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Piece 1: There are many (1)____at airports. Sometimes it's bad weather,
sometimes it's (2)___and other times it's a passenger who is late to the boarding
gate. Narita Airport in Tokyo, Japan has added a new cause of flight delays – a
(3)___. The runway at Narita had to close for 12 minutes because a (4)___ was
spotted on the tarmac. The pilot of an airplane waiting to (5)____ controllers about
the small reptile at around 11:35am. There was (6)____for it. This caused the delay
of five flights. Airport staff managed to (7)___. They safely removed it with a net.
They reported that it was(8)___.

A Narita Airport spokesperson said she believed the turtle(9)___. It managed to get
under a (10)____ and crawl onto the runway. The turtle might have decided to
(11)___because of the warm weather. It was (12)___ l at the airport for the time of
the year. Shortly after the turtle was caught, (13)____from the runway. By
coincidence, the A380 was painted in a turtle design. The plane was from the
(14)___. It was going to the island of Okinawa in the south of Japan. An ANA
spokesperson said: "Turtles are seen as(15)___. We hope this turtle, who came to
see the flight off, signals a bright future."

Piece 2:

Most people (1)____Michelin with car tyres, (2)___for quality restaurants.

However, the French tyre maker is now (3)__to be more environmentally friendly.
The company (4)____that it hopes will make shipping greener. (5)____ a lot of
carbon dioxide as oil tankers, container ships and giant cruise ships rely on fossil
fuels to (6)______. Experts say the industry produces (7)____of CO2 annually, and
that it is responsible for about 2.5 per cent of the (8)___. Michelin's engineers say
their revolutionary new sails could reduce the amount of CO2 produced by the
shipping industry by (9)___.

Michelin is using (10)___of sails to tackle the most urgent problem facing the
world today – climate change. Boats (11)___to cross oceans or travel along rivers.
The new Michelin sails are different. They are inflatable. This means a ship's crew
can (12)___to inflate them to full size. The sails can be deflated quickly if a ship
needs to sail(13)____. The sails Michelin tested (14)___in size. The company
hopes to start (15)___ them in 2022. A company spokesperson said: "Our aim is to
contribute to the de-carbonization of (16)____." He added that the good thing
about wind is that it is a free fuel.
Piece 3:

The 2020 Dubai Expo (1)___after being delayed by the covid-19 pandemic. An
extravagant (2)___in the global event, which will run until March 2022. A host of
stars from the music world joined(3)____. These included the world-renowned
opera singer Andrea Bocelli, China's flamboyant pianist Lang Lang and Saudi
Arabian singer Mohammed Abdu. (4)____reported on the dazzling ceremony.
CNN said: "Dubai doesn't do anything by half. The city always goes big." The
Reuters news agency wrote about "the lavish (5)____, music and messaging about
the power of (6)___for a more sustainable future".

The World Expo is a global event that (7)____every five years. Its aims are to
showcase solutions (8)_____faced by humanity, and to bring people of the world
together. Organizers of the Dubai Expo selected the theme: "Connecting Minds,
(9)____". The Expo will also be dedicated to the sub-themes of (10)____. It is the
first Expo to be held in the Middle East. Over the next six months, (11)____will
see cutting-edge and (12)_____from almost 200 countries. When Dubai made its
bid to host the Expo, the city's ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum
promised Dubai would "astonish the world".

Piece 4:

In the past decade, bugs have become a (1)____on dinner tables. One reason for
this is they are (2)____. Another reason is that people are concerned about the
environment. (3)____is detrimental to the environment as it is generally
unsustainable. Raising insects is much more environmentally friendly. One
kilogram of (4)____needs about 10 per cent of the feed, water and land used to
produce the same amount of beef. Experts say farming insects is better for the
environment than (5)____. A final reason we may have to eat insects is because of
the rise in the world's population. By 2050 this is(6)____, up from the current 7.7

The insect farming industry is growing quickly. There are hundreds of companies
worldwide (7)_____. Many supermarkets around the world now stock food made
from insects. There are (8)___in Tokyo, Japan where you can (9)___a can of insect
snacks. The menu includes dried tarantula and scorpions. However, not everyone is
excited by the idea of insects as food. An Israeli insect farmer, Dror Tamir, says
there is a "yuck factor" to the (10)____. He said people will get used to the idea
and will find insects tasty. He said: "I am convinced it will soon be widely
accepted, just like eating raw fish in sushi was embraced."
Piece 5:
Philippine boxing legend Manny Pacquiao, 42, has said he (1)___in the 2022
elections. Mr Pacquiao (2)___as a senator of the Philippines since 2016. He said he
wants to run for president because the Filipino people need(3)___. He believes his
(4)____has helped him in (5)___and would give him the (6)___to be a good
president. He said in a speech: "I'm a fighter, and I will always (7)___and outside
the ring." He added: "We need government to(8)____." Other sporting heroes have
become leaders of their country, like Pakistan's cricketing hero Imran Khan and
Liberia's (9)___George Weah.

Emmanuel Pacquiao is one of the (10)___of all time. He is the only boxer in
history to be (11)___at eight different levels and won twelve major world titles. He
is the only boxer to hold world championships (12)____, from the 1990s to the
2020s. In 2019, he became the (13)____world champion ever at the age of 40.
Pacquiao has had (14)___of his boxing and political careers. He was the head
coach and a player for a (15)___. He has also starred in movies, presented TV
shows, and as a (16)___,has released best-selling albums and songs. He is also a
preacher, philanthropist and YouTube personality.

