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Section A.

Section A consist 2 questions and it gives you 20 marks. Here are some tips that can help
you to score this question.

Word for classify

Matter can be classified division

May be grouped into classes
Is/are arranged types
Categorized categories

Word to show cause and effect

A mixing of all wavelength causes a white light


When all the wavelength are mixed, a white light is produced

Another word that may be used in order to show causes is due to, in order to, owing to.

Word to define

Term + is + general class + specific character

Astronomer is a scientist who

A barometer is a instrument that
Conduction is a process by which

Word to show example.

For example
For instance
To illustrate
Such as/ As such

A Report on

INTRO ________________________________________________

BODY ________________________________________________
CLOSING ________________________________________________

Reported by,


This is a common report format. If the question did not ask you to write a report, so
you just follow this format. At least, you can get 2 marks for format.

For example. Study the information below. Write a report on this topic




Reported by

This is second report format. If the question ask you to write a report to anyone. So,
you must follow this format.
For example.
You are a research assistant in an Agricultural Resource Department Institute. Your
director asked you to write a report on crop rotation.

Introduction is most important part in writing essay. Usually, we will start with
something that can catch reader’s attention. Here are some simple tips that be used
in order to help you start the introduction.

1.There are many varieties/types/ categories/groups of_______________________. For

example ___________________. All of them have their advantages and disadvantages.

2. ____________________ can be classified into several types/classes/groups. For

example/for instance______________________________________. All of them have
Advantages and disadvantages.

Or you can start your introduction by giving definition; describe the general
characteristic, and specific characteristic. For example,

1. Scabies is a kind of infection caused by the scabies mite. The symptoms of scabies
red rash and intensive itching.

2 Crop rotation is _______________________.The purpose of crop rotation

is_____________. However, crop rotation also bring benefit and drawback.

Or you can start your introduction by giving statistic or something that you know
about the topic. Then give purpose, and example. Next, state that the topic has pro
and con, or benefit and drawback. For example;

Nowadays, people keep talking about space exploration. Many countries like America,
Rusia and China has sent their astronaut to explore the space. However, space
exploration brings benefit and drawback.


1. Each paragraph MUST consist of 3 sentences. Each paragraph must have topic
sentences or main idea. Usually, main idea must be in the beginning of paragraph.
2. Then it is followed by general supporting detail and specific supporting detail.
3. You can give elaboration by using this formula.
4. When you jump from one point to another point, make sure you put the sequence
connector. Don’t forget about logical connector too. You may put it when necessary.

For example.
Milder Stronger

Addition a further x further

and furthermore
and then moreover
then in addition
also additionally
too besides
next again
another equally important
other first, second
nor finally, last

Comparison just as ... so too similarly

a similar x comparable
another x like in the same way

Contrast but however

yet still
and yet nevertheless
still on the other hand
otherwise on the contrary
or even so
though notwithstanding
but another for all that
rather in contrast
at the same time
though this may be

Time then meanwhile

now at length
soon presently
afterward at last
later finally
shortly immediately
earlier thereafter
recently at that time
first, second, third subsequently
next eventually
before currently
after in the meantime
today in the past
tomorrow in the future

Purpose to do this to this end

so that with this object
for this purpose
for that reason
because of this x

Place there at that point

here opposite to
beyond adjacent to
nearby on the other side
next to in the front
in the back

Result so hence
and so therefore
then accordingly
as a result
in consequence

Example that is for example

specifically for instance
in particular an instance of this
for one thing this can be seen in

Summary and in sum in short

Emphasis generally on the whole
after all as I said
by the way in other words
in general to be sure
incidentally in fact
naturally indeed
I hope clearly
at least of course
it seems anyway
in brief remarkably
I suppose I think
without doubt
for all that
on the whole
in any event


1. There are several types of closing.

A) Usually in closing you will restate the main point for emphasis.
B) Summarize the information
C) Restate the significance of what was written. For example, why it Is
important, what effect it have? What the reader should do?
2. It is important to tell the reader that you have come to end part of the essay. So,
here I put some words that you may used in order to tell reader that it is the end of
your writing. For example

For recommendation report types.

1. In conclusion, I prefer to choose ____________ rather than___________. The reason

is_______________________. Therefore/So/Thus, I hope the authorities/director/you
will look on this matter and my recommendation will be accepted.
2. In short, I prefer to choose ____________ rather than___________. The reason
is_______________________. Therefore/So/Thus, I hope the authorities/director/you
will look on this matter and my recommendation will be accepted.
3. After considering all these factors, I prefer to choose ____________ rather
than___________. The reason is_______________________. Therefore, I hope the
authorities/director/you will look on this matter and my recommendation will be
4Taking the pro and cons of ____________________________,I prefer to choose
____________ rather than___________. The reason is_______________________.
Therefore/So/Thus, I hope the authorities/director/you will look on this matter and my
recommendation will be accepted

For general report.

1. In conclusion, vitamin is important to our body. Without vitamin our body will easily
get diseases or illness. So, make sure you eat fruits and vegetable everyday in your diet.

2. In short, space exploration gives us a lot of benefit/ drawback rather than drawback/
benefit .It help us to __________________________________( state the
benefit/drawback) So/Therefore/Thus, we should support space exploration because of
its advantages.

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