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Course Title: The Child and Adolescent Learner and Learning Principle

Course Code: CPE 100

Course Description:
This course focuses on child & adolescent development with emphasis on
current research and theory on biological, linguistics, cognitive, social and
emotional dimensions of development. Further, this includes factors that affect
the progress of development and shall include appropriate pedagogical principles
applicable for each developmental level.
Course Outcomes:
● Demonstrate an understanding of research-based knowledge in child and
adolescent development and principles of teaching and learning. PPST 1.2.1
● Articulate the rootedness of education in psychological context- CMO PSG
No. 74-s. 2017.
● Demonstrate understanding of supportive learning environments that
nature and inspire learners at each developmental level. PPST 2.4.1
● Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of differentiated teaching to
suit the learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences. PPST
● Apply pedagogies of learning and teaching appropriate for each
developmental level.
● Choose activities and strategies that are responsive to the learners
linguistic, cultural, socio-economic and religious backgrounds-PPST 3.2.1

Course Requirements and Grading System:

50% - Course Module (soft copy)

20% - Prelim and Midterm Oral Examinations (through phone calls)
20% - Synchronous Online Final Exam (using Google form)
10% - Attendance (online meeting through Zoom or Google meet)

1. The Course Module does not tolerate academic dis honesty cheating and plagiarism
on class activity/ tasks may result in zero grade for the task assignment. Activities should be
personally printed by you and send to online google classroom.
2. Submission of all class requirements, assignments, class activities of the Course
Module must be submitted via online or softcopy. You may apply any means to be able to
submit your course activities.
3. Secure materials for your online class. There will be online meeting through Google
meet, once every two weeks. Keep posted with some announcements through SMS or GC.
Mark your calendar on the following specific dates of our online meeting which can be found in
the Course Module. These dates are based from memorandum of the University.
4. There will be prelim and midterm oral examinations through phone calls or Google
Meet. So make sure that you were able to give your contact number to your instructor. These
oral examinations will measure your level of understanding and leanings from the Course
Module, Audio/Video lectures, online meetings, and other learning resources provided for you.
5. To pass the subject, get a 70% total grade average.
6. For consultations or any queries from the instructor, leave her a Personal Message on
FB Messenger.

Students must abide by rules, policies, and procedure

established by the course Instructor

Other reminders:

1. PARTICIPATION IS VERY IMPORTANT. Make sure that you participate in all activities of
this module, if you do not participate in the discussions activities and other course
requirements for three weeks you may be dropped for the course.
2. You are responsible to keep copies of all work requirements, you are expected to
complete all online discussions, assignments, quizzes, tests and any other activates by
the due date
3. PLEASE BE HONEST. Dishonesty are expressly forbidden. Fear the wrath of God, Allah
subhana wa taala. Be a teacher with conscience and develop the habit of integrity and
honesty. Remember, it is better to be open and honest with your mistakes and get a
failing grade in the quiz than get a perfect score yet, Angels and your eyes mock you.
Take MISTAKES as opportunity to LEARN.
4. BE RESPONSIBLE for your own learning and have a positive attitude. Each student is
strongly encouraged to submit your output before on the day of the said deadline,
follow due dates and schedules.

Important Dates
October 6 – first oral examination/online meeting
Oct. 20 - second oral examination
Oct. 27– submission of the soft copy of the Course Module 1-3 with answers. To be
submitted in the Google Classroom.
synchronous online final examination


Time Learning Content Learning Activities and Assessment Tasks Self-Check Remarks
Duration (e.g. Done/Accomplished)
Week 1 Orientation ● Collection of Names and Contact
numbers of Students
● Distribution all learning resources
and Course Modules
● Join Google classroom of the
● Join FB Group chat of the subject
Week 2 Module 1-2: Human ● Read a research or study related
Development: to Learner –Centered
Meaning Concepts psychological principles (LCP)
and Approaches ● Cite and explain at least one
Stages of pedagogical principle.
Development and ● Approaches to human
Development Task development
Week 3-4 Module 3: Issues on ● Nature vs nurture
Human Development ● Continuity vs Discontinuity
● Stability vs. Change
● Fill out the matrix on human
Week 5-6 Module 4: Research in ● Teachers as a researcher
Child and Adolescent ● Ethical Principles
Development ● Research abstract
● (to be submitted on or before
Oct. 9)
● 5-item Assessment /Quiz

Online meeting for the Oral Examination (check GC for Zoom meeting invitation)
Week 7-9 Module 5: Freud’s ● Stages of Psychosexual Development
Psychoanalytic Theory ● Freud Personality components
● Case study on

Week 10 – 11 Module 6: Piaget’s Stages ● Basic concepts

of Cognitive Development ● Stages of cognitive development
● Piaget’s findings and comprehensive
● Create a story that involve Piaget’s
Week 12 -13 Module 7: Erikson’s ● Self- questionnaire assessing the
Psycho-Social Theory of personality dimensions associated
Development with Erikson’s first 5 stages of
psychosexual development
● Introduction to the eight stages
● Write your own story using the stages
of psychosocial development as
framework (to be submitted in the
google classroom on or before Nov.

