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Honey Wind J.

Oriel 12 AHS - A

A. Reflect on these questions. Use the insights you have gained from the topics
discussed about mental health and well-being. Write at least one paragraph to discuss
your answers on both questions below.
1. Describe a person with a good sense of well-being.
2. Why is mental health important to you as an adolescent? Cite concrete situations to
explain your answer.

Having a good sense of well-being is not only feeling well for a short period of
time, but being able to maintain good health, happiness, and a sense of purpose that
leads to contentment. This involves a healthy and positive mind, capable of managing
and coping to the everyday circumstances that might cause stress, anxiety, and/or
depression. These stressors are inevitable and they always exist, but a person with a
good sense of well-being knows how to make something good out of these dilemmas.
This person also knows and makes it a point to be aware of how her mind and body
works, to be able to understand the biological mechanisms that work and contribute to
her feelings and responses, which will make her capable to work on ways she can help
herself maintain and improve her well-being physically, emotionally, and socially. In the
physical aspect, she should know how to improve bodily functions through proper
nutrition and healthy habits. Emotionally, the practice of stress management techniques
and coping mechanisms will help her cultivate resilience and generate emotions that
lead to good feelings. The ability to relate to others, communicate well, and form
healthy relationships belong to social well-being. Not only focusing on these three
aspects of well-being, she must also know her purpose, that will enable her to attain
meaning, happiness, and satisfaction whichever path she chooses to take or whatever
role she plays in the community.
To become this person having a good sense of well-being, we must know the
importance of mental health, especially that we are adolescents, which means that a
different life starts to welcome us- a life far from playing doll houses or throwing
tantrums over spilled milk. The new chapter of our life we are starting to enter is one
where bigger responsibilities and difficulties await, and we need to prepare our mental
health for this. Because stress exists in multiple ways and may come in unexpected
times, we should be well-equipped with awareness, action plans, and even contingency
plans. To be equipped, we must be eager to know different techniques that make us
more resilient, adaptive and flexible in the midst of thunder and storms that are meant
to disturb and may destroy us. For example, if something does not go the way you
planned it to be, usual reactions would be that you will beat yourself through it that
might lead you to blame yourself and blemish your self-esteem, but being adaptive and
knowing how to cope during these situations, instead of overthinking things you have
no control over, you will think of other possible ways to be able to meet your goal, you
will maintain positive thinking, and you will appreciate the failures and use them to
learn and do better. When we maintain good mental health, we can become good
sailors in the sail through life, where we travel through seas of adversity, strong
currents of negativity, and roaring waves of failures and tragedy.

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