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Steps to upgrade oracle database from 10g to 11g

This post covers step by step upgrade of Oracle Database from version 10g ( to 11g R1
( on Unix. You can use this document (with few additional steps mentioned in upgrade
guide) to upgrade from 9i or for database on Windows Operating System.

Important points before you start 11g upgrade

1. Read Chapter 1, 2 & 3 of Database Upgrade Guide here here

2. Read 11g Installation Guide for your operating system from here
3. Direct Upgrade is possible from and higher
4. There are two methods to upgrade database
a) Database Upgrade Assistant (DBUA) and
  b) Manual Upgrade
We are going to use Manual Upgrade
5. Install 11g database software in different ORACLE_HOME from source Database

Upgrade Steps

1. Prepare to Upgrade

1.1 Install 11g in different (new) ORACLE_HOME with following consideration

a) When prompted for Upgrade an Existing Database (Select NO)

b) On Select Configuration Option  select Install Software Only

Use Installation Guide from here
1.2 Analyze database using pre-upgrade information tool ( utlu111i.sql sql script available at
11g_oracle_homne/rdbms/admin/utlu111i.sql  run it from source database i.e. 10g)

sqlplus “/as sysdba”

SQL>spool upgrade_info.log

1.3 Check the output of the Pre-Upgrade Information Tool in upgrade_info.log and fix any

Obsolete/Deprecated Parameters: [Update Oracle Database 11.1 init.ora or spfile]

–> “background_dump_dest” replaced by  “diagnostic_dest”
–> “user_dump_dest” replaced by  “diagnostic_dest”
–> “core_dump_dest” replaced by  “diagnostic_dest”

To fix this obsolete parameter, comment out from initialization parameter file and replace with
new parameter like comment above three deprecated parameters and add *.diagnostic_dest

WARNING: –> Database is using an old timezone file version.

…. Patch the database to timezone file version 4
…. BEFORE upgrading the database.  Re-run utlu111i.sql after
…. patching the database to record the new timezone file version.

To find time zone file version on source database (10g) run

SQL> select * from v$timezone_file;
If time zone file version is less than 4 then apply time zone patch  5632264 manually for database (more on How to manually upgrade time zone file version on database coming
soon … )
1.4 Check invalid objects
SQL> select object_name, owner, object_type from all_objects where status like

1.5 Check version & status of all database components

SQL>select comp_name,version, status from dba_registry;

1.6 Take backup of source database i.e. 10g database

1.7 If you are using spfile, create pfile

SQL> create pfile from spfile ;

This will create pfile in 10g $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init[SID].ora

1.8 Copy initialization file (pfile) from source (10g) to target (11g)

1.9 Adjust initialization parameter specific to 11g like

a) Remove *.background_dump_dest, *.core_dump_dest, *.user_dump_dest and add

*.diagnostic_dest=’/11g_base’  (11g Base Directory)
b) Change

2. Upgrade Database

2.1 Shut down source database (10g) - Your downtime starts here
sqlplus “/as sysdba”
SQL>shutdown immediate

2.2 Set your environment variables to Oracle Database 11g Release 1 (11.1) :

export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/oracle/11gbase/11.1.0

2.3 Start Upgrade

sqlplus “/as sysdba”

SQL> startup upgrade

Check shared_pool & java_pool size, to set new values
SQL>alter system set java_pool_size=512M;
SQL>alter system set shared_pool_size=800M;

SQL> spool upgrade.log

SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/catupgrd.sql  (Upgrade process shut down database after

Check alert log in 11g at


2.4 Run Post-Upgrade Status Tool provides a summary of the upgrade

SQL> startup

If you hit error like”ORA-00001: unique constraint (SYS.I_DIANA_VERSION) violated” check

metalink note # 744693.1

2.5 Perform upgrade actions that do not require the database to be in UPGRADE mode

2.6 Compile Invalid Objects

Check invalid objects
SQL> select count(*) from dba_objects where status like ‘INVALID’;

3. Post Upgrade steps

3.1 Check status of database components

SQL>select comp_name,version, status from dba_registry;

3.2 Copy tnsnames.ora, listener.ora, sqlnet.ora and include file from source (10g) oracle_home to
target (11g) oracle_home

3.3 Back up upgraded (11g) database


 Oracle 11g Installation Guide

 Oracle Database 11g Upgrade Guide
 429825.1  Complete Checklist for Manual Upgrades to 11gR1
 744693.1  ORA-00001 For SYS.DIANA_VERSION$ During RDBMS Upgrade From To
 413671.1  Applying “version 4″ Time Zone Files on an Oracle Database
 396387.1  Workarounds when Database time zone patches are not available for your
 396671.1  Usage of utltzuv2.sql before updating time zone files in Oracle 10
 730057.1  Upgrading to 11g Fails with ORA-01722: invalid number

Issues during Oracle 11g Database upgrade and how to upgrade 11i/R12 database to 11g coming

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