Piece 6:

Scientists are working on (1)___ the woolly mammoth. The giant creature is an
ancestor of(2)____. It became extinct over 4,000 years ago, but (3)_____want to
bring it back to life. The idea is like something from the movie Jurassic Park.
Scientists will use the DNA from the (4)____found in Siberia to revive the
mammoth. They will also use cloning techniques. It would be the first time since
the Ice Age for a mammoth (5)____. The lead scientist is professor George
Church, a geneticist from(6)____. He is an expert in gene editing. An entrepreneur,
Ben Lamm, said: "Our goal is to have our first calves in the next four to six years."

Ben Lamm is founder of a (7)_____company called Colossal. He has provided $15

million for the research to move forward. He said he has big plans to bring the
mammoth back to life and(8)_____. He said he hoped to "rapidly advance the field
of species de-extinction" and "to restore the woolly mammoth to the Arctic
tundra". Mr Lamm believes the research (9)______that will benefit biotechnology
and health care. Lamm compared the project to the Apollo missions to the moon.
He said they made(10)______. They led to the development of everyday products
like freeze-dried food, and of technology such as GPS. Mr Lamm believes genetics
will improve our lives.
Piece 7:
Everyone (1)____the Nobel Prizes, which are awarded for physics, chemistry,
(2)____. These are given to those (3)____"the greatest benefit to humankind".
However, fewer people are aware of the Ig Nobel Prize. This is bestowed to
(4)____that first make people laugh, and then make them think". One of this year's
Ig Nobel awards has been (5)_____who experimented on the effects on
rhinoceroses of(6)____. The rhino study won the award for transportation research.
Researchers from Cornell University were trying to (7)_____way to relocate the
animals by helicopter.

The Ig Nobel prizes are organized by the science (8)____Annals of Improbable

Research. Wikipedia says: "The Ig Nobel Prize is a satirical prize awarded
annually since 1991 to (9)____achievements in scientific research." It added: "The
name of the award is a pun on the Nobel Prize, which it parodies, and on the word
ignoble (not noble)." Other recipients of this year's award studied (10)____gum
stuck to pavements, conducted(11)____, and carried out research on whether
humans evolved to grow beards to protect themselves from punches to the face. All
award winners receive a now-defunct Zimbabwean (12)___.
Piece 8:

Cars are becoming (1)___advanced. In the past decade, we have seen

improvements in electric car technology and(2)____. The latest advance comes
from Mercedes-Benz. The luxury carmaker has unveiled a car that (3)____to
control certain things. The car giant unveiled its futuristic car at (4)____in Munich
earlier this week. The car is called Vision AVTR. The four capitalized letters at the
end of its name are to make people think of(5)____. This movie was about using
the brain to connect with nature. A Mercedes spokesperson said the car would
(6)____any time soon. It is currently in the concept stage of production.
Mercedes is using a technology (7)_____(BCI) in the Vision AVTR. The car's
computers "read" (8)____them into actions. Mercedes says the system needs about
a minute to get to(9____. The driver will then be able to perform certain functions
in the car using just their thoughts. Mercedes spokeswoman Britta Seeger spoke
about how exciting she thought(10)____. She said: "Mercedes-Benz is setting
another (11)____in the merging of man and machine." The Mercedes website says:
"As soon as you get in, the car becomes (12)______and a tool to discover the

Piece 9:

The automotive and other industries around the globe (1)____due to a shortage of
semiconductors. A global semiconductor shortage (2)____General Motors to halt
production at all but (3)____in North America. GM owns a number of popular car
brands, including Cadillac, Chevrolet and GMC. A GM spokesperson told the
Detroit Free Press (4)____that the company is focused on trying to (5)____He
said: "Although the situation remains complex and very fluid, we remain confident
in our team's ability to (6)_____to minimize the impact on our highest-demand and
capacity-constrained vehicles."

Semiconductors are (7)____of many of the gadgets and electrical products we use
in our everyday lives. Sony, Toyota, Ford and other (8)___are reporting production
hitches due to(9)____. One reason for the shortage is the COVID-19 pandemic.
(10)_____that manufacture the chips in China, South Korea and Taiwan have
negatively hit production. The website said companies (11)____for
the foreseeable future. It reported: "With the shortages expected to continue until at
least 2023, and(12)_____, GM likely won't be the last company to change its
production schedule."

Piece 10:

Singer-songwriter Pink (1)____row in the sport of beach handball. She has come to
the aid of the Norwegian women's team after they (2)_____bikini bottoms during
the 2021 European Beach Handball Championships. The singer has offered to pay
the fines handed out to Norway's competitors (3)____". Male competitors were
allowed to wear shorts, but the women were required to wear bikinis. The
European Handball Federation (EHF) fined the team (4)____ for not complying
with the regulations. Pink took to Twitter and offered to pay the fine. She added
that the EHF should be fined "for sexism".
The Norwegian Handball Federation president said the bikinis were (5)____for the
activity when the women are playing in the sand". The team's request to
(6)_____was turned down. Male players were allowed to play in sports shirts and
shorts (7)____above the knee; while women were expected to wear midriff-baring
tops and bikini bottoms "with a close fit (8)____angle toward the top of the leg".
Norway's Minister of Culture called the discriminatory dress rule "antiquated" and
(9)____". It questioned: "How many attitude changes are needed in the (10)___of

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