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Units, Dimensions and Measurement 35


Units, Dimensions and Measurement
Physical Quantity e.g. Relative density = Density of object/Density of
water at 4 C
A quantity which can be measured and by which
various physical happenings can be explained and Refractive index = Velocity of light in air/Velocity
expressed in the form of laws is called a physical of light in medium
quantity. For example length, mass, time, force etc. Strain = Change in dimension/Original dimension
On the other hand various happenings in life e.g., (2) Scalar (magnitude only) : These quantities do
happiness, sorrow etc. are not physical quantities not have any direction e.g. Length, time, work, energy
because these can not be measured. etc.
Measurement is necessary to determine magnitude Magnitude of a physical quantity can be negative.
of a physical quantity, to compare two similar physical In that case negative sign indicates that the numerical
quantities and to prove physical laws or equations. value of the quantity under consideration is negative. It
does not specify the direction.
A physical quantity is represented completely by
its magnitude and unit. For example, 10 metre means a Scalar quantities can be added or subtracted with
length which is ten times the unit of length. Here 10 the help of ordinary laws of addition or subtraction.
represents the numerical value of the given quantity and (3) Vector (magnitude and direction) : These
metre represents the unit of quantity under quantities have magnitude and direction both and can be
consideration. Thus in expressing a physical quantity we added or subtracted with the help of laws of vector
choose a unit and then find that how many times that algebra e.g. displacement, velocity, acceleration, force
unit is contained in the given physical quantity, i.e. etc.
Physical quantity (Q) = Magnitude × Unit = n × u Fundamental and Derived Quantities
Where, n represents the numerical value and u (1) Fundamental quantities : Out of large number
represents the unit. Thus while expressing definite of physical quantities which exist in nature, there are
amount of physical quantity, it is clear that as the only few quantities which are independent of all other
unit(u) changes, the magnitude(n) will also change but quantities and do not require the help of any other
product ‘nu’ will remain same. physical quantity for their definition, therefore these
i.e. n u = constant, or n1u1  n2u 2  constant ;  are called absolute quantities. These quantities are also
1 called fundamental or basic quantities, as all other
n quantities are based upon and can be expressed in terms
of these quantities.
i.e. magnitude of a physical quantity and units are
(2) Derived quantities : All other physical
inversely proportional to each other .Larger the unit,
quantities can be derived by suitable multiplication or
smaller will be the magnitude.
division of different powers of fundamental quantities.
(1) Ratio (numerical value only) : When a These are therefore called derived quantities.
physical quantity is the ratio of two similar quantities, it
has no unit.
36 Units, Dimensions and Measurement
If length is defined as a fundamental quantity then quantities in this system. These quantities and their
area and volume are derived from length and are units are given in the following table
expressed in term of length with power 2 and 3 over the
Table 1.1 : Unit and symbol of quantities
term of length.

Note :  In mechanics, Length, Mass and Time are Quantity Unit Symbol

arbitrarily chosen as fundamental quantities. However Length metre m

this set of fundamental quantities is not a unique choice. Mass kilogram kg
In fact any three quantities in mechanics can be termed
as fundamental as all other quantities in mechanics can Time second s
be expressed in terms of these. e.g. if speed and time are Electric Current ampere A
taken as fundamental quantities, length will become a
derived quantity because then length will be expressed Temperature Kelvin K
as Speed  Time. and if force and acceleration are taken Amount of Substance mole mol
as fundamental quantities, then mass will be defined as
Force / acceleration and will be termed as a derived Luminous Intensity candela cd
Besides the above seven fundamental units two
Fundamental and Derived Units
supplementary units are also defined –
Normally each physical quantity requires a unit or
Radian (rad) for plane angle and Steradian (sr) for
standard for its specification so it appears that there
solid angle.
must be as many units as there are physical quantities.
However, it is not so. It has been found that if in Note :  Apart from fundamental and derived
mechanics we choose arbitrarily units of any three
units we also use practical units very frequently. These
physical quantities we can express the units of all other
may be fundamental or derived units e.g., light year is a
physical quantities in mechanics in terms of these.
practical unit (fundamental) of distance while horse power
Arbitrarily the physical quantities mass, length and time
is a practical unit (derived) of power.
are chosen for this purpose. So any unit of mass, length
and time in mechanics is called a fundamental, absolute  Practical units may or may not belong to a
or base unit. Other units which can be expressed in system but can be expressed in any system of units
terms of fundamental units, are called derived units. For e.g., 1 mile = 1.6 km = 1.6 × 10 m.
example light year or km is a fundamental unit as it is a
–1 2 S.I. Prefixes
unit of length while s , m or kg/m are derived units as
these are derived from units of time, mass and length. In physics we deal from very small (micro) to
very large (macro) magnitudes, as one side we talk
System of units : A complete set of units, both
fundamental and derived for all kinds of physical about the atom while on the other side of universe,
quantities is called system of units. The common e.g., the mass of an electron is 9.1  10 kg while
systems are given below that of the sun is 2  10 kg. To express such large
or small magnitudes we use the following prefixes :
(1) CGS system : This system is also called
Gaussian system of units. In this length, mass and time Table 1.2 : Prefixes and symbol
have been chosen as the fundamental quantities and
Power of 10 Prefix Symbol
corresponding fundamental units are centimetre (cm),
gram (g) and second (s) respectively. 10 exa E

