Composites: Part A: Yi Wan, Jun Takahashi

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Composites: Part A 87 (2016) 271–281

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Tensile and compressive properties of chopped carbon fiber tapes

reinforced thermoplastics with different fiber lengths and molding
Yi Wan ⇑, Jun Takahashi
Department of Systems Innovation, The University of Tokyo, Room 414, Eng. Bldg. 3, Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Tensile and compressive behaviors of chopped carbon fiber tapes reinforced thermoplastics have been
Received 11 January 2016 investigated by varying compression molding conditions (to study the effect of the molding pressure)
Received in revised form 17 April 2016 and the tape length (to analyze the fiber length effect on the mechanical properties of produced compos-
Accepted 3 May 2016
ites). Fractographic analysis of prepared specimens conducted after the experiments indicated that the
Available online 4 May 2016
obtained modulus values were almost independent of both the tape length and molding pressure, while
the measured strengths exhibited high molding pressure sensitivity. Interlaminar shear strength was
considered to be the dominate factor in damage determination during tensile testing, while interlaminar
A. Discontinuous reinforcement
A. Polymer-matrix composites (PMCs)
tensile strength played the main role in compression fracture. Increase in the tape length led to a slight
B. Mechanical properties increase in the strength magnitude, but also a significant increase in the standard deviation of strength
E. Compression molding due to the decrease in structural regularity.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Various researches of the compression molding process and its

influence on the material structure and mechanical properties have
Carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) have been widely used been extensively conducted in the past decades. Kim and co-
in the engineering field where lightweight materials with good workers investigated compressibility during molding and decon-
mechanical properties are required. Thermoplastics have attracted solidation behavior of mat-reinforced RCFRTP [3]. A proposed
researchers’ and engineers’ attention as matrix materials due to analytical model and experimental studies of the impregnation
the absence of the curing stage, less hazardous chemical composi- during compression molding of woven CFRTP were reported by
tions, and better recyclability as compared to conventional Phillips et al. [4], while the effects of the stamping conditions on
thermosetting resins [1]. In addition, randomly oriented discontin- the mechanical properties of the woven CFRTP have been exam-
uous fiber systems have been widely utilized for CFRP compression ined by Vieille et al. [5], and the related optimal molding parame-
molding. In contrast to continuous fiber systems, short-fiber sys- ters were determined for CFRTP laminates using a Taguchi method
tems show the superiority in complex shape design and flowabil- [6]. The effects of the compression molding conditions on the
ity. The application of randomly oriented carbon fiber reinforced RCFRTP shear properties were studied by Li and co-workers [7],
thermoplastics (RCFRTP) in the automotive industry can possibly while the void [8] and defect [9] generation processes in RCFRTP
reduce fossil fuel consumption and mitigate environmental during compression molding and their influence on the material
impacts. However, using RCFRTP in motor vehicles requires basic mechanical performance were investigated by professor Pascal
knowledge of the utilized materials and manufacturing processes. from McGill University and his research group.
A variety of RCFRTP, chopped carbon fiber tape-reinforced thermo- Tensile and compressive properties are the most basic mechan-
plastics (CTT), have been previously developed in our research ical parameters of materials utilized in automotive structural com-
group [2] and can be potentially used as materials for manufactur- ponents (the related studies have been extensively conducted
ing critical components of automotive parts. during the past few decades [10–23]). Fu et al. calculated the ten-
sile modulus and strength of RCFRTP using the modified rule of
mixtures that took into account fiber length and orientation distri-
butions [10–12]; they also utilized a laminate analogy approach to
⇑ Corresponding author. evaluate the tensile modulus of RCFRTP [13]. Hashimoto et al.
E-mail address: (Y. Wan).
1359-835X/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
272 Y. Wan, J. Takahashi / Composites: Part A 87 (2016) 271–281

