The Caliphate of GB

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The Islamic Caliphate of Great Britain

It is time for the indigenous people of Great Britain to wake

up and be aware what is happening, particularly in the main
towns in this country. We are being attacked by a very
aggressive culture whose aim is to change our culture into
theirs. Not by the sword or gun, but by demographic
superiority. By verbal bullying and infiltration into our
administrations; our local councils and national
I wish first of all to emphasize that the threat comes from a
political entity known as Islamists. The Muslim religion is
fine and, as with any other religion, as long as they keep it
to themselves. they have the right to worship as they please.

It is a faction called Islamists, who are political, they have

hijacked the Muslim faith and have twisted it beyond
recognition. Even by moderate Muslims themselves.
They wish to revert to the way Islam was 1400 years ago
They wish to introduce Shariah law into this country and to
turn it into a Caliphate. As far as they are concerned,
anyone who calls himself a practising Muslim abides by his
holy book the Quran the Sunnah The Hadith and Shariah
law. These books adjure the Muslim to convert the kuffar;
that's you and I, the infidel, to Islam or to enslave them, if
we do not convert we can be killed, or made slaves. This is
written in the Shariah Law and the Quran. A kuffar as far as
the Islamic code is concerned, has no rights, including the
right to live.
A number of countries in the past moderated the Quran, to
bring it up to modern times. However, in 1928 the Muslim
Brotherhood formed in Egypt and fought to keep these
books in their original form of 1400 years ago.

The average person in this country appears to be very

apathetic as far as politics and probably religion, that is
probably because they are too occupied earning a living,
bringing up children and/or advancing themselves in their
The administrators of this country has for years been
feeding us idealistic propaganda in respect to
multiculturalism and integration. All very fine, but
unfortunately if a particular culture does not wish, and in
fact refuses to integrate, this breaks down this wonderful
fairy tale of multiculturalism. These people do not wish to
integrate, their underlying purpose is to eventually force us
to change our culture for theirs.

There are I know that a minority of Muslims who have

come to this country to escape from the barbaric laws of
Islam in their own country. However they are now,
genuinely concerned that if the Islamist militants have
things their way in this country, they will be back to the
regime that they escaped from and possibly killed, if they
are considered apostate.

There are a greater number of Muslims who profess that

they wish to integrate with our culture and say that they do
not agree with the militant Muslim factions. These people
could be in fact sort of Fifth columnists. Their aim is to
infiltrate on to councils and our government in order to
subtly bias opinion in one way or another.
They will increase their presence in our councils so that
they will become a majority and will have the major say
regarding local politics and even national governmental
policies biasing policies towards Islamisation.

If the militant Islamists gain a majority and enforce their

culture in this country, and enforce Shariah Law, they will
kill any Muslims who they think are apostate, because that
is written in Shariah law.
Look at what happened in Lebanon!

The problem is to sort out the Islamists from the truly

moderate Muslim.
One guide maybe when you consider the moderate
practising Muslim and his professed abhoration of the
radicals is:-
How many Muslim's do you hear condemning the suicide
bombers for their atrocities,
How many Muslim's do you hear condemning the extreme
hate coming from Imams and their followers. Where are the
collected demonstrations of Muslim protesters protesting
against the radicals.
Have a look at their wives, are the wearing the burqa?

What will living under Sharia'h law mean?

First of all women will become second-class citizens - in
fact worse than that, they will be considered a chattel, on a
par with a man's possessions such as his car or his animals
etc. Furthermore a man can divorce his wife without
recourse to law, just by saying three times I divorce thee I
divorce thee I divorce thee. or the Arab equivalent.
All women will be forced to wear the Burqa and the niqab.
She will not be allowed to go out side her house without
being accompanied by a male. She is not allowed to sing or
go to a dance.
Little girls from the age of three to 10, or older, must as far
as Sharia law is concerned have their clitoris cut-off.
Seldom is it done surgically. In many Islamic countries it is
not so. The clitoris is cut off with a razor blade probably by
an aunt or some female in the family, and at times can lead
to haemorrhage and or infection. This in some cases leads
to the death of that child. The reason for her death is often
attributed to the “will of Allah”. This barbaric practice by
the way is not as far as I can tell in the Koran. But it is
widely practised throughout Islam.
I say as far as I know in respect to the Koran. There are
many versions of the Koran and I have not of course read
them all. Indeed, Shariah law can be interpreted differently
from locale to locale it seems. Its interpretation will depend
on the whim and fancy of the local Qadi (judges).