(2) MKS system : This system is also called Giorgi 1015 peta P
system. In this system also length, mass and time have 12
10 tera T
been taken as fundamental quantities, and the
corresponding fundamental units are metre, kilogram 10 giga G
and second. 106 mega M
(3) FPS system : In this system foot, pound and 10 3
kilo k
second are used respectively for measurements of
length, mass and time. In this system force is a derived 10 hecto h
quantity with unit poundal. 101 deca da
(4) S. I. system : It is known as International 10 –1
deci d
system of units, and is extended system of units applied
10–2 centi c
to whole physics. There are seven fundamental
Units, Dimensions and Measurement 37
10–3 milli m (i) Year : It is the time taken by the Earth to
complete 1 revolution around the Sun in its orbit.
10 –6
micro 
(ii) Lunar month : It is the time taken by the Moon
10–9 nano n to complete 1 revolution around the Earth in its orbit.
10–12 pico p 1 L.M. = 27.3 days
(iii) Solar day : It is the time taken by Earth to
10–15 femto f
complete one rotation about its axis with respect to Sun.
10–18 atto a Since this time varies from day to day, average solar day
is calculated by taking average of the duration of all the
Standards of Length, Mass and Time days in a year and this is called Average Solar day.
(1) Length : Standard metre is defined in terms of 1 Solar year = 365.25 average solar day
wavelength of light and is called atomic standard of 1
or average solar day  the part of
length. 365 . 25
solar year
The metre is the distance containing 1650763.73
(iv) Sedrial day : It is the time taken by earth to
wavelength in vacuum of the radiation corresponding to complete one rotation about its axis with respect to a
orange red light emitted by an atom of krypton-86. distant star.
Now a days metre is defined as length of the path 1 Solar year = 366.25 Sedrial day
travelled by light in vacuum in 1/299,7792, 45 part of a = 365.25 average solar day
second. Thus 1 Sedrial day is less than 1 solar day.
(2) Mass : The mass of a cylinder made of (v) Shake : It is an obsolete and practical unit of
platinum-iridium alloy kept at International Bureau of time.
Weights and Measures is defined as 1 kg. 1 Shake = 10 sec
On atomic scale, 1 kilogram is equivalent to the Dimensions
25 12
mass of 5.0188  10 atoms of 6C (an isotope of When a derived quantity is expressed in terms of
carbon). fundamental quantities, it is written as a product of
(3) Time : 1 second is defined as the time interval different powers of the fundamental quantities. The
of 9192631770 vibrations of radiation in Cs-133 atom. powers to which fundamental quantities must be raised
This radiation corresponds to the transition between in order to express the given physical quantity are
two hyperfine level of the ground state of Cs-133. called its dimensions.
To make it more clear, consider the physical
Practical Units quantity force
(1) Length Force = mass × acceleration
(i) 1 fermi = 1 fm = 10
m mass  velocity

–13 time
(ii) 1 X-ray unit = 1XU = 10 m
(iii) 1 angstrom = 1Å = 10
–10 –8
m = 10 cm = 10 mm = 0.1
–7 mass  length/tim e

