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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English

(High School Level)

I. Objective
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Identify and describe the current issues in the Philippines

b. Relate to an authentic, engaging and complex question or issue

c. Create a project on how to solve the specific issue

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Current Issues in the Philippines


III. Materials

 Laptop, Pictures, Videos

IV. Procedure

a. Introduction

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

“Good Morning Class” “Good Morning Ma’am!”

So, how’s your day class? “We are okay Ma’am”

Good to hear that! I hope you all are

comfortable and with a peace of mind “Yes Ma’am”

during our lecture

“Let us pray first” (One Student will lead the Prayer)

(Recalling class rules)

“Is that clear class?” “Yes ma’am!”

“Very Good”

(Checking of Attendance) (One student will tell who’s absent)

(Reviewing of a past lesson) (One student open its camera)

“Last week we discussed about the “Ma’am the different part of speech are

different part of speech, so can someone noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective,

enumerate what are those?” preposition, conjunction and interjection”

“Very good! It seems you really listened to

our discussion last time”

“So before we start our lesson, let me

refresh your mind first”

b. Motivation

The teacher will present pictures on the screen called 4 pics and 1 word. Students will try

to guess what specific word fits with the theme of the 4 photos presented on the screen.

These are the words that can be found in the game:

C. Lesson Proper
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

“Alright class, I am very pleased that you

were able to finish the activity given to

you and I hope that you enjoyed it. So

now, let us discuss the pictures presented


(The teacher will present multiple

questions in the class)

(The teacher will call three (3) students

“What do you think the pictures all and their answers may vary)


“Very good observation! All of your

answers are correct. Those pictures

presented are some examples of the

current issues we faced in our country

which will be our topic to discuss.

Our lesson for today is about the current

issues in the Philippines, are you familiar “Yes ma’am”

with it class?”

(The teacher will show 4 video clips in the

class about the current issues in the

Philippines. First video is about the

climate change, second is poverty, third is

depression and forth is about teenage

pregnancy. After the video, the teacher

will ask questions to the class to describe

the videos presented)

“Ma’am the first video shows the cause

“Class can you describe what was the and effects of climate change”

video all about?”

(Four students will be called) “Ma’am the video is about poverty which

affect the lives of people in the


“Ma’am the third video shows how

depression affects the mental health of

every individual”

“Ma’am the forth video shows the

problem of teenage pregnancy that

continue arises because of lack of parental

“Thank you class for your good answers”,

these videos serves as a representation of

how the current issues affect the lives of

every individual and how hard it is to be

in their situation”

“It seems that you all are aware on the

issues we faced today based on how you

respond and I can see that you are ready

for an activity” “Yes ma’am we are ready”

“Am I right, class?”

A. Activities

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

(The teacher will present 5 question to the


“In 5-10 sentences explain what are the

causes of the issues you watched a while (Student’s answer may vary; they will

ago and as a student what possible post their answers on the chat box of the
solution you will do in order to solve the meeting)

specific problem.”

“You have 2-3 minutes to answer the

question, Understood class?” “Yes ma’am”

B. Application

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

(The teacher will ask questions to the


“How does the issues presented affects

the lives of people?”

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