes louder If the party questions the native, he under- Save F4; ML 7; AL Any; XP 75 each
and more frantic as vou stop to h e n . You stands very little. H e simply mutters the
word “Aldizog,” and points to the door. If the If the characters still manage to gain entrance
then notice rats beginning to clirnb their to the outpost, see entries 3 and 7 for a
way on deck, jumping overboard, and party seems puzzled, the native moves his
arms to indicate a large object and growls. H e description of the outpost. If they search this
swimming toward shore. outpost, they find only 22 gp in the prior’s
is trying to make the party believe that a large
reptilian monster, the legendary Aldizog, is residence. No clerics or natives give them any
Torpedo worms in the ship’s hull have information.
inside the outpost.
msed minor leaks which are flooding the If the characters sail up the New Hope
hold, driving the rats out. The ship has to be
If the party does not believe him, he will
not move from the door until threatened. H e River to explore or investigate, they
cxeened (beached so the outer huill can be encounter the following before they reach a
then flees the area.
scraped free of the worms and repaired) small native village (2).
If the characters decide to enter the gate-
within 1-4 days or it takes 1-4 hull points of
house (A), they find the door solidly barred.
damage per day. SNAKES IN THE TREES
If they attempt to crash open the large iron-
clad wooden doors, or knock on the door,
read the following. About 150 miles up the New Hope River,
it narrows with a small clump of trees.
After The Premise sets sail once again, the Vines weave themselves through the
The sound of metal scraping against metal
waters hold no surprises until a primitive branches of the trees.
comes from within the gatehouse. The
20-foot-diameter fishing net, rimmed
doors open and a man in a long brown
with bobbing wooden floats passes the If the characters attempt to pass through
robe peers out. Behind him are three other
ship. As it floats by. it splashes seawater the trees and vines, read the following:
robed men.
onto the ship.
“State your business, please,” the man
requests pleasantly.
If the characters retrieve the net, they dis- trees, two large snakes drop down from
cover that it contains an ensnared young the branches and attack. As you battle the
If the characters explain why they have
merman (merboy). If he is questioned, he snakes, the vines seem to come alive and
come, the doors slam quickly and do not reo-
claims to know nothing about gold on the wrap themselves around your party.
pen regardless what the party says. There is
peninsula. H e has, however, seen many ships
no other entrance to this walled outpost. The
pass through the waters. They were flying a
walls are only 10 feet high, but each time the The characters have encountered two rock
flag with the Lawful Brotherhood symbol. H e pythons and the strangle vines they live
characters try to scale the wall, natives lean
adds that there is some type of building on a
over the top and push the party members to among. After the first round, the characters
small peninsula about a day’s sail from here. have -2 penalty to hit the pythons because of
the ground with long poles. The characters
If the characters set him free, he tells his
try to cast a spell to gain entrance to the out- the vines.
people of the party’s kindness. Shortly after,
mermen circle the ship and throw on deck 1-4 Rock pythons (2): AC 6 ; H D 5*; hp 23; M V
If the characters lie or are hesitant to
12 rge pearls worth 500 gp each. 90’(30’); #AT 1 bite/l squeeze; D 1-412-
explain their journey, the man at the door
8; Save F3; M L 8; AL N; XP 300 each
Rferman: AC 6; H D 1-4; h p 14; M V says, “This is an establishment of truth. Do
120’(40’); #AT 1 weapon; D By weapon; not dishonor us with lies, foolish people.” H e
Save F1; hlL 8; AL N; X P 10 turns to the cleric in the party, if present, and
I 180’(60’); #AT 1 bite; D 1-6; Save F1;
the roof. A palisade M L 8 or 6; AL N; X P 25 each
high surrounds the
i and logs cover its Veterans (36): AC 9; HD 1-1; h p 4; M V
2n patches outside 120’(40‘); #AT 1 bow; D 1-6 + poison;
Save F1, M L 7; AL Any; X P 5 each
Warriors (4): AC 8; H D 2-1; hp 8; M V
oach the village nois- 120’(40’); #AT 1 bow; D 1-6 + poison;
rush blocking the Save F2; M L 7; AL Any; X P 20 each
egin to bark. Two to
proach, armed with Heroes (2): AC 7; HD 4-1; h p 17; MV
are preceded by 2- 12 120’(40’); #AT 1 bow; D 1-6 + poison;
haracters are aggres- Save F4; M L 7; AL Any; X P 75 each
palisade into the vil- Chieftain (1): AC 5; H D 6-1; hp 26; M V
followed by a native 120’(40’); #AT 1 bow; D 1-6 + poison;
1 arrows. If a charac- Save F6; M L 7; AL Any; X P 275
arrows, he must save
hours. If the charac- Enchanter (1): AC 9; HD 5-1; h p 22; M V
weapons or speak on 120’(40’); #AT 1 bow; D 1-6 + poison;
ion, the natives meet Save MU5; M L 7; AL Any; XP 175
is and welcome them Spells: magic missile, read magic, ESP,
web, fire ball
n male warriors (1st
:n, 20 children, and 8 The natives practice cannibalism, eating
include four 2nd level the flesh of human warriors killed in combat.
fighters, a 6th level Demi-humans or females captured in combat
’tain, and a 5th level are kept as slaves. There are no slaves at this
iaman. time. The skulls of enemy natives are hoisted
on spear points within the village.
D 2 + 2; hp 4-18; M V Before natives trade information or be-

longings with the characters, the characters shoots up through the muck to attack. I f the outpost at Llaw inlet. -You not welcome
must become village members. To do this characters move 20 feet from the head-stalks, there. No one welcome there, but ships,” it
they must walk across a 20-foot-long red-hot they are safely out of the plant’s range. The says.
coal bed. For each character attempting the stalks then slither back into the muck and I f the party attacks the tortle, it retracts his
crossing, roll ld20. Unless magic is used for mire. This creature has no treasure. head and limbs into his shell and can’t be
protection, if the number rolled is less than or coaxed out unless the characters mention
Giant river serpentweed: A C 6; HD 9 per
equal to the character’s Constitution, that they had seen another tortle on the beach east
stalk; hp 41 each stalk; MV 0’ ; #AT 1 bite
character safely crosses the coals. I f the char- of here. The tortle then determinedly heads
per stalk; D 2-12; Save F9; ML 12; AL N;
acter walks barefoot across the coals, no dam- east without another word.
X P 900 per stalk; immune to fire, illu-
age occurs. I f the character wears shoes,
sions, and mind control spells. Tortle: A C 3; HD 4; hp 18; MV 30’(10’);
boots, or armor on his feet, the material
burns or melts away. I f the number rolled is #AT 2 clawdl beak; D 1-4/1-4/1-6; Save
I f the party lands anywhere on shore along
F4; ML 11; AL L ; XP 75
less than or equal to the character’s Constitu- the Claw Peninsula to the sandy beach, they
tion, that character suffers 1-10points of heat encounter the following: Only if the characters land on the tip of the
damage. peninsula by the islands do they encounter the
Villagers, in trembling whispers, warn SAND BEACH TORTLE following tortles slowly moving along the beach.
travelers of Aldizog, a giant bipedal reptile
living on the Twin Islands, which ravages A greenish-brown rock-like object on the TWIN ISLAND PENINSULA TORTLES
livestock and gardens. They also tell of sandy shore suddenly sprouts legs. As the
Risilvar, a richly-decoratedghost city built by rock tilts to stand on end, a reptile’s head In the distance, a large rock seems to slide
their ancestors. They say it is located some- emerges from the top. The creature stands along the sand. Behind it, two small rocks
where in the Forbidden Highlands. I f the 6 feet tall. It slowly moves toward the follow.
characters show them the map, they cannot shoreline in an attempt to get your atten-
confirm that it is the map to Risilvar. tion. I f the characters investigate, they discover
The natives are willing to trade food or that the rocks are a female tortle and its
wcapons for gemstones and normal items or This creature is a tortle. I f the characters newly-hatched torts. It has seen nothing,
animals, but they do not accept money. The attack the tortle, it retracts into its shell. Ifthe except an occasional ship that passes by. Its
natives do not understand the concept of characters speak to it, it answers in Common. torts say nothing, quickly curling up within
coins. I f the characters try to trade an item It has seen ships pass by the beach, but the their shells. I f the characters attack the female
which is obviously magical, there is only a people on them have been unfriendly so it tortle, it retracts into its shell. It will not
25% chance the natives accept it. simply ignores them now. One time, it attack unless its torts are in danger.
I f the characters travel further upstream, recalls, a human tossed a shiny stone at it to
they encounter the following: Tortle: A C 3; HD 4; hp 18; MV 30’(10’);
deter it. “Pretty stone,” it utters. “If you
#AT 2 clawdl beak; D 1-4/1-4116;Save
want, I dig it up. Over here,” it says, and
lumbers over to a small mound of sand. The
stone proves to be a walnut-size nugget of I f the characters follow the coastline, they
The water ahead must be sluggish. It is gold. The tortle will give the characters the will discover the Second Chance Outpost (3)
covered with a layer of green algae. There stone if they ask for it. at the mouth of a river. I f they do not follow
is no clear path through the slime. the coastline, they encounter the following in
Tortle: AC 3; HD 4; hp 18; MV 30‘(10‘);
the bay of this area.
#AT 2 clawdl beak; D 1-4/1-4/1-6;Save
I f the characters wish to avoid the algae,
F4; ML 11; A L L ; X P 75
they must cut a path through, fly over, or MERMAID
leave the river and portage any vessels 1,000 Further down the beach near Camel
yards along the riverbank. I f the characters Hump, the characters encounter another tor- A pleasant female voice fills the air with
decide to travel through the algae, read the tle if they sail closely along the coastline, or if song, drawing you to the vessel’s star-
following: they travel on foot. board rail. Someone in the waves is sing-
ing the most melodic music you have ever
CAMEL HUMP TORTLE heard. Three hundred feet away you see a
young woman standing waist-deep in the
A large greenish-brownturtle lies belly-up waves, combing her hair and singing into
in the sand. It does not struggle to right a mirror.
itself, but seems to be enjoying the sun-
shine on its underside. The player characters have two rounds to
_____ ~~

