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A normative analysis of public capital

Chunrong Ai & Steven P. Cassou

To cite this article: Chunrong Ai & Steven P. Cassou (1995) A normative analysis of public capital,
Applied Economics, 27:12, 1201-1209, DOI: 10.1080/00036849500000102

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Applied Economics, 1995, 27, 1201-1209

A normative analysis of public capital

C H U N R O N G AT and S T E V E N P. C A S S O U
Department of Economics, S U N Y - Stony Brook, N Y , USA

A normative analysis of short-term public capital investments is carried out using cost
benefit analysis. This cost benefit approach explicitly incorporates the durability of
capital into the computation and thus includes an aspect of public capital omitted
from previous studies which focus on productivity. Estimation methods used else-
where have been improved by properly handling several concerns that have been
raised. In addition, this behavioural model yields many structural equations suitable
for estimation which results in highly efficient parameter estimates. Although a small
elasticity is found for public capital, the benefit is greater than the cost.

1. I N T R O D U C T I O N This paper also makes use of an empirical approach

which properly handles complaints voiced about earlier
Considerable interest and controversy has developed re- empirical work. Our empirical approach is a generalized
cently over the productive usefulness of government-sup- method of moments (GMM) type procedure which makes
plied public capital. This interest has been prompted by the use of instrumental variables and has been described by
large elasticity of output with respect to public capital found Hansen and Singleton (1982). Several aspects of our ap-
in the pioneering work of Aschauer (1989, 1990) and proach make it an attractive alternative to regression
Munnell (1990). These studies suggest that part of the pro- methods used in most other studies. One is that simultaneity
ductivity slowdown observed over the last 20 years in the of output and inputs is properly handled by using several
United States may be due to an under-investment in public different Euler equations and appropriate instruments to
capital and that public works programmes of the type identify the different parameters. Another, is that it is able to
considered in the early months of 1993 by the US Govern- make use of the cross-equation restrictions implied by our
ment may be useful in stimulating long-term growth. dynamic model to tightly identify the parameters thus im-
A number of follow-up studies have been stimulated by proving the precision of the estimates.
this work, some of which have been supportive (Bajo-Rubio In addition, our empirical procedure carefully treats one
and Sosvilla-Rivero, 1993; Berndt and Hansson, 1992; of the more objectionable aspects of the regression methods.
Flores De Frutos and Pereira, 1993; Garcia-Mila and As pointed out by Aaron (1990) and Tatom (1991), most of
McGuire, 1992; and Lynde and Richmond, 1993) while the data is nonstationary and thus they advise estimating
others have not been supportive (Aaron, 1990; Evans and the model using first differences. Following this advice,
Karras, 1991; Holtz-Eakin, 1992; Hulten and Schwab, 1991; estimates by Aaron (1990), Evans and Karras (1991) and
and Tatom, 1991). This paper sheds light on the debate by Tatom (1991) found the elasticity of output with respect to
evaluating public capital using a normative approach. To public capital to be insignificant. However, their estimates
this point, all studies have sought to answer the positive of the other elasticities are sensitive to the differencing
question of how large the contribution of public capital is to procedure and often are far from what would be considered
productivity. However, this multiplier approach is difficult theoretically reasonable values. Our procedure also follows
to interpret as a measure for an investment decision since the first differencing suggestion and finds a public capital
the benefit from a capital investment depends on how rap- elasticity which is less than half that found by Aschauer
idly it depreciates.' In this study, we make use of the public (1989, 1990) and smaller than that found by Munnell(1990).
finance technique known as cost benefit analysis to provide However, because our GMM procedure tightly identifies
new insight to the public capital debate. the parameters, the standard errors are small and the public

