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Appendix D Self-Test Solutions and Answers to Even-Numbered Exercises 1045

As a further check for outliers, we used Minitab to e β0β1 x

compute the following studentized deleted residuals: 48. a. E( y) 
1  e β0β1 x
b. ĝ(x)  2.805  1.1492x
Studentized Studentized c. .86
Deleted Deleted d. Estimated odds ratio  3.16
Observation Residual Observation Residual
1 2.11 5 1.13 50. b. 67.39
2 1.10 6 .36
52. a. ŷ  1.41  .0235x1  .00486x2
3 1.31 7 1.16
4 .33 8 1.10 b. Significant; p-value  .0001
c. Both significant
d. R2  .937; R2a  9.19; good fit
t.025  2.776 (n  p  2  8  2  2  4 degrees of
freedom) 54. a. Buy Again  7.522  1.8151 Steering
Because none of the studentized deleted residuals are b. Yes
less than 2.776 or greater than 2.776, we conclude c. Buy Again  5.388  .6899 Steering  .9113
that there are no outliers in the data Treadwear
d. Minitab provides the following values: d. Significant; p-value  .001
56. a. ŷ  4.9090  10.4658 FundDE  21.6823 FundIE
Observation hi Di b. R2  .6144; reasonably good fit
1 .63 1.52 c. ŷ  1.1899  6.8969 FundDE  17.6800 FundIE
2 .65 .70  0.0265 Net Asset Value ($)
3 .30 .22  6.4564 Expense Ratio (%)
4 .23 .01 Net Asset Value ($) is not significant and can be
5 .26 .14
6 .14 .01
7 .66 .81 d. ŷ  4.6074  8.1713 FundDE  19.5194 FundIE
8 .13 .06  5.5197 Expense Ratio (%)  5.9237 3StarRank
 8.2367 4StarRank  6.6241 5StarRank
The critical leverage value is e. 15.28%
3( p  1) 3(2  1)
n 8
Because none of the values exceed 1.125, we conclude Chapter 16
that there are no influential observations; however,
using Cook’s distance measure, we see that D1  1 1. a. The Minitab output is shown in Figure D16.1a
(rule of thumb critical value); thus, we conclude that b. Because the p-value corresponding to F  6.85 is
the first observation is influential .059  α  .05, the relationship is not significant
Final conclusion: observation 1 is an influential c.
observation y
42. b. Unusual trend 40
c. No outliers 35
d. Observation 2 is an influential observation
e β0β1 x
44. a. E( y) 
1  e β0β1 x 25
b. Estimate of the probability that a customer who does 20
not have a Simmons credit card will make a purchase
c. ĝ(x)  0.9445  1.0245x 15
d. .28 for customers who do not have a Simmons credit card 10 x
.52 for customers who have a Simmons credit card 20 25 30 35 40
e. Estimated odds ratio  2.79
e β0β1 x The scatter diagram suggests that a curvilinear relation-
46. a. E( y)  ship may be appropriate
1  e β0β1 x
e2.63550.22018x d. The Minitab output is shown in Figure D16.1d
b. E( y)  e. Because the p-value corresponding to F  25.68 is
1  e2.63550.22018x
.013 α  .05, the relationship is significant
c. Significant; p-value  .0002
f. ŷ  168.88  12.187(25)  .17704(25)2  25.145
d. .39
e. $1200 2. a. ŷ  9.32  .424x; p-value  .117 indicates a weak
f. Estimated odds ratio  1.25 relationship between x and y
1046 Appendix D Self-Test Solutions and Answers to Even-Numbered Exercises

The regression equation is
Y = - 6.8 + 1.23 X

Predictor Coef SE Coef T p

Constant -6.77 14.17 -0.48 0.658
X 1.2296 0.4697 2.62 0.059

S = 7.269 R-sq = 63.1% R-sq(adj) = 53.9%

Analysis of Variance

Regression 1 362.13 362.13 6.85 0.059
Residual Error 4 211.37 52.84
Total 5 573.50

The regression equation is
Y = - 169 + 12.2 X - 0.177 XSQ

Predictor Coef SE Coef T p

Constant -168.88 39.79 -4.74 0.024
X 12.187 2.663 4.58 0.020
XSQ -0.17704 0.04290 -4.13 0.026

