Basics of SQL Server

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1) S@L_C Stuctused Query Language ) | F SQL 8 Sal isa non proced vacal. lang uoge. Which was inboducd by the TBP aaa hich is used do Communicate tith database | ee eee ee | al Sa. Greate. _ | aInseat Update Epellore s 7 aaa | ee Ee oecle cy : 4) is also Gliled_as Ssequeal_o€ CLI lomguage.t nex henguage, Sntenfoce). This is only | the language “rabtch Can use de Communigie. with ony RD&AMS pooduct. 7 z eee =) d | eee een ES fsa) Senex » AS = Ne ____ predoct CCon | G@L is not _Case Sensitive lomguage tho} 12. Gn oxide SQL predefined quesies ox Symdtonee in_any Cose._characteris.C either: Upper _orx oie ® Cyeay Sat Statement should ends oith 1 micolen—but It is _optenal in sal ae lene blanguades Of Ss@t ta DeRnaton han guage. CDpED © Greate Alten Sp_.Remame. - * Jaum Core. . Dapp , sae Atel ae Dota Man upulakion longue cores Seamer Tt Be Z upDate Bred (5 le - Delete ne een q Duean lamguoge etn Select as 1DON SC ais language Pas ae ete! 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Steamed | pests procdinc. : TER it eel chonge. of. 1 ened ify: ee ea | co tables om di detabase 4 + i ny using the Alters Ceramand 1 De Gin penefienn | following ce OpercationS _en_eaishn perrfodan these. Operations We megui supcommands of alten. Sid bate i> Alten = Alters Colum Wd Altea: Adal dock sional aie eel | iia Sp - Rename Dads! Sersih ce Keer abtgall H i> Co serene one) "ee ae ) Allen - Altece Calurnn 12a chonge dope | ; Syntow eed il f Attes toble Zn Alten Coluinn. Ee GalientiNeme eh F (new dT> [New sizod: | 7 i —— ; Bo: A tere dble- Shalont. Alle. C Coluron SNarabe Noah ore C6605 page 3. aS ek lip Ales a Pcisting sdcillenee aie rae Syntax s— Altea dable. “Zand App LNee we Nome > ZDT2Csize7s ees reer ote vege iii? Sp- Remome. 2= To change —O ~_ oa doable name. in_ dotabase:________4 “AD Syntac.4o chonge G Column Home jn table; __Sp_ Remame.. 2 Table. NameD cL Gollgessai ate ESPN no Calum Nome 2 BD Gyntex de change..6 tabla foxna. 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Name > Sep v2 Golub erene 42 “= QNoluc LP, £ColumnnName2 > 2 ==) GB Whepe) Codibtom ise 2 2 So al Gute etter gucrny 4p update. employ ezjols eis} HR, Saloay aS 1. 000 _® WhoS employee _—_— Numben Iso97 223 ee pee ie update_em Bet! Jobi= ¢HR?%y Salacy =|4000_4 ae = FIRB sata op epee a8 Kei- alee as query wh paste. “alt epg a __ Coramition— Oe neo Lee 66 - a updore. eT Set Comm = 500 — ® Pelee 2 “Deleding all umes fpr dae oi doable ot a es Ge Specife and _ fron af _ths table by Using wohere._Clause Gmdikon * z Ste fo £tanlaowe?-t Eihee forondh ® 2 ermploye2. fim, Je agua) 2m adelete. PIO ea. periaae Ec:-_bebte a Query — : in dhe. Job feM the table. whe eer Working te i i a

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