predicted the tensile strength parameters more accurately by using UT-CTT sheets with random orientations were prepared by
a multi-scale finite element method [14], while Argon et al. using a wet-type paper manufacturing process described in
reported that the initial fiber misalignment along the compressive Fig. 2. First, the obtained discontinuous tapes were collected and
loading direction would lead to the decrease in compressive placed inside a water-filled container with a filter and an aperture
strength, which depended on the fiber yield stress [15]. The previ- on the bottom side. After the tapes were randomly dispersed, the
ously reported studies on the CFRP compressive properties were aperture was opened to remove the water from the container.
mainly focused on the kinking phenomenon, while the CFPR lami- Then, the UT-CTT sheets were temporarily fixed by heating and
nates are still considered the most examined and well-prepared cooling hand presses under two procedures: firstly, under 90 °C
materials [16,17]. Budiansky and Fleck investigated the shear and 0.1 MPa pressure for 1 min to remove the water; secondly,
deformation caused by local fiber buckling (corresponding to the under 230 °C and 0.5 MPa pressure for 1 min to temporarily fix
general plastic behavior) when kink bands are generated during the sheet. Because of the high water absorption of PA6, the
compressive fracture; they significantly contributed to the UT-CTT sheets were put into a vacuum dryer before molding. The
strength theory describing the behavior of CFRP subjected to com- temperature of the dryer was set to 90 °C and the sheets were
pressive kinking and established versatile constitutive equations vacuuming for 12 h before the sheets were stacked and molded.
that could be used for quantitative analysis [18–21]. The orienta- Finally, heat-and-cool compression molding was applied to mold
tion dependences of the tensile and compressive properties of UT-CTT specimens from the stacked UT-CTT sheets.
short glass fiber-reinforced polypropylene were investigated by Because impregnation qualities significantly affect material
Hartl et al. [23]. However, still only a few research studies focused mechanical properties, while impregnating thermoplastics is more
on both the tensile and compressive behaviors of RSFRTP. Also the difficult than impregnating thermosetting polymers due to their
RCFRTP impregnation qualities generally considered as a key factor high viscosity after melting, two different molding processes were
in the compression molding processes. Nevertheless, the relation- utilized for UT-CTT manufacturing: high-pressure molding (M h )
ship between the impregnation quality of RSFRTP and its tensile/ and low-pressure molding (M l ). The detailed molding conditions
compressive properties still need further investigations. are described in Fig. 3; as a result, four UT-CTT composites with
The objective of this work was to study tensile and compressive different tape lengths were molded at both the M h and M l condi-
properties of CTT composites manufactured from ultra-thin semi- tions. The molded plates were in 3 mm thickness, and the plate size
prepreg tapes. Material molding conditions were changed by vary- was 250 mm in length and 125 mm in width. Before the specimens
ing the compression pressure, while fiber lengths were modified by were cutout, the molding edge effects were eliminated by cutting
using the ultrathin semi-prepreg tapes with different lengths, and off 10 mm from each edge.
the effects of these parameters on the tensile and compressive Tensile and compressive tests were conducted by using a uni-
properties of the obtained composites were examined. In addition, versal testing machine (AUTOGRAPH AG-X plus, Shimadzu Co.,
the effects of the molding conditions on the polymer structural Ltd.). To prevent early-stage damage at the end portions of tested
properties were investigated through the microstructure observa- specimens, a compression jig described in Fig. 4 was utilized. Five
tion and the material fracture analysis. specimens were prepared for each UT-CTT type using different tape
lengths and molding conditions. The tensile specimens were cut to
2. Materials and methods 35 mm ⁄ 150 mm size while the compressive specimens were cut
to 16 mm ⁄ 70 mm due to the limitation of the compressive jig.
Ultra-thin chopped carbon fiber tape reinforced thermoplastics Tensile and compressive modulus values were measured by exten-
(UT-CTT), which contained in-plane randomly oriented ultra-thin someter and strain gauges, respectively. The experiment condi-
unidirectional semi-prepreg tapes manufactured from carbon fiber tions were partially follow the JIS K 7073 (1.0 mm/min tensile
tow (TR 50S, Mitsubishi Rayon Co., Ltd.) and Polyamid-6 film (PA6, test speed) and JIS K 7076 (0.5 mm/min compressive test speed).
DIAMIRONTM C, Mitsubishi Plastics, Inc.), were utilized in this study. The 50 mm extensometer was utilized for tensile specimens and
The average tape thickness (between 40 lm and 50 lm) was much both sides of the compressive specimen surfaces were installed
smaller than that of a conventional tape (approximately 150 lm); with 5 mm strain gauge to measure the average strain value. After
therefore, it was referred to as a ‘‘UT (ultra-thin) tape” (Fig. 1). UT the specimens were broken, the fractographic analysis was con-
tape-containing unnotched specimens exhibited superior fracture ducted using a microscope (VHX-1000, Keyence Co., Ltd.), a 3D
resistance under static, fatigue, and impact loading (as compared X-ray scanner (TDM1000-II, Yamato Scientific Co., Ltd.), and an
to that for the conventional materials) [24]. In addition, the UT image processing software (TRI/3D-BON, RATOC System Engineer-
tapes were characterized by better structural integrity after com- ing Co., Ltd.).
pression molding due to the more uniform molding pressure distri- Fiber volume fractions (V f ) and Void volume fractions (V v ) of
bution [25–27] (in this work, unidirectional semi-prepreg UT tapes the UT-CTT with different tape lengths manufactured under differ-
were provided by the Industrial Technology Center of the Fukui ent molding conditions were evaluated through ash testing, during
Prefecture). In order to study the effect of the fiber length, the which the sample volume V and sample weight M was measured
semi-prepreg UT tapes were cut into pieces with different lengths by a densitometer, while the CF weight, MCF , was determined by
(6 mm, 12 mm, 18 mm, and 24 mm). burning off the polymer resin under 500 °C for three hours in a