begin making noise, plug their ears, or tie

I f the characters approach the creature, they themselves to the vessel.
The serpentine neck is actually one head- discover it is a tortle. I f they try to turn the The creature is a mermaid and her pleas-
stalk of a giant river serpentweed. The plant creature, it moans in slow Common, “No. ant song is calling the crew to their watery
atiacks until either it or the characters are Want sun.” The tortle has seen ships sail by, deaths. After two rounds, any creature hear-
defeated. Each time a head-stalk is hit, or it but he isn’t sure what they carry. It says the ing the mermaid’s song must make a saving
hi1s a character, another of its six head-stalks ships fly the same flag as what flies over the


throw vs. Spells or be charmed. If a listener the outpost hall every day from 10 a.m. to 11 creature’s belly.
makes a successful saving throw against the a.m. to discuss the outpost’s business. This If allowed to retreat, the tyrannasaurus rex
mermaid’s song, the listener is not affected by includes 18 acolytes, 1-10 adepts, 3 priests, 2 noisily returns to hunt the characters later
the song during the encounter. Victims who vicars, 2 curates, 2 elders, 2 bishops, and 2 with its mate, which has 80 hit points. If the
are charmed want only to leap into the sea lamas. The meeting is lead by the sub-prior. mate is wounded, both monsters return with
and live with the mermaid underwater. They The hall walls are lined with chairs. a 70-hit-point tyrannosaurus rex. This proc-
fight anyone who tries to prevent them from T h e dormitory walls above are lined with ess continues until a total of six tyrannosaurs
doing so. The victim survives underwater for box beds, a wooden frame criss-crossed with are encountered unless the preceding animals
a number of rounds equal to his Constitution ropes holding a down-filled mattress. At each are defeated. The reinforcements have 60,
scclre divided by 3 (round up). After the bed’s foot is a locked strongbox. In each 50, and 40 hit points respectively. If the char-
rounds pass, the victim must save vs. Death strongbox are a cleric’s personal belongings acters follow the retreating monsters, they
Ray each round or suffer ldlO points of dam- and any clothing he is not currently wearing. encounter the remainder all at once in one
age. Each cleric has a tunic, a scapular sleeve- place.
If the ship is sailed for 6 rounds away from less outer garment, and a cowl, in addition to Aldizog carries no treasure, but if the char-
the mermaid, her song is no longer heard. an undershirt, drawers, tunic, two head caps, acters retrace his footprints, they find a
She can b r fought by uncharmed characters. two pairs of slippers, two pairs of boots, an crushed native bracelet worth 525 gp. If the
If she is killed, the charm is immediately bro- extra cowl hood, leggings, two blankets, characters defeat all six creatures, they find
ken. Her comb is worth 100 silver pieces. seven pairs of socks, a leather belt, handker- native jewelry worth 3,150 gp.
chiefs, needles, a holy symbol necklace, a key
Mermaid: AC ’3; H D 1; h p 5; M V to his own strongbox, and writing materials. TWIN ISLANDS (b)
120’(40’); #AT 1 song; D special; Save Some clerics have their own personal books.
F1; M L 8; AL N; XP 10 The clerics, except the prior and his staff,
are only in the dormitory during siesta and at cover the grassy shores of this island. You
3. SECOND CHANCE OUTPOST night. feel thundering vibrations approaching
(DMMap 2) T h e outpost temple (B) has two stories and your direction.
a n open space to the ceiling. The bare stone is
not decorated, although numerous wooden If the characters stay on the island, they
river. Its iron-clad wooden doors face the altars stand on the floor throughout the build- encounter Aldizog, a tyrannosaurus rex.
bay. A large ship is anchored in the waters ing. R u n this encounter the same as the previous
of the bay. A small boat is beached on the The precentor is in charge of temple music encounter. They find native jewerly worth
shore. and ceremonies. H e files music and cleans 1,740 gp.
during work periods. All clerics except the
If the characters approach the outpost prior are present during worship periods. DREAM RIVER
doors, the sub-prior of the outpost welcomes
them. He invites the characters in for food TWIN ISLANDS (a) If the characters sail u p this river, they
and rest. T h e sub-prior gives no indication of encounter the following:
the outpost’s mining activities. All around you the sounds of insects and
If the characters need a place to stay, they birds becomes silent. You hear, then feel, a Slow water ahead is covered with golden
are introduced to the hostillar. Male visitors distant series of massive thuds coming water lilies the size of sunflowers. There is
are invited to stay in the dormitory with the closer. Vegetation crackles and snaps
brothers (area F). Female visitors stay in beneath the footsteps of a heavy creature.
quarters adjacent to the temple (area C2). An unearthly scream tears through the If the characters wish to avoid the plants,
T h e hostillar carries a key to all areas labelled silence as the multi-toothed head of a huge they must cut a path, fly over, or leave the river
C. See entry 7 for a description of these areas. reptile appears. A 25-foot-tall monster and portage any vessels 1,000 yards along the
If the characters have valuables they want thunders forward, whipping its massive riverbank. If the characters decide to travel
stored, the commoner is glad to accomodate tail and kicking clawed feet. through the plants, read the following:
them. H e is in charge of the cellar and storage
area (H). H e carries two keys; one to the stor- The creature is the legendary Aldizog. H e The water becomes sluggish and plant-
age area and one to a strongbox. is actually an adult male tyrannosaurus rex covered. Suddenly, a blossom 10 feet away
The characters are locked in their quarters hunting for food. Its whipping tail and kick- burst open, spraying a large cloud of pol-
for the night. If they manage to escape, the ing feet knock down one opponent behind or
only unlocked doors they find lead to the beside the monster once per round, but cause
main temple area. If they attempt to break no damage. The cloud of pollen measures 40 feet by 40
into anv other areas, the sub-prior tries to feet. Any character within the affected area
accost them and send them back to their Aldizog (tyrannosaurus rex): AC 3; H D 20;
must save vs. Spells or fall asleep for 4-16
quarters with two adepts. T h e adepts remain hp90; M V 120’(40’); #AT 1 bite; D 6-36;
turns. The flowers are amber lotuses which
alert outside their quarters the rest of the Save F10; M L 11; AL N; XP 2,000 spray a fresh burst of pollen every 3-12
night. The characters may leave the way they If the monster is attacked, it swallows a rounds. There are 3-18 plants growing ran-
entered at any time. character if its hit roll is 19 or 20. The victim domly among thousands of normal water lil-
The dormitory has a large hall below it. All takes 2-8 points of damage each round in the ies. Whenever a creature approaches within
clerics, except the prior and his staff, meet in

10 feet, the blossoms burst so the creature Death Ray each round or suffer ldlO points
imight further spread the amber lotus flower’s of damage. The monster’s treasure of three among the tepees and occasionally a cat-
pollen. pearls worth 500 gp each are hidden in a sea- headed humanoid appears near the tents.
.4mber lotus flower: A C 9; HD 1/2; hp 1-4; weed nest on the nearest shore.
I f the characters approach this temporary
MV 0; #AT 1 spray; D Special; Save N M ; Marine decapus: A C 5; HD 4; hp 18; MV Neutral Alliance camp in a friendly manner,
ML 12; AL N; X P 6 3’(1’); #AT 10 tentacles; D 1-6 each; they are invited to stay and eat with them.
I f not enough characters are left awake to Save F2; ML 9; AL C ; X P 75 Tortles and lupins are not welcome. I f the
pilot the vessel, it drifts downstream against a party approaches on a hostile manner, the
SEA CREATURE campers alert everyone in camp to help
Four rounds after the characters rid them- defend.
4. LAWFUL ALLIANCE CAMP selves of the decapus, a mysterious sea crea- Each of the eight tepees contains 1-10
(DM Map 3C) ture appears. pagans, half of whom are armed with normal
swords. The rest are non-combatants. Each
tepee contains treasure worth 10-10,000 gp.

