Dokumen - Tips Acoustic Horns With Spatially Varying Density or Elasticity

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8 Received 16 December 1970

Acoustic Horns with Spatially Varying Density or Elasticity *

E. A. G. SH^w

Divisionof Physics,National Research

Councilof Canada,Ottawa7, Ontario,Canada

The transformationof acousticimpedancecan be accomplished either by a controlledvariation of wave-

front area as the wave progresses,or by transmissionof the waves through a medium in which there is a
gradientof densityor elasticity.The secondconceptdoesnot seemto havebeenexploiteddespitethe fact
that the effectivedensityof a fluid mediumcan be increasedby introducingsuitablearraysof obstacles,
and the bulk modulusof a liquid decreased by compliantinclusions. The presentanalysisshowsthat for
plane wavesa mediumin which densityvariesas (B -• mx)-•' or elasticmodulusas (B--mx) •', where x
is distanceand B and m are constants,is analogous to the familiar exponentialhorn. Simpleanalytical
solutionsare alsofoundfor radial variationsof densityor elasticitywhich transformthe behaviorof sectoral
and conicalhornsinto the acousticequivalentsof exponentialhorns.Sincethe wave equationis separable
in both cylindricaland sphericalcoordinates, thesesolutionsare exact.Three examplesof artificialfluid
structureare givenand the relationships betweenarray size,bandwidth,and dampingare discussed.

INTRODUCTION exponential and other well-designedhorns. Since these

wave systemshave horn properties,they can be loosely
The theory of acoustichorns has usually been con-
describedas "horns" even though the wavefront may
cernedwith the ideal case,first discussed by Webster,•
expandinto a solidangleof 4•r. Finally, it is necessaryto
in which the wavefront graduallyexpandsbut remains
devise artificial structures by means of which the re-
plane, a conditionwhich, strictly speaking,can be met
quired spatial variations of fluid properties can be
only if the crosssectionis infinitesimal2,3Hence it has
attained in practice.
been possible to calculate rather accurate values of
While acoustichornswith spatialvariationsof density
input impedancefor the shapesof horn which have the
or elasticity do not seem to have been treated previ-
most useful impedance-transforming properties, par-
ously, there is an extensiveliterature on related topics.
ticularly the low-T membersof the Salmon family.4
For example,wave propagationin media with variable
Since these shapesdo not fit any of the 11 coordinate
sound velocity is an important topic in underwater
systemsof Eisenhartin which the acousticwave equa-
sound,7and wave transmission and absorptionin finely
tion is known to be separable,* the wave functionsare
layered and other inhomogeneous media haYe beendis-
generallyunknownexceptat low frequencies.Where an
cussedfor their generalinterest,for their practicalap-
efficienthorn systemwith a large wavefront curvature
plications to sound absorptionand vibration isolation
is required, it is therefore necessaryto break the
problems,and in the context of geophysicalexplora-
wavefront into manageablesections,as in the multi- tion. 8-•'• Other work is cited later.
cellular horn. 6
The purposeof thispaperisto showhowthisdilemma,
which lies at the center of ideal horn theory, can be
resolvedby suitably modifying the propertiesof the A. General Equations
medium. First an exact one-parametersolutionof the
wave equation is selected,using one of the coordinate Figure 1 shows an acoustic space defined by a
systemswhich allows separationof the variables. Then coordinatesystemin which the acousticwave equation
a spatialvariation of fluid densityor elasticityis found is simplyseparable.
5The spacecontainsa wave system,
which produces the desired impedance-transformingwith amplitude and phasedependentonly on a single
properties. Hence, it is shown that cylindrical and spatial coordinatex, in a fluid medium whoseacoustic
spherical wave systems can be endowed with the propertiesalsoare dependentonly on x. Hence S1,
excellentimpedance-transforming propertiesof the ideal and S are surfacesof constantphaseand dx definesa

830 Volume 50 Number 3 (Part 2) 1971

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FIG. 1. Acousticspacewith waveparameters,fluid

density p, and bulk modulusK dependenton x
coordinate only.

