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CSS110: Customer Relationship Management - Project 1

Models of CRM
Project Description:

Chapter 1 describes the four Customer Relationship Management models (pp. 22 -23). Based on your own
understanding, explain each of the four models in detail.

Submit your work to Project 1 in Moodle.

To start, consult the following additional resources on CRM models:

 The IDIC model of Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
 The SCHEMA Model
 What is a CRM Model?
 How Payne’s Five Process model can help to improve CRM?

Please see the answers below.

1. You MUST provide the following:
a) The name of the model
Ans) 1) The IDIC model 2) The CRM value chain 3) The five-process model 4) The SCHEMA model

b) Definition of the model

Ans) 1) The IDIC model was developed by the Peppers and Rogers Group as a generic blueprint for
implementing CRM in a variety of situations. IDIC stands for the four stages of CRM
implementation: identify, differentiate, interact, and customize 2) The Buttle's CRM value chain
includes five primary stages and four supporting conditions to aid the organization create
customer value and organization profitability. The primary stages are customer portfolio analysis,
customer intimacy, network development, value proposition development and manage the
relationship 3) Porter's Five Forces Model is an important tool for understanding the main
competitive forces at work in an industry, it is a method for analyzing competition of a business. It
draws from industrial organization economics to derive five forces that determine the competitive
intensity and, therefore, the attractiveness of an industry in terms of its profitability 4) The
SCHEMA model is a benchmarking tool, it helps the organizations to maintain a balance between
customer relations and to achieve profits.

c) Explanation of how the model is used to build customer relationships

Ans) 1) Crm- It identifies customers, helps to differentiate , interact and customize the services to
make sure customer expectations are met 2)IDIC- The primary stages of customer portfolio
analysis, customer intimacy, network development, value proposition development and managing
the customer lifecycle, are sequenced to ensure that a company, with the support of its network of
suppliers, partners and employees, creates and delivers value propositions that acquire and retain
profitable customers 3) five-process model -It helps in customer relationship management by using
five core processes in a strategic, operational and analytical way. 4) The model identifies five
enablers of good customer management, including the deep customer insight that is necessary for
well-targeted marketing, selling and service; the alignment of brand positioning with customer
experience, and the integration of channels and media and the way content is created and used.

2. Next, research a company known for its dedication to strong customer relationships. In your own
words, describe the company that you researched. Apply one of the four models to this company
with an explanation of how the company uses this model to improve customer relationships.
Ans) AbbVie pharmaceuticals is a company known for its customer service and introducing products
according to the customer needs. People work at this company to produce medicines that will benefit
the patients. It is a fortune 100 company and recently been chosen as best company to work for in
Illinois. This organization uses IDIC model to improve customer relationships. Every year it launches
new products by (identify)ing who their customers are and understanding their needs. It then
Differentiates the customers to know which products will help them have most value now and in the
future. It Interacts with their customers to make sure they understand customer expectations with the
medicines they use of other brands. Finally it customizes the medicines to make sure the customer
expectations are met.

Grading Rubric
Grading accepts a start value of 100. Points will be deducted for failure to fully complete or meet the stated requirements.
Grading: 90-100 = Represents work of superior quality (A); 80-89 = Represents work of good to very good quality (B); 70-79 =
Represents adequate command of class content (C); 69 and below = Represents work that shows a need for development or
improvement (F); 0 = Represents plagiarized work (F).

CSS110: Customer Relationship Management


Project 1: Models of CRM

Possible Your
Description of requirements
Points Points
Provided the name of 4 CRM models from Chapter 1 20
Provided definitions of the 4 CRM models from Chapter 1 20
Provided explanation of how each of the 4 models are used to build 20
customer relationships
In your own words, described a company known for its dedication to 20
strong customer relationships
Applied one of the four models to this company with an explanation of 20
how the company uses this model to improve customer relationships.

YOUR SCORE: ________

Instructor Comments:

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