Smoke rises in the distance. A square of A large, lumpy green sea creature the size
nine bark lodges surrounds a central fire. of a large shark follows your vessel. It Pagan (1-10): A C 6; HD 1; hp 5; MV
Several dog-headed humanoids move remains 360 feet from your stern at all 120’(40’); #AT 1 sword; D 1-8; Save F l ;
times. ML 8; AL N ; X P 10
among the lodges.
Each of the four cloth tents contain 1-10
I f the characters approach this itemporary I f the characters stop their ship or go to
rakastas, half of whom are only armed with
camp in a friendly, open manner, they are investigate, the timid creature suddenly dives
their “war claws.” T h e rest are non-
invited to stay and eat with the camp. I f the and is not seen again. It is attracted by gar-
combatants. Each tents contains expensive
party approaches within 1,000 feet of the bage thrown overboard.
rugs, tapestries, bowls, and drinking cups
(amp in a secret or hostile manner, they are worth 100-10,000 gp.
spotted 50% of the time by sentries. TORTLE GATHERING
Intruders are not welcome, ancl campers Rakasta(1-10): A C 6 ; H D 2 + 1 ; h p l O ; M V
I f the characters sail close to shore along
defend themselves by making as much noise 90’(30’); #AT 2 war clawdl bite; D 1-4/
the sand beach, they spot a gathering of crea-
as possible to alert the camp. 1-4/1-4;Save F2; ML 9; AL N; X P 25
tures along the shore.
Each of the lodges contains 1-8 lupins, half
of whom are armed with lances. Tlhe rest are 6. ARANEA LAIRS (DM Map 3F)
Several turtle-like creatures are gathered
non-combatants. Each lodge contains 200-
in a half circle near the shore. Sitting on
1,200 cp, 100-800 sp, and 10-200 ep. Ten to twenty-foot-long white fibers hang
the sand, they appear to be about four feet
from nearby trees. Webbed leaves, bark,
Lupin (1-8): A C 5; HD 2; hp 9; MV tall. They converse in a strange language
and twigs lie on the ground below the
120’(40’); #AT 1 lance; D 1-10; Save F2; you do not understand.
trees. Dense foliage prevents you from
ML 8; AL L ; X P 20
seeing higher into the trees.
I f the characters approach the tortles in a
IIECAPUS friendly manner, the tortles will talk with
The white fibers are sticky. I f a character
I f the characters do not sail up Dream them in Common. I f asked, they explain that
touches the fiber, he recognizes it as a spider
River, the following encounter occurs any- all the cleric outposts involved in some activ-
web. Only a character who climbs 20 to 30
ity that has ships sailing past frequently. At
where in Helmet Bay. I f they do sail up the feet above the ground is able to see the webs
river, the encounter happens as they once the rear of the outposts, there is a secret
which are 40 feet above the ground. Climb-
again enter Helmet Ray. entrance they have used to observe the cler-
ing trees or pulling on the white fibers alerts
ics. The tortles say the clerics pack some
four aranea living in the webbed-over sec-
shiny stones in crates and put them on the
A tangle of green and brown se.aweed is tions of their lair. The lairs resemble white
pulled in with your anchor. caves. The aranea attack intruders of their
I f the characters attack the tortles, they
part of the forest. Many pieces of crude “fur-
withdraw into their shells.
The 10-foot brown tentacles of a marine niture” made of web, vine, and wood are
decapus are interlaced with green seaweed Tortles (4): A C 4; HD 4; hp 18; MV woven in place on the floor of these lairs. The
leaves. The tangled mass hides the creature’s 30’(10’); #AT 2 clawdl beak; D 1-4/1-4/ intelligent giant spiders have woven treasure
+foot spherical hairy green body. I f lifted 1-6; Save F4; ML 11; AL L; X P 75 worth 100 to 400 gp into the ceiling of each of
from the water, the creature acts dead. Its their lairs for safe keeping. These aranea are
foul breath makes the creature smell as if it is Orcs Head Peninsula wild and do not have spell books.
rotting. Once on board, it attacks with all ten 5. NEUTRAL ALLIANCE CAMP Aranea (4): A C 7; HD 3**; hp 24, 22, 20,
tentacles. I f one character is ensnared by four (DM Maps 3B and 3G) 18; MV 60’(20’), in web lZO’(4.0’); #AT
or more tentacles, the monster tries to pull 1 bite; D 1-6 + poison; Save M U 3 ; ML
itself and its captive overboard. The prey sur- 7: AL C : XP 65
Smoke rises in the distance. A circle of
vives underwater for the number of rounds
eight conical tepees stands beside a cluster
q u a l to his Constitution divided by 3. After
of four cloth tents. Robed humans move
the rounds pass, the character must save vs.

’ERS sand within the compound. The eggs hatch in shallow part of the river. The camp lies about
1-20 days and the hatchlings are immediately 50 miles north on the river. The ship carries
k-walled roofless labyrinth stands carried to the relative safety of the nearby 22 small barrels filled with gold nuggets and
bove the high tide line. The only sea. Snapper eggshell is not valuable and can- dust worth 350 gp each.
ice through the six-foot-high walls not be made into armor. The characters must defend themselves
he sea and is barricaded with large against the returning clerics unless they can
ood logs. About 20 reptilian heads . PEACEFUL OUTPOST weave a convincing tale why they have
jible inside the complex fortress. entered the outpost. If they convince the cler-
An outpost stands beside this pleasant ics they are there to help, they will receive
cove. Small ships can easily be beached on free reign of the outpost, although they will
20 snappers inside the fortified egg-
this shore. Smooth stones line the grassy be watched carefully.
;rounds do not leave the compound to
footpath leading to the gatehouse. For a description of areas A, B, and F, see
attackers. Each is armed with a long-
There does not seem to be much sign of entries 1 and 3.
1 arrows, and a potion o f speed. They
fire unless attackers approach within life at this outpost. Native warriors (20): AC 8; HD 2-1; hp 8;
.nge (70 feet) or are discovered sneak- M V 120’(40’); #AT 1 bow; D 1-6 + poi-
) the compound. The snappers then If the characters attempt to open the son; Save F2; M L 7; AL Any; XP 20
le potion of speed and fire two arrows wooden doors to the gatehouse, they find
nd for 7-12 rounds. They attempt to them locked. If they try to find the secret door C . EMPTY CHAMBERS
anyone entering under a flag of at the rear of the outpost, they find it next to
the bath house and latrine (Q. Otherwise, C 1 . Guestroom
they may climb the walls to gain entrance.
rs (20): AC 5; HD 3; hp 14; MV T h e outpost looks occupied, but no one is Lawful characters who decide to leave their
lo’), swimming 180’(60’); #AT 2 immediately visible. The characters have 8 party are allowed to stay in this guestroom.
d l beak or longbow; D 1-6/1-6/2-8or rounds to examine the outpost before the
bv arrow; Save F3; ML 9; AL C ; X P clerics start to return two per round for four C2. Cell
rounds. Then the remaining 24 are alerted Prisoners are locked in this room. T h e hos-
snapper carries 1-6 platinum pieces and return with 20 natives. The clerics and tillar carries the key to all areas labeled C .
:y are guarding their real treasure; natives have returned by ship from a small
3 of their eggs buried 1 foot deep in the camp set up to gather gold that has settled in a
E). SCRIPTORIUM (WRITING R O O M ) runs along the inside walls of buildings that hooves; D 1-4/1-4; M V 240’(80’); Save
AND LIBRARY surround a square yard. In the center of the F1; M L 7; AL N; X P 20
yard is a well. Along the north colonade are
This two-story building has a writing room Donkeys and mules (2-12): AC 7; H D 2; hp
wooden partitions that form study carrels.
below and a library above. The wri.ting room 9; #AT 1 kick or 1 bite; D 1-4 or 1-3; M V
Many clerics read in the carrels between 7:OO
contains a secretarial office. T h e library con- 120’(60’); Save F1; M L 8; AL N; XP 20
a.m. and 9:00 a.m.
tains a “strong room” for valuables. Oxen and cows (3-18): AC 7; H D 3; hp 14;
Downstairs in the scriptorium 10 stools #AT 1 butt; D 1-6; M V 240’(80’); Save
face 10 desks with slanted tops. Manuscript F1; M L 5; AL N; X P 35
pages are written, copied, and illuminated on This two-story building has a cellar down-
these desks. stairs and storage space upstairs. Sheep, goats, and pigs (4-24): AC 7; H D 1;
The locked secretarial office contains blank Downstairs in the locked cellar are large h p 5; #AT 1 butt; D 1-4; M V 240’(80’);
parchment, sandboxes (for drying ink), pens, casks filled with wine, ale, and beer. Sausages Save F1; M L 5; AL N; XP 20
ink, and five gp worth of gold leaf. A locked and cheeses hang from the rafters. Dried fruit Ducks, geese, and chickens (5-60): AC 8;
strongbox in the office contains 10-100 plati- and salted fish are packed away in boxes
H D 1/2; h p 2; #AT 1; D 1-2; M V
num pieces. stacked against the walls. A locked strongbox
240’(80’); Save NM; M L 7; AL N; XP 5
Upstairs in the library 15 bookcases line contains 2-12 pp and 1-6 gemstones worth
the walls. There are 6 wooden tables and 24 100 gp each. The clerics use the area to store
chairs in the center of the room. There are gold overnight rather than leaving it on the
rnany candles for lighting stored in boxes on ships. No gold is stored here now. Areas J1 through 5 5 contain a bakery,
some of the bookshelves. Upstairs in the locked storage area is furni- brewery, mill, wine press, and kiln and fruit-
The locked strong room contains ancient ture and supplies. The commoner carries drying house, respectively. Each area con-
hooks, a scroll, a map, a flat wooden box, and keys to the cellar, strongbox, and storage tains supplies, utensils, and food.
a locked strongbox. The scroll contains three area.
first level clerical spells; detect evil, purify JS. Kitchen
food and water, and remove fear. T h e map I. BARN The floor of this room is covered with
shows the positions of all the cleric outposts. The north end of this building is a stable blood-stained sawdust. A wall rack holds a
The flat box is empty. The strongbox con- for 2-12 mares used as riding horses. One to number of large knives (treat as normal dag-
tains 120 pp. six donkeys and 1-6 mules are also stabled. gers) and meat cleavers (treat as hand axes).
One to four adepts read in the library In the center of the room is a large blood-
Four two-wheeled carts are stored beside the
between 7:OO a.m. and 9:00 a.m. every mules. Above the stable is a filled hayloft. If stained chopping block almost three feet tall
morning. The chancellor is also in the library the characters have mounts, they may stable and three feet square.
each day at this time. H e carries k.eys to the The kitchen contains many dishes, pots,
them here or in the building’s south end.
secretarial office downstairs and the strong The south end of the building is a stable for pans, waterskins full of various fluids, espe-
room upstairs. 1-6 oxen and 2-12 cows. One to six yokes are cially wine and ale. Fresh poultry hangs from
stored with six plows. Above the stable is a the rafters. There are 1-12 normal rations
E. VESTRY AND SACRISTY loft filled with 100-pound sacks ofwheat, bar- worth of vegetables, fruit, bread, cheese,
This two-story building has the vestry ley, and rye. The granator rations the grain eggs, and fish. The red coals of a large cook-
below and the sacristy above. between the brewery and the stables during ing fire glow on a hearth.
The vestry is where clerics leading a temple work periods. The cellarer is in charge of meat supplies
ceremony go before and after the ceremony T h e center area of the building is a combi- and victuals. H e carries a leather pouch that
to dress and disrobe. There is a lock.ed strong- nation sheepfold, pigsty, goat shed, and poul- contains 1-10 pp.
box in the vestry that contains 20-100 pp. try house. At dusk all of these animals enter
The sacristy is where the ceremcinial cloth- the pens in the center area of the building. K. REFECTORY (DINING HALL)
ing, banners, and standards are stored Three of the four fenced yards surrounding AND WARDROBE
between worship services. In the locked sac- the building contain 4-24 sheep, goats, or This two-story building has a dining hall
risty are seven vestments embroidered with pigs. One yard contains a stone-lined pool for below and a clothes storage room with laun-
gold thread worth 25 gp each. Temple orna- 1-12 ducks and 1-12 geese. Three to thirty-six dry above.
ments of gold, silver, and precious stones are hens with 1-4 roosters scratch in the yard T h e dining room downstairs has long
worth 1,000-4,000 gp. beside the pool. During the day the fowl are benches standing beside long wooden tables.
The sacrist looks after the tempile mainte- heard several yards away. At dawn, or if dis- The refectorian is in charge of the dining hall
nance, lighting, and cleaning. H e also stores turbed during the night, the roosters are and directs two adept waiters during meals.
#ceremonialrobes, hats, flags, and standards. heard crowing all across the outpost. Most clerics eat or serve in the dining hall
He carries a key to the sacristy. The sub- A charm monster spell has been cast on the during meals.
sacrist helps the sacrist in performing his tem- animals in the barn. The spell does not affect Upstairs in the laundry, clothes are washed
ple duties. characters’ mounts. The animals attack any- in tubs by hand. The chamberlain is in
one not wearing a robe who enters their sta- charge of all clerics‘ clothing. H e carries a
G. MAIN CLOISTER ble or pen. None of the animals have leather pouch on his belt. The pouch contains
treasure. 2-20 pp.
The main cloister is a covered walk with an
open colonade on one side. The colonade Horses (2-12): AC 7; H D 2; hp 9; #AT 2