= mass × length × (time) … (i)
(iv) 1 micron = m = 10
11 Thus, the dimensions of force are 1 in mass, 1 in
(v) 1 astronomical unit = 1 A.U. = 1. 49  10 m
11 8
length and – 2 in time.
 1.5  10 m  10 km
15 Here the physical quantity that is expressed in
(vi) 1 Light year = 1 ly = 9.46  10 m
terms of the basic quantities is enclosed in square
(vii) 1 Parsec = 1pc = 3.26 light year
brackets to indicate that the equation is among the
(2) Mass
dimensions and not among the magnitudes.
(i) Chandra Shekhar unit : 1 CSU = 1.4 times the –
30 Thus equation (i) can be written as [force] = [MLT
mass of sun = 2.8  10 kg 2
(ii) Metric tonne : 1 Metric tonne = 1000 kg
Such an expression for a physical quantity in terms
(iii) Quintal : 1 Quintal = 100 kg of the fundamental quantities is called the dimensional
(iv) Atomic mass unit (amu) : amu = 1.67  10 equation. If we consider only the R.H.S. of the equation,
kg the expression is termed as dimensional formula.
Mass of proton or neutron is of the order of 1 amu Thus, dimensional formula for force is, [MLT ].
(3) Time
38 Units, Dimensions and Measurement
Quantities Having same Dimensions Important Dimensions of Complete Physics
Dimension Quantity
Quantity Unit Dimension
Frequency, angular frequency,
[M L T  ]
0 0 0 1
0 0 –1
[M L T ] angular velocity, velocity gradient and Temperature (T) Kelvin
2 –2
decay constant Heat (Q) Joule [ML T ]

Work, internal energy, potential Specific Heat (c) Joule/kg-K

0 2
[M L T
 –1]
1 2
[M L T ]
energy, kinetic energy, torque, Thermal capacity Joule/K
1 2
[M L T
 –1]
0 2 –2
moment of force Latent heat (L) Joule/kg [M L T ]
Pressure, stress, Young’s modulus, Gas constant (R) Joule/mol-K
1 2
[M L T
 – 1]
1 –1 –2
[M L T ] bulk modulus, modulus of rigidity, Boltzmann constant
1 2
[M L T
 – 1]
energy density (k)
1 1 –1 Coefficient of thermal
[M L T ] Momentum, impulse Joule/m-s-K [M L T 
1 1 –3 –1
conductivity (K)
Acceleration due to gravity,
[M L T 
0 1 –2 1 0 –3 –4
Stefan's constant ()
2 4
[M L T ] Watt/m -K ]
gravitational field intensity
[M L T  ]
0 1 0 1
1 1 –2
Wien's constant (b) Metre-K
[M L T ] Thrust, force, weight, energy gradient 1 2 –1
Planck's constant (h) Joule-s [M L T ]
1 2 –1 Angular momentum and Planck’s
[M L T ] Coefficient of Linear
[M L T 
–1 0 0 0 –1
constant Kelvin ]
Expansion ()
1 0 –2 Surface tension, Surface energy Mechanical equivalent Joule/Calori 0 0 0
[M L T ] [M L T ]
(energy per unit area) of Heat (J) e

