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Fresh approaches
to omni-channel in
the grocery business
By Eva Ponce and Sergio Caballero

he innovative omni-channel supply chain models that have
reshaped many parts of the retail industry continue to
Eva Ponce, Ph.D., evolve in response to market changes. One of these chang-
is director, omni- es is the increasing demand for grocery products ordered online,
channel distribution a trend reinforced by the COVID-19 pandemic that imposed
strategies, MIT Center restrictions on the use of physical stores for grocery shopping.
for Transportation
& Logistics. Sergio
Caballero, Ph.D., is A challenge for traditional grocery retail- some of the benefits of e-commerce, most
a research scientist ers is how to develop omni-channel supply retailers manage their offline and online
at the MIT Center chains that support both online and offline channels separately. To fully exploit the
for Transportation buying channels and deliver seamless advantages of omni-channel retailing, the
& Logistics. They customer service profitably. channels must be integrated.
can be reached at To explore this challenge, researchers The main goal of the research project and at the MIT Center for Transportation & was to evaluate the impact of supporting Logistics built a supply chain model as part the home delivery of online orders for
of a project sponsored by one of the world’s groceries using an integrated distribution
largest food retail groups. The model shows network. The work focused on the two
that omni-channel can deliver improved key research questions that follow.
performance and reduced costs in the gro- 1. How can grocery retailers integrate
cery business. The work also highlights online and offline channels to better
further research opportunities. serve their customers while remaining
Lack of integration 2. Should the sponsor company use its
Many supermarket chains—including out- existing brick-and-mortar facilities to ful-
lets operated by the sponsor company— fill online orders?
have created “click and collect” purchase
options, where customers place orders for The existing network
groceries online and collect the products The company’s current operating model
at a brick-and-mortar store on the same for e-commerce and conventional buying
day. However, home delivery of online channels is based on a network of DCs,
orders is still the most common option dark stores, warerooms and physical
in e-commerce. stores. Dark stores are warehouses used
While these service configurations offer to fulfill online orders. Warerooms also

6 Supply Chain Management Review • July/August 2020


serve the online market, but are smaller spaces Cost-cutting alternative
attached to stores. Using the methodology described, the company’s
The proposed model was developed and test- online distribution network was optimized based
ed in Massachusetts where the retailer operates on the assumption that e-commerce demand
hundreds of stores, four DCs, five warerooms and remains unchanged.
one dark store. It also serves almost 400 customer The new network design retains the three exist-
demand locations aggregated by zip code. ing DCs but replaces the company’s warerooms
In its traditional offline business, the company and dark store with six new warerooms in different
ships product directly from its DCs to brick-and- locations. This reconfiguration was driven largely by
mortar stores. The fulfillment process for online transportation costs that are highly dependent on
orders is a little more complicated. The first leg the distance and locations of the various facilities in
involves shipping product from three DCs to the relation to the retailer’s DCs and customers.
dark store and warerooms. In the second leg, The overall cost profile of the proposed net-
orders are distributed from the dark store and work is similar to the existing one. Transportation
warerooms to customers. costs account for the largest portion (approxi-
Total distribution cost is driven mainly by mately 39%), followed by order handling and facil-
transportation (48%), followed by order handling ity opening/operating costs (about 35% and 26%
and facility opening/operating costs (about 26% in respectively). However, adopting the proposed
each case). Interestingly, in the company’s online omni-channel distribution network would enable
operation the second leg accounts for about 94% the company to capture around $15.7 million in
of total costs. This reflects the high cost of the cost savings—a 22% reduction. Most of the sav-
last mile in the retail business. ings derive from transportation in the second leg.