'A moment of thought should convince one that it is possible for an asset with a large multiplier and a large depreciation rate to yield
a lower cumulative benefit than an asset with a low multiplier and a low depreciation rate.
0003-6846 @ 1995 Chupmun & Hall 1201
C. Ai and S. P. Cassou
capital elasticity is highly significant. In addition, because sequence {n,},"=o so as to maximize the present value of its
our GMM procedure tightly identifies the other model dividend stream. Formally we assume that a representative
parameters, estimates for these parameters are not sensitive firm maximizes
to the differencing and we obtain estimated values which are
theoretically sound.
We focus our policy analysis on the impact of a short
term (one year) government capital investment impulse. subject to
This focus in part is motivated by the debate in the US
Government surrounding this type of policy during the
early part of 1993 and in part is motivated by our interest in
demonstrating a setting in which the multiplier analysis will
provide incomplete information to base policy decisions +
given kb and the sequence {kB),"=o,where (1/(1 r))' is the
upon.2 The analysis focuses on two cumulative benefit con- firm's discount factor for dividends d,. In the firm's produc-
cepts which we call the 'true benefit' and the 'total benefit'. tion function there are two types of capital inputs;
The true benefit measures the present value of output ,
kf- which is the stock of corporate capital available at time
changes less costs and is the correct concept to use in order t and known at time t - 1 and k c which is the stock of
to make marginal public capital investment decisions. We government supplied capital at time t and known at time
find the true benefit from a government capital investment t - 1. In addition output is partially determined by the
impulse exceeds the cost even though our estimate of the capital utilization rate u,, a random shock to production O,,
elasticity of output with respect to public capital is substan- and the level of technological knowledge Apt. In this setup
tially smaller than has been reported by Aschauer (1989, the stock of government capital is provided by the govern-
1990) and Munnell(1990). This finding is largely due to the ment and taken as exogenous by the firm. Further, the wage
durability of the public capital which our benefit calculation rate w, and the utilization rate u, are also beyond the firms
incorporates. The total benefit measures the present value of control. We denote the investment in corporate capital at
output changes but does not substract costs. This concept is time t by if and the corporate capital depreciation rate by 6'.
useful for evaluating the gross changes on output that one In addition the government's investment in government
can expect from public capital investment programmes. capital at time t is denoted by if and government capital
The paper has been organized as follows. The dynamic evolves according to
model used to evaluate this question is laid out in Section 11.
Section I11 describes the GMM empirical approach and the
resulting parameter estimates. In Section IV we describe where hg denotes the rate of depreciation of government
how to carry out the quantitative exercises for a short term capital.
stimulus package and present the outcome for several ex- The Euler equations for this optimization problem can be
periments. These experiments illustrate not only the cumu- written as
lative benefits from a short-term government capital invest-
ment but they also show the advantage of the dynamic
modelling approach used here.

11. T H E M O D E L
where y, = Apt(n,)"' (kf- ,)"'(k,B_l)a3(~l)a4 0,. These equations
are used for two purposes. One is for the policy exercises
Since the empirical methods described by Hansen and
which we turn to shortly and the other is in our empirical
Singleton (1982) make use of instrumental variables consist-
procedure which we now turn to.
ing of lagged variables, it is important to keep track of the
date at which a variable becomes known. To this end, we
have adopted the notational convention of using subscripts
111. P A R A M E T E R E S T I M A T E S
to denote the date when a variable becomes known. In
addition, the notation E, is used to denote the expectation
conditional on information available at time t.
We explore the issue in the context of a neoclassical The data came from a variety of sources and covered the
growth model which consists of a representative firm that post-war years of 1947 to 1989. The capital stock series and
chooses its investment sequence {i:},"=o and its labour input investment series were obtained from Fixed Reproducible