Strain, refractive index, relative Vander wall’s constant 4 5 –2

Newton-m [ML T ]
density, angle, solid angle, distance (a)
0 0 0
[M L T ] gradient, relative permittivity Vander wall’s constant 3 0 3 0
m [M L T ]
(dielectric constant), relative (b)
permeability etc. Electricity
0 2 –2 Latent heat and gravitational
[M L T ] Quantity Unit Dimension
Electric charge 0 0 1 1
Thermal capacity, gas constant, Coulomb [M L T A ]
[ML T  ]
2 –2 –1
Boltzmann constant and entropy Electric current 0 0 0 1
Ampere [M L T A ]
l g , m k , R g , where l = length
–1 – 2
Coulomb/volt or [M L T
0 0 1 Capacitance (C) 4 2
[M L T ] g = acceleration due to gravity, m = Farad A ]
mass, k = spring constant, R = Electric potential 1 2 –3 –1
Joule/coulomb [M L T A ]
Radius of earth (V)
Coulomb –1 –3
Permittivity of [M L T
L/R, LC , RC where L = inductance, 2
free space (0)
0 0 1 Newton - metre 4 2
[M L T ] A ]
R = resistance, C = capacitance 0 0 0
Dielectric Const. Unitless [M L T ]
V2 q2 Volt/Ampere or
1 2
[M L T A
–3 –
I 2 Rt , t, VIt , qV , LI 2 , , CV 2
where I Resistance (R) 2
R C ohm ]
2 –2
[ML T ] = current, t = time, q = charge, Resistivity or 1 3 –3 –
[M L T A
Specific Ohm-metre 2
L = inductance, C = capacitance, R = ]
resistance ()
volt  second
Coefficient of or 1 2 –2 –
ampere [M L T A
Self-induction 2
henry or ohm- ]
1 2 –2 –1
Magnetic flux () Volt-second or [M L T A ]
Units, Dimensions and Measurement 39
2 2
Quantity Unit Dimension So its unit in C.G.S. system will be g cm /s which
2 2
weber is called erg while in M.K.S. system will be kg-m /s
which is called joule.
ampere  metre (2) To find dimensions of physical constant or
1 0 –2 –
Magnetic Joule [M L T A coefficients : As dimensions of a physical quantity are
1 unique, we write any formula or equation incorporating
induction (B) ampere  metre 2
volt  second the given constant and then by substituting the
or Tesla dimensional formulae of all other quantities, we can
find the dimensions of the required constant or
Magnetic 0 –1 0
[M L T A ]
Ampere/metre coefficient.
Intensity (H)
(i) Gravitational constant : According to Newton’s
Magnetic Dipole 2 0 2
[M L T A ]
0 1
Moment (M) m 1m 2 Fr 2
Newton law of gravitation F  G 2
or G 
r m 1m 2
Substituting the dimensions of all physical
Joule quantities
ampere 2
 metre [ MLT 2 ][L2 ]
[G]   [ M 1 L3 T  2 ]
Permeability of Volt  second 1 1 –2 –2
[ M ][M ]
or [M L T A ]
Free Space (0) ampere  metre (ii) Plank constant : According to Planck E  h  or
Ohm  sec ond E
or h
metre 
henry Substituting the dimensions of all physical
or quantities
Surface charge 2 0 –2 1 1 [ ML 2 T 2 ]
density ()
Coulomb metre [M L T A ] [h ]   [ ML 2 T 1 ]
[T 1 ]
Electric dipole 0 1 1 1
Coulomb  metre [M L T A ]
(iii) Coefficient of viscosity : According to
moment (p)
Conductance (G) [M L
–1 –
dV pr 4
pr 4

ohm 1 Poiseuille’s formula  or  

2 3 2
T A ] dt 8 l 8 l(dV / dt )
–1 –
Conductivity () 1 1
[M L Substituting the dimensions of all physical
ohm metre
3 3 2
T A ] [ ML 1 T 2 ][ L4 ]
quantities [ ]   [ ML 1 T 1 ]
Current density 2 0 –2
0 1 [ L ][ L3 / T ]
(3) To convert a physical quantity from one system
Intensity of Volt/metre, MLT
1 1 –3
electric field (E) Newton/coulomb to the other : The measure of a physical quantity is nu =
Rydberg –1
0 –1 0
constant (R) If a physical quantity X has dimensional formula
a b c
[M L T ] and if (derived) units of that physical quantity
Application of Dimensional Analysis in two systems are [M 1a Lb1 T1c ] and [ M 2a Lb2 T 2c ] respectively
(1) To find the unit of a physical quantity in a and n1 and n2 be the numerical values in the two systems
given system of units : To write the definition or respectively, then n1 [u1 ]  n 2 [u 2 ]
formula for the physical quantity we find its
dimensions. Now in the dimensional formula replacing  n1 [M 1a Lb1 T1c ]  n 2 [M 2a Lb2 T2c ]
M, L and T by the fundamental units of the required
system we get the unit of physical quantity. However, a b c
 M 1   L1   T1 
sometimes to this unit we further assign a specific  n 2  n1      
 M 2   L 2   T2 
e.g., Work = Force  Displacement where M1, L1 and T1 are fundamental units of mass,
–2 2 –2 length and time in the first (known) system and M2, L2
So [W] = [MLT ]  [L] = [ML T ]
and T2 are fundamental units of mass, length and time
in the second (unknown) system. Thus knowing the
values of fundamental units in two systems and
40 Units, Dimensions and Measurement
numerical value in one system, the numerical value in By substituting dimension of the physical
other system may be evaluated. quantities in the above relation,
2 1 2
Example : (i) conversion of Newton into Dyne. [ MLT ]  [ M ][ LT ] /[ L ] 2

