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Activity 2

1. Have you experienced the same thing when you were misunderstood by others?
Castillo: Yes, I experienced misunderstood by others because of the tone of my voice, my facial
expression when I speak with them and the way how I laugh.
Cortez: Many times, because though I am very outspoken but I am not expressive when it comes
to what I feel. People tend to think I am insensitive but it is the other way around.
Calimpas: Yes, I experienced misunderstood by others the way I speak because they think that
I'm angry or threat them something. I'm kind and good person.
Catong: Yes, I have been misinterpreted by others because of the way I speak and the tone of my
voice. People often assume that I am angry with them or that I am yelling at them. I also
sometimes go straight to the point, without regarding for the possibility that my words would
offend someone.

2. Have you experienced the same thing when people did not listen to you? How did the
conversation go?
Castillo: Yes, especially to my father. This year I talked to him a lot of times that he should stop
drinking alcoholic drinks but sad to say he always ignore me.
Cortez: Yes, because there are times when I and my volleyball friends get along and we talk all
at once. And sometimes we couldn't identify who is talking to whom. We end up just laughing.
Calimpas: Definitely yes, When my mother told me that in this month of November she will go
abroad and I speak to her and say please do not go to abroad but she ignore me maybe because
she want us to live in a healthy and safe place.
Catong: Yes, back when I was in high school, I was always chosen to lead the mass dance, jingle
competition, and others. During practice, I easily get irritated, which is why I always shout and
unintentionally speak words that may have hurt them. Because of that, they don't like to listen to
me anymore, and because of that, I feel that no one is listening to me until I adjust myself to
understand them too.

Eight Properties and Definition of Communication

Communication as What your group says What other people say
Process  Communication is The communication process
Systematic. refers to a series of actions or
 It is composed of different steps taken in order to
components. successfully communicate. It
involves several components
such as the sender of the
communication, the actual
message being sent, the
encoding of the message, the
receiver and the decoding of
the message.
Dynamic  Communication changes It is not static. It is not fixed
or evolving. but always changing. As it
 Communication is deals with change of behavior
powerful. it changes constantly.
Communication is systematic
– a simple speech
communication occurs within
a larger system.
Interactive-Transactive  Communication is In communications,
Simultaneous. transactive communication
 Communication is a two occurs when sources transmit
way process. messages to one another
 Communication is about simultaneously and send back
Exchanging of ideas. acknowledgment messages.

Symbolic  Communication does not Symbolic communication

only evolve in written and refers to communication that
spoken words. involves a shared message
 Non verbal between the sender and the
receiver. Examples of
symbolic communication
include speech, sign
language, writing (print or
braille), picture
communication systems, and
tactile communication
Intentional  People are not forced to Intentional communication is
communicate. It is done a way of communicating that
out of people own will. deliberately fosters social and
 Communication is emotional skill development.
intentional. Put simply, social and
emotional skills include.
understanding and managing
oneself, relating to others,
and. making responsible
choices based on self and
Contextual  Communication has Contextual communication is
purpose. defined as the bidirectional
 Communication happens transfer of information
in different spectrum. between two parties where
both sides are aware of the
relational, environmental, and
cultural context of the
exchange. Simply put, it
means that all entities
involved know what the
conversation is about.
Ubiquitous  Communication exist Ubiquitous networking, also
anywhere. known as pervasive
 Communication connects networking, is the distribution
people. of communications
infrastructure and wireless
technologies throughout the
environment to enable
continuous connectivity. That
capacity is an essential
component of pervasive
Cultural  Communication is Societal Cultural communication
and it is portrays lifestyle. pertains to the use of
 It mirrors a specific group language and other
of people. communicative means to
carry out the activities and
commitments of their
particular communities in and
through the use of symbolic
resources. These resources
include verbal and nonverbal
means, as well as the rules for
using and interpreting them.

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