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June 20/2 per iB 9 The use ofa pesticide may result in an increase in the number of pest organisms that are resistant to the pesticide. Use your knowledge of natural selection to explain the increase in the number of pest organisms that are resistant to the pesticide. (5) * within the population of pests there is variation The variation this question is referring to is resistance to a pesticide chance ® mutations © in DNA lead to @ small number of pests having resistance © the resistant pestssurvive longer / are notkilled ‘This is known as ‘survival of the fittest’, a term used to explain why some organisms succeed in the competitive struggie for survival against other members of their population. a5 they survive longer they get more opportunities to reproduce andi pass on the allate for resistance to their offspring ‘over generations, this is repeated and so a larger percentage of pests in the population are resistant (Total for Question 9 = 5 marks) 10 Steven wanted to measure the rate of water loss from a leafy shoot. He set up this apparatus in normal laboratory conditions. leafy shoot rubber tube capillary tube air bubble water {a) Name the apparatus Steven used. i) potometer (b) Name the process by which a plant loses water. rub} transpiration / evaporation (c) Describe how Steven should set up the apparatus and how he should then use it to estimate the rate of water loss from the leafy shoot. (4) cut the shoot under water and fit into the potometer tubing making sure everything is water tight with no entry for air Daing this ensures that the columns of water molecules inside the xylem vessels remain unbroken and so transpiration can continue — if air is introduced then the water molecules will not be pulled up the stem and transpiration will not happen. remove the potometer from the water and leave the end of the tube out of water until an air bubble is seen at the end of the capillary tube then place in a beaker of water blot the leaves dry to remove all excess water on them measure the distance the bubble moves ina specified amount of time using a scale an the potometer / a ruler positioned next to it repeat the experiment 3 times and take an average of the results Transpiration Transpiration can be measured using a potometer. A cut plant stem is sealed into the potometer using a rubber bung. An air bubble is introduced to the capillary tube. The distance the bubble: travels shows how much water the stem has taken up. ({d) Steven carried out three further experiments. He used the same plant, but changed one condition in each experiment. ‘The table shows the percentage change in rate of water loss for each condition: when compared to Steven's original experiment. Condition | wind increased | light intensity reduced k — | half of the leaves removed Explain the change in water loss when (i) wind was increased (2) water molecules are moved quickly away from the plant by the wind 50 @ higher concentration Fradient is maintained between air spaces insidie and directly outside the plant, leading to faster Wwanspiration (ti) light intensity was reduced i] stomata chose in response to educed light intensity s0 there are lass places for transpiration to occur (iii) half of the loaves were removed. (2) © ass surface area now available for transpiration to-occur across ® also there are less stomata {e) Suggest how Steven could increase the wind around the leafy shoot. tt he could use fan / shairdryer on cool setting / place the plant outside in a breeze {Total for Question 10 = 12 marks) 12. The immune system responds to infection using white blood cells. A phagocyte is one type of white blood cell. {a) () Draw and label a phagocyte. @) _Ce|| Membrane. lobed nucleus —— cytoplasm (il) Give one way that the structure of this cell differs from a red blood cell, (1) it contains a nucieus / contains no haemogiobin / it’s bigger / has an irregular shape / it’s not biconcave (b) Describe how white blood cells are used by the body to defend against infection. (5) pathogens that enter the blood stream are destroyed by phagocytes that engulf them and release enzymes Which digest the cells another type of white blood cell called lymphocytes produce antitoxins {which neutralize bacterial toxins) and antibodies specific to each type of pathogen that they meet ‘the anitbodies bind to antigens and clump the foreign celis together marking them for destruction © the lymphocytes also produce memory cells that can quickly remake the antibodies if reinfected inthe future enecene 13 (a) Describe the stages that are used to genetically modify a bacterium that is able to manufacture human growth hormone. (5) the target gene for growth hormone is extracted from human donor cell this is dane by cutting the gene out of human DNA using a restriction enzyme small loops of bacterial DNA called plasmids are taken from a bacterial cell and cut open using the same restriction enzyme the gene for growth hormone is inserted into the plasmids and the DNA is joined using DNA Ligase enzyme the plasmid acts as a vector as it is now reinserted into bacterial cells so the foreign gene can be expressed Avector in biology refers to an organism that acts as a vehicle to transfer genetic material from a donor organism to a target cell in a recipient organism where it can be expressed and the proteins produced collected on a large scale. * this is known as recombinant DNA technology as the vector contains foreign DNA (b) BST is a hormone that increases milk yield in cows. (i) Explain what is meant by the term hormone. Q) * a chemical released by endocrine glands * into the bloodstream * which carries it to target cells © where it has an effect / causes a change 37 Mode! answers are copyright. © 2018: Save My Exams Ltd. All rights reserved. Save My Exams! - The Home of Revision Formore awesome GCSE and A level resources visit us at wn:! (ii) In some countries BST from genetically modified bacteria has been injected into cows to improve milk production. In other countries selective breeding has been used to improve milk production. Describe how selective breeding could be used to increase milk production. @) * select a high milk yield cow and a male froma mother with high milk yield * breed them © select the offspring with a high milk yield and breed them * continue this process for many generations Selective breeding means to select individuals with the characteristics you want and breeding them together. The process doesn’t stop there though because it’s likely that not all of the offspring will show 14 Commercial flower growers keep their plants in greenhouses under artificial ight. Describe an investigation to find out if the length of time that plants are exposed to light affects how long it takes for flowers to appear. (6) obtain groups of plants of the same variety and age and plant in greenhouses that are exposed to artificial light for different lengths of time measure the length of time each group of plants takes to produce flowers in days the greenhouses should all be at the same temperature and the light in the different greenhouses should be at the same intensity plants should also be given the same volume of water and mass of fertilizer and be planted in the same type of soil the experiment should be repeated at least 3 times and the average time taken for flowers to be produced should be calculated for each greenhouse Pe eae eared Mark schemes for designing investigations are often very general because the examiners want to see the same type of things mentioned regardless of what the actual experiment is. These things are: That you have set up an experiment that fs testing what you are being asked to —in the question above, this is shown by putting plants in greenhouses exposed to artificial light for different amounts of time. That you have identified how to get your results —in the experiment above, by counting the days taken for the plants to produce flowers That you identify some variables that should be kept constant to make the experiment fair (aim for at least 2 or 3) That you make your results reliable — by repeating the experiment or carry ft out with lots of individuals That you identify how long to do the experiment for

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