Do not think they will be lenient in any way, They will

enforce the precepts of the Quran and Shariah law to the
letter. They want to establish Wahhabi form of Islam, the
same form as in Saudi Arabia. An extremist form of Islam.
If only to show that they are the masters.

Men however have it differently; they are considered

superior to women and the women must be submissive to
him. He is allowed to beat her (although with a small stick)
it tells him in the Koran. There have been many cases
where the male has gone well over the top in respect of this,
even so far as stabbing his wife, or as in one recorded case
to behead her. This by the way was in America. But it
could well happen here in this country.
The Father will sell his daughter to the highest bidder
among marriage suitors
A nine year-old (or even younger)girl can be betrothed to a
50 or 60 year-old man who can afford the going price for
this girl.
Please believe that this can happen. Many Muslim fathers
do not have the same value that Western people have for
their daughters remember that they consider the female to
be inferior and a liability.

A man can accuse a woman of adultery and if she cannot

prove otherwise, she can be stoned after Friday prayers.

This is just a few examples of what can happen under

Shariah law, there's much more, more than can be put in
such a short document as this.

Shariah law allows for beheading, Limb amputation,

flogging, stoning, hanging and not by any humane way but
by the slow suspension by a crane.

If this is what you want, then just sit back apathetically and
let it happen. Because it will happen, if you cease to be
aware, ignore what is going on in this country and take no

If while out walking in the countryside a bull starts to

charge at you – Do you say to yourself “ignore it this
cannot be happening” and walk on as if there is nothing
To ignore and say “islamisation of this country can't or
won't happen” puts you in the same position of ignoring the
bull charging at you.
Don't ignore it, it won't go away.

If you don't want this to happen, and you wish to fight for
freedom, for the right to free speech, then you must be
prepared to take action, to grasp the nettle. It will not be
easy to combat this attack on our freedom and our own
culture we hold so dear.

One of the many problems we have to face is that the

government of this country has set in place the set of laws
that has committed this country to a false idealism. They
will find it hard to U-turn. Politicians do not like to admit
they were wrong.
I have put together a few documentary video's and I would
like you to view them and let me know what you think, and
ask questions.
These are a very small sample of what is available on this
subject. There is much more. If you wish, I will put
together another programme and let you know when I will
show them.

There are documentary articles on the table at the side of

the hall. If you want a copy then please leave me your
name and address and I will send them to you. Please do
not take any of them. I will send you a copy if you want.
I also have a number of videos on this subject, Please take
them and when you've finished with them please pass them

The last thing we want in this country is Shariah courts.

We have our own law system in this country, and everyone
without exception should abide by it. No-one should be
above the law!
However, we should have the freedom to question and
criticise any aspect of the law and have the ability to
modify any aspect that is contrary to humane aspects,
freedom of speech or freedom to hold personal beliefs.
Provided they are personal, and are not thrust down the
throat of anyone who has other beliefs.
We must be free and prepared, to discuss in a reasonable,
logical and civilised manner our points of view and listen to
others with an open mind.

This cannot be done under Shariah law. This forbids any

criticism of that which is written in the Quran, and its
supporting books.
That law is based on the writings of the Quran, on the
Hadiths and Sunnah. Written 1400 years ago.
The statements in these books can be and are, interpreted
by the Imams and Shariah court Qadi (judges) in many
ways. They are misogynistic,arbitrary and in no way are
they applicable to the 21st century.

Why do women of Islam stay in Islam?

There are a number of reasons. Constant indoctrination
from an early age, and, if there is some misogynistic bully
threatening to knock the crap out of you, or kill or maim
you if you don't comply, are just two of them.
There are many reports of women escaping from Islamic
countries. They are brave women, and are all under death
The punishment for leaving the islamic faith, apostasy, for
any Muslim, is death.
Some have been killed and not by very pleasant means.

It is consistently reported about honour killings.

