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BELCOP Executive Summary

Looking back at how the country started the concluded school year, the Department of
Education has really come out successful with the Basic Education - Learning Continuity
Operational Plan (BE-LCOP) as an immediate response to the challenges of the Covid 19
pandemic. Uncertain and unpredictable the conditions were, the Department has stood out
holding to its promise to deliver quality basic education.
Schools were put to test as if they were on clinical trials to test their efficacy and
effectiveness against external and internal threats. School officials traded punches with some
government officials to allow and gain support in the opening of classes. The readiness of
schools across the country was assessed with very little amount of preparation. Schools were
instructed to perform unprecedented tasks to meet the standards set by the Department of
Education. School leaders engaged in comprehensive planning and implementation of school
programs, activities, and projects in the advent of the new normal. Teachers were, indubitably,
made all necessary adjustments in their role as classroom facilitators in online and remote
teaching. Moreover, teachers also shared responsibility in administrative tasks whenever
necessary. All of these by all means had to be done in accordance with the directives and safety
protocols of the Inter-Agency task Force or IATF.
With the changes in the learning environment, the school and stakeholders had doubts
whether the adjustments from the traditional classroom set up be effective. There are, however,
tests to overcome. The adoption of learning modality was crucial since distance learning has
never been truly tested especially in public schools. The public scrutinized the readiness of
schools in terms of their procedures in delivering instructions. Some schools had a shortage of
learning materials; teachers lack resources and training in creating and producing locally- made
instructional materials. In some cases, local government, at some point, showed little support in
its role in the delivery and retrieval of learning materials. Parents, too, continually questioned
their role in the teaching-learning setting. In short, the credibility and integrity of the teaching
and learning process are at stake. In many parts of the country, the school community wondered
whether the school year will continue since the economy was greatly affected by the global
health crisis brought by the Covid 19 pandemic.
Despite all these challenges, the Department of Education has prevailed in its drive that
education must continue. It has survived the criticisms and sustained the needs of schools down
to the grass root levels.
It is evident that the pandemic has greatly affected the way we live. Nevertheless, the
teaching community has adapted positively even with the drastic changes in the education
The Basic Education - Learning Continuity Operational Plan (BE-LCOP) with its drive
“to ensure that students’ learning progresses” has given educators reason to progress and evolve
amidst the pandemic. With all the proposed strategies in line, Cabiao Senior High has re-
examined its M & E Framework plan to ensure that these approaches are clear, relevant, and
feasible for implementation in the new normal. The school went through processes from
planning and conducting results evaluation to crafting the implementation plan and constructing
the M& E plan. As always, Cabiao Senior High School will be vigilant and hopeful in the
opening of SY 2021-2022. The school will be committed to the Department’s strategic objectives
in the Sulong Edukalidad Framework specifically leaning to its four pillars so that learning will
take place even in this time of crisis.
Undoubtedly, there will be more challenges and obstacles. Schools have yet to be more
adaptive and resilient. This is far from over. We are just in the initial phase of the new normal.
Whatever the tides may be, life must go on and that education must continue.

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