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1 The following organisms can be classified into majorgroups, 4892012 ppr 1B Amoeba Lactobacillus bean ‘Mucor mosquito (a) From the list abave give the name of (a) (i) abacterium vv (id) afungus — (ii) a flowering plant bean (iv) an animal = {b) Viruses are not included in most classification systems, (i) Give three ways in which viruses differ from other living organisms. ow © viruses have a protein coat + viruses are smiles than calls of living organisms viruses do not, © feed * move © respiro * respond to stimuli * grow + excrete control conditions inside them, (homeostasis) © reproduce without a living host contain any cell organelles ti (i) Give one example of a disease caused by a virus, name the organism it infects and describe its effect on the organism. (3) AIDS (Hav virus) + affeashumans 4 weakens immune system Any suitable disease caused by 2 virus that you have learned about would be acceptable as an answer here. 2. The following passage describes inheritance. Complete the passage by writing a suitable word or words on each dotted line. (6) A geneis a section of adouble-stranded molecule known as ONS This molecule is found within the _ "55 __of the cell, contained in threadlike structures called = The two strands form a double helix linked by a series of paired bases. The base adenine is always linked to “Y™"*") and the base cytosine Isalwayslinkedto BPE IS) Sometimes the genetic material of a cell changes. This is known asa These changes occur very rarely but their incidence can be increased by chemicals or lonising radiation. ‘Spellings of wards like thymine and guanine should be correct but if not should be phonetically correct — this means that when you say them out loud they are pronounced the seme way. For example, “thimeen’ would be marked correct whereas ‘tymen’ wouldn't. 3. Frances likes to spend time in her garden. She grows many different types of flowering plants. (a) Explain how each of the following factors could affect the growth of a flowering plant. () Height of the parent plants (2) © the plant is more likely to inherit + tall alleles from parents © and so be tall itself however if the offspring are growing close to the parent pint growth could be reduced * asthey have to compete with the parent plants + forlight / minerals / water etc (ii) Microorganisms in the soil Q) = this would increase growth = as decomposing bacteria in the soil = will ensure more minerals are returned to the soil as they decay dead matter = and nitrogen fixing bacteria and nitrifying bacteria will ensure a good supply of nitrates ® alternatively if the microorganisms in the soil are pathogenic + itwould reduce growth © as plants might get infected with disease 4 Global warming may affect the number of insect pests by increasing their ability to produce offspring. An experiment was carried out to find out the effect of different air temperatures on the ability of insects to produce offspring. Five tubes were set up at an air temperature of 16 °C. Each tube contained a male and a female insect and some food. This procedure was repeated at air temperatures of 25°C, 30 °C, 35°C and 45°C. The insects were allowed to mate and the number of offspring they produced after ‘two weeks was counted. ‘The table shows the results. 16 4 WV 4 15 12 72 25 | 88 | 92 | 5 | 100 | 87 462 3,3 | | || 241 35 | 19 | WwW | 15 | 22 | 16 89 45 ° ° 0 o | 0 0 {a) Identify the anomalous result in the table and suggest a reason forthe anomaly. (2) tube 3 at 30°C (90) the number of offspring may have been miscounted the tube may have been at the wrong temperature / at 25°C instead of 30°C the flies in this tube may have been given different food human error when recording the result An anomalaus result is one which doesn’t fit in with the poitern of the rest of the dota. Anomalous results are most usually a result of human error —miscounting or writing the result down incorrectly ~ oF faulty apparatus. aa Pa SF wm * gt nm * x vi malo fornale fi) Use the key to count the number of male and female offspring in this tube, 1) (i) Which tube did these insect offspring come from? tw tube a at 36°C This is the only tube with a total of 22 offspring (c) Explain why the results in the table are reliable. @ + the results were repeated + and there were similar results in the tubes at each temperature Exam Tip: Making the right number of points to get all the marks If there are two marks for a question, exomine make twa (correct) points in order to award b ON ea ee ere results were repeated. A second point proving thei Sa gee ede kesee a ie ogee aay erate (d) Describe the results in the table and write a conclusion for this experiment. @) the optimum temperature for insect reproduction was 25°C at lower temperatures there were far less offspring and beyond 25°C the numbers of offspring also decreased by 45°C no offspring were produced in any tube probably due to the fact that enzymes controlling cell reactions would denature at this temperature 6 Thediagram shows one side of an organ donor card. I raquest that after my death A. any part of my body may be used for the treatment of others[_], or B. my kidneys[_] comeas[_] heart] lungs[] liver[_] pancreas [_] be used for transplantation. Signature Date Full name IBLOCK CAPITALS] In the event of my death, if possible contact: Name