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Practical Test No.1
 You must do the CPR first and if someone are there in the accident ask for an assist to
call 911; and loosen tight clothes around the victim’s neck to ensure that there are no
barriers when doing so.
 Giving a chest compressions and breath two slow breath into the victim’s mouth could
help them to gain their body an oxygen just to revive them.
 Continue the CPR until the EMS personnel arrive to make sure that they will survive
their life in the threat.
 You have to stop the flow of the blood if it’s bleeding because it can prevent a person
from suffering.
 Wearing a clean glove can avoid blood borne diseases while administering the victim
an first aid for bleeding.
 We should always cover it with a clean bandage or dressing as this can help to prevent
 Applying hand pressure directly to a wound could stop the bleeding rather than by
removing blood flow to the entire limb.
 Lie them down and cover to keep them warm, calm and comfortable.
 Raise their leg above the heart level to improve blood flow to the brain, heart and
 Always be prepared to CPR for unexpectedly incidents and immediately call for a help
or directly to 911.
 Call 911 for an immediately response of help.
 Removing tight clothes in neck and waist and caring and assisting them to lie down or
sitting could make them comfortable for a while.
 Asking their medications could remind them if they take their medicine in appropriate
 Remind them to stay calm even their body moves and do not take any caffeine or
carbonated drinks because it can trigger and worsen their heart attacks.

 It is important to be aware and ask them if they are okay or if they are choking so you
can take an action or help if necessary.
 Delivering back blows and performing abdominal thrusts is one of the important thing
to do in order to clear their throat and came back to normal.
 If the victim became unconscious, immediately call 911 and while waiting for the EMS,
carefully follow their instructions and rules in finger sweeping to reduce harm while
doing it so.
 Before doing finger sweep, utilize a clean gloves for your and his protection.
 If the victim’s throat is already clear, it is needed to check their airway, breathing, and
circulations (ABC) because if the victim doesn’t have any breath, circulation and their
pulse stops beating, they have to do CPR until the EMS personnel arrive to help
circulate their blood on the body and gain oxygen after being choked for a minute.
 Touching the person who is in contact with live electrical current can harm you too.
 Turn off the switch, immediately call 911 for a immediately response and for the saving
the life of victim from the threat of electrical current
 In order to make yourself safe too, use the handle of a wooden broom, rubber mat or
rubber gloves and a board for pushing the victim away from the live wire where he/she
get it.
 If you noticed that the person does not breathe at all, quickly do the CPR.
 For chemical splashes, flushing the eyes’ victim with water help to prevent the worst
infection that he might get.
 For solids in the eye, only flush the victim’s eyes until the particles comes out. But if
does not work, don’t rub it and ask for a medication because rubbing eyes could worsen,
feeling irritable and could make injuries inside of our eyes.
 For cuts near the eyes, do not rub and immediately put a loose bandage to prevent the
blood dropping to the victim’s eyes.
 If there are objects that penetrates the eyes, do not even pull and move this object. The
reason for this occurrence is it can attain dreadful situations of the eyes and
immediately take a proper medication to avoid pernicious threats.
 Even the first-degree burn is least severe; it should be treat with care to avoid pain.
 In second-degree burn must be treated with cold or running water to preclude the worst
effect of heat burn. Moreover, the blisters is not intended to pop it since it increases the
chance of infection. However, if the blisters breaks open by itself, blot up the liquid
and leave the skin that covered the blisters. This could help to protect the new skin.
 In third-degree burn, it is advisable to immediately call for 911 because it can be a life
threatening as it destroys the skin and it can damage the underlying tissues of the body.
It is necessary to call for a medication help since it is a serious injury of burn.
 For exposures to the eyes, it is very important that water flushing start immediately
following skin or eye contact with a chemical for exactly 15 minutes because it can
affects and burn the surface of the eyes and skin.
 For inhalation of vapors or gases, moving immediately the victim to a fresh air might
aid them to feel comfortable from a toxic vapors and gases
 For ingestions, the only thing to do is ask for a help or directly call 911 to take the
victim to the medical experts when it comes to a poison. We don’t have the rights to
tamper the victim because we don’t know what might happen to his/her entire body
since it is a chemical or a poison.
 It is a rule for having an injury like broken bones that do not move the affected area if
necessary because moving the victim’s place will possibly the broken bones will be
dislocate and might be worsen. If the broken bone is severe, the only thing you can help
is to call an emergency for him avoid the illness because of the injuries.
 Checking the victim’s condition and asking about what happened in the incidents is a
great thing to measure how serious it is.
 Move the victim outside of the heat and place him/her to a cool place to avoid
suffocating or illness of the body.
 Lay it down in order to feel comfortable.
 Elevate their feet and remove or loose the tight clothes to ensure that there will be no
barriers for them to breath.
 Treat the victim with cool compress as well as giving them a water to drink but slowly.
 First, immediately call 911 because it is a dangerous or life threatening.
 While waiting for the EMS personnel, you may do the cool compress; give them a glass
of water to drink and fanning the body of to lessen the heat inside of him/her.
 It is important for always monitoring the victim’s airway and the pulse because it
 Lay the victim down and in a comfortable place, check the airways, breath and
circulation or the pulse of the victim.
 Begin a CPR if the person doesn’t have any body circulation for him to revive.
 Immediately call for assistance or a 911 and don’t stop caring out the body of the
 If the victim is in her consciousness, lie it down where he feels comfortable and slightly
elevate his feet to bring back the normal blood circulation throughout his/her body.
 Place the victim through the safe place and away from the high areas or dangerous
objects and places while seizing.
 Do not put anything that can harm their mouth and quickly check their breathing.
 Keep the victim into a comfortable place and call for an emergency medical if the
seizure lasts for more than 5 minutes of not slowing down and if the person had injuries
during the seizing for them revive by the expert doctor.

Practical Test No.2

1. Bleeding – Direct Pressure
2. Choking – Abdominal Thrusts
3. No Breathing/Pulse – CPR
4. Heart Attack – Keep Victim Still
5. Shock – Elevate Feet

1. C (Third degree)
2. A (Flush with water)
3. B (Move to fresh air)
4. A (Call 911)

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