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Chapter 1- Old & Middle English (500 TO 1300 AD) 7
Chapter 2- Age Of Chaucer (1300 TO 1400 AD) 7
Chapter 3- Age of Revival (1400 to 1550 AD) 7
Chapter 4- Elizabethan Age (1550 to 1600 AD) 8
Chapter 5- Jacobean & Caroline Age (1600 to 1640) 8
Chapter 6- Civil War & Interregnum (1640 to 1660) 9
Chapter 7- Restoration Age (1660 to 1700 AD) 10
Chapter 8- Enlightenment Age (1700 to 1800 AD) 10
Chapter 9- Romantic Age (1800 to 1850 AD) 11
Chapter 10- Victorian Age (1850 to 1900 AD) 12
Chapter 11- Modern Age (1900 to 1950 AD) 13
Chapter 12- Post Modern Age (1950 to 2000 AD) 14
Chapter 13- Early American Literature 17
Chapter 14- American Writers of Romantics Age 17
Chapter 15- American Writers of Victorian Age 17
Chapter 16- American Writers of Modern Age 17
Chapter 17- American Writers of Post Modern Age 18
Chapter 18- African American Writers 19
Chapter 19- Writers of British Diaspora 19
Chapter 20- African Writers 19
Chapter 21- Canadian Writers 20
Chapter 22- Australian Writers 20
Chapter 23- Caribbean & Colombian Writers 20
Chapter 24- Classical Greek Literature 21
Chapter 25- Classical Roman Literature 21
Chapter 26- Italian Literature 21
Chapter 27- Russian Literature 21
Chapter 28- German Literature 22
Chapter 29- French Literature 22
Chapter 30- Other European Literature 23
Chapter 32- Indian English Novelist 24
Chapter 33- Indian English Poets 24
Chapter 34- Indian Aesthetics 25
Chapter 35- Indian Dramatist 25
Chapter 36- Greek Critics 26
Chapter 37- Roman Critics 26
Chapter 38- Middle Age Critics 26
Chapter 39- Enlightenment Age Critics 26
Chapter 40- Romantic Age Critics 26
Chapter 41- Victorian Age Critics 26
Chapter 42- New Criticism 28
Chapter 43- Formalism 28
Chapter 44- Structuralism 28
Chapter 45- Post Structuralism & Deconstructionism 29
Chapter 46- Post Modernism 29
Chapter 47- Psychoanalysis Criticism 29
Chapter 48- Archetypal Criticism 29
Chapter 49- Reader Response Theory 29
Chapter 50- Feminism 30
Chapter 51- Marxism 30
Chapter 52- New Historicism 30
Chapter 53- Queer Theory 30
Chapter 55- Postcolonial Criticism 31
Chapter 56- Literary Devices & Figures of Speech 32
Chapter 57- Literary Terms 33
Chapter 58- Types of Fiction 33
Chapter 59- Types of Narrators 34
Chapter 60- Types of Characters 34
Chapter 61- Prosody 34
Chapter 62- Types of Poetry 35
Chapter 63- Renaissance 36
Chapter 64- Enlightenment Age 36
Chapter 65- Romantic Age 36
Chapter 66- Victorian Age 36
Chapter 67- Modern Age 37
Chapter 68- Post Modern Age 37
Chapter 69- Linguistics 38
Chapter 70- English Language Pedagogy (Teaching Methodologies) 38
Chapter 71- English in India: History, Evolution & Future 39
Chapter 74- Research Methodology 41
Chapter 75- Research Methodology Videos 41
Chapter 1- Old & Middle English (500 TO 1300 AD)
Lesson 1- Introduction to Anglo Saxon Period: Historic Background, Theme, Style
Lesson 2- Important Works of Anglo Saxon Period
Lesson 3- Introduction to Anglo Norman Literature- Historic Background, Theme, Style
Lesson 4- Important Works of Anglo Norman Period

Chapter 2- Age Of Chaucer (1300 TO 1400 AD)

Lesson 1- Introduction to Chaucerian Age- Historic Background, Theme, Style
Lesson 2- Geoffrey Chaucer
Lesson 3- William Langland
Lesson 4- John Wycliffe
Lesson 5- John Mandeville
Lesson 6- John Gower
Lesson 7- Thomas Hoccleave
Lesson 8- John Lydgate

Chapter 3- Age of Revival (1400 to 1550 AD)

Lesson 1- Introduction to Age of Revival- Historic Background, Theme, Style
Lesson 2- Erasmus
Lesson 3- Thomas More
Lesson 4- William Tyndale
Lesson 5- Richard Tottel
Lesson 6- Thomas Wyatt
Lesson 7- Henry Howard
Lesson 8- Roger Ascham
Lesson 9- Thomas Elyot
Lesson 10- Thomas Malory
Lesson 11- William Dunbar

Chapter 4- Elizabethan Age (1550 to 1600 AD)