'Studies by Barro (1981,1987)have also sought to distinguish the results of temporary and permanent government spending programmes.
A normative analysis of public capital
Tangible Wealth in the United States, 1925-89 (1993). Since The GMM objective function stacks up several different
this report publishes annual time series, the rest of the series moment conditions. One of the beautiful features of the
we collected also had to be annual. This report decomposes G M M methodology is that it is able to make use of many
the government capital and investment series into several different moments with which to identify the parameters.
categories. We used these categories to construct the gov- This greatly improves the efficiency of the parameter esti-
ernment capital and investment series which are appropri- mates. We use three types of moments in our estimation.
ate for our model. This was done by first summing the total The first set of moments are depreciation relationships
capital (investment) series for the federal and state and local which are formulated as
governments. Next we removed from this all types of mili-
tary capital (investment).
The output series, labour supply series and wage series
were obtained directly from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The Bureau provided us with series which focus on the
private sector of the economy. Since our objective is to
determine the benefit that government capital has on pri-
vate production, these series are more appropriate than with the assumption that E ( M l , + ,) = 0. These moments
others (e.g. GDP) which included both the private sector identify the parameters 6' and 69. The second set of mo-
and the public sector. The output series is called output ments makes use of the Euler equations and identifies
from the business sector, the labour supply series is called a , and a2. Defining
the total number of hours for all types of workers in the
business sector and the wage series is the real hourly com-
pensation of employees in the business sector. The utiliz-
ation series was obtained from the Federal Reserve Bulletin
For the corporate discount rate we used two values and
carried out the analysis using each. The larger value is 8.8 then Equations 2 and 3 imply that E(M2,+,) = 0. To
which is the average annual real return on common stocks identify log(,u), a3 and a,, we use a set of instruments that
over the period 1929-1988 found by Ibbotson and Associ- are correlated with the input variables yet are uncorrelated
ates. The other value is 4.0 which is common value used in with the error term. As noted by Nelson and Plosser (1982),
real business cycle calibration exercise^.^ many macroeconomic aggregates, including the ones used
here, are n~nstationary.~ We follow a standard approach
Empirical methodology which differences the data in order to remove the non-
stationarity. Here we difference the log production function.
To estimate the model we use a G M M approach. One of the Defining
advantages of our approach is that it is able to handle the
endogeneity of y, and n, which is one of the more noted
concerns with the regression methodology used by
Aschauer (1989, 1990). As has become standard for practi-
tioners of these GMM empirical methods, we use a two-step
approach. In the first step we obtain consistent estimates of
the parameters which are then used in the second step to
obtain the optimal weighting matrix and thus obtain the
best G M M parameter estimates. where
For each of the discount rates, we estimate three models.
The models impose increasing restrictions on the para-
meters. This approach allows us to test two general speci-
fications before arriving at the parameter estimates used in
our simulations. Of course we could use the more general
model parameter estimates in our simulations. However,
given the results of the tests, the most efficient estimates are
the ones from the most restrictive model.

3See for example Kydland and Prescott (1982).

4Aaron (1990) and Tatom (1991) correctly point out that if one ignores this feature of the data and uses ordinary least squares then the
parameter estimates will be inconsistent.
C. Ai und S. P. Cussou
are instruments that are in the information set at time t, then Table 1. Model parameter estimcites
under the assumption that
Discount rate r = 4.0

(la) (24 (34

it follows that E(M3,+ ,) = 0. Note that because our instru- p = 0 and
Unrestricted constant
ments are in the information set we will obtain consistent Parameter model p=O returns
estimates of the parameters even when 0, is serially corre-
lated. Also note that the specification above allows the 1% (14 0.010 0.010 0.0 146
possibility of even higher-order integration, I(2), when (2.25)* (2.46)" (10.45)";:;
p = 1. As part of our empirical exercises we test H o : p = 0 aI 0.652 0.652 0.652
(479.29)'" (496.77)"" (508.54)"';
to determine if further differencing is needed. These
a2 0.168 0.170 0.149
moments are next stacked and imply E {Ml+,) = 0 where (6.09)"" (6.22)"* (6.70)"'
Ml+ = [MI:, I M2;+ M3:+ J'. Our GMM objective a3 0.3 18 0.321 -

function is to choose y = (log(p),or,, or,, or3, or4,bc,bg, p)' SO as (2.99)"* (3.39)""

to minimize a4 0.186 0.193 0.185
(6.34)"' (7.39)"" (7.42)"':'
1 S' 0.1 14 0.1 16 0.097
M'V-IM where M =- M, (4.59)"" (4.69)"" (4.78)':'"
Tr=, Sq 0.0380 0.0380 0.0380
(12.47J4" ( I 2.47)"" ( 1 2.47);:""
and V is a positive definite weighting matrix. The first step -
P 0.109
of the GMM procedure obtains consistent estimates of y by (0.61)
using V equal to the identity matrix. Next, optimal G M M (1.63)
Ho:al+a2+r3=1 (1.16) -
estimates are obtained by using H o : a l + a2 = 1 ( -6.52)"* (-6.51) ( -9.03)":'

