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Valves REMBE GmbH Safety + Control

Protect safety valves using rupture discs

For many years, emissions were an How can a rupture disc help improve
unavoidable consequence of industrial safety valve performance? Rupture
development. An increased awareness of discs are 100% leak-tight, and installing
environmental issues and subsequent leg- a rupture disc in front of a safety valve
islation are pressuring oil and gas compa- provides double protection and helps
nies to cut greenhouse gas emissions, and meet emissions requirements. Leakage
several have responded by setting reduc- through the safety valve in normal op-
tion targets over the coming decades. eration is eliminated, and where over-
Operators have many options when pressure activation exists, the valve
pursuing emissions reductions. The fo- re-seats to seal the process once the
cus here is the impact of various safety pressure is vented.
devices on this target. The first point of The belief that this arrangement in-
FIG. 1. A rupture disc for isolating safety
consideration should be the safety valves creases project cost has been proven to valves.
in use. Valves are an obvious place to be false. In fact, the opposite is true: a
start—no valve is 100% leak-tight, and correctly engineered rupture disc will
their effectiveness decreases each time an help lower operating costs and increase in recent years across several industries.
activation occurs and the valve re-seats. plant uptime. However, many operators fail to fully
Within the design and construction of In processes with a high concentration protect the safety valve by also isolating
a new plant, specifying a valve with a of corrosive media, increased tempera- the valve from potential corrosion issues
lower leak rate is a fairly simple solution. tures and an operating pressure close to at the outlet of the valve.
However, existing plants face substantial the safety valve set pressure, safety valves In many cases, the valve outlet is not a
investments to replace older designs with are pushed to their limits, resulting in separate discharge line, but is connected
newer technologies. In most cases, this is poor performance, high maintenance to other parts of the plant via a manifold
not a viable economical solution. costs to keep the valve as close to origi- that allows process gases/vapor to enter
While there have been significant in- nal specifications as possible, increased the outlet of the valve. If the process me-
creases in their capabilities, safety valves downtime for routine valve servicing dia can damage the valve via the inlet, this
are still not the ideal product when con- and/or repairs, and higher manpower is also the case downstream.
sidering future net-zero targets (e.g., it costs to cover the work scopes. A rupture disc can be used to isolate
is difficult to meet the exacting require- Solutions provided by some safety the safety valve outlet and prevent any
ments of legislators). An alternative so- valve manufacturers include a higher contact with the process media. The rup-
lution is needed. specification valve, more exotic materi- ture disc will also block any back pressure
Although rupture discs have been als with higher CAPEX costs, and an from entering the safety valve and remove
in use for many decades, they are often increased cost of spares to maintain the those concerns during valve selection.
considered only as secondary relief when valves. If a typical petrochemical plant With burst sensors installed both up-
safety valve failure may occur. A lack of with several hundred safety valves is con- stream and downstream, rupture discs
understanding persists among engineers sidered, the CAPEX can be significant. can be monitored and connected back
in industry, and a number of myths sur- A rupture disc (FIG. 1) fitted upstream to the control room for system report-
round the use of rupture discs. of the safety valve completely isolates ing across the plant. Operators will know
and protects the valve from the process, instantly which valves and discs are in a
Rupture discs. A rupture disc is a non- reducing maintenance requirements. green or red state.
reclosing device and must be completely Reducing CAPEX costs is also possible A myth surrounding rupture discs
replaced after an activation. Nuisance by sourcing a rupture disc and holder in is that they can leak. Installing a disc as
downtime leads many operators to con- an exotic material, and a standard safety the primary safety device (i.e., without
sider rupture discs as problematic; how- valve. The costs of a disc and holder are a safety valve behind it) can be a con-
ever, if a disc is rupturing frequently, a usually significantly lower than sourcing cern for operators looking to reduce
problem with the process is likely. Many a high-specification safety valve that is emissions. The majority of leakages via
operators still do not recognize that a compatible with the process media. rupture discs are caused by corrosion or
disc performing correctly is the solution Protecting safety valves with rupture damage during installation by mishan-
rather than the problem. discs has become increasingly common dling or incorrect torquing.
Hydrocarbon Processing | OCTOBER 2021 17

Rupture disc technology has im- burst tests show participants how com-
proved significantly over the years to en- plex the topic of rupture discs is and
sure that damages caused by corrosion or how sensitive the handling of these com-
incorrect handling are all but eliminated. ponents should be. Selecting the right
Modern rupture discs no longer use high-performance rupture disc and un-
mechanical scoring techniques during derstanding its function is of the utmost
manufacturing, which can lead to works importance for process plant operators.
hardening and corrosion over time. Ad- Specialized training can ensure that the
vanced manufacturing technologies have installed discs are always in optimum
resulted in robust rupture discs that are condition and avoid any unnecessary
no longer sensitive to torque and virtu- unexpected downtime.
ally immune to damage during installa- Overall, rupture discs can be used as a
tion. Most spurious failures from rupture cost-effective and efficient way to create a
discs can be avoided by working with the leak-tight process and reduce emissions,
disc manufacturer to select the ideal rup- whether on their own or in combination
ture disc for the process conditions. with a safety valve (FIG. 2).
During maintenance intervals indi-
CLAIRE LLOYD has worked
vidually imposed by operators, process for more than 10 yr in the field
safety rupture discs are dismantled, in- of process safety and pressure
spected and, if necessary, replaced by relief, helping to protect
the relevant service and maintenance processes in a wide range of
industries, including chemicals,
companies. To enable these companies pharmaceuticals and oil and gas.
to carry out these activities, seminars Since joining REMBE GmbH Safety & Control in
are available to train people on how to 2012, Ms. Lloyd is responsible for REMBE’s
European network of partners in process safety.
accurately use such specialized equip- The company has dedicated itself to operational
FIG. 2. An ideal combination: a safety valve ment. The assembly and dismantling safety for more than 45 yr through consulting,
and rupture disc. of the rupture discs and corresponding engineering, products and service.


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18OCTOBER 2021 |

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