Lesson 1- Introduction to Elizabethan Age- Historic Background, Theme, Style
Lesson 2- Popular Bible Translations

Lesson 3- Edmund Spenser
Lesson 4- Thomas Sackville
Lesson 5- Philip Sidney
Lesson 6- Michael Drayton

Lesson 7- History & Background of English Theatre
Lesson 8- Early Elizabethan Plays
Lesson 9- Christopher Marlowe
Lesson 10- Robert Greene
Lesson 11- Thomas Nashe
Lesson 12- John Lyly
Lesson 13- Thomas Lodge
Lesson 14- George Peele
Lesson 15- Thomas Kyd
Lesson 16- William Shakespeare

Lesson 17- Francis Bacon
Lesson 18- Richard Hooker
Lesson 19- Walter Raleigh
Lesson 20- Richard Hakluyt
Lesson 21- Samuel Purchas
Lesson 22- John Foxe
Lesson 23- William Camden
Lesson 24- John Knox

Chapter 5- Jacobean & Caroline Age (1600 to 1640)

Lesson 1- Introduction to Jacobean & Caroline Age- Historic Background, Theme, Style


Lesson 2- Ben Jonson
Lesson 3- George Chapman
Lesson 4- Beaumont & Fletcher
Lesson 5- John Webster
Lesson 6- Thomas Middleton
Lesson 7- Thomas Heywood
Lesson 8- Thomas Dekker
Lesson 9- Philip Massinger
Lesson 10- John Ford
Lesson 11- James Shirley
Lesson 12- John Marston
Lesson 13- John Donne
Lesson 14- Richard Crashaw
Lesson 15- Henry Vaughan
Lesson 16- George Herbert
Lesson 17- Andrew Marvell
Lesson 18- Abraham Cowley
Lesson 19- Thomas Carew
Lesson 20- John Suckling
Lesson 21- Richard Lovelace
Lesson 22- Robert Herrick

Chapter 6- Civil War & Interregnum (1640 to 1660)

Lesson 1- Introduction to Civil War & Interregnum Period- History & Background
Lesson 2- John Milton
Lesson 3- John Bunyan
Lesson 4- Robert Burton
Lesson 5- Thomas Browne
Lesson 6- Jeremy Taylor
Lesson 7- Richard Baxter
Lesson 8- Izaak Walton
Lesson 9- Thomas Fuller

Chapter 7- Restoration Age (1660 to 1700 AD)
Lesson 1- Introduction to Restoration Age- Historic Background, Theme, Style

Lesson 2- John Dryden
Lesson 3- Samuel Butler
Lesson 4- John Evelyn
Lesson 5- Samuel Pepys
Lesson 6- Jeremy Collier
Lesson 7- William Dampier
Lesson 8- John Wilmot
Lesson 9- Thomas Rymer

Lesson 10- George Etherage
Lesson 11- William Wycherley
Lesson 12- George Farquhar
Lesson 13- John Vanbrugh
Lesson 14- Colley Cibber
Lesson 15- Thomas Otway
Lesson 16- William Congreve
Lesson 17- Aphra Behn
Lesson 18- John Gay

Chapter 8- Enlightenment Age (1700 to 1800 AD)

Lesson 1- Introduction to Age of Enlightenment- Historic Background, Theme, Style

Lesson 2- Alexander Pope
Lesson 3- Jonathan Swift
Lesson 4- Richard Steele
Lesson 5- Joseph Addison
Lesson 6- Samuel Johnson


Lesson 7- Daniel Defoe
Lesson 8- Henry Fieldings
Lesson 9- Samuel Richardson
Lesson 10- Tobias Smolett
Lesson 11- Laurence Sterne
Lesson 12- Charlotte Lennox

Lesson 13- Thomas Gray
Lesson 14- Oliver Goldsmith
Lesson 15- William Cowper
Lesson 16- Robert Burns
Lesson 17- William Blake
Lesson 18- James Thomson
Lesson 19- William Collins
Lesson 20- George Crabbe
Lesson 21- James Macpherson
Lesson 22- Thomas Chatterton
Lesson 23- Thomas Percy
Lesson 24- John Stagg

Chapter 9- Romantic Age (1800 to 1850 AD)

Lesson 1- Introduction to Romantic Age- Historic Background, Theme, Style

Lesson 2- William Wordsworth
Lesson 3- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Lesson 4- Robert Southey
Lesson 5- Lord Byron
Lesson 6- P.B Shelley
Lesson 7- John Keats
Lesson 8- John Clare

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Lesson 9- William Hazlitt
Lesson 10- Leigh Hunt
Lesson 11- Charles Lamb
Lesson 12- Thomas De Quincey

Lesson 13- Walter Scott
Lesson 14- Jane Austen
Lesson 15- Walter Savage Landor
Lesson 16- Mary Shelley
Lesson 17- Anne Radcliff
Lesson 18- Horace Walpone
Lesson 19- Fanny Burney
Lesson 20- William Godwin
Lesson 21- Richard Sheridan