thin uniform shell of fluid between neighboring in a reference fluid with values of bulk modulus K0 and
surfaces. density00independent
of x'. Then
Then the appropriateequationsof continuity,elas-
ticity, and motion are as follows' _1
' OsP
-- O(S'aP• (7)
co• OF S• Ox•\ Ox'/
•p 1 o
p S Ox In mathematical form, Eq. 7 is identical with
I but, unlike that famousequation,
p=K•p/p, (2) it leads to wave functions which are exact since it is a
reformulationof an exactwave equationin the original
ap a•(s•)
-S--=o•, (3) coordinatesystem(Eq. 4). The formalidentitybetween
Ox OF Eq. 7 and Webster'sequationis mostusefulsincethe
to Webster'sequationwhichhavebeenfound
where K is the bulk modulus and o the time-average to have desirableimpedance-transforming properties
densityofthefluid,/50thetime-dependentcomponent of can be used to find desirable wave solutions to Eq. 4.
density,• the particledisplacement, p the acoustic For this reason,it is usefulto refer to S'(x') as an
andS thewavefrontarea.A waveequationin "equivalent" horn.
p is obtainedfrom Eqs. 1, 2, and 3 by eliminating// The best-knownsolutionsto Eq. 7 are thoserelated
and/50: to the Salmonfamily of horns4,14:

p=Aei•t+•x'/(coshmx'+Tsinhmx') (8)
at2= • Ox at•/ and
or (4)
S' = S•'(coshmx'
+ T sinhmx')
s, (9)
at• S Ox • ' where m is the "flare" constant, T the "shape" parame-
ter, S[ the "throat" area, and
wherec= (K/p) -I and z= (pK)i.
Equation4 canbe put in a moreconvenient
formby .yS
= ms_ (wS/CoS). (10)
the followingcoordinatetransformations'
In principle, the corresponding solutionsin the
(s) originalcoordinate systemcanbe obtainedby inversely
transformingEqs. 8 and 9 in accordance with Eqs. 5
S'= (Zo/z)S, (6) and 6. However,beforeproceeding further, it is noted
whereCo=(Ko/oo)• andz0= (K0p0)
i are,respectively,
the that neither c nor z is a simpleproperty of the fluid
velocityofsoundandthecharacteristicwaveimpedance medium. It is therefore convenient to define a density
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Fro. 2. Relationshipbetween original coordinate

system (above) and transformedsystem (below).
X• X The ideal horn shownbelow is deemed"equivalent"
to the acousticspaceabovesince,by definition,the
two have identical impedance transforming and

S' (Zo/Z)S=S/DE
dX'= (Co/C)dX=(D/E)dX

parameterD and an elasticityparameterE as follows' variesexponentially

with x' (T= 1 in Eqs.8 and9), i.e.,
D= (p//po)
« S'=Si'e 2tax'. (16)
= (coz/czo), (1
The right-handsideof Eq. 15cannowbeintegratedand
the equation inverted to provide an expressionfor
;s= (X/Xo) 2mx' :
= (cz/cozo)•. (12) 2m S

Hence, the coordinatetransformationEqs. 5 and 6 can

be rewritten
1. (17)
dx= (E/D)dx', (13) An alternativeexpression
for 2mx'canbe obtainedfrom
Eqs. 16 and 14'
2mx'= In (S'/S[)
and, by combiningEqs. 13 and 14, a useful integral
relationshipcan alsobe obtained' = In (SD•E•/S•DE), (18)
whereS• corresponds to S•' asshownin Fig. 2, andD•
and E• are the appropriatevaluesof D and E.
\E2/ By combining Eqs.16and 17,2mx'canbe eliminated
from the expressionfor S',
The relationshipbetweenthe two systemsis illus-
trated by Fig. 2. It can be notedthat the corresponding
spaceelements(S,dx) and (S',dx') have equalvaluesof
acousticimpedancez/S=zo/S' and equalvaluesof time
\E2/ x'=
2,nf(S--)& (19)
delay dx'/co=dx/c. Furthermore, where only D is which,with Eq. 14, yieldsthe followingbasicequation'
allowedto vary (i.e., E-1), the volume elementsSdx
and S'dx' are also equal.

