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ECW 9/13/2020

Noun Cluster

Use of Hypnotics and Anxiolytics among

Population of Eastern Finland

p1 prevalence (noun) = condition of being
prevalent or widespread
p1 hypnotic (adj.) = inducing or tending to induce
p1 psychotropic (adj.) = having an altering effect
on perception or behavior.
p2 antidepressant (noun) = a drug used to prevent
or relieve mental depression.
p3 restlessness (noun) = Showing or feeling nervous
tension; not able to rest,

ECW 9/13/2020

Keywords: Psychotropic drugs, hypnotics,

anxiolytics, gender, age, marital status,
socioeconomic status,
health status, work stress, alcohol

Use of Hypnotics and Anxiolytics among

Population of Eastern Finland
In the literature part of this thesis there is a
review concerning the prevalence of hypnotic
and anxiolytic use in those countries, which
have relatively similar healthcare system,
patient and medical registers and cultural
environment. Also the association of
psychotropic drug use and different
demographic factors, health characteristics
and use of alcohol is reviewed.

ECW 9/13/2020

The main objective of this thesis is to study the prevalence

of antidepressant, neuroleptic, anxiolytic and hypnotic
use among Eastern Finland adult population, using survey
questions and prescription for restlessness and
sleeplessness. Furthermore the use of anxiolytics and
hypnotics according to different background variables like:
gender, age, marital status, education, work, employment
status, health status, work stress and use of alcohol was
studied. The study is based upon survey data collected
from a population in Eastern Finland in 1998-2001 by
Research Institute of Public Health of University of
Kuopio. The Original study called KIHD study consisted of
1774 adult men and women examined in 1998-2001.

Of the study population 7.8% were using some

psychotropic drug within the previous week. Among men
6.1% and women 9.1% used some psychotropics. For
restlessness 3.9% and sleeplessness 9.5% of the study
population used some medicine. Of men 3.4% used some
medicine for restlessness and 7.7% sleeplessness,
correspondingly of women 4.5% and 11.2%. Those
women who were separated or widowed, had poor self
perceived health status, work stress, high age and were
retired had higher use of medicines. Men who used
alcohol more often were less likely to use some medicine
for restlessness. In the prevalence of medicine use on
restlessness no statistically significant difference was found
between men and women. In the use of medicine for
sleeplessness, the gender difference was quite small.

ECW 9/13/2020

In other studies the prevalence of the use of anxiolytics

and hypnotics has been much more higher among women
than among men. In eastern Finland this difference does
not exist. The results are mostly in accordance with those
presented in literature.

1. What is the purpose of this thesis?
2. What did the thesis writer use to collect the
research data?
3. What variables were there among the
4. How many men and women were examined in
the research?
5. Who is the writer of the thesis abstract above?

ECW 9/13/2020

Noun cluster / Noun phrase

a cluster of words that centers on a noun

composed of a noun (or pronoun) and its
used as subjects, objects, or complements.

In the literature part of this thesis there is a review

concerning the prevalence of hypnotic and anxiolytic
use in those countries, which have relatively similar
healthcare system, patient and medical registers and
cultural environment.

There is a review
Subject : There
Predicate : is
Subject complement: a review

ECW 9/13/2020

In the literature part of this thesis there is a review

concerning the prevalence of hypnotic and anxiolytic
use in those countries, which have relatively similar
healthcare system, patient and medical registers and
cultural environment.

There is a review
Subject : There
Predicate : is
Subject complement: a review Noun phrase

In the literature part of this thesis there is a review

concerning the prevalence of hypnotic and anxiolytic
use in those countries, which have relatively similar
healthcare system, patient and medical registers and
cultural environment.
Subject : there, which (those countries)
Predicate : is, have
Subject complement : a review concerning the
prevalence of hypnotic and anxiolytic use in those
Object : relatively similar healthcare system, patient
and medical registers and cultural environment.
Information of place : In the literature part of this thesis

ECW 9/13/2020

In the literature part of this thesis there is a review

concerning the prevalence of hypnotic and anxiolytic
use in those countries, which have relatively similar
healthcare system, patient and medical registers and
cultural environment.
Subject : there, which (those countries)
Predicate : is, have
Subject complement : a review concerning the
prevalence of hypnotic and anxiolytic use in those
Object : relatively similar healthcare system, patient
and medical registers and cultural environment.
Information of place : In the literature part of this thesis

Noun Phrase

The mysterious woman in black

The original single word ‘woman’

has been expanded,

and this gives us more information.

ECW 9/13/2020

Noun Phrase

The term noun phrase refers to a group

of words which act like a noun.

Words can go before the noun

e.g. The great river

and/or after the noun.

e.g man of honour

They modify the meaning of the noun.

Noun Phrase

e.g. a, the, that, my, your,

Nouns often have other Adjectives

words in front of them.
e.g. little, blue, silly

e.g. a buzzing bee

Nouns, acting like adjectives

e.g. the lemonade bottle

ECW 9/13/2020

Noun Phrase

Noun phrases can help to enrich writing. Look at

the following passage. The nouns have been
highlighted. See if you can modify them and
improve the passage.

The teacher raised his eyes and looked at the class.

He held up the paper.
‘Which student has done this work?’
‘It’s mine, ’ said a voice.
‘Come and get the reward,’ said the teacher.

The teacher raised his eyes and looked at the

class. He held up the paper.
‘Which student has done this work?’
‘It’s mine, ’ said a voice.
‘Come and get the reward,’ said the teacher.

ECW 9/13/2020

The demon-like teacher raised his blood-shot eyes

and looked at the class of terrified children. He held
up the crumpled and torn paper.
‘Which miserable student has done this so-called
‘It’s mine, ’ said a tiny trembling voice.
‘Come and get the reward you deserve,’ said the
teacher with malice in his voice.

The laughing teacher raised his watery eyes and

looked at the puzzled class. He held up the paper
he’d been reading.
‘Which quick-witted student has done this hilarious
work on ‘My Life as a Whoopee Cushion’?’
‘It’s mine, ’ said a voice from under a table.
‘Come and get the reward for the funniest story this
year,’ said the teacher through his giggles.

ECW 9/13/2020

The tall, imposing and really

As you can see, noun rather massive monument was
phrases and how you made from cool white marble
construct them, are important with lots of little, itsy-bitsy,
aspects of writing. infinitesimal flecks of emerald
green running all the way
You need to know when
through it. The girl gasped as
enough is enough too.
she looked up at the absolutely
Read the following passage. huge, thick, chunky pillars,
Discuss how they could be utterly and thoroughly amazed
improved. by its simplicity.

The description contains too

many adjectives.

The tall, imposing monument

was made from cool white
Now read another version marble with little flecks of
and discuss why it might emerald green running through
be more effective. it. The girl gasped as she
looked up at the thick pillars,
amazed by its simplicity.

Sometimes less is more.

Be aware of noun phrases in your own writing and also in

the writing of others.


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