Chapter 10- Victorian Age (1850 to 1900 AD)

Lesson 1- Introduction to Victorian Age- Historic Background, Theme, Style

Lesson 2- Alfred Lord Tennyson
Lesson 3- Robert Browning
Lesson 4- Elizabeth Barret Browning
Lesson 5- Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Lesson 6- Christina Rossetti
Lesson 7- William Morris
Lesson 8- A.C Swinburne
Lesson 9- G.M Hopkins
Lesson 10- Edward Fitzgerald

Lesson 11- Charles Dickens
Lesson 12- William Makepeace Thackrey
Lesson 13- George Eliot

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Lesson 14- Charles Reade
Lesson 15- Anthony Trollope
Lesson 16- Charlotte Bronte
Lesson 17- Emily Bronte
Lesson 18- Anne Bronte
Lesson 19- Bulwer Lyton
Lesson 20- Charles Kingsley
Lesson 21- Elizabeth Gaskell
Lesson 22- R.D Blackmore
Lesson 23- George Meredith
Lesson 24- Thomas Hardy
Lesson 25- R.L Stevenson
Lesson 26- Lewis Carroll
Lesson 27- William Wilkie Collins
Lesson 28- Arthur Conan Doyle

Lesson 29- Thomas Babington Macaulay
Lesson 30- Thomas Carlyle
Lesson 31- John Ruskin
Lesson 32- Matthew Arnold
Lesson 33- J.H Newman
Lesson 34- Walter Pater
Lesson 35- Oscar Wilde

Chapter 11- Modern Age (1900 to 1950 AD)

Lesson 1- Introduction to Modern Age- Historic Background, Theme, Style

Lesson 2- Joseph Conrad
Lesson 3- George Orwell
Lesson 4- James Joyce
Lesson 5- Virginia Woolf
Lesson 6- D.H Lawrence

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Lesson 7- Aldous Huxley
Lesson 8- Graham Greene
Lesson 9- E.M Foster
Lesson 10- Ford Madox Ford
Lesson 11- Arnold Bennett
Lesson 12- H.G Wells
Lesson 13- J.M Barrie
Lesson 14- Rudyard Kipling
Lesson 15- Samuel Butler

Lesson 16- John Galsworthy
Lesson 17- G.B Shaw
Lesson 18- T.S Eliot
Lesson 19- Sean O Casey
Lesson 20- J.M Synge

Lesson 21- W.H Auden
Lesson 22- W.B Yeats
Lesson 23- Siegfried Sassoon
Lesson 24- Wilfred Owen
Lesson 25- Rupert Brooke
Lesson 26- Robert Graves
Lesson 27- Dylan Thomas
Lesson 28- John Masefield
Lesson 29- Alfred Noyes
Lesson 30- A.E Housman

Chapter 12- Post Modern Age (1950 to 2000 AD)

Lesson 1- Introduction to Post Modern Age- Historic Background, Theme, Style

Lesson 2- Agatha Christie
Lesson 3- Jeanette Winterson

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Lesson 4- J.R.R Tolkien
Lesson 5- Bram Stoker
Lesson 6- Christopher Isherwood
Lesson 7- Bertrand Russell
Lesson 8- J.M Priestley
Lesson 9- Somerset Maugham
Lesson 10- Doris Lessing
Lesson 11- J.K Rowling
Lesson 12- William Goldings
Lesson 13- Ian McEwan
Lesson 14- Lawrence Durrell
Lesson 15- Graham Swift
Lesson 16- Martin Amis
Lesson 17- Kingsley Amis
Lesson 18- Iris Murdoch
Lesson 19- John Fowles
Lesson 20- Muriel Spark
Lesson 21- A.S Byatt
Lesson 22- Malcolm Bradbury
Lesson 23- Angela Carter
Lesson 24- Patrick Kavanagh
Lesson 25- J.P Donleavey
Lesson 26- Anthony Powell
Lesson 27- David Storey
Lesson 28- Joyce Cary
Lesson 29- Angus Wilson
Lesson 30- Anthony Burgess
Lesson 31- Peter Ackroyd

Lesson 32- Alan Bennett
Lesson 33- Noel Coward
Lesson 34- Christopher Fry
Lesson 35- Harold Pinter

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Lesson 36- Samuel Beckett
Lesson 37- Edward Bond
Lesson 38- Tom Stoppard
Lesson 39- Terence Rattigan
Lesson 40- Arnold Wesker
Lesson 41- John Osborne
Lesson 42- Caryl Churchill
Lesson 43- Joe Orton

Lesson 44- Seamus Heaney
Lesson 45- Ted Hughes
Lesson 46- Philip Larkin
Lesson 47- Roy Fuller
Lesson 48- Thom Gunn
Lesson 49- J.H Prynne
Lesson 50- Geoffrey Hill

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Chapter 13- Early American Literature
Lesson 1- Introduction to Early American Literature
Lesson 2- Founders of America