S = 3.248 R-sq = 94.5% R-sq(adj) = 90.8%

Analysis of Variance

Regression 2 541.85 270.92 25.68 0.013
Residual Error 3 31.65 10.55
Total 5 573.50

b. ŷ  8.10  2.41x  .0480x 2 b. Price  33829  4571 Rating  154 RatingSq

R 2a  .932; a good fit c. logPrice  10.2  10.4 logRating
c. 20.965 d. Part (c); higher percentage of variability is explained
4. a. ŷ  943  8.71x 10. a. Significant; p-value  .000
b. Significant; p-value  .005 α  .01 b. Significant; p-value  .000
5. a. The Minitab output is shown in Figure D16.5a 11. a. SSE  1805  1760  45
MSR 1760/4
b. Because the p-value corresponding to F  73.15 is
.003 α  .01, the relationship is significant; we
 冢 45/25 冣  244.44
would reject H0: β1  β2  0 Because p-value  .000 the relationship is
c. See Figure D16.5c significant
6. b. No, the relationship appears to be curvilinear b. SSE(x1, x2, x3, x4)  45
c. Several possible models; e.g., c. SSE(x2, x3)  1805  1705  100
ŷ  2.90  .185x  .00351x 2 (100  45)/2
d. F   15.28
8. a. It appears that a simple linear regression model is not 1.8
appropriate Because p-value  .000, x1 and x2 are significant
Appendix D Self-Test Solutions and Answers to Even-Numbered Exercises 1047

The regression equation is
Y = 433 + 37.4 X -0.383 XSQ

Predictor Coef SE Coef T p

Constant 432.6 141.2 3.06 0.055
X 37.429 7.807 4.79 0.017
XSQ -0.3829 0.1036 -3.70 0.034

S = 15.83 R-sq = 98.0% R-sq(adj) = 96.7%

Analysis of Variance

Regression 2 36643 18322 73.15 0.003
Residual Error 3 751 250
Total 5 37395

Fit Stdev.Fit 95% C.I. 95% P.I.
1302.01 9.93 (1270.41, 1333.61) (1242.55, 1361.47)

12. a. The Minitab output is shown in Figure D16.12a 20.

b. The Minitab output is shown in Figure D16.12b x1 x2 x3 Treatment
[SSE(reduced)  SSE(full)]兾(# extra terms) 0 0 0 A
c. F  1 0 0 B
0 1 0 C
(7.2998  4.3240)/2 0 0 1 D
E( y)  β0  β1 x1  β2 x2  β3 x3
The p-value associated with F  8.95 (2 numerator
degrees of freedom and 26 denominator) is .001; with a
p-value α  .05, the addition of the two independent 22. Factor A: x1  0 if level 1 and 1 if level 2
variables is significant Factor B:
14. a. ŷ  111  1.32 Age  .296 Pressure
b. ŷ  123  1.51 Age  .448 Pressure
x2 x3 Level
 8.87 Smoker  .00276 AgePress
c. Significant; p-value  .000 0 0 1
1 0 2
16. a. Weeks  8.9  1.51 Age 0 1 3
b. Weeks  .07  1.73 Age  2.7 Manager
E( y)  β0  β1 x1  β2 x2  β3 x1x2  β4x1x3
 15.1 Head  17.4 Sales
c. Same as part (b)
d. Same as part (b) 24. a. Not significant at the .05 level of significance;
e. Weeks  13.1  1.64 Age  9.76 Married p-value  .093
 19.4 Head  29.0 Manager  19.0 Sales b. 139
18. a. RPG  4.05  27.6 OBP
b. A variety of models will provide a good fit; the five- 26. Overall significant; p-value  .029
variable model identified using Minitab’s Stepwise Individually, none of the variables are significant at the
Regression procedure with Alpha-to-Enter  .10 and .05 level of significance; a larger sample size would be
Alpha-to-Remove  .10 follows: helpful
RPG  .0909  32.2 OBP  .109 HR  21.5 AVG
 .244 3B  .0223 BB 28. d  1.60; test is inconclusive
1048 Appendix D Self-Test Solutions and Answers to Even-Numbered Exercises

FIGURE D16.12a
The regression equation is
Scoring Avg. = 46.3 + 14.1 Putting Avg.

Predictor Coef SE Coef T p

Constant 46.277 6.026 7.68 0.000
Putting Avg. 14.103 3.356 4.20 0.000

S = 0.510596 R-Sq = 38.7% R-Sq(adj) = 36.5%

Analysis of Variance

Regression 1 4.6036 4.6036 17.66 0.0000
Residual Error 28 7.2998 0.2607
Total 29 11.9035

FIGURE D16.12b
The regression equation is
Scoring Avg. = 59.0 - 10.3 Greens in Reg.
+ 11.4 Putting Avg - 1.81 Sand Saves

Predictor Coef SE Coef T p

Constant 59.022 5.774 10.22 0.000
Greens in Reg. -10.281 2.877 -3.57 0.001
Putting Avg. 11.413 2.760 4.14 0.000
Sand Saves -1.8130 0.9210 -1.97 0.060

S = 0.407808 R-Sq = 63.7% R-Sq(adj) = 59.5%

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F p
Regression 3 7.5795 2.5265 15.19 0.000
Residual Error 26 4.3240 0.1663
Total 29 11.9035

30. a.
Price ($)

15 20 25 30 35 40
Weight (lb.)

