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Present Continuous or simple?

1. A: You _____________________ (1. look ) for someone?
B: Yes, I __________________ (2. need / speak ) to Neil. He _________________ (3. be not ) in his office
A: He ________________ (4. talk ) to the boss at the moment. I ________________ (5. think ) they
__________________ (6. discuss) money.
B: Oh, right. And what about you? ____________________ ( 7. You /look ) for someone too?
A: Yes, Linda. ______________________ ( 8. You / know ) where she is?
B: Oh, she isn’t here today. She only __________________( 9. work ) four day a week. She _______________
( 10. not work ) on Fridays. She will be here on Monday.
A: Mark: Thank you. You ________________ ( 11. know ) a lot about Linda.
B: Well. most days I ___________________ ( 12. give ) her a lift, or she _________________ ( 13. give ) me
one. She ________________ ( 14. live ) quite close to me. It _______________ (15. save ) petrol
A: Yes, of course. Good idea. Yes, I ________________ ( 16. agree ). Well, I _______________ (17. waste ) my
time here then. I will get back to my computer

Use the verbs/ verb phrases in column A and the words/ word phrases in column B to write the activities
1. split/ divide/handle a. the dog/ the cat
2. take out b. the house/ the floors
3. do c. dinner
4. shop for d. the clothes
5. be responsible for e. the cooking/ the heavy lifting/ the washing up
6. mop/sweep/tidy up f. the baby
7. bathe g. household chores
8. feed h. household finances
9. water i. groceries
10. iron/fold/put away j. the table for meals
11. lay k. the houseplants
12. prepare l. the rubbish

Use some proper words/verbs/phrases above in their correct form to complete the text:
Household chores (1)_________________ equally among the members of my family. My mother
(2)________________. My father, my sister and I enjoy the food she cooks very much. Besides, she often (3)
__________________ because she wants to chose the freshest and healthiest ingredients for the meals. My
father is a strong man but he doesn’t have much time for housework. So he only (4)_______________ that
requires physical strength. I help with (5)_______________ the pets and (6)________________ in the garden.
My sister (7)______________ the laundry because she feels happy to see our parents wearing clean and neat
clothes to work. She (8)________________ very carefully so the house is always very clean. Before each meal,
she (9)__________________, and after the meal, I (10)______________ . Everybody in my family shares the
housework so that all can have some time for rest and recreation.

Choose the best answer

1. Is your father willing to _________ a hand with cleaning the house?
A. work B. give C. join D. take
2. I always try to help_________ household chores when I have free time.
A. in B. with C. at D. of
3. We enjoy _______________ time together in the evening when the family members gather in the living room
after a day of working hard
A. spending B. sharing C. taking D. caring
4. My mother takes the responsibility ____________ running the household.
A. for B. in C. with D. to
5. I love joining ________ my father ___________ mending things around the house.
A. with / for B. Ø / with C. with / in D. Ø / in
6. It is parents’ duty and responsibility to______hands to take care of their children and give them a happy
A. shake B. hold C. join D. give
7. In Vietnam, two, three or even four generations live _______________ one roof.
A. in B. over C. with D. under
8. It has been a habit for families here to wait for the ring at 7 p.m. every day to _____ the garbage.
A. take in B. take off C. take up D. take out
9. Can you tell me who is responsible _______________ checking passports?
A. to B. in C. about D. for
10. Our parents join hands to give us a nice house and a happy home.
A. deal with B. manage C. help together D. work together

Write complete sentences using the words/ phrases given in their correct forms. You can add some
more necessary words, but you have to use all the words given.
1. Family members/ divide/ household chores/ based/ who/ better/ doing them.
2. For example/ the wife/ cook/ dinner/ and then/ the husband/ clean/ kitchen.
3. We also/ divide chores/ based/ consideration/ love.
4. The one/ who/ arrive/ home earlier/ cook the meal/ and the others/ lay/ table/ or do washing up.
5. Parents/ train/ children/ help with housework/ and/ most cases/ they/ willing/ give a hand.

Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Home Life in Japan
It is common in Japan for three generations to live under the same roof. This is becoming less common
today, but still exists, certainly in the countryside.
Husbands in Japan give their salaries to their wives. They are returned a sum of money as pocket money,
otherwise how to use the rest is the wife's decision. The finances of a family are the responsibility of the women
who handle most of the household expenses. There are exceptions in
instances when something of value, like a car, is being bought. This is changing with more women going to
Japanese fathers in contemporary urban households spend so much time at work, and the company
demands on them are so great. It means that they often really have very little time or energy to spend with
their children. The responsibility for raising children, overseeing the education fall onto the mothers. Mothers
play an enormous role in the lives of their children and the bond is very strong. Babysitters are rarely used and
mothers often sleep with their babies. A mother will also spend hours with children doing school work. Few
Japanese men help with housework. There is more pressure today for this to change.
Most families in Japan today are nuclear families, such as those in the United States. That is to say that a
married couple lives together with their children, perhaps with one grandparent. But for the most part, the
Japanese family today looks much like the American family.
1. In Japan, extended families are still popular ________________________.
A. in big cities B. in the countryside C. everywhere D. in urban areas
2. A Japanese woman is responsible for all of these EXCEPT ________________________.
A. raising children B. handle household expenses
C. making decisions on very valuable things D. taking care of children's school work
3. Japanese fathers in contemporary urban households ________________________.
A. are under great pressure of work B. are responsible for most household chores
C. handle most of the household expenses D. stay at home to work as babysitters
4. Nowadays there is a pressure that men should ________________________
A. earn more money B. help their wives with housework
C. leave important decisions to their wives D. work harder at work
5. Most families in Japan nowadays may be ________________________.
A. extended families B. three-generation families
C. the same as the traditional ones D. similar to those in the Western

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