Ulo - A

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ULO – A let’s check activity:

1. What new ideas about mathematics did you learn?

The new idea’s I learn is that mathematics is all around us. Mathematics can be
found in the simplest form of bubbles and form, and even in every pattern we can find
and see in nature. We use mathematics in several forms; we use it for scientific
purposes, logical sequence, generalization and classification, arts, and many more.
Mathematics is part of our daily routine, work, and natural events. I learn that we can
find mathematics everywhere.

2. What is most useful about mathematics for humankind?

Mathematics has several important benefits for our brain. it evolves our thinking and
helps us with our analytical thought, quickens our knowledge generates utility and, we
can use mathematics in our day to day lives.

3. The Blind Men and the Elephant is a famous Indian fable that tells the story of six
blind sojourners that come across different parts of an elephant in their life journeys. In
turn, each blind man creates his own version of reality from that limited experience and
perspective. How you relate this story in the study of mathematics?

For me, it depends on how we understand the problem and situation, because we
have a different insight and perspective that base on our own experience. The six blind
men show a different situation and base their conclusion on how they feel about each
part of the elephant there touching. Maybe that's why there are many theories in
mathematics to solve each certain problem.

ULO – A Let’s analyze activity:

ULO – A In a Nutshell:

As I study ulo- a, I have encountered some difficulties with some of the topics.
Because I'm having a hard time understanding some of the lessons, even though most
of those lessons were tackled way back in high school. But even though I'm having a
hard time I still able to accomplish the task

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