B. Systems with Exponential Behavior

f (•--•)dx].
Severalanalytical solutionsof Eq. 4 can be obtained An expressionfor the acousticpressurep is obtained
very easilyby restrictingattention to casesin which S' from Eq. 8 makinguseof Eq. 17'

832 Volume 50 Number 3 (Part 2) 1971

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X=O X, X
X2 =1/2m

FIG. 3. Above: Plane-

wave impedance trans-
former extending from
x• to x2 with density '•' / ' •D= 1/2 mX
parameter D varying in-
D--CO D}•
versely with x (origi-
nal coordinates).Below:
Equivalent ideal ex- / /
ponential horn (trans-
formed coordinates).

S•1 S•=S•/D ßS[z



X'= (1/2m),•n.(X/X•)

p = Ae mission,
is obtained
by settingEq. 10equalto zero'
vc= m6o/2•-.
_ 2mSdx
(•,)/(•)] , (21)
(•/•,m)--• Hence

andan expression
for the particlevelocityu by inte- and,fromEq. 22, theacoustic
is asfollows'
grating Eq. 3'
p/Su=-+-zo(DE/S){[1--(vJv)2-]•+ipJv}, (25)
wheretheuppersignrefersto outward-going
andthelowersignto inwardwaves.Apart
fromthefactorDE, Expression
25 is thefamiliaronefor
J \ Ox/
the acousticimpedance of an exponential
horn of
By properlycombining
wavefunctions,solutionsfor finite wave
systems can be obtained in the usual manner. •5,•7

TABLE I. Density parameter and distance transformation

(22) functions
for planecylindrical
exponential behavior.

Hence,by dividingEq. 21by Eq. 22andusingEq. 20to Wave Density Distance

eliminatethe integral, geometry parameter "' transformation b

Plane (n=O) D= 1/2(B+mx) x' =• In

S=& 2m \B+mx•/

= --iwDE/[-po(.r--m)-]. (23)
Cylindrical(n= 1) D = rex/lB + (rex)el x' = • l In(....B+Onx)2

wavemotionis impossible whenp/u is Spherical(n= 2)
S=S• (x/x•)•
D= 3 (mx):/
Therefore,sincem isreal,i'r mustbe 2m \B+
real or complex.
The cutofffrequency of the system From Eq. 28.
vc=wc/2•',whichis the low-frequency
limit for trans- From Eq. 29.

The Journalof the Acoustical

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Fig. 4. Curves of density parameter D versus

normalized radial distance •nx for cylindrical wave
systemswith exponentialbehavior.


Althoughtheexponential formof S' isveryusefuland

most convenient,the generalequationsof Sec. I-A
are by no meanslimited to this specialcasebut are
m(n+l)(mx,) '•
, (27)

equallyvalid for othersolutions

of Webster'sequation. where B is the integration constant,
C. Choice of Geometry 0= + /2E3 + (28)
If Eqs. 20-23 are to be evaluated,it is necessaryto
selecta suitablecoordinatesystem,determinethe form x'= (1/2m)ln{[-B-+-(mx)"+•-]/[-B+ (mx•)n+•-]}.(29)
of S(x), and eliminateeitherD or E as a variable.The
threewavesystemswhichare considered hereare plane These results are summarized in Table I.
waves which can be contained within a uniform tube, Theupperpartof Fig.3 shows
a plane-wave
circularcylindricalwaveswith axial symmetrywhich impedance transformer with densityspatiallyvarying
are compatiblewith the sectoralhorn, and spherical in accordancewith Table I. Since the wavefront area S
waveswith centralsymmetrywhichfit the conicalhorn. is independent of x, theratioof acousticimpedances at
For these systems, theinputandoutputends(x•andx2)isdetermined
S=S•(X/Xl) ,•, (26) thevaluesof thedensityparameter
D at thesepositions.
wheren=0, 1, and 2, respectively,and S1 is the wave- by thevalueofm,apartfromthechoiceofinitialposi-
front area at x=x•. tionalongthex axis.In Fig.3, theconstant
B isequalto
zero,so that D= ooat x=0. HenceD=l/2mx, and
D. Waves Systemswith Varying Density and P--Po/(2tax)
2.The impedance ratioissimplyx2/x•.The
Constant Elasticity transformer terminates at x2=l/2m=Xc/4•r, where
SubstitutingE = 1 in Eqs. 20 and 18, and makinguse ?,c=c0/v•is the wavelengthof soundin the reference
of Eq. 26, fluid at the cutoff
For thisparticularchoice

