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Hyperthyroidism is a set of disorders - Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)

that involve excess synthesis and - Free thyroxine (FT4) or free

secretion of TH by the thyroid gland, thyroxine index (FTI)
which leads to the hypermetabolic - Total triiodothyronine (T3)
condition of thyrotoxicosis. Most
common forms: diffuse toxic goiter Results:
(Graves disease), TMN goiter (Plummer - marked by suppressed TSH levels
disease), and toxic adenoma.  and elevated T3 and T4 levels
- milder hyperthyroidism may have
Etio: elevation of T3 only w a suppressed
Genetic Iodine intake TSH level
Graves disease TMN goiter - Subclinical hyperthyroidism features
decreased TSH and normal T3 & T4
Subacute thyroiditis Toxic adenoma

Common symptoms: Autoantibody tests:

- Nervousness - Anti–thyroid peroxidase (anti-TPO)
- Anxiety antibody - Elevation with AI thyroid
- Increased perspiration diz found in 85% of Graves patients
- Heat intolerance - Thyroid-stimulating antibody (TSab) -
- Hyperactivity Also known as thyroid-stimulating
- Palpitations immunoglobulin (TSI), long-acting
thyroid stimulator (LATS), or TSH-
Common signs: receptor antibody (TRab); found in
- Tachycardia or atrial arrhythmia 63-81% of Graves disease; a + ve
- Systolic hypertension with wide test is dx and specific for Graves diz
pulse pressure
- Warm, moist, smooth skin Autoantibody titers:
- Lid lag Graves disease - Significantly elevated
- Stare anti-TPO, elevated TSI ab
- Hand tremor Toxic multinodular goiter - Low or
- Muscle weakness absent anti-TPO and -ve TSI ab
- LOW despite increased appetite Toxic adenoma - Low or absent anti-
(although a few may gain weight, if TPO and negative TSI ab
excess intake outstrips weight loss) Patients without active thyroid diz may
- Reduction in menstrual flow or have mildly +ve anti-TPO and TSI ab
oligomenorrhea Subacute thyroiditis - Low or absent
anti-TPO and negative TSI ab
Diffuse Toxic Goiter (Graves Disease) If the etiology of elevated TH levels is
Euthyroid Hyperthyroxinemia not clear after physical examination and
Goiter other laboratory tests, it can be
Graves Disease confirmed by scintigraphy: the degree
Struma Ovarii and pattern of isotope uptake indicate
Thyrotoxicosis Imaging the type of thyroid disorder. Findings:
Graves disease – Diffuse enlargement
Thyroid function tests:
of both thyroid lobes, with uniform
uptake of isotope and elevated - Toxic multinodular goiter and toxic
radioactive iodine uptake adenoma will not go into remission
TMN goiter -- Irregular areas of
relatively diminished and occasionally Radioactive iodine:
increased uptake; overall radioactive - Preferred therapy for
iodine uptake is mildly to moderately hyperthyroidism
increased - Admin P/O as a single dose in
Subacute thyroiditis – Very low capsule or liquid form
radioactive iodine uptake, either with a - Causes fibrosis and destruction of
painful thyroid (subacute granulomatous the thyroid over weeks to months
thyroiditis) or occurring w/in a year of - Hypothyroidism is expected
pregnancy (postpartum subacute - CI: Pregnancy, breast feeding, and
thyroiditis) recent lactation
- should be avoided in children
Mx younger than 5 years
Symptomatic tx: - usually not given to patients with
- ORS  dehydrated severe ophthalmopathy or to patients
- Beta-blockers for relief of neurologic who cannot comply with physician
and cardiovascular symptoms restrictions for avoidance of radiation
- Mild ophthalmopathy, saline eye exposure to others
drops as needed and tight-fitting
sunglasses for outdoors Thyroidectomy:
- For vision-threatening - Severe hyperthyroidism in children
ophthalmopathy, high-dose - Pregnant who are noncompliant with
glucocorticoids, with consideration of or intolerant of antithyroid medication
orbital decompression surgery, - Patients with very large goiters or
ocular radiation therapy, or severe ophthalmopathy
teprotumumab-trbw - Patients who refuse radioactive
iodine therapy
Antithyroid drug: - Refractory amiodarone-induced
- Used for long-term control of hyperthyroidism
hyperthyroidism in children, - Patients who require normalization of
adolescents, and pregnant women thyroid fx quickly: pregnant women,
- In adult men and nonpregnant women who desire pregnancy in the
women, used to control next 6 months, or patients with
hyperthyroidism before definitive unstable cardiac conditions
therapy with radioactive iodine
- Methimazole is more potent and Follow up
longer-acting than propylthiouracil
- PTU is reserved for use in thyroid Patho
storm, first tri of pregnancy, and
methimazole allergy or intolerance
- Patients with Graves disease may
experience remission after treatment
for 12-18 months, but recurrences
are common within the following year
Synthesis of thyroid hormone requires
Any process that causes an increase in the
peripheral circulation of unbound TH can
cause thyrotoxicosis.

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