Tal. ee ee te ee eee anh (a) The table lists differant human illnesses. Complete the table by giving the donated organ named on the card needed to cure each illness. The first one has bean done for you. 15) uremis kidney | emphysema Lung coronary failure Heert Disbetes Pancreas | Hepatitis Liver | Peor vision | cornea (b) Dascribe the role of the liver in digestion. (2) © produces bile + which raises the pH in the duodenum so enzymes cen work at their optimum temperature © and emulsifies fats ‘Emulsification is a physical process in which large fat droplets are broken up into smaller fat droplets, ‘This increases the surface area of the fats so lipase enzymes can digest them faster. (c) There is a shortage of people willing to donate their organs. Scientists hope to create Cloned organisms to solve this problem. () Whatis a cloned organism? QQ Nn organism that is genetically identical to another (i) Suggest two advantages of using cloned organisms to provide organs rather than relying on people to donate organs. @ © there is no chance of rejection as the organ i. a genetic match © more organt are available and there is no waiting time ‘© there are no issues with relatives of the donor not wanting ongans to be used (Total for Question 6 = 11 marks) 9° Plants obtain their food by the process of photosynthesis. Explain how the structure of the leaf is adapted for its role as the organ of photosynthesis, (6) leaves are flat, giving them a large surface area for sunlight to fall on they are thin, making diffusion distances within the teaf small the upper epidermis and cuticle are transparent to allow light through leaves contain chloroplasts to absorb light the palisade mesophyll layer which contains most of the chloroplasts is close to the top surface of the leat ensuring that they absorb as much light ad possible the spongy mesophyll layer contains air spaces to allow easy diffusion of gases romata on lower surface allow carbon dioxide in (and oxygen out) vascular bundles contain xylem vessels to deliver water te calls 10 The photograph shows a water plant growing on the surface of a lake. This water plant grows by increasing the number of its leaves. Many mineral ions help plants to grow. (@) Describe how one named mineral ion helps plants to grow. © nitrate: * are needed to make amino acids which are used to form pr * magnesium © is needed to make chlorophyll * ph nates © are needed to make nucielc acids (b) Copper ions inhibit the growth of this water plant. To investigate this effect, a student put four plants with a total of 10 leaves into a beaker containing 400 cm? of mineral ion solution together with a copper coin. She repeated this with 400 cm! of the mineral ion solution without a copper coin. She counted the number of living leaves each day for the next eight days. The table shows her results. Number of tving leaves Day Mineral lon solution Mineral ton solution: with a copper colin without a copper coin 1 10 | 10 2 10 | 10 3 WW | 12 a] 12 | 16 5 12 | 18 | 7 | 2 7 | 2 | 33 8 0 | a2 0 Plot a line graph on the grid below to show the results of her investigation. Use a ruler to join the points with straight lines, (6) —t-with copper cain GSR Se SE without copper cain: numberof living lex ues: ow & (il) In this investigation, the concentrations and volumes of the mineral ion solution and the species of water plant were kept the same, Name three other variables that need to be kept the same for the results of this investigation to be valid. (3) light intensity / colour temperature carbon dioxide concentration pi humidity wind Controlled factors are things that need to be kept the same so as to try and make sure that the repults in an investigation actually are down to the one thing that is being changed each time (the independent variable). There ara usually quite a few of them (in this question there are at least six = you only nead to give three of them to get the marks). 11 The peacock is a bird found in the jungle in India. The male has a large, colourful tail that he displays during courtship to attract a female to mate with. competition exists between male birds to attract a female tomate with random mutations lead to s me peacocks having a lsnger or more attractive tail which means they are more frequently selected by females and so get more opportunities to reproduce ‘his is known as “survival of the fitest’, a term used to explain why some organisms succeed in the competitive struggte for survival against other member: ‘of their population and therefare they more frequently pass on the allele to their offspring who have more colourful / larger tails over generations, this is repeated and so the tail evolves over time to become bigger and more attractive throughout the population 12 Farmers use bird scarers that make a sudden loud noise to frighten birds away from their crops. Design an investigation to find out if noise affects the amount of crops birds eat. (6) © ebtain two flocks of birds of the same number and species © release into two fields of the same area containing the same species and mass of a particular crop © imone field use bird scarers to produce noise and in the other have no noise leave them there for one day weigh the mass of the crop before the birds are released and again at the end of the experiment make sure the experiment is done in the same type of