Chapter 14- American Writers of Romantics Age

Lesson 1- Fredrick Douglass
Lesson 2- Harriet Beecher Stowe
Lesson 3- Herman Melville
Lesson 4- James Cooper
Lesson 5- Louisa May Alcott
Lesson 6- Nathaniel Hawthorne
Lesson 7- Edgar Allen Poe
Lesson 8- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Lesson 9- Henry David Thoreau
Lesson 10- Washington Erving
Lesson 11- Emily Dickinson
Lesson 12- Walt Whitman
Lesson 13- William Cullen Bryant

Chapter 15- American Writers of Victorian Age

Lesson 1- Henry James
Lesson 2- Mark Twain
Lesson 3- Jack London
Lesson 4- Stephen Crane
Lesson 5- Charlotte Gilman Perkins
Lesson 6- Theodore Dreiser
Lesson 7- Kate Chopin
Lesson 8- Edith Wharton

Chapter 16- American Writers of Modern Age

Lesson 1- William Faulkner
Lesson 2- Ernest Hemingway

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Lesson 3- F. Scott Fitzgerald
Lesson 4- Gertrude Stein
Lesson 5- Sinclair Lewis
Lesson 6- Tennessee Williams
Lesson 7- Arthur Miller
Lesson 8- Eugene O Neill
Lesson 9- Susan Glaspell
Lesson 10- Robert Frost
Lesson 11- Wallace Stevens
Lesson 12- Ezra Pound
Lesson 13- H.D
Lesson 14- William Carlos William
Lesson 15- E.E Cummings

Chapter 17- American Writers of Post Modern Age

Lesson 1- John Updike
Lesson 2- Harper Lee
Lesson 3- Truman Capote
Lesson 4- J.D Salinger
Lesson 5- John O Hara
Lesson 6- John Steinbeck
Lesson 7- Joseph Heller
Lesson 8- William S Burroughs
Lesson 9- Jack Kerouac
Lesson 10- Edward Albee
Lesson 11- Saul Bellow
Lesson 12- Ray Bradbury
Lesson 13- Allen Ginsberg
Lesson 14- Anne Sexton
Lesson 15- Sylvia Plath
Lesson 16- Robert Lowell
Lesson 17- Elizabeth Bishop

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Chapter 18- African American Writers
Lesson 1- Tony Morrison
Lesson 2- Zora Neale Hurston
Lesson 3- Alice Walker
Lesson 4- Richard Wright
Lesson 5- Ralph Ellison
Lesson 6- James Baldwin
Lesson 7- Amiri Baraka
Lesson 8- Solomon Northrop
Lesson 9- Langston Hughes
Lesson 10- Maya Angelou

Chapter 19- Writers of British Diaspora

Lesson 1- Jean Rhys
Lesson 2- Kazuo Ishiguru
Lesson 3- Hanif Kureshi
Lesson 4- Timothy Mo
Lesson 5- Caryl Phillips
Lesson 6- Salman Rushdie
Lesson 7- V.S Naipaul
Lesson 8- Sam Selvon

Chapter 20- African Writers

Lesson 1- Chimananda Ngozi Adiche
Lesson 2- Chinua Achibe
Lesson 3- Nadine Gordimer
Lesson 4- J.M Coetzee
Lesson 5- Wole Soyinka
Lesson 6- Ama Ata Aidoo
Lesson 7- Buchi Emecheta
Lesson 8- Bessie Head
Lesson 9- Ngugi Wa Thiong`O

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Lesson 10- Ben Okri
Lesson 11- Nuruddin Farah

Chapter 21- Canadian Writers

Lesson 1- Michael Ondaatje
Lesson 2- Margaret Atwood
Lesson 3- Yann Martel
Lesson 4- Alice Munro
Lesson 5- Lawrence Hill
Lesson 6- Rohinton Mistry
Lesson 7- Margaret Lawrence
Lesson 8- Gabrielle Roy
Lesson 9- Shyam Selvadurai
Lesson 10- Maria Campbell
Lesson 11- Sinclair Ross
Lesson 12- Thomas King

Chapter 22- Australian Writers

Lesson 1- A.D Hope
Lesson 2- David Malouf
Lesson 3- Patrick White
Lesson 4- Peter Carey
Lesson 5- Judith Wright

Chapter 23- Caribbean & Colombian Writers

Lesson 1- Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Lesson 2- Derek Walcott
Lesson 3- Jamaica Kincaid
Lesson 4- Edward Brathwaite


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Chapter 24- Classical Greek Literature
Lesson 1- Greek Gods & Other Mythical Characters
Lesson 2- History of Greek Civilization
Lesson 3- Greek Theatre
Lesson 4- Homer
Lesson 5- Aeschylus
Lesson 6- Sophocles
Lesson 7- Euripides
Lesson 8- Aristophanes
Lesson 9- Aesop
Lesson 10- Pindar