There appears to be a curvilinear relationship between weight and price

Appendix D Self-Test Solutions and Answers to Even-Numbered Exercises 1049

b. A portion of the Minitab output follows:

The regression equation is

Price = 11376 - 728 Weight + 12.0 WeightSq

Predictor Coef SE Coef T p

Constant 11376 2565 4.43 0.000
Weight -728.3 193.7 -3.76 0.002
WeightSq 11.974 3.539 3.38 0.004

S = 242.804 R-Sq = 77.0% R-Sq(adj) = 74.1%

Analysis of Variance

Regression 2 3161747 1580874 26.82 0.000
Residual Error 16 943263 58954
Total 18 4105011

The results obtained support the conclusion that there is a curvilinear relationship between weight and price
c. A portion of the Minitab output follows:

The regression equation is

Price = 1284 - 572 Type_Fitness - 907 Type_Comfort

Predictor Coef SE Coef T p

Constant 1283.75 95.22 13.48 0.000
Type_Fitness -571.8 153.5 -3.72 0.002
Type_Comfort -907.1 145.5 -6.24 0.000

S = 269.328 R-Sq = 71.7% R-Sq(adj) = 68.2%

Analysis of Variance

Regression 2 2944410 1472205 20.30 0.000
Residual Error 16 1160601 72538
Total 18 4105011

Type of bike appears to be a significant factor in predicting price, but the estimated regression equation developed in
part (b) appears to provide a slightly better fit
d. A portion of the Minitab output follows; in this output WxF denotes the interaction between the weight of the bike and the
dummy variable Type_Fitness and WxC denotes the interaction between the weight of the bike and the dummy variable

The regression equation is

Price = 5924 - 214 Weight - 6343 Type_Fitness - 7232
Type_Comfort + 261 WxF + 266 WxC

Predictor Coef SE Coef T p

Constant 5924 1547 3.83 0.002
Weight -214.56 71.42 -3.00 0.010
Type_Fitness -6343 2596 -2.44 0.030
1050 Appendix D Self-Test Solutions and Answers to Even-Numbered Exercises

Type_Comfort -7232 2518 -2.87 0.013

WxF 261.3 111.8 2.34 0.036
WxC 266.41 93.98 2.83 0.014

S = 224.438 R-Sq = 84.0% R-Sq(adj) = 77.9%

Analysis of Variance

Regression 5 3450170 690034 13.70 0.000
Residual Error 13 654841 50372
Total 18 4105011

By taking into account the type of bike, the weight, and the 6.
interaction between these two factors, this estimated re-
gression equation provides an excellent fit Base Period
Price Price
32. a. Delay  63.0  11.1 Industry; no significant positive
Item Relative Price Usage Weight Relative
A 150 22.00 20 440 66,000
34. Significant differences between comfort levels for the B 90 5.00 50 250 22,500
three types of browsers; p-value  .034 C 120 14.00 40 560 67,200
Totals 1250 155,700
Chapter 17 I
1. a.
Item Price Relative
7. a. Price relatives for A  (3.95/2.50)100  158
A 103  (7.75/7.50)(100) B  (9.90/8.75)100  113
B 238  (1500/630)(100)
C  (.95/.99)100  96
7.75  1500.00 1507.75
b. I2009  (100)  (100)  237
7.50  630.00 637.50 Weighted
7.75(1500)  1500.00(2) Price Base Weight Price
c. I2009  (100) Item Relative Price Quantity Pi0Qi Relative
7.50(1500)  630.00(2)
14,625.00 A 158 2.50 25 62.5 9,875
 (100)  117 B 113 8.75 15 131.3 14,837
12,510.00 C 96 .99 60 59.4 5,702
7.75(1800)  1500.00(1) Totals 253.2 30,414
d. I2009  (100)
7.50(1800)  630.00(1) 30,414
15,450.00 I  120
 (100)  109 253.2

2. a. 32% Cost of raw materials is up 20% for the chemical

b. $8.14
8. I  105; portfolio is up 5%
3. a. Price relatives for A  (6.00/5.45)100  110
B  (5.95/5.60)100  106 10. a. Deflated 1996 wages: (100)  $7.66
C  (6.20/5.50)100  113 154.9
6.00  5.95  6.20 $18.55
b. I2009  (100)  110 Deflated 2009 wages: (100)  $8.74
5.45  5.60  5.50 212.2
6.00(150)  5.95(200)  6.20(120)
c. I2009  (100) 18.55
5.45(150)  5.60(200)  5.50(120) b. (100)  156.4; the percentange increase in
 109 11.86
actual wages is 56.4%
9% increase over the two-year period 8.74
c. (100)  114.1; the change in real wages is an
4. I2009  114 7.66
increase of 14.1%

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