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South Asian Association of Regional CorP. 9 Thounding members - adde lafer- 21910 ~ Banglaclesh president Zia-vy- xchman concieved Me idea. *farcign secretaries met in Dhaka GaR.S — Srilanka (ABD ~ Newdelhi Ciagay- to dwcuss droge. 3 SAARC esiabushed in Dhaka (98S hea ence bin: ANepal stveca Of Yegionad coperahon. Ussves: Povey qovenance jtrade) Economy , climalé Issues gender). 3 Common Problems demand Joint ackion. ATS veap mo bencht from colombo Pan} >A compact Landmass perfect For Yeqional inieqration- a Regionalism on Whe Tike - African Union: arg 3 Afgnanistan CHOBSERVERS. Dracaiia Dchina EU Wren S)Tapen @koreq 1D Mauvitis By Myanmar 4) USA- ISRARCMObyecRVES)- — Avricle L san economic Frou ping ko Work togelher fer acceloraking the soao-economic and cited Bevelopment. + Promote sere veliance - welfare sDevetop mubal Vrust , undewtarding of Ore anathert problem: *Promolé economic qromtn and Saces development’ » mut assistance ordcollabaoton Wn Ife Economie Seciad ,collurad » technical and scien ttre fields: A Head of Staley in leathmandy, | Romoking Peace Progress in the vegion + Ces peck for pincigles of - Severeign eqal\y- Tevritoriad ‘in ZQxil - Nachonal Lodependence -Non use of force Non Enlerfexence in internal aFfciws of oWer Slalés 5 “Peacchul S@Memen’ of all disputes. + Fosfexing mutual uadesianding »qoed stability and a neignbovdy velanons 4 rreaninafel cooperahons- ro Ace DL meetings Of head ef \ stale - once ayeor onanimovs decision: AB soemes —UA summit cancelled in 2elb)+ ra Attcle IV a nain Palicry mating organ: f v Hho mulahiv 7 RiGee L Dewaing pogeon standing Reviewing orcas matters Comnmittec OGES CCotewthon General seogaaien Meat SA is lale Foidea of Yegionalssrn Slack oF energy and dk tudinal changes MIR respect toindia sa hoge hordle. Pcammprises Of - Bf of worlds area -UZ J world papdlohon - W2N7 of Qlobal Econom As of 1018. : Peampack landmass of 8 cnuniia fox veqional integration =1Oad5 1 VaNWAY ,alv way sCortal belt. -telecam,fibve optics energy & trade Covridos » 2 wWilaléya9 and conienhovs ics ues are excluded. Key issues are Fenerg + Poverly alleviahon * Climate change *Science & technology ional inlearation oF communicater infvas Wucture sade ,educano , food ssecurily kouvisyn SAert0O¥SO: a = People 40 People cantact- Policy, MHAFE COMMON WAGE Pole educahon + visa > travel Vike eutope Ralvica: > make hydal coopexahon - to Yesolve energy issue by yellance on each ater DTP 5 worst climalé change Neods . 7 Indian Food security ~ Low mners. are kilhag themselves: 9 deserteahon gables 7“ BaAa\ades Can offer Jor Nelp Us learn how TO Prosper 17 keeh development? women wg empowerment Gendey sue wd : human vesource developme? Youtn entexprenesu?: > RavinanncanioteY mililory help in counter _levrorisrs 4 insurgency, conlfolsqive Wade woyloy ovr straleare locahon, defence coo perahon? Can shave Straleaic benefits. Nadia eas Sifex technolagica! development C180 Bo $ Exports). health ) Bio tach » space tech edu Policicen and democracy, We bol can offer mineral +ecources and Ae wey foy trade te olbier Counlwies* The biggest coopererhon-s haul we Peace and secon] this is Preverrhngy o\Wey-fruil to yeild. 3 Indo “Pak vivalyy since independence hidder Peaceful Yegional 400 perahon. » Banaladesh is hiving, in economy: * acceding to Soulli asian etimale change: Scanned with Camscanner MDLOgY TT S| energy Corridors > Poverty allenarons [Areas ok Contuict - . = Karhenw issue - Bovder dispule - Wade dis pules o > Terrorism § Inlerfevence inintemal ACaiws . + Poralic opinion of mutval halved , SARRC=Ges=poittics. (Reginald . 7a dominant Plauers - India- Pak. oF seting each olney influence TNoeclkoy Acdewence -BWars > Kashmiv 1s nucteoy flash Point: = Balance Q) poser s cdelicale ~ World Pousers Enow iF IRey side wilt Orgone - Ei! OL! 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India sing & Yea Ppows! - becomins Economic Qiant- 1S tme tolal of Ovy exparli? ~ Hindetva on vise, pe ching alfsek indie -invile global Rawers in +eQion: : -vYeeent vow b/s chingaand india ak LAC in galwan valley laddakh. South ning ‘Sea a fean Rind enerrcling India ~ bans pert tind indean tok inlet £1 egional ordey- ; jeapadsil . by \ndo-cevtcnem cindians sheer size is acen on clommnant ~ shale want india to fork : an © Follow Pali Benign uniilatevalsm: lates) - compounded te Se ppowt x. V/e vision of ¥ Cr wil Pak. india’ prefe (5 econame feaperahon an dvving, force J Rexondin “Pak avquer that onlif Politicad Keon Ore Nov ves0\vedd eco ccoperahon Will nok malerialze- slachian iniérent Dropped —qrowing, cconomsve Aes IIH neighhoan Sosy eauk onian% Ean Asian se 2 oi primtaveste -SA 4 Of Sool asian Stade & Part Som Entpusianw shown by PYOident ia uy Reman: >Use ote Q tool tor ¢ eG fae on an instrument foreign Policy: 2 an nok prevenled Violent conplicla TWh Nees settled ov vesolve oe ~ Sonic ent} ack, NOmagement cs non am US haus An le daus> Scanned with CamScanner SS PRRC-§ vice wade Fea Ree CET! 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Advantalges to leont deveyoped should Puck help work on nucleoy Fisk vcduchon countian, : : a Aahem on maintenance |>Sovth Olan uniwersilG in Acw Pecrvade 2 s Aa 5 OF min credible delevrence delhi Ceavestalmareons Reduek 2g 2 Fo03 Bank ino which helped = moving yPWin the size Q standing | N=PA duxing covid xm. ~ exeaSEd Sour ani ena * “tnagbe share of budget U consumed. a oo oA = CARD should Work uith SASD FSANY Ne 2 would i i ¢ on xeduchon of converndonod aims Pee terete ae 3 rand divert Whar defence bedger | 4 siatas ae role ons an ke addvess human secumYy zeuer- m Gon ave: Cmore Wkely). . _ Bard TMHEOSUYEA vival 4 Blue expansion reveals Ga logue supporiw enviroment] CA challenge) . - velahon A vibe vequivemant for Intva ~eqiona) Mevemen = visa fyee movement Q people] Kashmi¥ on einer side > Setting Prsoncys Free as Jord will - Wsue “Friend & Stalemen -xangible cessahon in cacholhen Intrnal afforys. a \mtér Pas liammentovy (ommissions § Ffowms of Inleochon Plu pcople Gorm vores walle 4 Ufee-g investor. wadeon, student, media Parnes, academics inde lerdual Scanned with CamScanner

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