~~ ~ ~

L CRAFTSMEN’S WORKSHOPS N. WALLED ENCLOSURE 120’(40’); #AT 1 bow; D 1-6 + poison;

Save F2; M L 7; AL Any; X P 20 each
The east end of this walled enclosure con-
L1. Cobbler Heroes (4): AC 7; H d 4-1; hp 17; M V
tains a burial ground marked by simple
Both old and new shoes and sandals line stones and sculpture. No undead creatures 120’(40’); #AT 1 bow; D 1-6 + poison;
the shelves of this room. Nothing of value is dare to enter a cleric outpost cemetary. Save F4; M L 7; AL Any; XP 75
inLthe room. The west end of this walled enclosure con-
If the characters manage to sneak on the
tains pruned and trained fruit trees. Apples, cleric’s ship, they find only empty barrels. If
L2. Saddler and Bridle Maker pears, peaches, plums, and currants grow in
they defeat the natives, they discover that
this orchard. three of the barrels on the shore are half filled
Saddles, bridles, and saddle bags are avail-
able to the characters. Nothing of value is in with gold. The gold in each barrel is worth
0. VEGETABLE GARDEN 300 gp. If the characters want to stay to pan
the room.
for gold, they find one small nugget each turn
L3. Sword and Shield Maker Neat rows of vegetables grow inside this for 9 turns. The gold is worth a total of 45 gp.
walled enclosure. A novice tends the plants.
Any weapon listed on page 19 in the Expert 9. ARANEA LAIRS (DM Map 3F)
rule book, including barding for horses,
chain mail armor, plate mail armor, and
shields are repaired by the armorer. No This building is richly decorated and finely Long white fibers hang from the trees
weapons or armor are available. furnished. There is glass in the windows, which line the river. Webbed leaves, bark,
carved wooden ceilings, and four tapestries and twigs lie on the ground below the
L4. Wood and Stone Carver worth 250 gp each hanging in the bedrooms. trees. Leaves of the trees prevent you from
Four statues made of gold stand in the center seeing higher into the tree.
Gemstones and jewelry are appraised and of the house (worth 1,000 gp each). The
purchased at full value by the carver. Gem-
house contains chambers, a wine cellar, pan- If the characters touch the fibers, they rec-
stones obtained from the player characters
try, wardrobe, storerooms, offices, a study, ognize them as a spider web. Only if the char-
are stored in a leather pouch worn by the
and a parlor. A holy symbol hangs in each acters climb high into the trees can they see
carver. There are 11 gemstones worth 300 gp
room. The pantry contains silverware worth the large webs. If they climb the trees or pull
each locked in a strongbox on a table.
1,000 sp. The house has its own entrance to on the fibers, a small man in a tattered cleric’s
the temple and the main cloister. robe emerges.
L5. Tanner
The prior has a council of senior clerics He will speak with the characters if they
Leather armor is not available but may be advise him. Assisting the prior is his secretary approach him in a friendly manner, other-
repaired. and steward. They defend him from wise he will send two aranea to attack.
intruders. All are in the house at all times. The man was at the Forbidden River out-
L6. Metalworker post until it was overrun by a Chaotic Broth-
8. GOLDCAMP erhood in search of gold. H e fled for his life as
Coins are exchanged here for gold pieces of
equal value less a 5 % exchange fee. If the characters follow the river north to they ransacked the entire outpost. H e will
find where the ships have returned from, they travel with the characters to the outpost, but
L7. Blacksmith discover a small camp. no further.

Metalwork is performed in a forge. Several Adept: AC 9; H D 2; hp 7; #AT 1; D 1-6;

