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Today we'll...

the psychological underpinnings of our society's addiction to checking email more Zoom call. And I'll start with a question - when was the last time you
watched a movie or show and did not .............. at your inbox? When was the last time you left
the house without your phone? Can you eat a meal or sit................. without doing any work at
all? If it's really hard for you to 3. then today is for you.
................ and letting our brains................. and letting our minds wander - it's actually
paradoxically key to be, in a way, more efficient and also more relaxed.
Amelia Aldao is a therapist in New York City. She has some tips on how to.............. the phone,
the computer, the list of productive...7 and 8.... for you.
"Thank you so much for joining us. I really..9....
"Thank you so much for...10.........
"How has stories from your patients changed over the past year? Have you 11.___._._._.?”
"I have. I have. And my patients..................they tend to................ That's what I specialize in.
And there has been a lot of things. Some are fairly good and helpful, and obviously, some are
not. And I'll tell you the two ......14.... And the first one, on the negative side, people are a lot
more...15.... no matter, you know, what their situation in life is. Whether they live alone or with a
partner or with kids or with 16. there is a sense of isolation that is becoming really problematic.
Well, we had a loneliness epidemic.17... in America, and it's only getting more and more
exacerbated. And that, of course, has a lot of 18. on people's

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