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ECW 9/27/2020

Function of ‘To be’

• Three functions of verbs:

1. is a word used to express a certain action

done by somebody or something – doing
word - action verb

2. is used to tell us the state or condition

of somebody or something – linking verb

3. a verb also tells us about the time of an

action – helping verb

ECW 9/27/2020

Verb -- action
• is an important part of a sentence
• is a word used to express a certain
action done by somebody or
• is also called a doing word
Example :
1. The spleen contributes to healing
2. Inflammation indicates that the
immune system is on action

Linking verb : to be

• is used to tell us the state or

condition of somebody or something
1. It is relevant to how the immune
system is mobilized
2. It is obscure and difficult to be
conceived and understood.

ECW 9/27/2020

Examples of Linking Verbs

• Linking verbs include the forms of the

verb to be
– is, am , was, were, are, be, being, been
• Linking verbs are also related to the
– tastes, smells, looks, feels, sounds, seems,
and becomes

To be as a helping Verb

The researchers are examining mice.
The immune system is rushing in to
defend the body

ECW 9/27/2020

To be as helping verbs –
am, are, is, was, were
Examples Helping Verb Main Verb

I am doing a research am doing

You are exploring a beach are exploring

My brother is appearing on the TV is appearing

I was accompaning him on a journey was accompanying

We are planning a trip are planning

To be as helping verbs –
am, are, is, was, were
Examples Helping Verb Main Verb

I am doing a research am doing

You are exploring a beach

My brother is appearing on the TV

I was accompaning him on a journey

We are planning a trip

ECW 9/27/2020

To be as helping verbs –
am, are, is, was, were
Examples Helping Verb Main Verb

I am doing a research am doing

You are exploring a beach are exploring

My brother is appearing on the TV

I was accompaning him on a journey

We are planning a trip

To be as helping verbs –
am, are, is, was, were
Examples Helping Verb Main Verb

I am doing a research am doing

You are exploring a beach are exploring

My brother is appearing on the TV is appearing

I was accompaning him on a journey

We are planning a trip

ECW 9/27/2020

To be as helping verbs –
am, are, is, was, were
Examples Helping Verb Main Verb

I am doing a research am doing

You are exploring a beach are exploring

My brother is appearing on the TV is appearing

I was accompaning him on a journey was accompanying

We are planning a trip

To be as helping verbs –
am, are, is, was, were
Examples Helping Verb Main Verb

I am doing a research am doing

You are exploring a beach are exploring

My brother is appearing on the TV is appearing

I was accompaning him on a journey was accompanying

We are planning a trip are planning

ECW 9/27/2020

Helping Verb - usage

1. I am going to the class.
2. You were feeling excited.

ECW 9/27/2020

Present Simple vs Present

Present simple
• - facts
I live in Surabaya
I like chemistry
It rains a little here
• - habits
I usually do my homework at night
He drives fast

Present Simple vs Present

Present continuous
• - action in progress now
I am talking to you
You’re listening to me
It’s raining here

ECW 9/27/2020

• I am living in Spain
• I am coming from Japan
• Our company is producing glass
• The economy grows again this year
• They build a house next to mine
• Look, it snows

Simple Past

ECW 9/27/2020

Tomorrow: Future Tense

• Linking verb to be
will + be
I will be a sixth grader next year

Negative form
I won’t be a sixth grader next year

Forms of the simple past

: Be
• Statement : He was in class
• Negative : He was not in class
• Question : Was he in class
• Short answer : Yes, he was.


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