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Course title: Listening & Speaking 1

Part 1: You will have to talk about the topic for 1.5 minutes. You can make some notes to
help you if you wish.

Describe your neighborhood.

You should say:
• where you live
• what the places are in your neighborhood
• how places near your house affect you
and describe how you can improve your neighborhood.

Part 2: Take your side. Discuss this topic with your partner in no more than 3 minutes.

Is it important to establish and maintain a good relationship with your

neighbors? Give reasons and examples to support your point of view.


Course title: Listening & Speaking 1

Part 1: You will have to talk about the topic for 1.5 minutes. You can make some notes to
help you if you wish.

Describe your dream house.

You should say:
• where you are living now
• where you want to live
• what kind of house is your dream house
and explain why you think it is your dream house.

Part 2: Take your side. Discuss this topic with your partner in no more than 3 minutes.

Many people living in rural areas would like to migrate to cities while those
living in urban centers wish they could move to the countryside. Which is
better: city life or country life? Give reasons and examples to support your
point of view.
Course title: Listening & Speaking 1

Part 1: You will have to talk about the topic for 1.5 minutes. You can make some notes to
help you if you wish.

Describe a memorable trip you have had.

You should say:
• where you went
• how you got there
• what you did there
and explain why you enjoyed it.

Part 2: Take your side. Discuss this topic with your partner in no more than 3 minutes.

Some people prefer to go on guided tours when they travel while others prefer to
travel individually. Which do you think is better? Give reasons and examples to
support your point of view.

Course title: Listening & Speaking 1

Part 1: You will have to talk about the topic for 1.5 minutes. You can make some notes to
help you if you wish.

Describe a memorable event in your life.

You should say:
• when the event took place
• where the event took place
• what happened exactly
and explain why this event is memorable to you.

Part 2: Take your side. Discuss this topic with your partner in no more than 3 minutes.

Things were different in the past and they have changed a lot in the last few
decades. Are the changes positive or negative? Give examples to clarify your
Course title: Listening & Speaking 1

Part 1: You will have to talk about the topic for 1.5 minutes. You can make some notes to
help you if you wish.

Describe an item of technology you have that is very important.

You should say:
• what the item of technology is
• when you got it
• how often you use it
and explain why it is important to you.

Part 2: Take your side. Discuss this topic with your partner in no more than 3 minutes.

With the rapid advancement of communication technology, e.g. smart

phones, tablets and other mobile devices, some people believe that the
disadvantages outweigh the advantages. To what extent do you agree or
disagree? Give examples to clarify your viewpoint.

Course title: Listening & Speaking 1

Part 1: You will have to talk about the topic for 1.5 minutes. You can make some notes to
help you if you wish.

Describe a website that you often use.

You should say:
• what type of website it is
• how you found out about it
• what it allows you to do
and explain why you find it useful.

Part 2: Take your side. Discuss this topic with your partner in no more than 3 minutes.

Which is better: shopping online or purchasing in stores? Give reasons and

examples to support your point of view.
Course title: Listening & Speaking 1

Part 1: You will have to talk about the topic for 1.5 minutes. You can make some notes to
help you if you wish.

Describe one of your best friends during your school days.

You should say:
• what this person looked like
• what kind of person he/she was
• what you did when you were together
and explain why he/she was one of your best friends.

Part 2: Take your side. Discuss this topic with your partner in no more than 3 minutes.

Which is more important: high school friends or college friends? Give

reasons and examples to support your point of view.


Course title: Listening & Speaking 1

Part 1: You will have to talk about the topic for 1.5 minutes. You can make some notes to
help you if you wish.

Describe a school / university you have studied in.

You should say:
• where it is
• how long you have studied there
• what it looks like
and explain what was the most attractive aspect of this school.

Part 2: Take your side. Discuss this topic with your partner in no more than 3 minutes.

Do you think computers will one day replace teachers in the classroom?
Give reasons and examples to clarify your perspective.
Course title: Listening & Speaking 1

Part 1: You will have to talk about the topic for 1.5 minutes. You can make some notes to
help you if you wish.

Describe a job which you think is perfect for you.

You should say:
• what job this is
• why you select this job
• what skills are required to do this job
and explain why you think this job is perfect for you.

Part 2: Take your side. Discuss this topic with your partner in no more than 3 minutes.

Should students work a part-time job while they are studying? Give reasons
and examples to support your point of view.

Course title: Listening & Speaking 1

SET 10
Part 1: You will have to talk about the topic for 1.5 minutes. You can make some notes to
help you if you wish.

Describe a team project or an individual project that you worked on.

You should say:
• what it was
• when you did it
• what you did
and describe how you felt about it.

Part 2: Take your side. Discuss this topic with your partner in no more than 3 minutes.

What are some advantages and disadvantages of working as a freelancer?

Give examples to support your answer.

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