Discount rate r = 8.8

(1'4 (2b) (3b)

where M, is M, evaluated at the consistent parameter esti- p = 0 and
mates found in the first step. A consistent estimate of the Unrestricted constant
parameter covariance matrix is given by model p=O returns
log 0.009 0.010 0.01 45
(1.98) (2.16)" (10.26)""
where a1 0.652 0.652 0.652
(479.80)"" (485.14)"" (508.18)""
ff2 0.22 1 0.224 0.199
(7.95)"' (8.13)"" (8.90)""
a3 0.295 0.298
and dfil/dy is dM,/dy evaluated at the second step para- (2.71)" (3.08)""
meter estimates. @a 0.190 0.196 0.185
(6.53)"" (7.45)"" (7.38)""
6' 0.1 15 0.117 0.094
Results (4.62)"" (4.73)"" (4.66)0:3
Sg 0.0380 0.0380 0.0380
Table 1 presents the results of the estimation procedure for (12.47)"" ( 1 2.47)"" (12,47):>::
P 0.1 16 - -
each of the discount rates. We estimated three increasingly
restrictive specifications under each discount rate in order
to carry out two specification tests. The most general speci- Ho:a,+a2+aj=1 (1.39) (1.61) -.

fication, (la) and (lb), imposes no constraints on the optim- H o : a , + a2 = 1 ( -4.55)"' (-4.51)"" (-6.74)":"
ization exercise described above. This specification is used t-statistics are in parenthesis.
to test Ho :p = 0 in order to determine if higher-order differ- 'indicates test is significant at 0.05 level in a two-tailed test.
encing is warranted. The table shows that p is quite small **indicatestest is significant at 0.01 level in a two-tailed test.
and is never significant, so we impose p = 0 for the next two
specifications. The second specification, (2a) and (2b), is used
to test constant returns to scale, H,: or, + or2 + or3 = 1. The restrictions is a sound empirical procedure since this elimin-
t-statistic for this test is reported at the bottom of the table. ates unnecessary parameters and thus results in more effi-
Again the test is never rejected. cient estimates of the remaining parameters. In specification
Given these results, imposing both p = O and (3a) and (3b) these restrictions have been imposed. The more
+ +
u l or2 or3 = 1 is justified. Further, imposing these efficient estimates from the specification given in (3a) and
A normative arzalysis of public capital 1205
(3b) results in public capital elasticity estimates of 0.199 and 0.094 are in this range. Further, since government
when r = 4.0 and 0.149 when r. = 8.8. Both of these are capital includes a larger share of structures than private
smaller than the estimates found by Aschauer (1989, 1990) capital, we expect the estimated depreciation rate for this to
and Munnell(1990) and are near estimates found by Lynde be lower. Indeed, our government capital depreciation esti-
and Richmond (1993). However, they are not as small as mate of 0.038 is within the range of 0.0188 and 0.450 which
estimates found by Aaron (1990), Evans and Karras (1991) Jorgenson and Sullivan (1981) estimated for educational
and Tatom (1991) despite using the first-differenced data. buildings and public utilities respectively.
Further, the public capital elasticities are always signifi-
cantly different from zero.'
It is also of interest to compare the other parameter IV. POLICY IMPLICATIONS
estimates with those found by earlier studies. The Cobb-
Douglas production function specification implies that In this section we consider the implications of a one-time
a , should be the share of output paid to labour inputs. increase in investment of government capital. Our focus on
Historically this value is about 0.66 which is what we have a one-time impulse is motivated in part by the debate in the
estimated cr, to be. Studies by Aschauer (1989, 1990), Mun- US surrounding this type of policy during the early part of
nell (1990), Tatom (1991), Evans and Karras (1991) and 1993 and in part is motivated by our interest in demonstrat-
others have come up with a wide range of a , estimates, ing a setting in which the multiplier analysis will provide
many of which are far from 0.66. Further, a wide range of incomplete information to base policy decisions upon. Two
estimated values have been reported within a given study types of cumulative benefit calculations are described below.
under different model specification^.^ One of the attractions We begin with the 'true benefit'. The true benefit measures
of our G M M procedure is that the moment condition the present value of output changes less costs and is the
2 tightly identifies a , at the theoretical value, thus giving not correct concept to use in order to make marginal public
only a sound estimate, but also a very small standard error.' capital investment decisions. Later, we focus on the 'total
Further, because this moment is used in all of our specifica- benefit'. The total benefit measures the present value of
tions, our estimate for cr, does not change much when output changes but does not subtract costs. This concept is
additional restrictions are added on other parameters (e.g. useful for evaluating the gross changes on output that one
p = 0). Similar remarks apply to our cc2 estimate. Thc gross can expect from public capital expenditure programmes.
capital share of output is historically 0.34. However, one
would expect a, to be less than this once one adjusts for
depreciation. This adjustment is captured by the moment 3. The true benejt of public capital investment
Table 1 shows that our estimates of 0.149 and 0.199 are Because short-term increases in public capital investment
quite close to estimates by Auerbach and Hines (1987) who result in long-lasting increases in capital stock, the benefit
found values of 0.166 and 0.181. Our estimate for a4 is close will come over many years. The total output gain in present
to values reported by Aschauer (1989,1990), Munnell(1990) dollars from a one-unit increase in government capital in-
and others. vestment is given by
Perhaps the most important parameters of our model
which have been omitted from the previous public capital
studies are the depreciation rates. Since depreciation rates
differ among different types of capital, aggregate capital
stock depreciation rates will be a weighted average of the We call this the 'total benefit'. Unfortunately, the total