weather and at the same time of day repeat the experiment several times for each field fa aa Ce eI tee Peg ae ed Fe tee re at eee ee ee RL a a Pe Ed eet ge dT ee) 2. That you have identified how to get your results 3. That you identify some variables that should be kept constont to make the experiment fair (aim fe least 2 or 3} 4. That you make your results reliable — by repeating the experiment or carry it out with lots of individ CR em Ee ess 13 Caterpillars feed on hawthorn bushes. The caterpillars are eaten by small birds such as ‘the dunnock. The dunnocks are preyed on by'a larger camivorous bird, the sparrowhawk. @ —_—m_ — = el primary consumer secondary consumer tertiary consumer ‘This data was collected from a hedgerow. Number of ‘Organism ‘Trophic level organisms caterpillar | primary consumer 80 dunnock secondary consumer a hawthorn bush | producer 4 1 Sparrowhawk | tertiary consumer (a) Uso the information in the table to draw an accurate pyramid of numbers for this data on the grid below, ‘The fact that a squared paper grid has been provided for you to draw this anis a big hint that you are ‘expected to draw it to scale, One mark was awarded for this in the mark scheme and if all bars weren't ‘ta scale equating to the numbers of organisms at that !evel you would not be awarded this mark. ‘Other points to note when drawing & pyramid of numbers are that itis not always pyremid shaped — it must always Fallow the sequence of 2 food chain: producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, tertiary consumer and the general rulsis that the larger an individual organism, the fewer of them there are. Each box should also be nemed, either inside or to the side of it (b) Describe how a pyramid of biomass from the same data would differ from the pyramid of numbers. Q) © a pyramid of biomass would be a normal pyramid shape * as the producers would have the largest total biomass, followed by the primary consumers, then the secondary consumers with the tertiary consumers having the smallest total biomass The dry mass of an organism is called its biomass. The total biomass at a particular step in a food chain is always less than the total biomass at the step before it. Take the example food chain below: oak tree > caterpillar > blue tit > sparrow hawk Many caterpillars are needed to feed a blue tit, and many blue tits are needed to feed a sparrow hawk. If we draw a pyramid of numbers for this food chain, it looks like pyramid 1. Note there's only one oak tree, but lots of caterpillars indicated by the shape of the pyramid. The wider the bar, the more organisms there are. Remember that energy is lost at each step in a food chain, if we draw @ pyramid of biomass, it looks like pyramid 2_ Note the large biomass of the one oak tree, compared with the small biomass of lots of caterpillars, indicated by the shape of the pyramid. The wider the bar, the more biomass there is. Pyramids of biomass always have this shape (but pyramids of numbers can be any shape}. (©) Explain why not all the energy in a producer passes to the primary consumer (2) not all parts of the plant are eaten by primary consumers fot all parts of the plant eaten are digested by the primary consumers / it is difficult to fully digest cellulose and get all of the available energy out of it some energy absorbed by the plant is lost when it respires This question is 2 good example of the importance of properly reading the question and answering what ‘you have actually been asked, not what you think you have been asked. You would have learned that ‘energy is lost between trophic levels due to movement, heat loss and excretion, along with the other ‘things listed above. However, if you had given any of these things as your answers, you would have been ‘marked incorrect. The reason for this Is because the question is referring to energy toss from plants to primary consumers. Plants do not mave around or produce urine and they do not maintain a constant ‘body temperature like many animals do so energy due to heat loss is not a factor. (d) Some farmers are removing hedges in order to increase the size of their fields. Thismnens that the hanber of Feerhorn Pnehes ts decreasing. Suggest how removing hawthorn bushes will affect the size of the dunnock population. (2) © the dunnock population would decrease #35 there would be less caterpillars for them to eat When answering questions like this try to avoid making statements like ‘the dunnock population would die out / become extinct’. It is unlikely that all the dunnocks would die as there would still be same caterpillars for them to eat. Stick to terms such as ‘decrease’ or ‘increase’ to describe the effects. on populations of organisms. (Total for Question 13 = 10 marks) 14 Explain the methods used to produce large numbers of fish in a fish farm. (6) * fish should be separated by age / size to control interspecific competition * the tanks should be covered by nets to protect them from birds or other predators (or steps should be taken to kill predators) © disease / infection can be reduced by use of antibiotics and removing diseased / dead fish as soon as possible © oxygen levels should be maintained to ensure high rates of respiration * waste products should be removed frequently to prevent disease and growth of decomposing microorganisms © feed should be high protein (for growth} *® and fed frequentiy in small amounts to prevent waste of food which would provide another source of food for decomposing microorganisms * = yields could also be increased by giving fish growth hormones * and selective breeding of fast growing fish June 2012 ppr2B Answer ALL questions. 