Fifty miles north on this river, a small, M V 120’(40’); Save C2; M L 4; AL L;
iron spikes lie on a shelf at the back of the
primitive settlement comes into view. X P 20
Several natives stand in the shallow water,
Spell: cure light wounds
L8. Cooper apparently panning for gold. A small ship
is anchored 100 yards south of the camp in Aranea (2): AC 7; H D 3**; hp 24, 20; M V
Small sturdy barrels are produced here to waters that are deeper. Two men in cleric’s 60’(20’), inweb 120’(40’); #AT 1 bite; D
carry the outpost’s gold shipments. robes stand on the shore watching the 1-6 + poison; Save MU3; M L 7; AL C ;
natives. Sixteen wooden barrels line the X P 65 each
L9. Turner shore.
A lathe and some scattered pieces of wood WHITE BEAST
are in this room. Sawdust covers the floor. This temporary settlement was set up to If the characters land anywhere along the
gather the gold in the river that has washed Dark Jungle coast either before or after they
M . BATH HOUSE AND LATRINE down from upstream. The settlement moves reach the Forbidden River Outpost, they
north when the natives pan all the gold they encounter the following:
The room’s air and water are heated by a can in the area.
large fireplace. Warm water is poured into Even if the characters approach in a
wooden barrels used for bathing. There is no friendly manner, the natives drop their pans
soap, but plenty of coarse towels hang along spotted with large ape-like footprints.
and run for weapons to attack. The clerics
the walls. Suddenly, insects around you become
flee into the grasslands rather than fight.
silent. Birds flee over your head. You hear,
Warriors (8): AC 8; H D 2-1; hp 8; MV
I f the characters enter the outpost, read the upstream or attempt to reach shore, they are
and then feel a distant series of massive following: hit amidship by crushing logs which cause 3-
thuds rapidly moving closer. The foot- 18 points of damage to the hull.
citeps of a huge creature crush vegetation Vessels moored along the shore suffer 2-12
T h e outpost is wrecked and seems
in their path. A deep roar rumbles points of damage to the hull. There is a 25%
deserted. Large, muddy ape-like foot-
t hrough the trees as the head of a great chance of crew and supplies on deck being
prints lead from the gatehouse to a small
white ape appears. The 12-foot tall mon- knocked overboard into the flood and carried
room in the back of the temple. Scratch
ster steps forward beating its massive along with the crest. Anyone in the water suf-
marks dig deep into the door.
chest with huge fists. fers 3-12 points of damage from the debris is
I f the characters follow the footprints, they carried along until they begin swimming
The white beast is actually a gargantuan lead to room C2, which is locked. They can against the current or leave the water in some
white ape. The adult male is threatening the manner. Anyone on shore avoids 1-4 points
hear muffled sounds from within. I f they
party because they have invaded his territory. of damage by being more than f o h feet above
manage to get the door open, they find a
M’hite beast (gargantuan white ape): AC 6; robed cleric on the floor, bound and gagged. river level.
HD 32; hp 144; MV 240‘(80’); #AT 2 H e explains that he is the prior of this out-
claws; D 4-16/4-16;Save F16; ML 11; AL post. H e claims it was overrun by a Chaotic 11. EGG-LAYING GROUND
N; XP 5,250 Brotherhood from Slagovich who claim to be (DM Map 3H)
Lawful. All the natives in the area were I f the characters sail around Safe Harbor
I f the party retreats from the white beast, forced to flee as were the rest of the clerics.
the monster does not pursue. I f the party peninsula, they can spot the egg-laying
They tied him up and left him here to die. grounds of the tortles on the small peninsula
leaves any objects behind, the great white ape The Chaotic Brotherhood seized all the gold closing off Safe Harbor.
smells and touches them, and then tries to eat and the ships from this outpost.
them. I f the characters ask him about the
The white beast is usually a timid creature Solitary sand dunes, the dried carcasses of
scratches in the door, he says he heard some creatures which have crawled here to die,
which only becomes defensively violent if type of creature trying to get in the day
attacked. Because of its size, the monster is utter silence, and rocks shaped only by
before, but it has not returned. windblown sand alert the senses to hidden
n(3isywhile moving and cannot surprise any- I f the characters remain in the’outpost for
thing. It also suffers a -4 penalty to its hit rolls dangers. Scattered among the rocks at the
more than 4 rounds, a gargantuan white ape base of nearby hills are roofless com-
when attacking man-size or smaller oppo-
enters the outpost and attacks. pounds with six-foot-high walls built of
nents. I f its hit points are reduced to 72 or
bzlow it retreats. Because of its curiosity, it Gargantuan white ape: AC 6; HD 32; hp piled rock. The solitary. entrances to the
tries to pick and carry away the first: creature 144; MV 240’(80’); #AT 2 claws; D 4-16/ compounds are blocked with weather-
it hits. It carries no treasure. 4-16; Save F16; ML 11; AL N; X P 5,250 worn logs.
It always retreats deeper into the jungle to The white ape heads directly for the prior.
its lair of broken branches and leaves on the The 16 fortresses protect the tortles’ egg-
I f the characters do not defend the cleric, the
ground. Its lair is a nest which contains two laying grounds. Females lay 10-40 eggs in the
ape grabs him and flees with the screaming sand at a time. The white eggs hatch three
baby white beasts watched over by a gargan- figure. H e will attack no others as long as he
tuan mother (1 28 hit points). months later. Armorers can fashion light
has the cleric. weight plate mail (AC 1) from 25 fresh egg-
White beast babies (white apes)(2): AC 6; shells. Twenty-two eggs lie unguarded in the
HD 4; hp 18; h l V 120’(40’); #AT 2 FLASH FLOOD sand.
claws; D 1-411-4; Save F2; ML 7; AL N; I f the characters travel north on the For-
X P 75 bidden River, they find nothing of interest, ORC VILLAGE
The babies defend themselves but not their but encounter the following when they are I f the characters land on one of the Trident
parents or each other. The white beast family about 75 miles up the river. Islands, they discover an orc village. The
does not retreat from its nest. The nest also other two islands are uninhabited.
contains the baby’s toys; one ruby worth The rushing sound of churning water
1,000 gp, one jewel-decorated native rattle roars increasingly louder from upstream. I n the distance a conical thatched village
worth 1,800 gp, and one crystal ball with Suddenly, a crest of water four feet high roof rises 25 feet above the ground. Smoke
ESP The apes do not know how ito use the rolls into view bearing downriver. It car- rises from a 20-foot-diameter circular hole
rnagic item and do not realize the toys’ val- ries large, heavy logs and green plant in the 50-foot-diameter roof. A palisade of
ues. The babies are not likely to give up their debris with it. vertical logs 10 feet high surrounds the
toys without a fight, however.
roofed structure. Brush and logs cover the
The water moves downriver at a rate of 120 entrance to the palisade. Small garden
10. FORBIDDEN RIVER OUTPOST feet per round. The flood is caused by distant patches outside the palisade grow various
thunderstorms upstream. Characters aboard food crops.
This cleric outpost seems identical to the a vessel suffer the least damage by turning
other outposts. The front gate stands wide their bow directly into the wave. This causes I f the characters approach the village nois-
open, and there is no sign of activity. only 1-6 points of damage to the hull. I f the ily or disturb the brush blocking the
characters turn the bow from straight entrance, village monsters begin to growl.


Two to twelve orcs approach, armed with Lawful adventurers traveling through the
spears, preceded by four ogres and a troll. I f branch. Wood chips, dry leaves, and nut- Forbidden Highlands and attempt to direct
the characters are aggressive or sneak past shells crackel beneath your feet. The faint the party to the lost city of Risilvar.
the palisade into the village, the four ogres aroma of horses floats in the air. Alerted, the
attack followed by the troll and 72 orcs. I f the fumy cmtures rapidly climb out of sight. CRUSHED SHIP
characters throw down their weapons or I f the characters follow the river to the end,
speak on friendly terms in Common, the The phanaton settlement is hidden 50 feet
off the ground in the trees. The settlement they discover a dry and desolate desert can-
monsters meet them with lowered weapons yon carved by the river that once reached that
and welcome them into their village. Once cannot be seen from the ground, and any
creature other than a phanaton must be far. I f the characters wish to go further, they
inside, the monsters surround and attack must walk or ride their mounts through this
them. There are 72 adult orcs armed with within 20 feet of the settlement to distinguish
it from the surrounding greenery. canyon. Four miles into the canyon, they dis-
spears led by a chieftain, 20 non-combatant cover an abandoned ship.
whelps, four ogres and one troll. The clan war chief and seven bodyguards
The orcs have no treasure. climb and glide down to meet all visitors. I f
the visitors are open and friendly, the war Twenty feet above the valley floor on a
Troll: AC 4; HD 6+3’; MV 120’(40’); chief orders a rope ladder to be lowered narrow ledge lies a jumble of curved
#AT 2 clawsll bite; D 1-6/1-6/1-10;Save through the trap door for the visitors to wooden planks and heavy beams. The
F6; ML 10 (8); AL C ; XP 650 climb. I f the visitors are hostile, the subchiefs area is peppered with large lion tracks.
Ogres (4): AC 5; HD 4 + 1; hp 33, 29, 25, bodyguard, the war chief, and the war chiefs
21; MV 90’(30‘); #AT 1 club; D 2-6; bodyguard glide down to defend the settle- The wood is the crushed remains of a large
Save F4; ML 10; AL C ; X P 125 ment. I f they have to, the subchief and the saiIing ship which belonged to Akobaan the
adult remainder of the settlement, including gold merchant. Its hull was crushed against a
Orc chieftain: AC 6; HD 1; hp 8; MV the warrior’s mates, defend the platforms. riverbank by a floating island. The ship sank
90’(30’); #AT 1 spear; D 2-7; Save F1; fairly intact with its crew and trading supplies
ML 8; AL C ; XP 10 Subchief A C 6; HD 6; hp 30; MV aboard. Following an earthquake, the river’s
90’(30’); gliding 150’(50’); #AT 1; D 2-
Orcs (72): AC 6; HD 1; hp 1-8; MV course changed, stranding the ship high and
7; Save F6 + 2; ML 7; AL L; XP 275
90’(30’); #AT 1 spear; D 1-6; Save F1; dry.
ML 6 or 8 (with chieftain); AL C ; X P 10 War chief and subchief bodyguard (5): AC The hull is now the lair of four Dragonnes.
6; HD 3; hp 15; MV 90’(30’), gliding One Dragonne pokes its large lion head out
12. GOLDCAMP 150’(50’); #AT 1; D 1-6; Save F3+2; from behind the ship’s bow when the charac-
ML 7; AL L ; XP 35 each ters are 120 feet away. When the characters
get closer than 120 feet to the Dragonne, it
War chiefbodyguard (7): AC 6; HD 2; hp 9; roars. One round later, another Dragonne’s
small camp. Three tents are pitched near MV 90‘(30’), gliding 150’(50’); #AT 1;
head appears from behind the ship’s stern.
the shoreline of this shallow part of the D 1-6; Save F2 + 2; ML 7; AL L; X P 20 One round later, the two attack and two more
river. Several natives in the water pan
Adult males (11) and mates (19): AC 7; HD appear in their places. One round later all
while a cleric on shore looks on. A small
1-1; hp 4; MV 90’(30‘), gliding four Dragonnes roar simultaneously.
ship is anchored in the river to the north.
150’(50’); #AT 1; D 1-6; Save F1 + 2; Dragonnes (4): AC 3; HD 8.; hp 64, 56,48,
ML 7; AL L; X P 5 each 40; MV 150‘(50’); #AT 2 claws11 bite or
The natives in the water are panning for
gold. I f the party manages to surprise the The settlement consists of five wooden roar; D 1-611-6/4-24 or roar; Save F8;
natives, they will fight, but the cleric will cast platforms built between several large trees. ML 8; AL N; XP 1,200 each
a hold person spell and escape if he can. Each platform is supported from below by The ship’s hold contains both trade items
wooden braces and from above by a web of
Warriors (5): A C 8; HD 2-1; hp 8; MV and Dragonnes’ hoards. Treasure includes 10
knotted ropes. silver arrowheads worth 4 gp each, a silver
120‘(40’); #AT 1 bow; D 1-6 + poison; A number of huts, varying in size, are built
Save F2; ML 7; AL Any; XP 20 dagger blade worth 27 gp, 3,600 cp, 5,300 sp,
on each platform, except one. A safety rail runs
2,500 ep, 1,250 gp, a topaz worth 500 gp,
Vicar: AC 9; HD C4; hp 14; #AT 1; D 1-6; along the platform’s edges. The platforms are
four jewel-encrusted necklaces worth 800 gp
MV 120’(40’); Save C4; ML 6; AL L; connected by a series of rope bridges for the each, and a locked bronze box sealed with
X P 75 young and infirm. Guests usually sleep on the
wax. The box is worth 100 cp.
platform with the solitary hut. Inside the sealed box is the preserved log-
Inside the tents are four barrels filled with In each of the 19 huts, there is usually a
gold nuggets and dust. The barrels are worth book of Akobaan the merchant. The log con-
family of four phanatons; two adults and two
200 gp each. tains a map of the Bayou. The center of the
young. Recently the tribal subchief and his area is marked with the word “treas.”
bodyguard came to visit.
13. PHANATON SETTLEMENT T h e phanatons have a small corral of
horses hidden about 100 feet from their
camp. The phanatons will sell them to the A. A R C H
In the trees ahead, halfling-sized creatures characters for 100 gp each if asked.
which look like a cross between a monkey The subchief and his followers have little to A 20-foot-tall carved stone arch straddles
and a raccoon alide from branch to offer adventurers except rations. They aid a 15-foot-wide street. A locked areenish-