Fig. 1. Cross-sections of the UT (a) and conventional (b) tapes. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)
Y. Wan, J. Takahashi / Composites: Part A 87 (2016) 271–281 273

Fig. 2. Manufacturing of the UT-CTT composites by the wet-type paper making method. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 3. Parameters of the M h (orange) and Ml (blue) molding conditions. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article.)

crucible furnace. V f and V v values were calculated by using the quality was very good since the CF tape surface was entirely cov-
equation V f ¼ ðM CF =qCF Þ=V; V v ¼ ðqCF  V f þ qM ð1  V f Þ  M=VÞ= ered by the polymer matrix. In contrast, the impregnation quality
qM , where qCF was the density of the CF material and qM was the of the material surface obtained by the M l molding was not as good
density of the matrix material (provided by the corresponding since some tape parts were not fully covered with the polymer spe-
manufacturers in this study). cies, making the CF surface partially exposed (Fig. 6). Also the X-ray
CT images have analogy results that void and un-impregnated area
3. Results were only observed in M l specimens (Fig. 7).
The V f and V v values measured separately for each prepared
3.1. Compression molding UT-CTT composite type (Table 1) indicate that the impregnation
characteristics of the high-pressure molding process are superior.
Fig. 5 shows the images of the UT-CTT composites with different Because the intermediate substrates before molding were identi-
tape lengths. The molding pressure difference between the Mh and cal, higher values of the fiber volume fraction corresponded to
Ml molding conditions resulted in a difference in the UT-CTT lower void volume fractions or higher amounts of the resin
impregnation qualities. After M h molding, the CF impregnation squeezed out of the mold.
274 Y. Wan, J. Takahashi / Composites: Part A 87 (2016) 271–281

all tested specimens (Fig. 8). The scatters of the values were the
corresponding standard deviations. The resulting values of the
equivalent tensile modulus Et and equivalent compressive modu-
lus Ec were found to be independent of the tape length and mold-
ing conditions. In contrast, the equivalent strengths showed tape
length and molding conditions dependency. Moreover, the equiva-
lent compressive strength rc parameter was more sensitive to the
molding conditions than the equivalent tensile strength rt because
the average value of rc was lower for the M l specimens than for the
M h specimens regardless of the tape length (in contrast to the rt
results). In addition, the standard deviation of the strength magni-
tudes for each specimen increased with an increase in the tape
length at both molding conditions. The rt and rc values obtained
for the M l specimens also exhibited different tendencies with an
increase in the tape length: rt was found to be independent of it,
while rc decreased with increasing tape length.
The fracture mechanisms were also different for the tensile and
compressive specimens. During tensile testing, three basic failure
models were observed: fiber breakage, tape tearing (interphase
debonding), and tape debonding (interface debonding) (Fig. 9).
These tensile failure models usually occur simultaneously in UT-
CTT composites; however, their occurrence frequencies depended
on the specimen molding conditions and tape length (Fig. 10).
For the M h molding, the fiber breakage was the dominant fracture
model, the tape tearing could be observed in some parts, while the
tape debonding was hardly detected in the specimens. However,
although the fiber breakage could be observed in the M l specimens,
Fig. 4. A jig for the UT-CTT compressive testing. (For interpretation of the the interphase and interface debonding failures also played very
references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version important roles. Moreover, for some M l specimens characterized
of this article.)
by poor mechanical performance, the interphase and interface
debonding processes were considered to be the dominant failure
The V f values for the produced UT-CTT show differences for dif-
models. In addition, the fiber breakage was more likely to occur
ferent tape length and molding conditions. In order to perform a
in the specimens with high lengths of CF tapes.
quantitative analysis and evaluation of the mechanical properties,
According to the compression test results, the obtained failure
their related parameters were estimated from the real V f values for
models can be divided in two groups: buckling and cracking. The
each specimen by applying the general rule of mixtures [10] (with
failure models appears to correlate with the molding conditions:
the reference V f value set to 50%).
both the buckling and cracking failures were observed in the M h
specimens, while only the buckling failures occurred in the M l
3.2. Mechanical property testing and fractography analysis specimens. In addition, buckling generally produces more severe
damage in M h specimens than in M l specimens. Furthermore,
After analyzing the obtained tensile and compressive test slight buckling that occurred in some M l specimens with poor
results, the equivalent mechanical properties were evaluated for