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I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I
- B--O I1' --

- i -
• B -


Fro. 5. Curves of density parameter D versus

normalizeddistancemx for sphericalwave systems
with exponentialbehavior.

i• 2.o.....•----

...-- I I
I I I i


of x•, D- 1 and p =p0. (It is worth notingthat the wave parameteris zeroat the axis,risesto a maximumwhich
impedancecan be transformedfrom o0c0to o, in a may be moreor lessthan 1, and then falls steadilywith
remarkablysmall distance:Xc/4r.) increasingradius.
The lower part of Fig. 3 showsthe ideal exponential Since,for positivevaluesof B, the densityparameter
horn, which is obtained by transformingcoordinates is zeroat the axis (or centerof symmetryfor spherical
accordingto Eqs. 13, 14, and 29 and which is therefore wave systems),the characteristic waveimpedancezoD
equivalent to the plane-wave impedancetransformer also is zero at the axis. In contrast, the acousticim-
shown above. It can be seen that the corresponding pedancezoD/S has a finite value at the axis, sincethe
spaceelementsdiffer in shapebut not in volume. vanishinglysmallvalue of D is offsetby the equallylow
Figure 4 shows curves of D as functions of the value of S. The limiting value of zoD/S which can be
normalized radial distancemx which endow a cylin- shown to vary inverselywith B, reflectsthe limited
drical wave system with the impedance-transforming amountof spaceavailablefor impedancetransformation
propertiesof the exponentialhorn. Similar curves for near the axis.
sphericalwaves are presentedin Fig. 5. In contrast In the cylindricaland sphericalsystems,there is the
with the plane-wavecase,a variety of densityprofilesis possibilityof an impedancetransformerwith normal
available with cylindrical and spherical waves, de- fluid (D= 1) at both inner and outer boundaries.For
pending on the value assignedto B. In Fig. 4, for example,the curveB =0.1 in Fig. 5 suggests a spherical
example,with B -0, D is infiniteat the cylinderaxisand wave transformer with boundaries located at mx• =0.288
fallsmonotonicallywith radiusreachingthe value D= 1 and mx•.=1.45. At mx=0.58, D rises to a maximum
at mx-l.0. For positive values of B, the density value of 1.71, corresponding
to •/•0-3.08.

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X=0 X2 X =1/2m

E=I E=l-2mXx x
\ x
I \ x
\ x
Fro. 6. Above: Plane-wave acoustic impedance
\ transformer extendingfrom x• to x2 with elasticity
parameterE varying linearly with x (original co-
ordinates). Below: Equivalent ideal exponential
horn (transformedcoordinates).