The Newton is the S.I. unit of force and has 2 2

i.e. [ MLT ]  [ MT ]
dimensional formula [MLT ].
As in the above equation dimensions of both sides
So 1 N = 1 kg-m/ sec are not same; this formula is not correct dimensionally,
a b c so can never be physically.
M  L  T 
By using n 2  n1  1   1   1 
 M 2   L 2   T2  (ii) s  ut  (1 / 2)at 2
1 1 2 By substituting dimension of the physical
 kg   m   sec 
 1      quantities in the above relation
 gm   cm   sec 
–1 –2 2
[L] = [LT ][T] – [LT ][T ]
1 1
 10 3 gm   10 2 cm   sec  2
 1       10 5 i.e. [L] = [L] – [L]
 gm   cm   sec 
As in the above equation dimensions of each term
 1 N = 10 Dyne on both sides are same, so this equation is
(ii) Conversion of gravitational constant (G) from dimensionally correct. However, from equations of
C.G.S. to M.K.S. system motion we know that s  ut  (1 / 2)at 2
The value of G in C.G.S. system is 6.67  10 C.G.S. (5) As a research tool to derive new relations : If
–1 3 –2
units while its dimensional formula is [M L T ] one knows the dependency of a physical quantity on
–8 3 2 other quantities and if the dependency is of the product
So G = 6.67  10 cm /g s
type, then using the method of dimensional analysis,
a b c
 M 1   L1   T1  relation between the quantities can be derived.
By using n 2  n1      
 M 2   L 2   T2  Example : (i) Time period of a simple pendulum.
1 3 2 Let time period of a simple pendulum is a function
 gm   cm   sec 
 6 . 67  10  8    m   sec  of mass of the bob (m), effective length (l), acceleration
 kg     
due to gravity (g) then assuming the function to be
1 2 product of power function of m, l and g
 gm   cm   sec 
 6 . 67  10  8  3   2   
 10 gm   10 cm   sec  i.e., T  Km x l y g z ; where K = dimensionless
 6 . 67  10 11
–11 If the above relation is dimensionally correct then
 G = 6.67  10 M.K.S. units
by substituting the dimensions of quantities –
(4) To check the dimensional correctness of a x y –2 z 0 0 1
[T] = [M] [L] [LT ] or [M L T ] =
given physical relation : This is based on the ‘principle x y+z
[M L T ]
of homogeneity’. According to this principle the
dimensions of each term on both sides of an equation Equating the exponents of similar quantities x = 0,
must be the same. y = 1/2 and z = – 1/2
So the required physical relation becomes
If X  A  (BC ) 2  DEF ,
then according to principle of homogeneity T  K
[X] = [A] = [(BC) ]  [ DEF ] The value of dimensionless constant is found (2 )
If the dimensions of each term on both sides are l
through experiments so T  2
same, the equation is dimensionally correct, otherwise g
not. A dimensionally correct equation may or may not be
physically correct. (ii) Stoke’s law : When a small sphere moves at
low speed through a fluid, the viscous force F, opposes
Example : (i) F  mv 2 / r 2 the motion, is found experimentally to depend on the
radius r, the velocity of the sphere v and the viscosity 
of the fluid.
Units, Dimensions and Measurement 41
So F = f (, r, v) fork f  (d / L2 ) v cannot be derived by theory of
If the function is product of power functions of , r dimensions but can be checked.
and v, F  K r v ; x y z
where K is dimensionless Significant Figures
constant. Significant figures in the measured value of a
If the above relation is dimensionally correct physical quantity tell the number of digits in which we
2 have confidence. Larger the number of significant
[ MLT ]  [ ML 1 T 1 ] x [ L]y [ LT 1 z
figures obtained in a measurement, greater is the
or [ MLT ]  [ M x L x  y  z T  x  z ] accuracy of the measurement. The reverse is also true.

Equating the exponents of similar quantities The following rules are observed in counting the
number of significant figures in a given measured
x = 1; – x + y + z = 1 and – x – z = – 2
Solving these for x, y and z, we get x = y = z = 1
(1) All non-zero digits are significant.
So equation (i) becomes F = Krv Example : 42.3 has three significant figures.
On experimental grounds, K = 6; so F = 6rv 243.4 has four significant figures.
This is the famous Stoke’s law. 24.123 has five significant figures.
Limitations of Dimensional Analysis (2) A zero becomes significant figure if it appears
between two non-zero digits.
Although dimensional analysis is very useful it
cannot lead us too far as, Example : 5.03 has three significant figures.

