Assignment OF Operations Management: Submitted To

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Mehreen Arshad SP10-MBA-068
Mamoon Asghar SP10-MBA-062
Arfa Hammad SP10-MBA-023
Usman Nazeer SP10-MBA-170
Tayyaba Iqbal SP10-MBA-161
Section 14-B


Six Sigma and Quality Management
What does it mean to be "Six Sigma"? Six Sigma at many organizations simply means a
measure of quality that strives for near perfection. But the statistical implications of a Six Sigma
program go well beyond the qualitative eradication of customer-perceptible defects. It's a
methodology that is well rooted in mathematics and statistics.

The objective of Six Sigma Quality is to reduce process output variation so that on a long
term basis, which is the customer's aggregate experience with our process over time, this will
result in no more than 3.4 defect Parts Per Million (PPM) opportunities (or 3.4 Defects Per
Million Opportunities – DPMO). For a process with only one specification limit (Upper or
Lower), this results in six process standard deviations between the mean of the process and the
customer's specification limit (hence, 6 Sigma). For a process with two specification limits
(Upper and Lower), this translates to slightly more than six process standard deviations between
the mean and each specification limit such that the total defect rate corresponds to equivalent of
six process standard deviationsi

There is a scale used in six sigma known as DMAIC cycle which include define,
measure, analyze, improve, and control. This scale is more detailed version on PDAC cycle,
which consists of four steps which are plan, do, check and act.

We are taking there an example of transportation system of COMSATS institute of

information and technology and apply some of analytical tools to improve the system.

STOPC for transportation system

supplier Inputs Process Outputs Customers

Transportation, routing

Hino Buses COMSATS

Transportation Drivers, routes On time, safty, Students,
office mobility documentation
Students Funds Bus passes Account office
PSO (filling Fuel Energy Bus engine
Repair workshop Repair Maintenance Bus

CTQs (critical-to-quality characteristics)

That the customers consider to have the most impact on quality.

 buses as per contract

 Durables

 warranty and spare parts

2. Students

 reach on time,

 safty,

 seting capacity

3. Documentation

 proper time and fuel saving,

 drivers selection

4. Accounts dept

Timely collections of funds

5. Dirivers

 Adequate pay

 After retirement benefits

Cause and effect diagram

Cause Prevention measures

Lack of training Training work shops
High turnover Revise the pay standerd
Improper routing Revise routing
Maintenance of machinery Proper check and balance
Drivers not efficiants Needs to motivate

Fish bone diagram

Cause and effect diagram

Cause Prevention measures

Rain and stormy Proper training to drivers
Road condition Change the route
Tire brust Proper and timely maintenance
Non serious behavior of drivers Modify selection process

Fish bone diagram

Cause and effect diagram

Cause Prevention measures

Over capacity Routing not done properly
Buses not available as demand Purchase new
Rush on weakend More buses
Improper arrangement for girls Proper documentation

Fish bone diagram


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