1 Read the passage below. Use the information in the passage and your own knowledge to. answer the questions that follow. Diet In children Doctors have warned that lifestyles of children are putting them at an increased tisk of rickets. Rickets is caused by a deficiency of vitamin D. It affects the development of leg bones and was common in Britain many years ago. The disease is making a comeback because poor diet and a change in play habits have 5 led toa vitamin D deficiency. Children are spending more time indoors using computers compared with Previous generations who spent time playing outside with their friends. Children who play outside are exposed to sunlight, which boosts vitamin D levels. In addition, children are not being given cod liver oil — a rich source of the 10 vitamin — in the same amounts as they were 50 years ago. Many parents used to give their children a spoonful of cod liver oil each day to supplement their diet. Two doctors have suggested that the vitamin should be added to milk and other food products to ensure children are getting the recommended amount. In Birmingham, the health authority has been offering pregnant women 15 supplements of the vitamin to reduce the number of cases of rickets in the city. Another concem is that families are not eating together, so children often choose their own food and prefer to snack on crisps, chocolate and soft drinks high in sugar. This means that the diet of many children is too high in fat and carbohydrates and contains more calories (energy) than the children need. 20 Children are less active than in previous generations, so they don’t use as many calories. This lack of activity may lead to other health problems. fa) Suggest how spending time outdoors can reduce the chance of getting rickets (ines 7 and 2). iu) ‘exposure to sunlight is needed to make vitamin 0 {b) Suggest why vitamin D deficiency ts more of a problem for children than for adults. (1) children’s bores are still growing (©) Vitamins are an essential part of a balanced diet, Give three other components of a balanced diet. ™ carbohydrate (d) Suggest why snacking on crisps, chocolate and soft drinks is an unsuitable diet for children who are not very active (lines 16 and 17). im they are high in sugar and fat / calories which is not used (to provide energy) if children are not active fe} Suggest the health problems that might develop if children have too much fat in their diet (ine 18). (2) «© obesity * diabetes = hearedisease © high Biood pressure © increased risk of strokes (f) Describe how you would carry out an experiment to find out the energy value of a potato crisp. a) © weigh the mass of the crisp © setitonfire * and bumit completely © whilst holding it under 2 tube of water © of known volume © measure the tempersiure of the water at the start and end of the experiment to wark out the increase in temperature caused by the buming crisp ‘The chemical energy stored inside the crisp is converted into heat energy which is used to heat up the ‘water. Sy measuring the increase in temperature of the water you can get an idea of the amount of ‘energy inside the crisp. This isa fairly common experiment that is listed in the syllabus and therefore you are expected to be aware of. 2 The passage describes how viruses can affect humans. ‘Complete the passage by writing a suitable word or words in each of the spaces. (7) Humans are affected by many viruses. Viruses only contain one sort of ____fweltic acid, either DNA or NA One virus, which causes the disease AIDS, isthe _"'Y ___yirus. People with AIDS are vulnerable to infection because their ("4S system does not work so effectively, This means they are unable to produce meer blood cells that normally fight off infections by producing specific proteins called SNbocies / antitoxin’ that help to dastroy pathogens. Diseases caused by viruses can be prevented by injecting the body with an inactive form of the virus. Tho mathod of injacting is known as ee and stimulates the body's defonce system to produce momory calls. DNA and RNA are nucleic acids, These are the molecules responsible for the hereditary information that controls protein synthesis in living organisms. The name “nucieic” derives from the fact that they were discovered within the cell nucleus, At that time, it was not known that those substances contained hereditary infarmation. They are formed by sequences of nucleotides, Nucleotides are composed of one molecule of sugar (deoxyribose in ONA and ribose in RNA} bound to one molecule of phosphate and to one nitrogenous base [adenine, uraril, cytosine or guanine, in AtéA; and adenine, thymine, cytosine and ‘guanine, in DNA). 