depreciation rates of the aggregate components. Jorgenson benefit exaggerates the gains of public capital investment
and Sullivan (1981) carried out a detailed study which since it does not substract the costs of additional inputs of
estimated the depreciation rate for 34 types of capital stock. labour and capital. Something we call the 'true benefit' does
As one would expect, depreciation rates were considerably subtract these costs and is given by
higher for equipment than for structures. Auerbach and ant+,
Hines (1987) organized corporate capital into two types, di, - rr+sp dig
W t + s y
equipment and structures, and estimated the respective de-
preciation rates to be 0.137 and 0.033. Since we aggregate A simpler expression can be found by writing the produc-
equipment and structures together our estimates of 0.097 +
tion function at time t s as y,+, = F(n,+,, kF+,- kg+,- ,),,
'For specifications (la), (Ib), (2a) and (2b) the t-statistic for the public capital elasticity is reported in parenthesis under the parameter
estimate while for specification (3a) and (3b) the t-statistic is reported in the row marked II, : a , + a2 = 1 .
6Aschauer(1989)found a, estimates ranging from 0.08 to 0.56, Tatom's (1991)estimates range from 0.105 to 0.737 and Evans and Karras'
(1991) estimates range from 0.721 to 1.414.
7The small standard error can be seen by the very high t-statistic for a,.
C. A i and S. P. Cassou
and noting government capital stock. Each of these forecasts was car-
ried out 200 periods into the future which was far enough so
that the marginal contribution to Equations 5 and 6 was
negligible.' Our 'no change' approach simply assumes that
and the wage rate and the government capital stock are fixed at
1989 levels and there is no technological progress for the
aF(.) aF(.) rest of time. We consider this to be an extreme outcome in
wt+s = - and r,+, =-----
ant+, a&+,- 1 which the economy does not grow technologically and thus
consider this calculation to provide a lower bound on the
This implies that the true benefit is given by benefits derived from the government capital.
a F ( . ) ak;l+,-l In addition to the discount rates and the forecasts for the
{jl(A)zizz T } (6) economy, the true and total benefit calculations require
a value for the production function parameter A. This
In order to compute the true and total benefits using parameter was determined so that the production function
Equations 6 and 5, some additional information is needed. output level one would get using the 1989 observed input
Most importantly, we need to find an appropriate rate for levels was equal to the observed 1989 output level. Using
the government to discount at and we need to find expected this procedure values of A equal to 4.745 and 4.560 are used
values for various future quantities. We use an approach when r equals 4.0% and 8.8%, respectively.
common to cost benefit studies that is described in Rosen Our computation of the true benefit begins by using the
(1992). In particular, we use a range of values so as to get forecasted wage and government capital series to obtain
a clear picture of what the possibilities are. For the discount forecasts for output, labour and corporate capital which are
rate we continue to use the two values of 8.8% and 4.0%. consistent with the model. Such series will be interpreted as
These values are consistent with Feldstein et al. (1983) who time paths for the economy prior to the spending impulse.
found that the before-tax nominal rate of return in the post Following Auerbach and Kotlikoff (1987), we focus on de-
World War I1 period was about 12.0% and the after-tax terministic outcomes for the policy exercises by ignoring the
nominal rate of return was 5.0%. As described by Rosen expectations in Equations 2, 3 and 6. Doing this, one can
(1992), it is possible to make a case for the government to solve Equation 2 directly for n, and lag 3 to solve for k f - ,,
use either the nominal rate of 12.0% or 5.0% depending on obtaining
how one thinks the government spending impacts the asset
market and thus Rosen recommends using a range of values.
Adjusting these nominal rates for a 3.0% inflation rate gives
a real rate range of 9.0% and 2.0% which is approximately
the range we have used.
To find values for the expectations in Equations 6 and
5 we use an approach common to macroeconomic studies Substituting these into the production function one gets
such as Auerbach and Kotlikoff (1987) which is to assume
perfect foresight. We use two approaches for finding the
perfect foresight values for the expectations. This two ap-
proach method is again motivated by the discussion in Using our forecasts for wages and government capital, the
Rosen (1992) which is to find a range for the possibilities. average of the observed utilization rates, 8, = 1 and Equa-
One approach is an econometric approach which we feel tions 7,8 and 9 we obtain forecasts for output, employment
gives the best estimates for the future values of the variables and corporate capital which are consistent with the model.
in the model. However, we also felt it important to provide Next, we consider a one unit impulse in the investment of
a worst-case scenario. Our worst-case scenario is one in government capital at time t. This implies that the govern-
which the economy does not grow. We call this a 'no +
ment capital at time t s is now given by
change' approach.
For the econometric approach we explored a number of
forecasting models and decided to use a unit root specifica- where @+, is the forecast government capital using our unit
tion. To be specific, we differenced the historical data on root model described above. We now use this new series for
wages and government capital and forecasted the difference government capital and the original theoretically forecasted
using a second-order autoregressive process. Then we undif- series for labour and corporate capital in the production
ferenced the forecasts to obtain a forecast for wages and the function and obtain a new forecast for output at each future