Chapter 25- Classical Roman Literature

Lesson 1- History of Rome
Lesson 2- Old Testament (History of Christianity)
Lesson 3- New Testament (History of Christianity)
Lesson 4- Cicero
Lesson 5- Virgil
Lesson 6- Ovid
Lesson 7- Seneca

Chapter 26- Italian Literature

Lesson 1- Dante Alighieri
Lesson 2- Petrarch
Lesson 3- Giovanni Boccaccio
Lesson 4- Thomas Aquinas
Lesson 5- Niccolo Machiavelli
Lesson 6- Luigi Pirandello
Lesson 7- Italo Calvino
Lesson 8- Umberto Eco
Chapter 27- Russian Literature
Lesson 1- Fyodor Dostoevsky
Lesson 2- Leo Tolstoy
Lesson 3- Alexander Pushkin

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Lesson 4- Anton Chekhov
Lesson 5- Boris Pasternak
Lesson 6- Ivan Turgenev
Lesson 7- Mikhail Bulgakov
Lesson 8- Vladimir Nabakov
Lesson 9- Ivan Bunin
Lesson 10- Maxim Gorky

Chapter 28- German Literature

Lesson 1- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Lesson 2- Bertolt Brecht
Lesson 3- Thomas Mann
Lesson 4- Franz Kafka
Lesson 5- Herman Hesse
Lesson 6- Gunter Grass

Chapter 29- French Literature

Lesson 1- Montaigne
Lesson 2- Moliere
Lesson 3- Voltaire
Lesson 4- Eugene Ionesco
Lesson 5- Gustave Flaubert
Lesson 6- Honare De Balzac
Lesson 7- Emile Zola
Lesson 8- Albert Camus
Lesson 9- Marcel Proust
Lesson 10- Charles Baudelaire
Lesson 11- Guy De Maupassant
Lesson 12- Jean Paul Satre
Lesson 13- Milan Kundera
Lesson 14- Jean Genet
Lesson 15- Alexander Dumas

Chapter 30- Other European Literature

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Lesson 1- Jean Jacques Rousseau
Lesson 2- Miguel De Cervantes
Lesson 3- August Strindberg
Lesson 4- Henrik Ibsen


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Chapter 32- Indian English Novelist
Lesson 1- Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
Lesson 2- Mulk Raj Anand
Lesson 3- R.K Narayan
Lesson 4- Raja Rao
Lesson 5- Kamala Markandaya
Lesson 6- Manohar Malgaonkar
Lesson 7- Khushwant Singh
Lesson 8- Bharti Mukharjee
Lesson 9- Nirad C. Chaudhari
Lesson 10- Ruskin Bond
Lesson 11- Shashi Deshpande
Lesson 12- G.V Desani
Lesson 13- U. R. Ananthamurthy
Lesson 14- Anita Desai
Lesson 15- Kiran Desai
Lesson 16- Arun Joshi
Lesson 17- Arundhati Roy
Lesson 18- Nayantara Sahgal
Lesson 19- Jhumpa Lahiri
Lesson 20- Amitav Ghosh

Chapter 33- Indian English Poets

Lesson 1- Michael Madhusudan Dutt
Lesson 2- Toru Dutt
Lesson 3- Sri Aurobindo
Lesson 4- Sarojini Naidu
Lesson 5- Rabindranath Tagore
Lesson 6- Kamala Das
Lesson 7- A.K Ramanujan
Lesson 8- A.K Melhotra
Lesson 9- Nissim Ezekiel
Lesson 10- Gopi Kattoor
Lesson 11- Agha Shahid Ali

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Lesson 12- Arun Kolatkar
Lesson 13- Gieve Patel
Lesson 14- Keki Daruwalla
Lesson 15- Meena Alexander
Lesson 16- Jayant Mahapatra
Lesson 17- Mahashweta Devi
Lesson 18- Vikram Seth
Lesson 19- P.Lal
Lesson 20- R. Parthasarathy

Chapter 34- Indian Aesthetics

Lesson 1- Introduction to Indian Aesthetics
Lesson 2- Rasa School (Bharat Muni)
Lesson 3- Alamkara School (Bhamaha)
Lesson 4- Guna Dosa School (Dandin)
Lesson 5- Riti School (Vamana)
Lesson 6- Dhwani School (Anandvardhana)
Lesson 7- Vakroti School (Kuntaka)
Lesson 8- Aucitya School (Ksemendra)

Chapter 35- Indian Dramatist

Lesson 1- Mahesh Dattani
Lesson 2- Girish Karnad
Lesson 3- Badal Sarkar
Lesson 4- Vijay Tendulkar

Chapter 36- Greek Critics
Lesson 1- Socrates

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Lesson 2- Plato
Lesson 3- Aristotle