(1) If dimensions are given, physical quantity may 5.604 has four significant figures.
not be unique as many physical quantities have same 4.004 has four significant figures.
dimensions. For example if the dimensional formula of a (3) Leading zeros or the zeros placed to the left of
physical quantity is [ ML 2 T 2 ] it may be work or energy the number are never significant.
or torque. Example : 0.543 has three significant figures.
(2) Numerical constant having no dimensions [K] 0.045 has two significant figures.
such as (1/2), 1 or 2 etc. cannot be deduced by the
0.006 has one significant figure.
methods of dimensions.
(4) Trailing zeros or the zeros placed to the right
(3) The method of dimensions can not be used to
of the number are significant.
derive relations other than product of power functions.
For example, Example : 4.330 has four significant figures.
433.00 has five significant figures.
s  u t  (1 / 2) a t 2 or y  a sin  t
343.000 has six significant figures.
cannot be derived by using this theory (try if you
(5) In exponential notation, the numerical portion
can). However, the dimensional correctness of these can
gives the number of significant figures.
be checked. –2
Example : 1.32  10 has three significant figures.
(4) The method of dimensions cannot be applied to 4
1.32  10 has three significant figures.
derive formula if in mechanics a physical quantity
depends on more than 3 physical quantities as then Rounding Off
there will be less number (= 3) of equations than the While rounding off measurements, we use the
unknowns (>3). However still we can check correctness following rules by convention:
of the given equation dimensionally. For example
(1) If the digit to be dropped is less than 5, then
T  2 I mgl can not be derived by theory of dimensions the preceding digit is left unchanged.
but its dimensional correctness can be checked. Example : x  7 . 82 is rounded off to 7.8,
(5) Even if a physical quantity depends on 3 again x  3 . 94 is rounded off to 3.9.
physical quantities, out of which two have same (2) If the digit to be dropped is more than 5, then
dimensions, the formula cannot be derived by theory of the preceding digit is raised by one.
dimensions, e.g., formula for the frequency of a tuning Example : x = 6.87 is rounded off to 6.9,
42 Units, Dimensions and Measurement
again x = 12.78 is rounded off to 12.8. 38.2818  (answer should be
(3) If the digit to be dropped is 5 followed by digits reported to 3
other than zero, then the preceding digit is raised by decimal places after rounding off)
Answer = 38.282
Example : x = 16.351 is rounded off to 16.4,
(2) The answer to a multiplication or division is
again x = 6.758 is rounded off to 6.8.
rounded off to the same number of significant figures as
(4) If digit to be dropped is 5 or 5 followed by possessed by the least precise term used in the
zeros, then preceding digit is left unchanged, if it is
calculation. The rule is illustrated by the following
examples :
Example : x = 3.250 becomes 3.2 on rounding off,
(i) 142.06
again x = 12.650 becomes 12.6 on rounding off.
 0.23  (two significant figures)
(5) If digit to be dropped is 5 or 5 followed by
zeros, then the preceding digit is raised by one, if it is 32.6738  (answer should have
odd. two
Example : x = 3.750 is rounded off to 3.8, significant figures)
again x = 16.150 is rounded off to 16.2. Answer = 33
Significant Figures in Calculation (ii) 51.028
In most of the experiments, the observations of  1.31  (three significant
various measurements are to be combined figures)
mathematically, i.e., added, subtracted, multiplied or 66.84668
divided to achieve the final result. Since, all the Answer = 66.8
observations in measurements do not have the same
0 . 90
precision, it is natural that the final result cannot be (iii)  0 . 2112676
4 . 26
more precise than the least precise measurement. The
Answer = 0.21
following two rules should be followed to obtain the
proper number of significant figures in any calculation. Order of Magnitude
(1) The result of an addition or subtraction in the In scientific notation the numbers are expressed
number having different precisions should be reported to as, Number  M  10 x . Where M is a number lies
the same number of decimal places as present in the between 1 and 10 and x is integer. Order of magnitude of
number having the least number of decimal places. The quantity is the power of 10 required to represent the
quantity. For determining this power, the value of the
rule is illustrated by the following examples :
quantity has to be rounded off. While rounding off, we
(i) 33.3  (has only one decimal ignore the last digit which is less than 5. If the last digit
place) is 5 or more than five, the preceding digit is increased
3.11 by one. For example,
(1) Speed of light in vacuum
+ 0.313
36.723  (answer should be reported to  3  10 8 ms 1  10 8 m / s (ignoring 3 < 5)

one decimal place) (2) Mass of electron  9 . 1  10 31 kg  10 30 kg (as 9.1
Answer = 36.7 > 5).