Fig. 5. Images of the UT-CTT composites with different tape lengths. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article.)
Y. Wan, J. Takahashi / Composites: Part A 87 (2016) 271–281 275

Fig. 6. Micrographs of the UT-CTT composites fabricated at the M h (a) and Ml (b) molding conditions. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 7. X-ray lCT images of the poor impregnation of M l specimen (a) and the general Mh specimen (b).

Table 1 the tensile M l specimens, while the compressive failure in the M l

V f (fiber volume fractions) and V v (void volume fractions) of UT-CTT composites with specimens could be described by two different models. In addition,
the initial buckling significantly affected the average rc values for
various tape lengths fabricated at different molding conditions.

Tape length 6 mm 12 mm 18 mm 24 mm the M l specimens, which, therefore, could be separated into two
Vf of Mh (%) 54.4 56.1 55.2 56.7 different groups corresponding to the buckling and initial buckling
Vv of M h (%) 1.20 1.06 0.78 1.01 failure models. The rc values obtained at different CF tape lengths
Vf of Ml (%) 50.1 50.0 49.2 51.6 are plotted in Fig. 12, because only one or two M l specimens failed
Vv of M l (%) 3.21 3.12 3.80 3.35 with buckling in each tape length, so the corresponding rc results
were plotted without standard deviations. The general buckling M l
specimens exhibited rc values similar to those for the M h speci-
mechanical properties at a very early stage was defined as initial mens. In contrast, the initial buckling Ml specimens produced
buckling (Fig. 11). apparently abnormal results corresponding to a decrease in the
average rc (accompanied by a scattering increase) with an increase
4. Discussion in the tape length. In addition, the average rc values for the initial
buckling Ml specimens were much lower than those for the general
Both the tensile and compressive strength values were lower for buckling M l and M h specimens indicating that the initial buckling
the M l specimens than for the M h ones; however, the obtained failure was the dominant reason for the decrease in rc of the M l
trends for the rc parameter revealed a distinct relationship specimens. Therefore, if the rc values for the initial buckling spec-
between the molding conditions and the mechanical performance imens are plotted separately, their dependence on the CF fiber
of the UT-CTT composites. Similar failure models were observed for length rc will be characterized by the graph depicted in Fig. 13.
276 Y. Wan, J. Takahashi / Composites: Part A 87 (2016) 271–281

Fig. 8. Equivalent mechanical properties of the UT-CTT composites: tensile modulus (a1), tensile strength (a2), compressive modulus (b1), and compressive strength (b2).
(For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 9. Fiber breakage (a), tape tearing (interphase debonding) (b), and tape debonding (interface debonding) (c) [30] in the tensile specimen (d). (For interpretation of the
references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

In contrast, no clear differences were observed between the failure average and low rt as well as for those characterized by the gen-
models for the tensile M l specimens; however, as was previously eral buckling and initial buckling failure models (see Fig. 14).
stated, the M l specimens with low rt produced more tape debond- According to the presented data, the curves obtained for the
ing failure models than the other specimens. low-rt tensile specimens merely follow the trend previously
To further investigate the mechanical performance and fracture observed for the high-rt specimens, while all the tensile specimens
progress in the M l specimens, typical force–stroke (F–S) and are characterized by brittle fractures. Conversely, different curves
stress–strain (S–S) curves were plotted for the specimens with were obtained for the general buckling (high-rc ) and initial
Y. Wan, J. Takahashi / Composites: Part A 87 (2016) 271–281 277