These killings are carried out by the girls father and close
relatives, including the girls mother. The crime? Their
refusal to marry the man that the father has chosen for her.
Many Muslim girls have disfigured themselves or killed
themselves rather than submit to this barbaric practice. This
has happened in this country.

They practice endogamy (marrying only within their own

group or sect) This is racism.
They insist that if any member of their sect or race marries
outside their sect, the non-member must convert to their
sect. This is racism.
Any person leaving. or doing certain things outside the
rules of a sect, can be accused of apostasy and killed. This
is racism.
Anyone outside their race or sect must be killed, enslaved
or converted. This is racism.
Forming ghettos within a host society and refusing to
integrate, is racism.
Gathering into crowds (or mobs)and shouting and showing
placards saying “Death to America”, “Death to the UK”,
“We will conquer the world” “Democracy - Hypocrisy” etc.
If this isn't racism what is it?

Anyone therefore within that sect or race, that accuses

anyone else of racism is being hypercritical.

Why then doesn't our law enforcement system take the

Islamist, or come to that any other sect or race in our
country to task for committing racism.

From the suffolk police headquarters. A definition of hate

A hate crime is any incident which is believed by the
victim or any other person to be motivated because of
their race, religious belief, sexual orientation or
This statement as it stands allows anyone to falsely accuse a
person of a hate crime. They could more than probably find
fake witnesses from among their own kind.

Another nasty aspect is child abuse -

The genital mutilation of girls.
Indoctrination of very young children in respect to Islamic
dogma. Come to that, any dogma.
The enforced wearing of the berqa for girls from a very
early age. This causes a vitamin D starvation which leads
to brittle bones, and skin problems. We need the sun.

To understand Islam, one has to know the history of Islam.

Muhammad was born in Mecca in about the year 570.

from then to about 610 His Mother died, he Married his
wife Khadijah, and in about 610 he started to compose the
Quran. He plagiarised much from the Jewish Torrah, and
the Christian Gospels and mixed these extracts with his
own thoughts in order to put the fear of hell-fire and
punishment from Allah into the minds of his superstitious
followers. The verses were committed to memory by
professional rememberancers. Throughout his lifetime,
verses were committed to memory or written down on palm
leaves, stones, bits of leather or any material that came to
hand. How does that bode for accuracy?

He tried to convert the people of his own city of Mecca but

they rejected him and his Quran. They were happy with the
Torrah, and explained to him in no uncertain tones what he
could do with his Quran.

So, in the year 622 he and his family and followers

migrated to Medina,a prosperous city of Jews and Arabs
who lived by the Torrah. They also refused to accept
Muhammad, (though he must have obtained some
converts). This upset Muhammad,

By now he had increased his following, So he attacked

Medina and drove the Jews out, killed many, and
established Islam in Medina. The Jews were made second
class citizens, and made to pay a tax (jiziah) every year to
ensure that the Muslims did not kill them. They were
basically made slaves.

From Medina, Muhammad made numerous forays to

various towns and cities killing, raping torturing and
converting to Islam those that would, and killing or
enslaving those that wouldn't.

In the year 630 Muhammad and his followers ( and there

were a considerable number by then) raided Mecca and
conquered it and subjected the population to conversion,
enslavement or death. He then established the Ka'bah and
Mecca as the religious centre of Islam.

In the year 631- known as the year of the Embassies, Islam

was accepted by the Arabian tribes.
In the year 632 on the 8th June, Muhammad died. Leaving
no indication of who should succeed him. This would
eventually lead to a lot of dissension within Islam. He
suddenly had a whole lot of relatives he had not had before.

Over the next 400 or so years, Islam conquered and

converted a great deal of the middle east including

In 1090, The Pope appealed for Christians to take up arms

and rescue the Christians in Jerusalem. Which they did and
managed to hold on to Jerusalem for a little less than a
hundred years. When Saladin of Islam came and re-took
Jerusalem and drove the Crusaders out, and subjugated the
Christians again.
The Crusaders fought for the area of Jerusalem but to no
avail. In 1300 they gave up and dispersed.

Islam grew out of the middle east and conquered parts of

China, eastern Europe, Italy and India. They butchered
80,000,000 Hindus. By the 1600s Islam conquered and
converted more of the Earths surface than the Romans did
at their peak.