(ii) 3.1421 Errors of Measurement

0.241 The measuring process is essentially a process of
comparison. Inspite of our best efforts, the measured
+ 0.09  (has 2 decimal places)
value of a quantity is always somewhat different from
3.4731  (answer should be reported its actual value, or true value. This difference in the true
value and measured value of a quantity is called error of
to 2 decimal places)
Answer = 3.47 (1) Absolute error : Absolute error in the
(iii) 62.831  (has 3 decimal places) measurement of a physical quantity is the magnitude of
the difference between the true value and the measured
– 24.5492
value of the quantity.
Units, Dimensions and Measurement 43
Let a physical quantity be measured n times. Let The maximum absolute error in x is  x  ( a   b )
the measured value be a1, a2, a3, ….. an. The arithmetic (a  b )
a1  a 2  ......  an Percentage error in the value of x   100 %
mean of these value is am  ab
(3) Error in product of quantities :
Usually, am is taken as the true value of the
Suppose x = a  b
quantity, if the same is unknown otherwise.
Let a = absolute error in measurement of a,
By definition, absolute errors in the measured
values of the quantity are b = absolute error in measurement of b
x = absolute error in calculation of x i.e. product of
a1  am  a1
a and b.
a 2  am  a 2 The maximum fractional error in x is
…………. x   a b 
   
an  am  an x  a b 

The absolute errors may be positive in certain Percentage error in the value of x
cases and negative in certain other cases. = (% error in value of a) + (% error in value
(2) Mean absolute error : It is the arithmetic of b)
mean of the magnitudes of absolute errors in all the (4) Error in division of quantities : Suppose
measurements of the quantity. It is represented by  a. x 
Thus b
| a1 |  | a2 | ..... | an | Let a = absolute error in measurement of a,
a 
n b = absolute error in measurement of b
Hence the final result of measurement may be x = absolute error in calculation of x i.e. division
written as a  am  a of a and b.
This implies that any measurement of the quantity The maximum fractional error in x is
is likely to lie between (am  a) and (am  a). x   a b 
   