Fig. 10. Fracture sections of the high-strength tensile specimen with 30 mm tape length (a), the low-strength tensile specimen with 30 mm tape length (b), the high-strength
tensile specimen with 12 mm tape length (c) and the low-strength tensile specimen with 12 mm tape length (d). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 11. Lateral views of M h cracking (a), M h buckling (b), M l buckling (c), and M l initial buckling (d) in the compressive fracture specimens. (For interpretation of the
references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

buckling (low-rc ) fracture compressive M l specimens. The F–S and trast, the curves obtained for the initial buckling specimens repre-
S–S dependences plotted for the general buckling specimens corre- sent ductile fractures: they show a linear increase first and then
spond to brittle fractures: they first increase linearly followed by a drop at relatively low loading when the initial buckling occurs.
sudden drop, indicating the ultimate failure of a specimen. In con- After the initial fracture, the F–S curve stretches further with a
278 Y. Wan, J. Takahashi / Composites: Part A 87 (2016) 271–281

Fig. 12. rc values for the Ml specimens with general buckling (a) and initial buckling (b) fractures.

the fracture are almost identical (regardless of the failure model),

while the stiffnesses obtained for the high-rt specimens are
slightly higher than those for the low-rt ones.
The obtained results reveal that the poor impregnation quality
lead to a low strength response during both tensile and compres-
sive testing. The fracture mechanism and rc values significantly
depend on the impregnation quality; thus, the poor impregnation
produces ductile fractures and a significant decrease in rc . In addi-
tion, the increase in the length for the UT tape leads to an increase
in scattering for both the tensile and compressive strengths.
The dependence between the impregnation quality, UT tape
length and the failure models was exhibited by the tensile speci-
mens. When the tape length is long or the impregnation quality
Fig. 13. Modified equivalent compressive strengths for the composite specimens is good, the corresponding failure model often follows the fiber
with different lengths of the reinforcement tape. (For interpretation of the brakeage, while at short tape length or poor impregnation quality,
references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version the failure is more likely to occur according to the interphase or
of this article.)
interface debonding. The changes in impregnation quality produce
changes in interphase and interface strengths and stress transfer
slight decrease, while the S–S curve regresses along its original limitations. After taking into account the stress conditions of the
shape until the ultimate failure. In addition, the curve slopes (i.e., specimens during interphase and interface debonding (Fig. 10 indi-
the stiffnesses) for the compressive M l specimens before and after cated that the tape debonded with interfacial shear failure), it can

Fig. 14. Force–stroke (F–S) (a1) and stress–strain (S–S) (a2) curves for the Ml tensile specimens, and F–S (b1) and S–S (b2) curves for the M l compressive specimens. (For
interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Y. Wan, J. Takahashi / Composites: Part A 87 (2016) 271–281 279

Fig. 15. 3D X-ray models of M h cracking (a), Mh buckling (b), M l buckling (c), and M l initial buckling (d) in the compressive fracture specimens.

Fig. 16. Schematics of the UT-CTT composites with 6-mm (a), 24-mm (b), and imaginary 120-mm (c) tapes.

Fig. 17. Micro X-ray images of the general UT-CTT composite (a), poor impregnation area (b), and split tape area (c).

be assumed that the interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) is the dom- failures were similar. Fig. 15 displays the 3D models of the com-
inant factor in the tensile damage determination. In addition, the pressive specimens with various failure models obtained under dif-
linear elongations of the F–S and S–S curves recorded for the ten- ferent molding conditions, which show that the local structural
sile specimens during the fracture process suggest that the average damages observed for all failure models mainly correspond to
tensile strength of UT-CTT can be predicted by simple micro- delamination towards out-of-plane direction (denoted by the cir-
mechanical models due to the linear mechanical response, as has cles in Fig. 15). Combining the corresponding stress conditions
been demonstrated previously [28,29]. with the failure analysis results reveals that the interlaminar ten-
Despite the differences in fracture progresses under different sile strength (ILTS) plays the main role in the compressive failure.
molding conditions, the observed mechanisms for the compressive In contrast to the tensile test results, the observed sudden changes
280 Y. Wan, J. Takahashi / Composites: Part A 87 (2016) 271–281

in the failure model and related strength values (Figs. 11 and 12) Acknowledgments
suggest the existence of an ILTS threshold, which preserves the
structural integrity and stress transfer properties of a material by Part of this study was conducted as Japanese METI project ‘‘the
avoiding initial local delamination and damage at an early stage. Future Pioneering Projects/Innovative Structural Materials Project”
Because the impregnation qualities significantly affect the ILTS, since 2013fy. Authors would like to express sincerely appreciation
the decrease in molding pressure can lead to a significant decrease to the project members who have provided valuable information
in rc . However, when the ILTS exceeds its threshold, the material and useful discussions.
fracture exhibits statistical conformity despite the differences in
the impregnation qualities (Fig. 13).
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