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Maupoy, Abegail G.


02 Video 1 Advertising Market

• Why is advertising to children more of an issue than advertising to adults?

Advertising in children is more of an issue than in adults because many studies

have found a strong correlation between increased advertising for inedible foods and
overweight rates to the child. There are many cases regarding the significant relationship
between children's view of tobacco and alcohol ads and positive behavior in the
consumption of such products. Moreover, children can get misleading messages by
misinterpreting them, can be dangerous when the ad is shown on television or heard on
radio. Children's are easily manipulated persuade them to buy products they do not need
and change eating habits by over-launching junk foods.

• Is encouraging children to nag their parents an appropriate way of reaching an adult

target market? How is it different to the Tremor Program?

Encouraging children to buy their product is a wonderful concern for business-

minded individuals because ads targeting children may increase parent-child conflicts if
the parent denies something a child wants to get. Many ads are created by fast food and
junk food companies that target children's eating habits. Companies must get the
consumer's attention but except the children. Children get sent into the battle between
companies and their consumers. Marketing to children does more harm than good.
Children's minds are still maturing, which keeps them from understanding what
companies are doing to make their advertisements appealing which is more appropriate
for reaching the adult target market, it is very similar from the Tremor Program.

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