(3) Relative error or Fractional error : The
x  a b 
relative error or fractional error of measurement is Percentage error in the value of x
defined as the ratio of mean absolute error to the mean = (% error in value of a) + (% error in value of b)
value of the quantity measured. Thus (5) Error in quantity raised to some power : Suppose
Relative error or Fractional error an
Mean absolute error a x 
  bm
Mean value am
Let a = absolute error in measurement of a,
(4) Percentage error : When the b = absolute error in measurement of b
relative/fractional error is expressed in percentage, we
x = absolute error in calculation of x
call it percentage error. Thus
The maximum fractional error in x is
Percentage error   100 % x  a b 
am   n m 
x  a b 
Propagation of Errors Percentage error in the value of x
(1) Error in sum of the quantities : Suppose x= = n (% error in value of a) + m (%error in value of
a+b b)
Let a = absolute error in measurement of a
b = absolute error in measurement of b
x = absolute error in calculation of x
i.e. sum of a and b.
The maximum absolute error in x is  x  ( a   b )
(a  b )
Percentage error in the value of x   100 %
ab  The standard of Weight and Measures Act was
(2) Error in difference of the quantities : Suppose x passed in India in 1976. It recommended the use of SI
=a–b in all fields of science, technology, trade and
Let a = absolute error in measurement of a, industry.
b = absolute error in measurement of b  The dimensions of many physical quantities,
x = absolute error in calculation of x i.e. especially those in heat, thermodynamics, electricity
difference of a and b.
44 Units, Dimensions and Measurement
and magnetism in terms of mass, length and time quantity (n) and its unit (U) remains constant.
alone become irrational. Therefore, SI is adopted That is : nU = constant or n1U1 = n2U2.
which uses 7 basic units.
 The dimensions of a physical quantity are the  The product of numerical value (n) and unit (U)
of a physical quantity is called magnitude of the
powers to which basic units (not fundamental units
physical quantity.
alone) should be raised to represent the derived unit
of that physical quantity. Thus : Magnitude = nU
 The dimensional formula is very helpful in  Poiseuille (unit of viscosity) = pascal (unit of
writing the unit of a physical quantity in terms of the pressure) × second. That is : Pl : Pa- s.
basic units.
 The unit of power of lens (dioptre) gives the
 The dimensions of a physical quantity do not ability of the lens to converge or diverge the rays
depend on the system of units. refracted through it.
 A physical quantity that does not have any unit
must be dimensionless.
 The order of magnitude of a quantity means its
value (in suitable power of 10) nearest to the actual
 The pure numbers are dimensionless. value of the quantity.
 Generally, the symbols of those basic units,
whose dimension (power) in the dimensional
 Angle is exceptional physical quantity, which
though is a ratio of two similar physical quantities
formula is zero, are omitted from the dimensional
(angle = arc / radius) but still requires a unit
(degrees or radians) to specify it along with its
 It is wrong to say that the dimensions of force numerical value.
are MLT . On the other hand we should say that the
dimensional formula for force is MLT and that the  Solid angle subtended at a point inside the closed
dimensions of force are 1 in mass, 1 in length and –2 surface is 4 steradian.
in time.  A measurement of a physical quantity is said to
 Physical quantities defined as the ratio of two be accurate if the systematic error in its
similar quantities are dimensionless. measurement is relatively very low. On the other
 The physical relation involving logarithm, hand, the measurement of a physical quantity is said
exponential, trigonometric ratios, numerical factors to be precise if the random error is small.
etc. cannot be derived by the method of dimensional  A measurement is most accurate if its observed
analysis. value is very close to the true value.
 Physical relations involving addition or
 Errors are always additive in nature.
subtraction sign cannot be derived by the method of
dimensional analysis.  For greater accuracy, the quantity with higher
 If units or dimensions of two physical quantities power should have least error.
are same, these need not represent the same physical  The absolute error in each measurement is equal
characteristics. For example torque and work have to the least count of the measuring instrument.
the same units and dimensions but their physical
 Percentage error = relative error × 100.
characteristics are different.
 The standard units must not change with space  The unit and dimensions of the absolute error are
same as that of quantity itself.
and time. That is why atomic standard of length and
time have been defined. Attempts are being made to  Absolute error is not dimensionless quantity.
define the atomic standard for mass as well.
 Relative error is dimensionless quantity.
 The unit of time, the second, was initially defined value of 1 part on main scale (s)
in terms of the rotation of the earth around the sun  Least Count =
Number of parts on vernier scale (n)
as well as that about its own axis. This time standard
is subjected to variation with time. Therefore, the  Least count of vernier callipers
atomic standard of time has been defined.
 value of 1 part of   value of 1 part of 
=   
 Any repetitive phenomenon, such as an  main scale (s)   vernie r scale (v )
oscillating pendulum, spinning of earth about its
axis, etc can be used to measure time.  Least count of vernier calliper = 1 MSD – 1 VSD
where MSD = Main Scale Division
 The product of numerical value of the physical
Units, Dimensions and Measurement 45
VSD = Vernier Scale Division measured quantities.

 Least count of screw guage =

Pitch( p )
No. of parts on circular scale (n)

 Smaller the least count, higher is the accuracy of

 Larger the number of significant figures after the
decimal in a measurement, higher is the accuracy of
 Significant figures do not change if we measure a
physical quantity in different units.
 Significant figures retained after mathematical
operation (like addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division) should be equal to the minimum
significant figures involved in any physical quantity
in the given operation.
 Significant figures are the number of digits upto
which we are sure about their accuracy.
 If a number is without a decimal and ends in one
or more zeros, then all the zeros at the end of the
number may not be significant. To make the number
of significant figures clear, it is suggested that the
number may be written in exponential form. For
example 20300 may be expressed as 203.00×10 , to
suggest that all the zeros at the end of 20300 are
 1 inch = 2.54 cm
1 foot = 12 inches = 30.48 cm = 0.3048 m
1 mile = 5280 ft = 1.609 km
 1 yard = 0.9144 m
 1 slug = 14.59 kg
 1 barn = 10–28 m2
 1 liter = 103 cm3 = 10–3 m3
 1 km/h = m/s

1 m/s = 3.6 km/h

 1 g/cm3 = 1000 kg/m3
 1 atm. = 76 cm of Hg = 1.013 × 105 N/m2
1 N/m = Pa (Pascal)
 When we add or subtract two measured
quantities, the absolute error in the final result is
equal to the sum of the absolute errors in the
measured quantities.
 When we multiply or divide two measured
quantities, the relative error in the final result is
equal to the sum of the relative errors in the

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