Moving north into Europe they crossed the straits from

Morocco and attacked and conquered Spain. They then
continued into Europe and started on southern Europe.
However, as they approached the plain of Tours, they were
met by the army of Charles Martell, otherwise known as
Charles the Hammer. To cut a long story short, in October
732 they engaged in battle and Charles the Hammer drove
them back and inflicted heavy losses on the Muslim army.
It is said that had Charles the Hammer not defeated the
Muslim host, the Muslims would have subjugated all of
Europe and Britain. We would be all Muslims now.

The Frankish realm under Charles Martel was the foremost

military power of Western Europe. It consisted of what is
today most of France (Austrasia, Neustria and Burgundy),
most of Western Germany, and the Low Countries. The
Frankish realm had begun to progress towards becoming
the first real imperial power in Western Europe since the
fall of Rome; however, it continued to struggle against
external forces such as the Frisians,Saxons and internal
opponents such as Odo the Great , the Duke of Aquitaine

The fortunes of the Islamic empire started to wane after

this. After many conflicts, some counties threw off the yoke
of Islam and through lack of resources Islam began to lose
power. Places like Lebanon, Jerusalem, Ethiopia and a few
others, reverted back to Christianity. As time went on, the
Islamic empire began to fade.

In 1924 President Ataturk of Turkey ended the Islamic

empire and allowed women equal rights, the right to choose
who they married and Turkey became a secular country.

The Islamic empire ended in 1924, less than 100 years ago!
In 1928, the Muslim brotherhood was formed in Egypt.
They launched Radical Islam. They decided that they had
been idle long enough, and it was time to take back what
they considered theirs by right.
The Muslim Brotherhood has over 70 factions throughout
the world. Hammas, and el Queda are just two of them.
The Muslim Brotherhood is spread around the world. They
have produced pamphlets and books on how to infiltrate the
West. To infiltrate into our administrations. How to
democratically get elected onto our boards, committees,etc.
They have produced instructions to Imams on how to
recruit through Mosques and Madrassas. (Islamic schools)
They advocate the infiltration of Muslim communities that
have a more moderate view of Islam, they killed those they
thought were apostates.
One citation from the document "General Strategic Goal for
the Group in North America" produced by the Muslim
Brotherhood makes the objectives of the MB clear: "The
process of settlement is a 'Civilization-Jihadist Process'
with all the word means. The Ikhwan (Arabic for
brothers) (Ikhwan also refers to an Arabic movement)
must understand that their work in America is a kind of
grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western
civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable
house by their hands and the hands of the believers so
that it is eliminated and God's religion is made
victorious over all other religions."
I realize that this document is about America. There is
certainly a similar document about the West and probably
one in respect to Britain. Produced by the Muslim
Their aim is to dominate the world. The document applies
to their Jihad on the world.
British people must take action to prevent this Jihad.
We must combat both stealth Jihad, the societal subversion
through the vehicle of “cultural jihad.” and the physically
aggressive Jihad, the terrorist movement.
I cannot understand how unaware people are of what is
happening around the world, on their doorstep and close to
their own homes.
Buildings being blown up, internecine battles going on
between gangs of youths and some adults, within our towns
and cities.
Aggressive mob violence shouting anti European and
American hate slogans.
Large swathes of all of our major towns turned into ghettos
of people who won't integrate, and openly profess hate for
our nations. Yet are taking handouts in the form of benefits
and grants from us.
This with the governments blessing.
A Muslim in this monogamous country is allowed four
wives and can claim benefits for all of them and be paid
child benefit for all the children from these marriages.
Can this be right?
This government had paid out over £90,000,000 in grants
to set up quangos to encourage these people to integrate,
this hasn't worked. The ghettos still exist and are growing,
with every yearly intake of new immigrants.
They are demographically outnumbering the indigenous
people of this country.
This is part of the plan set out by the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Islamists, The Jihadists.
They are building mosques and most of these are extensive
buildings and they cost a few bob. The money for these
comes from Saudi Arabia, Iran, Qatar, oil rich countries
who are the people funding the Muslim Brotherhood and
Shariah Banking.