#AT 1; D By weapon; Save F1; M L 12;

brown gate, which opens in the middle, AL C; X P 10 each
blocks this arch. The gate halves are made supports a motionless human-sized figure
of metal bars between which a man-sized standing on top of a flat slab. The pedestal When in combat with the sacrol, a magic
creature may not pass. The gate hinges is of polished stone and has no toeholds. weapon is needed to hit.
are fastened into the stone on eaclh side of Suddenly, the arms of the figure on the The mist is the sacrol’s body. It attacks
the arch. pedestal begin to move. with two rope-like extensions. The sacrol is
able to attack up to two different targets in a
The lock may be picked and the hLeavy gate The figure is a warlock guarding the area. round, but no target more than once per
opened, but nothing special happens. The H e carries no personal treasure. round. A hit drains one level of experience,
bars may be bent by a character with a while the mist coils around the throat choking
Warlock: AC 9; H D 5; hp 15; #AT 1; D 1-4 the victim. The choking does not drain fur-
SI rength of 17 or greater to allow passage. If
by dagger; M V 120’(40’); Save MU5; ther levels, but does 2-8 points of damage
the hinges are detached form the stone, or if
M L 10; AL C ; XP 275 until either the sacrol or the victim is dead.
the dark corrosion is somehow scratched
from the gates by force, a copper-colored Spells: charm person, read magic, detect The sacrol is only struck by magic or silver. A
base metal appears. Each gate half is made of in visible, in visibilitx flx lightning bolt sacrol may create and control undead as in an
pure copper, weighs 1,100 pounds, and is animate dead spell, controlling up to 8 hit
When the characters are within 20 feet of dice of creatures. These undead must be the
worth 11,000 cp.
the pedestal, he casts a lightning bolt at them. same creature type in life as the sacrol. The
When the characters begin to attack, he casts sacrol may be turned by a cleric as if it is a
a fly spell on himself and flies to the temple spectre. The sacrol speaks Common and the
There are two upright brick pillars denoted top or another pillar to continue the battle. language of the creature type it was in life,
by B1 and B2. Dravish. If the characters ask the sacrol what
D. UNDAMAGED BUILDINGS it wants, it tells them to leave the city imme-
This 30-foot-high square brick pillar sup- There are six undamaged buildings. One diately. If they leave D M Map 4, the sacrol
ports a motionless human-sizedl figure structure is empty (DM’s choice). stops attacking. Neither the sacrol nor its
standing on top. Brick-sized indented toe- controlled skeletons have any treasure.
holds spiral around the pillar once.
A few of the city’s buildings have escaped
devastation. These brick structures have
The toeholds allowed the ancient builders undamaged walls and ceilings. None of
to maintain the hero statues on the pillar top. their wooden doors remain. A magnificent, almost magical golden pyra-
If a character attempts to climb the pedestal, mid stands gleaming before your party.
he must make one climbing checlk against Except for the stone stairs, the entire struc-
their Dexterity. Roll ld20. If the value is less ture is formed of golden levels that lead to a
than or equal to the character’s Dexterity, he shimmering temple at the top.
climbs the pillar safely. If the value is greater A stone statue of an ancient warrior
than the character’s Dexterity, he falls 15 feet This wall is not made of brick. Thousands stands on each corner of each of three
onto the paved street. of human skulls have been stacked and levels. The pyramid levels are 10 feet, 20
mortared together to form this 10-foot feet, and 30 feet above the street level.
wall. Suddenly, a multi-colored mist rises
You sense you are being watched. Sud- from the wall top. Floating within the mist
denly, the arms of the figure on the top of The pyramid steps are three 10-foot-high
is a giant-sized human skull. Around each
the pedestal begin to move. levels of stone covered with a gold veneer. A
end of the wall four skeletons attack with
stone staircase climbs the pyramid’s south side.
Enchanter: AC 9; H D 5; hp 13; #AT 1 ; D 1- As the characters reach each pyramid
4 by dagger; M V 120‘(40’); Save MU5; level, either by climbing the steps or ascend-
The skulls in the wall are from captured ing the staircase, the four stone statues on the
M L 9; AL C ; XP 175
warriors who were sacrificed in the pyramid level turn to attack them. They are actually
Spells: magic missile, shield, detect invisi- temple. living rock statues that guard the temple. The
b’e, levitate, fire ball The creature is a sacrol which is guarding statues have no treasure themselves.
the step pyramid staircase. It remains 15 feet
When the characters are within 20 feet of above the ground until all its controlled skele- Living rock statues (12): AC 4; H D , 5 * ; hp
the enchanter, she casts a fire ball at them. 32 each; M V 60’(20’); #AT 2; D 2-12/2-
tons are destroyed. If this happens, the sacrol
When the characters are within 10 feet, she 12; Save F5; M L 11; AL C; XP 300
descends and attacks the nearest two charac-
casts a magic missile. If the characters come
ters. The skeletons are those of warriors who
within five feet, she casts a levitate spell on G. PYRAMID TOP
died as slaves.
herself and rises above the area.
Sacral* (1): AC 5; H D 8 ; hp 48; M V
C. STONE PEDESTAL 180’(60’); #AT 1 touch + 1 choke(x2); D
street level. An ornately-carved stone
level drainf2-8; Save F8; M L 12; AL C ;
There are two upright stone pedestals building stands in the center of the pyra-
XP 1,200
denoted by C 1, and C2. mid top, its door facing the stone stairway
Skeletons (4): AC 7; HD 1; M V 60’(20’); to the south. Four rusty metal statues

--- __ I-


Ofancient warriors stand On the Of

not go with the wisher. Correct device opera- players should recognize the location from
the pyramid top. tion is only discovered by experimentation. their crude map of the area that indicates

bite., 1-6javelin, 1-6 dagger; Save F2: ML 8;

AL N; XP 20
I f the characters reach the wall, the Cay-
men make an orderly retreat to the mounds.
As they dart into the openings, the Cay-men
snipe at the characters-throwing a javelin,
then ducking out of sight to reappear at a dif-
ferent opening. The Cay-men’s mounds are a
maze of tiny 1-foot-high tunnels and 2-foot-
high chambers. It is possible to seal all the
mound’s entrances.
Ifthe characters do not attack and continue
to watch the Cay-men, the creature’s shaman
eventually appears on the wall. This shaman
speaks a very poor version of Common. Use
very simple phrases in this conversation,
forcing the characters to use sign language at
some points. The shaman wants to know
what the characters want from them. I f the
characters want food, the Cay-men bring
worms and snails. The Cay-men will sell half
their weapons at twice normal prices, but
supply the characters with little else. The
Cay-men know little about the world outside
The Bayou.
Cay-men shaman: AC 6; HD 6; hp 27; MV
90’(30’); #AT 1 bite or weapon; D 1-4
bite, 1-6javelin, 1-6 dagger; Save F6; ML
9; AL N; XP 275


Three small ships lie anchored in this bay.

In the distance you can see an outpost off
the shoreline.