'We choose 200 periods since this is a standard set by the Auerbach and Kotlikoff (1987) work. However, we could have used a shorter
horizon. As we will see from the tables to follow, most of the benefit from government capital is received within 20 years.
A normative analysis of public capital
date. Differencing this from the original output series then vestment programme when the appropriate discount rate is
gives the marginal output change due to a new unit of 4.0% and the unit root forecasts are used. In this case the
government capital investment which has no external effect impact multiplier is 0.365 indicating that the short-term
on labour supply or corporate capital investment; that is we benefit to this spending programme is less than its cost. If we
find were to use this short-term multiplier then such spending
may be discouraged. However, such a decision would be
shortsighted since it overlooks the long-term benefits which
have a present value of $9.63. By correctly incorporating the
This marginal output change can then be used in Equation present value of future benefits, we are able to report num-
6 to obtain the true benefit. bers which are appropriate for basing an investment
The results of this exercise are presented in Table 2. The decision on.
numbers in Table 2 represent the benefits received in vari- One cautionary note on how to interpret the benefits
ous time intervals for a $1.00 impulse in spending. Thus, the reported in Table 2 is very important. Some economists
cost is $1.00 and the appropriate benefit figure for the cost have interpreted the multipliers presented in other papers as
benefit analysis is the value reported in the right column suggesting that an arbitrage opportunity exists for the gov-
entitled 'Sum'. The table shows that the true benefit of $1.00 ernment. For instance, they may interpret our benefits as
spent on government capital is quite substantial, falling in showing that if the government were to invest any amount,
the range between $3.34 and $9.63 when the 'econometric say x, in public capital, that it should expect to see a benefit
forecasts' are used and $2.08 and $4.73 when the 'no change' equal to x times $9.63. Such an interpietation would be
forecasts are used. These large true benefits are quite intu- seriously incorrect. As one can see from the production
itive once one recognizes that a government capital invest- function, in an economy with limited labour resources gov-
ment depreciates slowly and thus leads to a long-term ernment capital has diminishing returns. Thus the marginal
increase in the government capital stock and long-term return will be lower for each additional unit of government
productivity gains. One of the more important distinguish- capital and eventually one would expect that an additional
ing features of this work from the work by Aschauer (1989, unit will cost more than its benefit. Thus one should not
1990), Munnell (1990), Tatom (1991) and others is that we expect this to be the benefit one will obtain for any level of
have explicitly quantified the benefit of public capital by public capital investment. What Table 2 does show is the
taking into consideration the fact that it is durable and thus benefit for a marginal dollar of investment is currently
the benefits will be received over many years. greater than the cost and thus the current level of govern-
Table 2 also decomposes the timing in which the benefits ment capital is less than optimal.
are received. The first column represents the benefit which
one expects to receive in the first year and is analogous to
The total benefit of public capital investment
the multiplier described by Aschauer (1989) and the 'impact
multiplier' described by Baxter and King (1993). Further, In the previous analysis we deducted from the total benefit
because of this analogy the values for the benefit reported the costs of endogenous changes in the labour supply and
here are similar in magnitude to the multiplier values found capital stock in order to obtain the true benefit. This figure
in those studies. The remaining columns represent the pres- is the correct figure to use to base an investment decision on.
ent values of the benefit which is received in various other However, the total benefit is interesting because it provides
intervals. As can be seen substantial benefits come beyond a figure which captures the total change in output induced
the first year in which the public capital is used. For dis- by the public capital investment. We now carry out total
cussion sake, consider evaluating a government capital in- benefit calculations.