6 (a) Describe how the process of nitrification affects the availability of nitrates to plants. @ nitrifying bacteria in the sail convert ammonium ions into nitrites and nitrites into nitrates yioy ne vee em HOPS TRA TTT ‘sepwan [OPP TOn ! ‘sent Putron Rivgut pitrote (b) Some farmers grow legume plants such as clover in their fields. They then plough ‘them into the soil before growing their cereal crops. Suggest why they do this. (a) © legumingus plants contain rost nodules * which contain nitrogen fixing bacteria © these bacteria can convert nitrogen gas in the air into nitrates © these nitrates can than be absorbed by root hair cells of plants for plants te make amino acids and proteins ® sowhen the farmers plough them into the soil the leguminous plants are decomposed * by decomposing bacteria and fungi © and the mineral content of the soil is increased as a result © leading to increased growth of crops and s higher yield for the farmers (c} Explain why only about 10% of the energy in the cereal crop is transferred to organisms that eat the crop. (2) ® not all parts of the plant are eaten by primary consumers ® notall parts of the plant eaten are digested by the primary consumers / it is difficult to fully digest cellulose and get all of the available energy out of it ® some energy absorbed by the plant is lost when it respires This question is a good example of the importance of properly reading the question and answering what you have actually been asked, not what you think you have been asked_ You would have learned that ‘energy is lost between trophic levels due to movement, heat loss and excretion, along with the other things listed above. However, if you had given any of these things as your answers, you would have been marked incorrect. The reason for this is because the question is referring to energy loss from plants to primary consumers. Plants do not move around or produce urine and they do not maintain a constant body temperature like many animals do so energy due to heat loss is not a factor. 7 Describe the biological consequences of cigarette smoking on the human lungs. (5) smoking leads to * emphysema «damaging alveoli walls and reducing surface area meaning less oxygen is absorbed into the blood ® bronchitis *® excessive mucus is produced by smokers *® bacteria breed easily in the mucus * frequent infections and increased coughing damage cilia which causes even more mucus to build up as itis not swept away by the cilia * tr * isa carcinogen which causes lung cells to mutate and become cancerous 5 Crop plants are often grown in glasshouses where conditions can be carefully controlled. This is done in order to get the greatest crop yield. {a} Explain how the following factors could affect crop yield. (i) Increasing the temperature of the glasshouse (3) there would be an increase in the rate of photosynthesis which would mean more glucose was being made meaning that the rate of respiration could increase this is because photosynthesis is an enzyme controlled reaction and increasing the temperature would give molecules more kinetic energy meaning that they would move faster and collide more often, speeding up the rate of reaction (i) Providing a supply of fertiliser to the crop plants (@ this would enable the plants to take up more minerals such as nitrates which is needed for making amino acids and magnesium which is needed to make chiorophyll June 2012 ppriB {b) Sometimes a farmer needs to contro! an insect pest that might damage his crops. He can do this by using either biological control or a chemical pesticide, () Describe one example of the use of biological control. (2) © indybirds feeding on aphids There are many examples of biological control that you could choose to give here. Your answer cannot Just be any predator prey relationship however —the organism you describe must be & pest, YOu must also be specific with your answer as vague examples like ‘birds eating insects’ would not be awarded any marries. (ii) Give three advantages of using biological control instead of a chemical pesticide. ) biological control: lasts longer doesn't require reapplication is more specific doesn't cause accumulation of toxins in tha food chain doesn't cause development of resistance that will eventually make it less affective ‘This is an example of @ question where you may think you have answered it correctly but actually you have given general statements instead of specific statements like the anes above. Saying that biological control is ‘environmentally friendly’ or ‘doesn't harm people’ wouldn't show the level of detail required for marks. You should learn 3 of 4 specific advantages of biological contral compared to using pesticides tobe sure of gaining the marks in a question like this. (Total for Question 5 = 11 marks) 6 The photographs show an adult insect called an ash borer and an adult insect called awasp. L a — 9 ash borer wasp Ash borers reproduce by laying egas which develop into maggots. The maggots eat their way into ash trees and feed on carbohydrates in the trees. This can kill the trees because the root cells lack the carbohydrate needed to release anergy for the absorption of mineral ions. (a) () Suggest why the maggots need to feed on carbohydrate. (1) they need it to use in respiration to provide energy (ii) Name and describe the process used by root cells to absorb mineral ions. ——_[) active transport molecules are moved from the soil where they ere in 2 lower concentration into the root hair calls where they ere in @ higher concentration (ii) Describe how magnesium ions are used to help trees to grow. (2) magnesium is needed to make chlorophyll which is needed in leaves to absorb light for photosynthesis

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