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Basic Education Learning Continuity Operational Plan

Since the beginning of 2020, we have been facing a crisis of enormous proportions. The COVID-19
pandemic has been wreaking havoc across the globe— upsetting our lives, livelihoods and even our
education system. Therefore, all the enrolled students in schools have been unable to attend classes in
their classrooms due to the restrictions imposed to check the spread of the coronavirus since the middle of
March 2020. This has hurt not only the students but also the educators as well.
Education must not stop. Continuity of learning is the continuation of education in the event of a
prolonged school closure or student absence. It is a critical component of school emergency management,
as it promotes the continuation of teaching and learning despite circumstances that interrupt normal
school attendance for one or more students.
However, many considerations play a role in the development of distance learning programs, such as
accessibility, type and quality of materials, and the length of time that this type of learning must be
We, at Cabiao Senior High School designs a plan to assure the readiness of the school for its opening on
the 13th day of September, 2021. Determining the most appropriate teaching-learning modalities is very
important to develop the Most Essential Learning Competencies among our Senior High School learners.

Ensuring safe and healthy school environment shall be done in order to lessen or eliminate fear among
parents if face-to-face modality will be adopted. It is equally necessary to establish strong partnership
with stakeholders through engaging them in the promotion of new school system. Coordination and
collaboration with the Local Government Unit (LGU) and other Non-Government Organizations (NGOs)
are also important to support the implementation of Basic Education-Learning Continuity Operational
Plan (BE-LCOP).

With all these guides, preparations, and proper implementations, BE-LCOP could give guidance
in achieving our common goal that no children left behind even in these trying times regardless of what
social status they belong and whatever situations they are experiencing.

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