Research approach Market testing the model

To answer the two research questions listed Scenario analysis was used to test the feasibility
above, it was necessary to analyze the company’s and robustness of the model. The scenarios also
existing brick-and-mortar and e-commerce capa- provide insights into how the company’s integrated
bilities. Three key parameters were assessed: omni-channel operation might perform under dif-
customer preferences, the physical flow of goods ferent market conditions.
(including distribution network flows, product Scenario 1. The first scenario involved a break-
flows and inventory) and the service delivery even analysis that indicates the amount customer
model for fulfilling customer orders. demand would have to increase to make the new
The model was built to meet several criteria. network’s costs equivalent to those of the existing
It should leverage the company’s current infra- network. The analysis showed that the company
structure, compare the current distribution net- can grow demand by 37% without incurring addi-
work with the omni-channel model and perform tional costs relative to its current operations—an
scenario planning analyzes to test its robustness. indicator that the model is cost-effective.
Throughout, there was an emphasis on reducing Scenarios 2 and 3. These scenarios explored
physical flow costs, and an objective function was the impact of expected 15% and unexpected 50%
created that minimizes transportation, handling demand increases on the proposed omni-channel
and facility opening costs. network. The former scenario aligns with possible
Importantly, the option of closing existing DCs market trends; the latter is indicative of a sudden
and physical stores was not available when devel- surge in demand caused by an unforeseen event
oping the new omni-channel model. Also, certain such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The analyzes
constraints pertaining to supply capacity and show that in both scenarios the proposed network
the capacity to meet demand at each node were can adjust to the new demand levels, affirming
added to the model, which also had to ensure the model’s flexibility and robustness.
conservation of flow throughout the network. In addition, a scenario planning exercise was  Supply Chain Management Review • July/August 2020 7


carried out to assess the impact of rising demand for offline channels by leveraging existing facilities. And
online orders on the number of warerooms attached to the model is capable of coping with rising demand
existing stores that would need to be opened. A nota- for groceries from online customers—even when
ble result is that wareroom numbers do not increase caused by large-scale, unanticipated disruptions.
proportionally with demand (see Figure 1). For exam- However, the findings are not conclusive, and fur-
ple, when demand doubles the number of required ther research is recommended in the following areas:
facilities increases from six to 10, a 67% increase. • investigate different demand patterns and the time
This is another indicator that the proposed network is required to establish new warerooms;
robust and capable of absorbing rising demand levels. • explore the environmental impact of the proposed
omni-channel network;
FIGURE 1 • analyze the econom-
As demand increases, so does the total ic and environmental
impacts of offering
number of warerooms required for order fulfillment
different channels and
Total number of warerooms
hybrid formats beyond
150% 12 home delivery, such as
click & collect service
100% 10
options; and
75% 9 • explore the scalabil-
ity and replicability of
Proposed 50% 8
omni-channel model the proposed model in
Demand increase (%) 37% 8 other states and regions
of the United States.
15% 7
Retailers that
0% 6 redesign their omni-
channel grocery dis-
6 tribution networks
(as-is model)
5 warerooms 1 dark store could reap substan-
tial rewards. Many of
Source: Authors
the consumers who
have turned to omni-
Another noteworthy observation is that when channel delivery models during the COVID-19 pan-
developing solutions in response to different demand demic are expected to continue using these services
scenarios, the model usually favored more warerooms after the crisis is over. This behavioral shift could
as opposed to dark rooms—even though the latter gen- help transform the grocery business as it has done
erally offer lower handling costs. This insight suggests in other areas of retailing. j j j

that supporting multiple smaller facilities such as

warerooms closer to customers performs better than ****
supporting a large warehouse such as a dark store. This article describes research carried out for a
capstone research project in the MIT Supply
Omni-channel-led changes Chain Management Master’s Program (SCM).
It appears that if the retailer adopts the proposed omni- Sergio Caballero and Eva Ponce are project advisors.
channel network, it will achieve substantial cost savings, The research was carried out and authored by
enabling it to increase profitability while fulfilling grow- Wassim Aouad and Nikhil Ganapathi. They can
ing demand from its online customers. Importantly, the be contacted at and
new configuration integrates the retailer’s online and

8 Supply Chain Management Review • July/August 2020

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