Chapter 37- Roman Critics

Lesson 1- Horace
Lesson 2- Longinus
Lesson 3- Quintilian

Chapter 38- Middle Age Critics

Lesson 1- Philip Sidney

Chapter 39- Enlightenment Age Critics

Lesson 1- John Dryden
Lesson 2- Alexander Pope
Lesson 3- Samuel Johnson

Lesson 4- Thomas Hobbes
Lesson 5- John Locke
Lesson 6- Giambattista Vico
Lesson 7- Edmund Burke
Lesson 8- Edward Gibbon
Lesson 9- Adam Smith

Chapter 40- Romantic Age Critics

Lesson 1- William Wordsworth
Lesson 2- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Lesson 3- John Keats
Chapter 41- Victorian Age Critics
Lesson 1- George Eliot
Lesson 2- Friedrich Nietsche
Lesson 3- G.M Hopkins
Lesson 4- Henry James
Lesson 5- Matthew Arnold

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Lesson 6- T.S Eliot

Chapter 42- New Criticism
Lesson 1- Understanding Literary Theory
Lesson 2- What is New Criticism?

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Lesson 3- William Empson
Lesson 4- I.A Richards
Lesson 5- Cleanth Brooks
Lesson 6- F.R Leavis
Lesson 7- Wimsatt & Beardsley
Lesson 8- R.P Blackmur
Lesson 9- Allen Tate
Lesson 10- John Crowe Ransom
Lesson 11- Neo Aristotelian

Chapter 43- Formalism

Lesson 1- What is Formalism?
Lesson 2- Victor Shklovsky
Lesson 3- Boris Echenbaum
Lesson 4- Yuri Tynyanov
Lesson 5- Roman Jacobson

Chapter 44- Structuralism

Lesson 1- What is Structuralism ?
Lesson 2- Ferdinand De Saussure
Lesson 3- C.S Peire
Lesson 4- Claude Levi Strass
Lesson 5- Vladimir Propp
Lesson 6- A.J Greimas
Lesson 7- Gerard Genette
Lesson 8- Mikhail Bhakin
Lesson 9- Roland Barthes

Chapter 45- Post Structuralism & Deconstructionism

Lesson 1- What is Post Structuralism & Deconstructionism?
Lesson 2- Michael Foucault
Lesson 3- Jacques Derrida
Lesson 4- Paul De Mann
Lesson 5- J.H Miller

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Chapter 46- Post Modernism
Lesson 1- What is Post Modernism?
Lesson 2- Jean Baudrillard
Lesson 3- Julia Kristeva
Lesson 4- Jean Francois Lyotard
Lesson 5- Frederic Jameson

Chapter 47- Psychoanalysis Criticism

Lesson 1- What is Psychoanalysis Criticism?
Lesson 2- Sigmund Freud
Lesson 3- Jacques Lacan
Lesson 4- Harold Bloom
Lesson 5- Noam Chomsky

Chapter 48- Archetypal Criticism

Lesson 1- What is Archetypal Criticism?
Lesson 2- J.S Frazer
Lesson 3- Carl Jung
Lesson 4- Northrop Frye
Lesson 5- Maud Bodkin

Chapter 49- Reader Response Theory

Lesson 1- What is Reader Response Theory?
Lesson 2- Norman Holland
Lesson 3- Wolfgang Iser
Lesson 4- Stanley Fish
Lesson 5- H.R Hauss

Chapter 50- Feminism

Lesson 1- What is Feminism?
Lesson 2- Mary Wollstonecraft
Lesson 3- Margaret Fuller
Lesson 4- J.S Mill

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Lesson 5- Virginia Woolf
Lesson 6- Simon De Beauvoir
Lesson 7- Kate Millett
Lesson 8- Judith Butler
Lesson 9- Elaine Showalter
Lesson 10- Helene Cixous
Lesson 11- Sandra & Susan Gilbert
Lesson 12- Shulamith Firestone

Chapter 51- Marxism

Lesson 1- What is Marxist Criticism?
Lesson 2- Karl Marx & Engels
Lesson 3- Louis Althrusser
Lesson 4- Antonio Gramsci
Lesson 5- Pierre Bourdieu
Lesson 6- Paul Ricoeur
Lesson 7- Ernest Mandel

Chapter 52- New Historicism

Lesson 1- What is New Historicism
Lesson 2- Stephen Greenbalt
Lesson 3- Raymond William
Lesson 4- Stuart Hall
Chapter 53- Queer Theory
Lesson 1- What is Queer Theory?
Lesson 2- Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick
Lesson 3- Alan Sinfield
Lesson 4- Adrienne Rich
Chapter 54- Eco Criticism
Lesson 1- What is Eco Criticism?
Lesson 2- Major Theorist

Chapter 55- Postcolonial Criticism

Lesson 1- What is Postcolonial Criticism?