Table 2. True benefit over various time intervals

Intervals of time
Discount rate Year 1 Years 2-5 Years 6-10 Years 11-20 Years 21-50 Years 51- Sum
Econometric forecasts
r = 4.0% 0.365 1.295 1.310 1.895 2.758 2.01 1 9.634
r = 8.8% 0.250 0.811 0.701 0.792 0.667 0.124 3.345

No change forecasts
1208 C. Ai and S. P. Cussou
Table 3. Total benejt ouer various time interuals
Intervals of time
Discount rate Year 1 Years 2-5 Years 6-10 Years 1 1-20 Years 21-50 Years 51- Sum
Econometric forecasts

No change forecasts
r = 4.0% 1.784 5.896 5.201 5.907 4.521 0.482 23.79 1
r = 8.8% 1.614 4.791 3.462 2.882 1.159 0.030 13.937

ment?' Using Equation 7, we see the impact on employment

is given by

Figure 1 plots the percentage increases in employment over

the next 200 years for a $1 billion spending programme on
government capital. Only one graph is provided because the
employment stimulation is graphically indistinguishable for
the 4.0% parameter values and the 8.8% parameter values.
The figure shows an employment increase of 0.05% in the
first year of such a programme and this employment stimu-
lation slowly diminishes as the public capital depreciates.
Fig. 1. Percentage employment response to $ I billion public capital
V. C O N C L U S I O N S
Begin by noting that Equation 9 implies
This paper has evaluated the benefit of a marginal pub-
lic capital expenditure and found it to exceed the cost.
Several improvements to related studies have been incorp-
orated into the analysis in this paper. These improvements
Next iterate on Equation 1 to get are both theoretical and empirical. The most noteworthy
theoretical feature is that the model is dynamic and explicit-
ly incorporates the durability of a public capital investment
which is very important for evaluating long-lived assets.
Equally important is that our empirical procedure properly
handles several concerns raised about earlier studies.
Further, our empirical approach tightly identifies the
parameters of the model, thus resulting in highly efficient
parameter estimates.

and the total benefit (Equation 5) can be evaluated using ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

these formulas. Table 3 contains the results of these calcu-
lations. These results show very substantial total output The authors would like to thank Thomas Muench and
gains from a marginal unit of public capital investment. Gerhard Glomm for comments on earlier drafts of the
Another interesting question which can be easily ans- paper, and Lawrence J. Fulco at the Bureau of Labor
wered is, 'How much employment stimulation would one Statistics for providing some of the data used in this study.
expect from one additional unit of public capital invest- Any errors are our responsibility.
A normative analysis of public capital
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