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Why is higher education important?

Education is one of the most important things in a human’s life.

There is a nice phrase that says that learning has no age limits. You
never stop studying and learning something, so the process of getting an
education lasts for a lifetime.
People start learning things from the time they are born. At first,
they do it by observing the environment where they live. After that
school education begins. Being a place where the foundation for
children’s further education is laid, school plays an important role in
people’s lives. During school education, children get knowledge on
different fields, learn the history and other cultures. Besides that, school
helps children to learn how to make friends and work in a team. After
graduating from high school people start thinking about getting a higher
education. University is an institution where students study to acquire
deep knowledge in a particular field and to get a degree in order to
become a specialist in that field. But, is it actually important to have
higher education nowadays?
Higher education is not considered to be obligatory for getting a
job today. Employers while hiring someone pay more attention not to
their degree but their knowledge, work experience, personal qualities
and additional skills such as foreign languages and computer skills.
There is a common belief that it is impossible to get a good job without
a degree but it is just a myth. Success in life depends on the ability to
adapt, not on academic achievement. However, it does not mean that
higher education is not important. It is, and there are some reasons for it.
First of all, there are professions that you cannot learn on your
own. It is obvious, it is impossible to get a doctor’s qualifications or to
become an engineer without special training. It is difficult to learn
necessary skills for many professions yourself and when it comes to
some of them it is even impossible. So, in such cases higher education is
The second reason is knowledge and social contacts. University
helps you to widen your social circle, make contacts and gives you a
chance to meet a lot of interesting people. In addition, during this period
you are involved in many activities and projects by means of what you
develop necessary qualities and learn skills that can make a big
difference when you will be seeking for employment. Moreover, at
university you learn to analyze and work with a large amount of
information, you learn to do research, and most importantly you learn
how to learn.
In summary, having a university degree is not obligatory for
getting a job today. It does not ensure a good job either. However, it is
important for your personal development. At university, you get
knowledge and experience that you will not be able to get anywhere
else. And there is one more reason why it is desirable to get higher
education. University can be kind of a bridge between childhood and
adulthood making the process of transition easier. Anyway, everyone
should decide themselves whether they need to get higher education or
not, but one certain thing is that everyone should keep studying and
learning. Constant self-development is the only way to achieve success.

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