I f the characters search the boats first, they

finld no natives or clerics. Twelve barrels of
gold nuggets and dust are stored on each of
the ships. The barrels of gold are worth 210
gp each.
When the characters get closer to the out-
post, they see fine wisps of smoke drifting
from within the walls. I f they examine the
outpost more closely, they discover it has
been gutted by fire. Nothing can be salvaged
from the buildings.
Outpost timetable and positions TABLE 3
Each outpost follows a strict schedule of
sleep, worship, and work. One to four min-
utes before each worship time, the clerics
Order of Memorized ’
Spell Spell ,
gather in the outpost temple. Sometimes cler-
ics are excused form worship for special stud- 1 Level 1: cure light wounds
ies, work, or as punishment. Any exceptions 2 Level I: light
tl3 the following timetable may occur when 3 Level 2: bless
unexpected guests are present. 4 Level 2: hold person
5 Level 3: continual likht
TABLE 1 6 Level 1: protection from evil
OUTPOST TIMETABLE 7 Level 3: cure disease
8 Level 2: silence 15’ radius
Time Activity 9 Level 4: cure serious wounds
10 Level 3: remove curse
Midnight Worship in temple 11 Level 4: protection from evil 10‘
’.:OO a.m. Back to bed radius
6:OO a.m. Worship in temple
6:30 a.m. Breakfast
’7:OO a.m. Work All Lawful Brotherhood clerics1with the same
L1:OO a.m. Worship in temple title have one of the following stts ofstatistics
12:OO noon Dinner and the spells listed on Table 10.
12:30 p.m. Siesta
1:00 p.m. Worship in temple Patriarch: AC 9; HD 9; hp 52; #AT 1; D 1-6;
1:30 p.m. Work M V 120’(40‘); Save C9; ML 11; AL L;
5:30 p.m. Worship in temple
XP 900
6:OO p.m. Supper
7:OO p.m. Worship in temple
Lama: AC 9; HD 8; hp 48; #AT 1; 01-6;
8:30 p.m. To bed M V 120‘(40’); Save C8; ML 10; AL L;
XP 650
TABLE 2 Bishop: AC 9; HD 7; hp 45; #AT 1; D 1-6;
OUTPOST POSITIONS M V 120’(40’); Save C7; ML 9; AL L;
XP 450
Official Spells
Position Title Level Known Elder: AC 9; HD 6; hp 41; #AT 1; D 1-6;
Prior Patriarch 9 1-11 M V 120’(40‘); Save C6; ML 8; AL L;
Sub-prior, Bursar Lama 8 1-9 XP 275 I
Hostillar, Cellarer Bishop 7 1-7
Almoner, Curate: AC 9; HD 5; hp 35; #AT 1; D 1-6;
Chamberlain Elder 6 1-5 M V 120’(40’); Save C5; ML 7; AL L;
Sacrist, XP 175
Commoner Curate 5 1-4
Dean of Order. Vicar: AC 9; HD 4; hp 28; #AT 1; D 1-6;
Precentor Vicar 4 1-3 M V lZO’(40’); Save C4; ML 6; AL L;
Refectorian, XP 75
Chancellor, Priest: AC 9; HD 3; hp 21; #AT 1; D 1-6;
Sub-sacrist Priest 21 1-2
M V fZO’(40’); Save C3; ML 5; AL L;
Granator Adept 5! 1 XP 35
Novice Acolyte 1 None
Adept: AC 9; HD 2; hp 12; #AT 1 ; D 1-6;
M V lZO’(40’); Save C2; MI, 4; AL L;
XP 20
Cleric spells and statistics
Acolyte: AC 9; HD 1; hp 6: #AT 1; D 1-6;
The Lawful Brotherhood requires members
M V 120’(40’); Save C1; ML 3; AL L;
to memorize certain spells in a particular
XP 10
order. Only the Prior knows all 11 spells.
Novices have not learned any.


Amber Lotus Flower (xz) although they are much smaller (standing no Dragonne Monster
more than 1 foot high) and much more intelli- Armor Class: 3
Armor Class: 9 gent. Cay-men fashion weapons, build vil-
Hit Dice: 1/2 Hit Dice: 8'
lages, and make their own traditions. Some Move: 150'(50')
Move: 0' wear bone and feather headdresses. They can
Attacks: 1 spray Attacks: 2 claws11 bite or roar
also speak Common, their own tongue, their Damage: 1-611-614-24 or roar
Damage: 2-12 alignment language, and sometimes the lan-
No. Appearing: 1 No. Appearing: l(1-4)
guages of other creatures of the area. They Save As: Fighter 8
Save As: Normal Man are not warlike; they usually fight only for
Morale: 12 Morale: 8
defense, or for some necessary gain (territory Treasure Type: E
Treasure Type: Nil or food sources). They are quick and clever.
Alignment: Neutral Alignment: Neutral
Cay-men know they are not suited to fight- X P value: 1,200
X P value: 6 ing; they prefer to make quick attacks and get
Amber lotus flowers look like golden water to cover before the enemy can respond. The Dragonne has the head of a lion and the
lilies the size of sunflowers. When a creature All cay-men villages are led by a shaman. body of a small gold dragon. It fights with its
approaches within 10 feet, the blossoms open These shamans live much longer than normal claws and bite, but its greatest weapon is its
and spray a 40-foot by 40-foot cloud of pol- cay-men. When the shaman is present, the fearsome roar.
len. Any individual within the affected area morale of all cay-men is increased by 1. Any character within 120 feet of a Dra-
must save vs. Spells or fall asleep for 4-16 gonne when it roars must make a saving
turns. The flowers can spray a fresh burst of throw vs. Dragon Breath or flee in fear for 2
pollen every 3-12 rounds. Decapus, Marine ( ~ 3 ) rounds. The Dragonne's roar deafens any
creatures within 30 feet. Deafened creatures
Armor Class: 5 suffer a -2 penalty to their hit rolls for 2d6
Hit Dice: 4
Amoeba, Giant (xz) Move: 3'(1')
rounds. Dragonnes can roar once every 3
rounds. Anyone who stays within 30 feet of a
Armor Class: 9 Attacks: 10 tentacles Dragonne after it roars again does not suffer
Hit Dice: 10-15 Damage: 1-6 each any additional hit roll penalty, but he may
Move: 30'(10') Save: Fighter 2 suffer the original penalty for up to 12
Attacks: 1 Morale: 9 rounds. The Dragonne cannot bite in the
Damage: 2-12 Alignment: Chaotic same round it roars.
No. Appearing: 1 Treasure Type: C
Save As: Fighter 7 XP value: 75
Morale: 10 The marine decapus has 10-foot-long brown
Treasure Type: Nil tentacles and a &foot spherical hairy green
Alignment: Neutral body. The creature has a horrible mouth with
XPvalue: 900, 1,100, or 1,350 long yellow teeth and foul breath. &Z
Giant amoeba are 30-foot-wide single-celled
animals. Except for the 1-foot-wide gray
nucleus, an amoeba is translucent. If the
nucleus is hidden or disguised, the amoeba
will be practically invisible and able to attack
with surprise. Giant amoeba attack first by
enveloping victims, then secreting an acid to Dog, Normal
digest them. Armor Class: 7 3
Hit Dice 2 + 2
Move 180'(60')
Cay-men (ACZ) Attacks: 1 bite
Armor Class: 7 Damase: 1-6
Hit Dice: 2 No Aipearing 2-12 (3-18)
Move: 90'(30') Save As Fiehter
" 1
Attacks: 1 bite or weapon Morale: 6 or 8
Damage: 1-4 or by weapon Alignment: Neutral
No. Appearing: 0 (10-60) Treasure Type: Nil
Save As: Fighter 1 X P value: 25
Morale: 8 Dogs are carnivores and hunt in packs.
Treasure Type: K Though they prefer wilderness, they may
Alignment: Neutral occasionally be found in caves. If three or
X P value: 20 fewer dogs are encountered, or if the pack is
Cay-men are small, intelligent, reptilian reduced to less than 50% of its original num-
humanoids. They are related to lizard men, bers, their morale is 6 rather than 8.



GitantRiver Serpentweed Pagan (xz) I


Arrrlor Class: 6 Armor Class: 6

Hit Dice: 9 per stalk Hit Dice: 1
Move: 0’ Move: 120’(40’)
Attacks: 1 bite per stalk Attacks: 1 weapon
Damage: 2-12 Damage: 1-6
No. Appearing: O(1) No. Appearing: 0 (3-30)
Save As: Fighter 9 Save As: Fighter 1
Morale: 12 Morale: 8
Treasure Type: D Alignment: Neutral
Alignment: Neutral Treasure Type: A
X P value: 900 per stalk X P value: 10
The giant serpentweed is a flesh-eating plant Pagans worship the gods and gohdesses of
found in bogs and areas of standing water. nature. They follow the teachings of certain
Muzh of the plant lives underwater, rooted to druids, clerics of nature gods. Pa$ans prac-
the bog bottom, but has 1-6 stalks that reach tice seasonal sacrifices which they believe
aboiie the surface. These stalks are thick and help maintain the cycles of the year. They
scal-d. Each ends in a digestive sac that sometimes practice human sacrifice. Charac-
resembles a toothed mouth. From a distance, ters captured in battles with pagan’s probably
the stalks resemble giant snakes. will be used as human sacrifices. They hold
The stalks normally lie just under the sur- their ceremonies in isolated forest Blades and
face of the water. From there, they detect grottos. Pagans generally form tribal soci-
vibrations of passing creatures, which they eties. They will not be encountered in cities,
then attack. The stalks can attack anything towns, or villages.
within a 20-foot radius of the plant. When a
stalk loses ail of its hit points, it is severed.
When all the stalks are severed, the pl.ant can Sacrol” I
no longer attack, but the plant itself is not Armor Class: 5 I
dead. The only way to permanently kill1 a ser- Hit Dice: 8
pentweed is to burn the underwater roots. A Move: 180’(60’)
severed stalk can grow back in 6 months. Attacks: 1 touch
1 choke (x2) I
Damage: Level drain/2-8 I
Lupin (xz) No. Appearing: l(1)
Armor Class: 6 Save As: Fighter 8
Hit Dice: 2 Morale: 12 I
Move: 120’(40’) Treasure Type: Nil I

Attacks: 1 weapon Alignment: Chaotic I

Damage: 1-8 X P value: 1,200
No. Appearing: 2-12 (5-40) See the LOST CITY OF RISILVAR section
Sa\re As: Fighter 2 for a descriptlon of this monster.
Mcirale: 8
Treasure Type: C
Aligment: Lawful Tortle
Lupins are dog-like humanoids. They have Armor Class: 3
fur-covered human-like bodies and canine Hit Dice: 4
heads. They hate werewolves and will attack Move: 30’(10’)
them on sight (knowing a werewolf even in its Attacks: 2 clawdl beak or weapon
human form). Lupins have a tribal society Damage: 1-4/1-4/1-6 or by weapon
with hereditary rulers. Lupins are often allied No. Appearing: 0 (1-6)
with humans. In battle, lupins sometimes Save As: Fighter 4
ride trained dire wolves, attacking with a Morale: 11
mounted lance charge. Treasure Type: V
Alignment: Lawful
X P value: 75
Tortles are lawful land dwellers. Adult tortles
stand 6 feet tall. Although not swimmers, tor-
tles float and can hold their breath up to 10
turns. When forced into combat they prefer
light crossbows with a single quarrel. It is
common for these heavy 500-pound vegetari-
ans to live alone except half a year prior to
egg laying when they gather. They are fond of
draft horse-drawn wagons for rapid travel.

Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 3
Move: 30’(10’)
Swimming: 180’(60’)
Attacks: 2 claws/’l beak or weapon
Damage: 1-6/1-6/2-8 or by weapon
No. Appearing: 0 (1-20)
Save As: Fighter 3
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: ‘r
Alignment: Chaotic
XPvalue: 35
Snappers are chaotic saltwater dwellers.
Adult snappers stand 6 feet tall. Using their
webbed hands and feet, snappers are able
swimmers who can hold their breath up to 10
turns. When forced into combat they prefer
long bows with a single arrow. It is common
for these massive 1,000-pound carnivores to
swim hundreds of miles between feeding and
egg-laying grounds.

Strangle Vine
Armor Class: 9
Hit Dice: 1 per 1 ’ square
Move: 0‘
Attacks: 1
Damage: Special
Save As: Normal Man
Morale: 12
Alignment: Neui ral
X P value: 10
See SNAKES IN T H E T R E E S for a descrip-
tion of the strangle vine.

OPEN SEA The 2-12 fish are edible and worth 1 nor-
RANDOM ENCOUNTERS head from a ship drifts past. It is a carving mal ration apiece. Whatever is chasing
of a woman. them stays hidden, but audibly collides
1 A large ship on the horizon sails against the vessel’s hull causing no dam-
toward your vessel. No crew is visible, but The figurehead is actually a wood golem age.
the ship is in good repair. A flag of one from a wrecked magic-user’s ship.
Minrothad Guild waves atop a mast. 6 An empty lifeboat under full sail
Wood golem: A C 7; HD 2 + 2J; hp 11; MV blows past. You recognize the skillful
The vessel is a ghost ship. It follows the 120’(40’); #AT 1 fist; D 1’-8; Save F1; Empire of Thyatis shipbuilding handi-
characters until they stop. Then it tries to ML 12; AL N; X P 35 i work.
pull alongside. The moment a character ~

boards the vessel, 30 skeleton sailors climb 4 The bodies of a well-dtessed mer- The well-built lifeboat can withstand 15
from below deck armed with swords. I f no chant and five sailors drift by. points of damage. It contains 10 iron
one boards the ghost ship or if the skele- rations.
tons are defeated, the ghost ship vanishes I f retrieved, the merchant’b body has a
after 10 rounds. pouch holding 10 gold nuggets worth 10 7 A blood-soaked native canoe made
gp each and a pearl worth 500 gp. The five of bark floats by.
Skeletons (10): AC 7; HD 1; hp 4 each; MV
sailors’ bodies are possessed by wights.
60’(20’); #AT 1; D by weapon:, Save F1;
They carry no treasure, but attack when
ML 12; AL C ; X P 10 each The canoe is in good repair and could hold
brought aboard. , one person and 1,000 coins of cargo.
2 A large, lumpy mass of waxy, gray- Wights (5): A C 5; HD 3*; hkV 90’(30’);
ish substance floats by on a piece of drift- #AT 1 ; D Energy drain; Save F3; ML 12;
wood. It looks like gray amber. AL C ; X P 50 each you, but does not yell. She holds her
throat and motions she needs to drink.
This substance is ambergris, a material 5 Fish, probably frightened by some-
formed in the intestines of sperm whales. thing in the water, begin leapihg into your
She is actually a zombie, set adrift by ter-
This lump is weighs as much as ld20 gp, vessel.
rified natives. I f given a container of liq-
but is worth 10 times this much to perfum-
uid, she guzzles it down, but refuses to
ers or alchemists.

1- s up from
Eacl1 character must save vs. Death Ray
or tiley are driven to jump into water to
escape the stinging insects. Fire, smoke,
I 1 One large log floats dead ahead. I The water is flowing from12i submerged
ice, cold, or gas drives the mosquitos
awsy. I f the cloud is not driven off, each
spring. I f the characters do not change char’acter must roll their Constitution or
I f the characters do not change their ves- their vessel’s course, it strikes the spring. less or contract malaria. An unfortunate
sel’s course, the log hits, causing 1-10 There is a 50% chance a car.-me. ., lifeboat. . .
v.LLLmwho is infected begins suffering

points of damage. I f the log hits a charac- raft, or sail boat is capsized. cycles of chills, fever, and sweating within
ter in the water, it causes 1-20 points of 1-4 days. The symptoms last Id8 days and
damage. There is a 50% chance a canoe, 5 Ahead, dark water wdlls up from cause ld4 points of damage per day.
lifeboat, raft, or sail boat is capsized.
7 A 30-foot by @foot log raft is tied
I 2 Wooden floats bob in the current,
part way across the river.
The water is flowing over a submerged
sandbar. I f the characters ho not change
against the port bank. It is abandoned.

their vessel’s course, it strikes the sandbar, The raft has a capacity of 120,000 coins,
The wooden floats support a native fish causing ldlO points of damage. The ves- 60 hull points, and an Armor Class of 9. It
net. The net holds 2-40 fish worth 1 ration sel runs aground and remains stuck for at can be dismantled and sold for the wood’s
each. least ld6 turns unless the characters push value (3,000 gp).
or pull the vessel off the saridbar. There is
3 You hear the quacking of ducks. O n a 50% chance a canoe, lifeboat, raft, or 8 Something large and dark green
the water ahead is a flock of water birds. sail boat is capsized. noisily splashes off the bank into the river.

The birds are tame and are easily caught 6 Clouds of mosquitos ddscend on the Whatever it is, it comes within 10 feet of
by net or by hand. There are 51-100ducks ship, attacking the exposed ‘flesh of your the surface once a round for 10 rounds,
worth 1 ration each. but does not do any damage.
Kantik the Bishop Aber Kadra
7th level Bishop 6th level Warlock

Strength 13 Dexterity 8 Strength 7 Dexterity 12

Intelligence 9 Constitution 10 Intelligence 15 Constitution 9
Wisdom 14 Charisma 11 Wisdom 11 Charisma 10
Armor Class 2 hit points 23 ,4rmor Class 8 hit points 13

Bonuses and penalties: Hit Roll + 1, Damage Bonuses and Penalties: Saving Throws + 1,
+ 1, Saving Throw + 1, Missile Fire -1 Hit Roll - 1, Damage - 1
Weapons: mace + 1, five vials of holy water, Weapons: dagger + 1, wand o f cold
holy symbol
Armor: ring ofprotection + 1
Armor: plate mail and shield
Magic Item: wand o f magic detection (10
Magic Item: staffofhealing charges)
Spells: First level; cure liqht wounds, detect Spells: First Level; detect magic, charm per-
magic, light son
Second level; find trap, silence 15 ' Second Level; web, ESP
radius Third Level; fireball, fly
Third level; striking, cure disease

Khan Harlan
Bjorn Tofyte 6th level Mvrmidon
6th level Dwarf Myrmidon
Strength 14 Dexterity 11
Strength 16 Dexterity 10 tntelligence 10 constitution 9
Intelligence 7 Constitution 14 Wisdom 9 Charisma 12
Wisdom 9 Charisma 8
.4rmor Class 4 hit points 30
Armor Class 2 hit points 40
Bonuses: Hit Roll + 1, Damage + 1
Bonuses: Hit roll + 2, Damage + 2
Weapons: war hammer + 2, hand axe, dag-
Weapons: war hammer + 1; sword; dagger ger
Armor: plate mail and shield ,4rmor: chain mail and shield
Magic Item: rope o f climbing Magic Item: potion o f growth

Leif Folitum Luki Lightfinger

5th level Elf Swashlbuckler Enchanter 5th level Cutpurse

Strength 13 Dexterity 14 Strength 10 Dexterity 15

Intelligence 12 Constitution 9 Intelligence 11 Constitution 10
Wisdom 8 Charisma 11 Wisdom a Charisma 10
Armor Class 2 hit points 18 Armor Class 6 hit points 12

Bonuses: Hit Roll + 1., Damage + 1 , Missile Bonus: Missile Fire + 1

Fire + 1 Weapons: dagger + 2, sword
Weapons: sword + 1, dagger, bow and 20 Armor: leather armor
arrows Thief Abilities:
Armor: plate mail and shield Open Locks 35% Climb Walls 91 %
Magic Item: elven cloak Remove Traps 30% Hide in
Pick Pockets 40 % Shadows 30 %
Spells: First Level; sleep, magic missile
M o v e Silently 40% Hear Noise 30%
Second Level; invisibility, knock
Third Level; h.aste





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