S•,= S,


X' --'--(1/2m).,Jz(1-2taX)

E. Wave Systems with Varying Elasticity and cylindrical,and sphericalwavesfor which

Constant Density

When the elasticityparameterE is an undetermined wheren=0, 1, and 2, respectively (seeEq. 26).

function of x, it is necessaryto differentiate and re- Hence Eq. 31 reducesto the simple homogeneous
arrangeEq. 20 prior to solutionas follows' equation,
2red 10S 10D 10E 2m= n (E/x) -- OE/Ox, (32)
• = . (30) the solutionsto which are given in Table II.
E S Ox D Ox E Ox
The upper part of Fig. 6 showsa plane-wavesystem
Hence, if D-1, in whichimpedancetransformationis accomplished
E OS OE a linear variation of E with x in accordance with
2m= . (31)
Table II. For planewaves,a changein the valueof B is
S Ox Ox
equivalentto a shift of the coordinatesystemalongthe
It is again convenientto restrict attention to plane, x axis, as in the variable-D case' the profile of E is
unchanged.If B=«, the acousticimpedanceis trans-
formed from the standard value poco/S•at mx=O to a
TABL• II. Elasticity parameterand distancetransformation value approaching zeroas mx increases.This is in con-
functionsfor plane cylindricaland sphericalwave systemswith
exponentialbehavior. trast to the variable-Dsystemshownin Fig. 3, in which
the impedanceis transformeddown from a highvalue
Wave Elasticity Distance
at mx-•_•O
to the standardvalue at mx= «. The difference
geometry parametera transformation is illustratedby the lowerpart of Fig. 6, whichshowsthe
ideal exponentialhorn obtainedb• transformingco-
Plane (n = O) E = 2 (B-- tax) x' = • In ordinatesaccordingto Eqs. 13, 14, and 18.
Figure 7 showscurvesof E as functionsof mx for
cylindricalwaves.With all the acceptablevaluesof B
Cylindrical (n = 1) E = 2taxIn (B/rex) x' =• In (i.e., B>0), the elasticity parameter is zero at the
cylinder axis (mx=0), risesto a maximum with in-
creasingradius,and again falls to zero. For spherical
Spherical(n= 2) E= 2mx+B (mx)• x' =• In ß waves,as shownin Fig. 8, thereis similarbehaviorwith
negativevaluesof B. When B>_0, however,E increases
Solutions to Eq. 32.
monotonicallywith x. For all valuesof B, the character-
From Eq. 18. istic waveimpedancezoE of cylindrical and spherical

836 Volume 50 Number 3 (Part 2) 1971

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extensive section of standard fluid commencingat



A. Lattice Properties

To vary the effectivedensity or elasticity of a fluid

mediumit is necessaryto introduceappropriateperiodic
structure.The acousticmediumthen haslattice proper-
ties•s and must meet the following criteria if the
continuum theory developedin Sec. I is to be valid
and useful:

(1) The lattice spacingmust be no greaterthan one-

half of the effectivewavelengthin the artificial medium,
and preferablyconsiderably less.
(2) Excessiveenergy loss and nonlinear behavior
o 1.o 2.o must be avoided.
The numberof lattice sectionsrequired,if the first of
Fro. 7. Curves of elasticity parameterE versusnormalized thesecriteria is to be met, can be determinedfrom the
radial distancemx for cylindricalwavesystemswith exponential
behavior. total phasechange0 during transmission at a specified
upper frequencylimit •,.... An inspectionof Eqs. 8 and
wave systemsfalls to zeroat the cylinderaxis or sphere 10 shows that 0 varies with x' as follows'
center, while the acousticimpedanceZoE/S tends to
0 = iTx'
infinity since,as x--> 0, S falls more rapidly than E.
2,r•,,,,,•x/Co, (33)
Of particular interest in Figs. 7 and 8 are the curves
whichhavemaximawith the valueE- 1. For cylindrical
If S' variesexponentiallywith x' as in Eq. 16 then, at
wavesthe maximum occursat mx=0.5 with B = 1.3594,
the output of the system (S'=Ss'),
and for spherical waves at mx= 1.0 with B=--I. At
such a maximum there is the prospectof a uniquely x'= (1/2m) ln(S•.'/St')
smooth transition between the variable-E section and an = (co/4•'•,,.)ln(S2'/S•'). (34)


B -O5

Fro. 8. Curves of elasticity parameter E versus

normalizedradial distancemx for sphericalwave
systemswith exponentialbehavior.