I find it amazing that despite all of this going on, the

government is sitting back, not ignoring It, but encouraging
it and legislating to stop the indigenous people making any
statements about it. They are continuing with their
multiculturalism and integration fairytale when surely they
must be able to see that it doesn't work when even one sect
won't integrate. They won't integrate and are in fact intent
on destroying our culture and forcing theirs on us.
Look at what is going on in Europe. What has happened in
many countries in Asia and the Middle East. Where they
have insinuated into the structure of a country and taken it
over and subjugated or annihilated a large proportion of the
Why can't the politicians see this? Perhaps they don't read
or keep up with current affairs. Are they so short sighted
that they feel that they are generating a voting majority for
Or is there some hidden agenda?

Another very dangerous aspect is Shariah Finance.

Shariah finance is being offered through our major banks in
the UK, the USA, and major banks all over the world. It is
being offered as ethical, environment friendly banking. It is
truly none of these, they finance Islamist terror groups.
The people who are pushing this say that under Shariah law
making interest is usury and this is banned by Shariah law;
but this is complete rubbish. Instead of interest they call it a
derivative, and this derivative must go to “charities”.
It is insisted that if any bank wishes to enter into an
agreement for Islamic finance, they must have an Islamic
“scholar” on their board to guide them in the policies of
Islamic finance. Scholar by the way is not a studious person
as we in the west understand, but a high ranking cleric of
their religion. These Islamic “scholars” have a say in which
charities this money goes to.
These “charities” are Mosques, Muslim organizations,
throughout the world; most of which promote Jihad, the
subjugation and killing of the Infidels (that's us).
A large proportion of this “derivative” goes to clothe and
arm Jihad terror trainees in the training camps. This is
considered a charity because they say these people are
volunteer 'soldiers'.
American security organizations have proven these facts.
There are official video documentaries and documents
showing these facts.

Shariah law forbids investment into Tobacco, Pork,

Alcohol, building of churches, the film industry, book
companies that print the Bible, and anything connected to
Western defence.
These conditions are written on the terms of contract with
the participating financial organizations and signed by
These contracts by the way, are written in Arabic, so they
need Arabic 'Scholars' to interpret these documents for
The banks that are at present, as far as I know, participating
in Shariah or Islamic finance are Barclays, H.S.B.C. City
Bank, Goldman Sachs, Dow Jones, American express AIG.
GE. There are more. Some in Europe.
What can we do to counter this Jihad?

We can form groups.

Be aware of what is really happening, aware that we have a
powerful enemy trying to subjugate us by demographic
means, social intrusion and by terror.
Inform others. Study their tactics and work out how to
counter them.
We can petition, particularly the government and other
relevant organizations.
Locally we must be aware of just who is getting onto our
committees, councils, etc. and veto any Islamic infiltration
and bias.
Those of you who have children at schools be aware that a
lot of indoctrination goes on in the playground. Question
your children as to what they have been told and have
talked about.
It may not be so bad here in the countryside at the moment.
In the schools in the larger cities and towns not only is this
happening in the playground but to a certain extent in the
class-room as well.
Indigenous youths have been indoctrinated in this country
and have ended up in the terror training schools and trained
as suicide bombers. There are records of this. This is
happening in America as well as in the main body of
Question who are the teachers, their origins, what they
As for the newspapers, in general they are running scared
to print anything that could be construed as racism, that
isn't politically correct. A lot of journalists wont go near the

All information in this document was gathered from

reliable sources such as:-
U-Tube, (which needs thorough vetting)
Live leak,
Newspaper articles that can be verified.
I have printed a separate list of recommended URLs

Any person from any race or culture should be welcome

into Great Britain. Providing they:-
Abide by the laws of this country.
Learn our language.
Do not proselytise their own belief or religion. They keep it
to themselves. (Though there is nothing wrong with
reasonable, logical, voluntary discussion.)
Integrate with the rest of British society.
Immigrants must be made to understand that if they wish to
be considered as British citizens, they must accept and live
by the British way of life.
We cannot let them change our culture for theirs.

I have made no statement in this document that cannot be

factually verified. In fact, some of the statements are those
of known Islamists themselves. Out of their own mouths.

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