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’ DENVER LIMITED DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY TO ENFORCE ‘SPECIFIC ORDINANCES OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER Pursuant to the power vested in the Executive Director of the Department of Public Safety by Section 2.0.9 uf the Charter of the City and Gounty of Denver ("Denver) and subject to the Specifications of Authority hereinafter described, qualified Patrol Officers of the Denver Public Schools Department of Safety ("DPS") are hereby ‘commissioned to enforce specific Denver municipal ordinances as detailed herein. ‘SPECIFICATION OF AUTHORITY Patol Officers of the DPS are hereby commissioned to enforce specific ordinances of the City, and are authorized and empowered to enforce specific provisions of the Denver Revised Municipal Code (DRMC), only in the manner specified as follows: 41. Qualified DPS Patrol Officers are hereby authorized and empowered to enforce and to issue citations for riminal violations of the following sections of the DRM: {, 54-419(a) Parking in private driveway or on private property . 54-482(a), (b), (c) Parking in accordance with posted signs, violations generally 38-173 Possession of injection devices 38-175(c) Possession or consumption of marijuana 38-51.8 Petty theft 38-61 Destruction of public property 38-71 Destruction of private Property 38-89 Disturbing the peace 38-92 Threats 38-93 Assault 38-93.1 Public fighting 38-102 Possession of grafti materials prohibited 38-115 Trespass 38-117 Dangerous or deadly weapons 38-119 Certain knives unlawful 38-127 Throwing stones or missiles, peag-rersesean 2. This authority is confined to DRMC sections cited above and to the locations as specified herein: ‘a, The authority to enforce sections 54-419(a) and 54-482 extends only to the locations specified in §54-2 of the DRMC, and in accordance with the provisions of §§54-786(c), 54-788, and 54-419(b) of the DRMC, as amended ‘Set eparmet/Deparmen ct Pe Sati "554 Gnranea S900 | Dane B06 SECOND AMEND LIMITED DELEGRATION OF AUTHORITY TO COLORADO STATE PATROL . The authority to enforce the remaining DRMC sections specified above extends only to buildings, property, and facities either owned for managed by Denver Public Schools, including parking lots and surrourding Denver Public Schoo! grounds. 3, Before exercising authority under this delegation, each DPS Patrol Officer must complete a mandatory training program from the Denver City Attorney's Office and the Department of Safety. Commissioned Patrol Officers must comply with the provisions of the Law Enforcement Integrity Act as applicable. Failure to do 0 will result in immediate revocation of the commission. ‘This commission is not a deputization of DPS Patrol Officers by Denver. It does not create any agency or employment relationship between the DPS and Denver. It does ‘not extend the provisions of § 13-21-131 to DPS Patrol Officers, While engaged in activities pursuant to this commission, DPS Patrol Officers will remain under their chain of command within the DPS, Itis understood that the commissions granted pursuant to this delegation of authority are without pay and expire when employment requiring appointment terminates, and exist atthe pleasure of the Executive Director of the Deparment of Public Safety, who reserves the right in hisfher sole and absolute discretion to revoke said commissions if he/she fee's that revocation serves the best interests of Denver or the general public. This delegation of aurhorty is effective immediately and will continue in effect unless extended, rescinded, superseded, or amended in writing by the Executive Director of the Denver Deparment of Salty APPROVED eR g 8 2021 wnohfeerson reeuve Decl o! Safely mae act ommtenesaor hail eperinenpaton tha Sey 1331 Chrohe Sk #302 | Bene CO 8Oz0e ‘anndeninamunstat

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