1.0 2.0 30

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B. Constricted Fluid Flow

The use of obstaclearrays to increasethe effective

densityof a fluid hasalreadybeendescribedin relation
to acousticlensesand prisms.lø In general,sucharrays
alsoincreasethe effectivebulk modulusof the fluid, but
this effect can be kept small if the solid structure
occupiesonly a smallfractionof the total volume.Such
an array is shownin Fig. 9. It consistsof a seriesof thin
immovableplatesplacedperpendicularto the direction
of sound transmissionwith a spacingl and having a
squarearray (dX d) of circularaperturesof radius a.
Then, the inertanceof the fluid in a unit cell is
Ll=ool/d 2
and the inertanceof a singleaperture2ø
La•0.54 (po/a)(1-- 2.5a/d),
where a_<d/4. Hence
Fro. 9. Array of immovableplateswith apertureswhichincrease
effective fluid density by constrictingflow. p/po•---[0.54
(po/a)( 1-- 2.5a/d)q-pol/d•-]/(pol/d•

+O.54(d•la) (1-- 2.5a/d)-]•. (37)
• (Vmax/2V•)
In (S2t/S1t)
= (Vm•x/2V•)
ln(S2DiE1/SxD2E2). If, for example,a-d/6 and l-d, then the approximate
value of D is 1.7, whichis the maximumvalue required
If Vm•xis tO lie well within the passbandof the system, for the curve B-0.1 in Fig. 5. (Where l is appreciably
the acceptable phaseshift per sectionis of the orderof smaller than a, the mutual mass between successive
1 rad. Hence, the numericalvalue of Eq. 35 is the re- aperturesbecomes important?)
quired number of lattice sectionsin a conservative For low to moderate values of the particle velocity,
design. Table III shows calculatedvalues of 0 for and displacement,the main loss mechanism with
variousvaluesof Vm•x/Vc and S•'/S[. constrictedfluid flow is the viscousboundarylayer, the
The optimum lattice designhas uniform spacing thicknessof which tv is about 0.07 mm in air at 1000 Hz.
along the x' axis. Since the sound velocity in the Sincethe Q of a circularhole of radiusa in a thin plate
transformedcoordinatesystemis by definitionCo,the is of the order of a/tv, the Q shouldbe adequatein the
requiredspacingfor a maximumphaseshiftof 1 rad per audiofrequency range,with holesof the order of 1 cm
section is in diameter.It is noted, however,that a small radiusof
l' = Co/2•rv,•. curvatureat the edgeof a holeincreases the losses
reduces the threshold of turbulent flow?ø
Hence,fromEq. 13,the requiredspacingin themodified
fluid is C. Inertial Membranes
l= (E/D)co/2•rVmax. (36)
Figure 10 shows a series of flexible impermeable
At the upper frequencylimit, the powertransmission membranes of density p• and thickness t which are
factor per sectionis of the orderof e-•/o, whereQ is the placed perpendicularto the direction of sound trans-
quality factor of the section. Hence, the fraction of missionwith a spacingl and are highly flexibleand
powertransmittedthrough0 sectionsis of the order of therefore free to move with the fluid. Then the inertance
e-ø/o, whichmeansthat the powerlossis 63%, or 4.3 per unit areaof membraneisp•t,whichmustbe addedto
dB, when O-Q. Sincethis is the maximum losswhich
would likely be consideredacceptablein possibleappli-
TABLv.III. Number of lattice sections0 required for a maximum
cations, it is necessaryto look for fluid structures in phaseshift of approximately1 rad per section.
which Q>O. However, it can be noted that the fre-
quencyresponseof real systemsis often improved by •tm•x/lt½
moderate damping. Sd/S/ 2 5 10
The structureswhich seemmost promisingare those 10 2 6 11
whichdisplaceonly a smallfractionof the fluid volume 30 3 9 17
and yet offer the prospectof values of D or E ap- 100 5 11 23
300 6 14 28
preciably different from 1. Three such structuresare
considered here.