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Lesson 2- Franz Fanon
Lesson 3- Edward Said
Lesson 4- Homi K Bhabha
Lesson 5- Gayatri Spivak
Lesson 6- Aime Cesaire & Leopold
Lesson 7- Edward Soja
Lesson 8- Benedict Anderson
Lesson 9- Antonio Negri & Michael Hart
Lesson 10- Salman Rushdie
Lesson 11- Bill Ashcroft


Chapter 56- Literary Devices & Figures of Speech
Lesson 1- Allegory
Lesson 2- Alliteration
Lesson 3- Allusion
Lesson 4- Anaphora

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Lesson 5- Antithesis
Lesson 6- Apostrophe
Lesson 7- Bathos
Lesson 8- Conceit
Lesson 9- Circumlocution
Lesson 10- Chaismus
Lesson 11- Diacope
Lesson 12- Hyperbole
Lesson 13- Imagery
Lesson 14- Irony
Lesson 15- Juxtaposition
Lesson 16- Kenning
Lesson 17- Litotes
Lesson 18- Metaphor
Lesson 19- Metonymy
Lesson 20- Onomatopoeia
Lesson 21- Oxymoron
Lesson 22- Pathetic Fallacy
Lesson 23- Paradox
Lesson 24- Personification
Lesson 25- Prolepsis
Lesson 26- Simile
Lesson 27- Synecdoche
Lesson 28- Synesthesia
Lesson 29- Transferred Epithet
Lesson 30- Zeugma
Chapter 57- Literary Terms
Lesson 1- Anti Climax
Lesson 2- Anti Hero
Lesson 3- Byronic Hero
Lesson 4- Bowdlerize
Lesson 5- Carpe Diem
Lesson 6- Celtic Myths
Lesson 7- Dream Vision

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Lesson 8- Deus Ex Machina
Lesson 9- Epiphany
Lesson 10- Epilogue
Lesson 11- Euphemism
Lesson 12- Epigraph
Lesson 13- Epithet
Lesson 14- Epitaph
Lesson 15- Incunabula
Lesson 16- Motif
Lesson 17- Malapropism
Lesson 18- Purple Patch
Lesson 19- Poetic Licence
Lesson 20- Poetic Justice
Lesson 21- Poetic Diction
Lesson 22- Palinode
Lesson 23- Parody
Lesson 24- Satire
Lesson 25- Soliloquy

Chapter 58- Types of Fiction

Lesson 1- Apocalyptic Literature
Lesson 2- Bildungsroman
Lesson 3- Campus Novel
Lesson 4- Chivalric Romance
Lesson 5- Dystopian
Lesson 6- Epistolary Novel
Lesson 7- Gothic
Lesson 8- Historic
Lesson 9- Metafiction
Lesson 10- Mystery
Lesson 11- Magic Realism
Lesson 12- Memoir
Lesson 13- Picaresque
Lesson 14- Science Fiction

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Lesson 15- Roman e Clef

Chapter 59- Types of Narrators

Lesson 1- Narrative Perspective: First, Second & Third Person Point of View
Lesson 2- Omniscient Narrator
Lesson 3- Limited Narrator
Lesson 4- Unreliable Narrator
Lesson 5- Objective Narrator

Chapter 60- Types of Characters

Lesson 1- Protagonist & Antagonist
Lesson 2- Major & Minor Characters
Lesson 3- Dynamic & Static Characters
Lesson 4- Flat & Round Characters
Lesson 5- Stock Characters

Chapter 61- Prosody

Lesson 1- Introduction to Rhetoric & Prosody
Lesson 2- Introduction to Meter
Lesson 3- Types of Metrical Patterns
Lesson 4- Rhyme & Types of Rhyme
Lesson 5- Types of Stanza
Lesson 6- Types of Rhyme Scheme
Lesson 7- Types of Verse
Lesson 8- Enjambment
Lesson 9- Caesura
Lesson 10- Refrain

Chapter 62- Types of Poetry

Lesson 1- Dramatic Poetry
Lesson 2- Narrative Poetry
Lesson 3- Epic Poetry
Lesson 4- Lyric Poetry
Lesson 5- Elegy

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Lesson 6- Sonnet
Lesson 7- Ode
Lesson 8- Pastoral Poetry
Lesson 9- Concrete Poetry
Lesson 10- Doggerel

Chapter 63- Renaissance
Lesson 1- Scottish Chaucerians
Lesson 2- University Wits
Lesson 3- Comedy of Humors
Lesson 4- Masque
Lesson 5- Sons of Ben
Lesson 6- Metaphysical Poets

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Lesson 7- Cavalier Poets

Chapter 64- Enlightenment Age

Lesson 1- Commedia Dell`arte
Lesson 2- Kit Kat Club
Lesson 3- Scriblerus Club
Lesson 4- Graveyard Poets

Chapter 65- Romantic Age

Lesson 1- Lake Poets
Lesson 2- Satanic School of Poetry
Lesson 3- Cockney School of Poetry
Lesson 4- Dark Romantics
Lesson 5- Transcendentalism

