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Reavis Climalé agveernent land marie Inlamatienal accord -ade in 2aiS -Pavis Hance ~to addyess climate change negative impacts = Signed +22 A pril 20th, ~ Effectve «4 Nov Lele “AMS to Sobstantaly yeduce global Bese Heure Gas emusions in RESOLVE 40 mit He gloteal. Lemp Weveate to 2-¢ Mees ace AN eBvaWies bo wut \heiw “Vemmered dunn Swrerhioe on 2s leg and ils ttrmeak fom al) major Climale polluhor UN Frameset chmat? change conference 4 Parkin CCoP Lt) | GRE Ae weeny QNolcal net 2€r0 Sessions where (nc amout sf Yeerhouse qanet emitted caval tre amount vemoued Bom the . AlmarPhere in second hait o Century TUS = Bovias was Seccad largest emiter Ihe only counl¥y Fe wilharaw fom Ke accord - TWump — in Neviold TEISEN Veent&ed US anlé Ihe SAreement during hye fuk moni in Rice Owes: @ Holding We Incrcone in Qlobal Average \emperlaurt to below 2°¢ Above Ove inaushial levelt and to Reveue effatT te limit the temp Weveose tov “Colo pre _ Wdurmal levels - veumqniring holt this would siqnificantly yeduce the WSIe andimpacts of climalé change ® Increasing the abilily te adapt Ao the aclvese Impacts SF _ ekmale change and fost climalE veriience and low Qrecr house qones emisions evelopment ina manner hak does nok snveaten food produchen. Making finance Bows conscs\eor IK Pathway lowords low Areenhouse Gan emission ark CKmale vesilient cevelop ment: Mitigation: : "ADeement cstadolishes binding coment ment by at parties 40 PrePaye communicale and maintous a nationally determine Contrilbuhan IN DC) and kopertuc domeshc conver tO achweue Wem “Weserviioe ere Partin should communicale NOC every © ycow! “Provide ofS wccessovyy for clartly and Hansparena,s. “Seta Firm foundation for higher Nee aad 7e0dh successive NDC AS Xepraenta praqren ion: oe lsee Mecsas Shoot ie Ae) (cad ee undertaking ARNE economy: “developing uniner should aa cohaning mikgahoa Global Stecktake: to (ake Place in 2023 and sdvery Eve ycoy atiey “wih assess coleckve praqueis Mrurerds achieving INE purpose Dive cegeement. |- bosedon ie best available Science and its long lez global Qoas, ‘Inlevnahonal Response: wlavded by French president Francois hatlande. ON SecWelary general Ban Hi men Hhen te veacned desived Siqna\He in Oct Ib Obama Said ~ Glen ie Se encet ewer, VEQer we will only get to Part be go. ~ Tames ef Where we need Ransen afommer Noa Scientisl and \eadidg clmale Scanned with CamScanner change cK pert sotecd anger that mesh of he ATYEEMENSS Cons! Mose! “Sreennoose SS Sees orm So ists Of promues or alms and nok Cor -equivalen qrqaron nes. Lam commitments and “alle Tavis tailea Fracd with “No achin ¥ Just promisce" Ab tev vakiG cahon: “Since Wht agreement enleved 1 fo VEE y Progress Kaward emission MAVAEG RG) Geen miced. ey = a a CHINA announced tat hey were!” making great strides in reducing een house qas Emissions - nokaq Wing met 1 ore Qoal in ded ~ EU otheials Announced WwW 218 Frat all encmber Stole: hac) Fedlen bbchind on reaching Iheiv toget “Sweden, Povicgo) aod Prance Nad mace We most proqvess Yeaching 177-5 667. and 6SY, SF diy leeget boy 2018. US Pregres: eUOn lew Cleay ~Bespile such vepali eS nla aheno) eganizahont MED Wak cavoon emusion continued te increase. Te Rrediom group nated that US emssion had ineveaic? 2-4 percent in 1018, wWMNevean lstoal Cerloon We numb J Me cheats change pol uy mae Re nls Current Policies PReeare Paris pleads N25-2-8-e 2% ase ec 1920 240 Aste Tete HOS Scenarios oF gloloal green Neuse apn emusions tea cpuniviea achieve they cmvenk Paris agreement pledges - average werming, bY lice westa sHi¥ exceess Ihe max ze target tet ou | ne ovgrecmany Talal foss\\focl Coremssion 2080-19, A yeay WEnd remo aren ee 08d) is serctiy att Ly china OS \ndiqg Rwsia Res Soaa Since Yeo vengcor emusions in cnina & hE Yer ot US sold has sorpamed tht ob pLFA US BU. ee a ee ee = ~ Per person the US Sercrald Proqec ve Perted that ceaton emissions weddwidkt Which were lewgely flak from Ielt- ; incveoned by VE]. ond by 277. in 10t1 4 2018, 2o'6 ho, Cor at a fay Sasa was Wham olka Pama veqions

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