838 Volume 50 Number 3 (Part 2) 1971

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the inertance per unit crosssection of fluid t•o(1--t).


t•/t•o- Et•xt+ t,o(1- t)3/t•ol

'• l q-rr/t•ol,

if tr=t>•t and t((1. Hence

D---•El q-tr/t•ol3•. (38)

Sincethe densityof mostflexibleplasticmaterialsis

about 1000timesgreaterthan that of air, it is clearthat
substantialvaluesof D are within reach.For example,a
seriesof 0.1-mmpolyethylenesheetswith 1-cmspacing
would give D•---3.
The only significantlossmechanismwith the inertial
membraneis the thermal-boundary-layer lossat each
membrane-fluid interface. Since the thickness of the
thermal boundarylayer for air is lessthan 0.1 mm at
1000 Hz, a Q of the order of 100 should be readily
The lackof highlyflexiblehigh-densitymaterialsmay Fro. 11. Array of air-filled (or evacuated) elastic tubes which
limit the useof inertialmembranes in liquids.However, decreaseeffectivebulk modulusof liquid medium.
thisdifficultymay be offsetby the highacousticloading
presentedby liquids, which may eliminate the mem- tube is
braneresonance problemsthat canbe anticipatedwith Xv= -- 2•raba
= --2•ra•.p•a/F,
D. Compliant Inclusions sincethe circumferentialcompression
forcein the tube
wall is
The effectivebulk modulusof a liquid can be de- F=ap.
creasedby introducinghighly compressible objects.In
particular,arrays of compliantmetal tubeshave been If Y is the Young'smodulusof the wall material, then
usedto reducethe velocityof soundin water and hence Yt= --F/(ba/a).
to form acoustic lenses? -25
Figure 11 showsan array of air-filled or evacuated
tubes of radius a and wall thickness t immersed in a Xv= 2•ra•p/Yt.
liquidof densityp0.If the acousticpressurein the liquid The volumedisplacement
of liquid containedin a unit
is p, then the volumedisplacement per unit length of cell is
X •:= (ld--•ra2)p/Ko,
sinceunit lengthof tubereplaces
a volume•ra• of liquid.

K/Ko= (X•:+Xv)/ (ld/Ko)

= (2•raaKo/ldtY)+1-- (•ra2/ld)
E= [1 -- (•ra2ld)q-2•ra•Ko/ldt
Y•i. (39)
Valuesof E substantiallylessthan 1 canbe obtained
by choosing a tube-wallmaterialwhichhas Young's
modulusnogreaterthanthebulkmodulusof theliquid.
For example,consider an arrayof polystyreneor nylon
tubes (Y'•2.3X10 •0 dyn/cm2) with a=0.5 cm, t=0.1
cm, and d=l=2 cm immersed in water (K0=2X10 n
dyn/cm2).Then the elasticityparameteraccording to
Eq. 39 is approximately 0.23. Referringto the curve
B= 1.359 in Fig. 7, this is the minimumvalue of E
Fro. 10.Arrayof flexibleinertialmembranes whichmovefreely which would be requiredfor a cylindricalwave system
with fluid, therebyincreasing
effectivedensityof medium. couplinga transducerof normalizedradius mx•---0.03 to

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the surroundingunmodifiedliquid (E= 1) at mx=0.5. •'V. Salmon, "Generalized Plane Wave Horn Theory," J.
Acoust. Soc.Amer. 17, 199-211 (1946).
(Suitablysmallvaluesof E can alsobe achievedwith 30. K. Mawardi, "Generalized Solutions of Webster's Horn
flattened metal tubes?) Theory," J. Acoust.Soc.Amer. 21,323-330 (1949).
In the examplechosen,the stiffnessof the air within 17,4V. Salmon, "A New Family of Horns," J. Acoust.Soc. Amer.
212-218 (1946).
the tube is negligiblecomparedwith that of the tube 5 p. Moon and D. Spencer,Field Theoryfor Engineers(Van
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840 Volume 50 Number 3 (Part 2) 1971

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