Chapter 66- Victorian Age

Lesson 1- Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood
Lesson 2- Aestheticism
Lesson 3- Fireside Poets
Lesson 4- Oxford Movement
Lesson 5- Realism
Lesson 6- Naturalism
Lesson 7- Impressionism
Lesson 8- Symbolism
Lesson 9- Imagism
Lesson 10- Surrealism

Chapter 67- Modern Age

Lesson 1- Rhymer`s Club
Lesson 2- Irish Dramatic Movement
Lesson 3- Auden Group
Lesson 4- Georgian Poets
Lesson 5- Harlem Renaissance
Lesson 6- War Poets

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Lesson 7- Lost Generation
Lesson 8- Bloomsbury Group
Lesson 9- Stream of Consciousness
Lesson 10- Black Mountain Poets
Lesson 11- New Apocalyptics
Lesson 12- Southern Agrarians

Chapter 68- Post Modern Age

Lesson 1- Black Arts Movement
Lesson 2- Existentialism
Lesson 3- Agitprop
Lesson 4- Theatre of Cruelty
Lesson 5- Epic Theatre
Lesson 6- Angry Young Man
Lesson 7- Kitchen Sink Drama
Lesson 8- Theatre of Absurd
Lesson 9- Theatre of Oppressed
Lesson 10- Beat Generation
Lesson 11- Confessional Poetry
Lesson 12- Movement Poets


Chapter 69- Linguistics
Lesson 1- Basics of ELT & Linguistics
Lesson 2- Phonology & Morphology
Lesson 3- Important Terms in Linguistics
Lesson 4- Basic English Project
Lesson 5- New Bolt Report
Lesson 6- Evolution of English Language: Old, Middle & Modern Age
Lesson 7- Popular Journals & Magazine

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Lesson 8- Evolution of Dictionary: Popular Dictionaries
Lesson 9- Sapir Whorf Hypothesis

Chapter 70- English Language Pedagogy (Teaching Methodologies)

Lesson 1- Grammar Translation Method
Lesson 2- Direct Method
Lesson 3- Situational Approach
Lesson 4- Audio Lingual Method
Lesson 5- Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)
Lesson 6- Total Physical Response (TPR)
Lesson 7- Suggestopedia
Lesson 8- Silent Way Method
Lesson 9- Natural Approach
Lesson 10- Task Based Language Teaching
Lesson 11- Interaction Hypothesis

Chapter 71- English in India: History, Evolution & Future
Lesson 1- Inception of English Education in India by East India Company
Lesson 2- Charter Act of 1813
Lesson 3- Role of Missionaries in English Education
Lesson 4- Demand for English Language by Indians during Colonial Period
Lesson 5- Role of Raja Ram Mohan Roy in Spreading English
Lesson 6- Role of William Bentinck & Lord Macaulay
Lesson 7- Macaulay’s Minute
Lesson 8- Wood’s Dispatch of 1854

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Lesson 9- Hunter Education Commission of 1882
Lesson 10- Indian University Commission 1902
Lesson 11- Gokhale's Bill of 1912
Lesson 12- English Language during Independence Movement
Lesson 13- Role of Mahatma Gandhi in Indian English Literature
Lesson 14- Development of English during Post Independence Period
Lesson 15- Present State of English Language in India
Lesson 16- Summary of Unit 6 (English in India)

Chapter 72- Cultural Studies (Major Terms)
Lesson 1- Defining Culture & Cultural Studies
Lesson 2- Elements of Culture
Lesson 3- Types of Culture
Lesson 4- Ideal vs Real Culture
Lesson 5- Cultural Globalization
Lesson 6- Mall Culture
Lesson 7- Media Culture
Lesson 8- Consumer Culture

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Chapter 73- Cultural Studies (Major Theorists)
Lesson 1- Birth of Cultural Studies
Lesson 2- Early Theorist
Lesson 3- Stuart Hall
Lesson 4- Stephen Greenbalt
Lesson 5- Raymond Williams
Lesson 6- Antonio Gramsci
Lesson 6- Antonio Gramsci
Lesson 7- Louis Althrusser
Lesson 8- Frederick Jameson

Chapter 74- Research Methodology
Lesson 1- Introduction to Research & Types of Literary Research
Lesson 2- Aim & Objective of Literary Research
Lesson 3- Prerequisite to Literary Research
Lesson 4- Materials & Tools of Literary Research
Lesson 5- Method of Research: Biographical Research
Lesson 6- Method of Research: Bibliographical Research
Lesson 7- Method of Research: Critical Approach & Analysis
Lesson 8- Difference Between Research Paper, M.Phil Thesis & Dissertation

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Lesson 9- How to Choose Research Topic
Lesson 10- Format of Thesis Writing (Citation, Footnotes & Other Terms)

Chapter 75- Research Methodology Videos

Lesson 1- Choosing Research Topic
Lesson 2- Writing Research Proposal
Lesson 3- Step By Step Guide to Write Research Paper for English Literature
Lesson 4- Mistakes Students Make While Doing Research

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