Online meeting for the Oral Examination (check GC for Zoom meeting invitation)

Week 13 Module 8: Kolberg’s Stages ● Different level of moral reasoning

of Moral Development espoused by kolberg
● Kolberg’s Theory of Moral
Development and stages
● Moral dilemma
● Research other view of moral
reasoning theory and relate to
Kolberg’s theory
● 10 items quiz
Weeks 14-15 Module 9: Vygotsky’s ● Socio cultural Theory of Development
Socio-Cultural Theory ● True or False rationalization
● Research connection (to be
submitted in the Google classroom
on or before Dec. 12)
Week 16 Module 10: ● Bronenbrenner’s Biological Model
Bronfenbrenner’s ● Biological Theory
Ecological Theory ● Graphic Organizer Activity: Looking
Back (Recall your childhood)
● Research study related to
Bronfenbrenner’s theory
● 10 items quiz
Synchronous Online Final Examination using Google Forms. Link of the exam will be posted in the GC.
The learner is the center of instruction. The world of instruction revolves around the learner. This
module introduces you to the fourteen (14) learner centered principles which shall be used throughout
this book as a guide in determining appropriate pedagogy for learners at different life stages.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the module, the students should be able to:

● Explain the 14 principles.

● Advocate for the use of the 14 principles in the teaching-learning process.
● Identify ways on how to apply the 14 principles in instruction as a future teacher.

1. Learner-Centered Psychological Principles

1. Corpuz, B. , Lucas M., Borabo, H.(2018). The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning
Principles ( Unit 1)

Time table: Week 1

Learning Resources

2. Before you open the file for reading, do these activities about the Learner- Centered Principle.
Examine the title “Learner-Centered Psychological Principles”, Quickly jot down at least 10 words
that come to your mind.

● Go back to each word and write phrases about why you think the word can be associated with

● I think that Learner- Centered Principles focus on

● After doing this, open and read the slide presentation file “Learner-Centered Psychological
Principles". Pp .1-12

Learning Activities:
A. Read a research or study related to Learner –Centered psychological principles (LCP). Fill
out the matrix below. 
Assessment Tasks

Cite and explain at least one pedagogical principle.

Learner-Centered Principles Explanation

Cluster 1 – Principles referring to Cognitive and

meta cognitive Factors

(state the relevant learner-centered principle here)

Cluster 2 – Principles referring to Motivational and

Affective Factors

(state the relevant learner-centered principle here)

Cluster 3 – Principles referring to Development

and Social Factors

(state the relevant learner-centered principle here)

Cluster 4 – Principles referring to Individual

differences Factor

(state the relevant learner-centered principle here)

All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and entrances, And one man in his time plays
many parts.

-William Shakespeare
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the module, the students should be able to:

● define human development in your own words.

● .distinguish between the traditional and life-span approach of development.

● Two Approaches of Human Development

● Corpuz, B. , Lucas M., Borabo, H.(2018). The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles (
Unit 1)

Time table: Week 2

Learning Resources

3. Before you open the file for reading, do these activities about human development.

4. After answering this one, open the PDF file “Human Development: Meaning Concepts and
Approaches”. Pp.14-24

Learning Activities:

1. Research further on the cephalocaudal and proximodissal pattern of development.

a. Illustrate both patterns by drawing or diagram.

b. How do you apply your knowledge of cephalocaudal and proximodistal patterns of development in
your teaching? Hint: The pencils of pre-K, Kindergartens and Grade 1 pupils are bigger than those of
pupils in the higher Grade levels. Oes this practice have something to do with proximodistal pattern of

2.Interpret the following quotation in relation to human development:

a. “Every man is in certain respects like all other men ,like some other men, no other man”
(Murray, H.A & C. Kluckhohn)

b. “Man is an unfinished project. He is always in the process of becoming.”

3. Present your interpretation by way of a Power Point. In the light of researches on human
development, which of the two approaches is closer to the truth – traditional or lifespan? Why?

Assessment Tasks
1. Do the following to ensure mastery of the big ideas presented in this module.

a. Give the meaning of human development.

2. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

a. The direction of growth following the cephalocaudal pattern is from the

_________________________ to the ____________________________.

b. The direction of growth following the proximodistal pattern is from

_________________________to the__________________________________.

3. Differences between the traditional and life-span approaches to human development.

4. Characteristics of human development from a life-span perspective.


“We reach backward to our parents and forward to our children, and
through their children to a future we will never see, but about which
we need to care”

—CARL JUNG Swiss Psychiatrist, 20th Century

Learning Outcomes: At the end of the module, the students should be able to:

1. Explore what is meant by the most important: processes, periods, and issues in development.
A. Periods of Development and the variations in the way age is conceptualized. We will also
examine key developmental issues and strategies we can use to evaluate them.
B. The Significance of Age
C. Developmental Issues:
a) Nature and Nurture
b) Stability and Change
c) Continuity and Discontinuity
2. Compare and contrast the Biological, Cognitive, and Socio-emotional Processes.
3. Map out your personal Journey in this particular stages of your life

Topics: Two concepts help provide a framework for describing and understanding an individual’s
● developmental processes and periods.

● Child and Adolescent Development Authors: Corpuz, Brenda et al. (2010) Pages 1-35
● Life-Span Development: J. Santrock Mcgrawhill (2010) Pages 62-67
● Goldsmith, 2011; Phillips & Lowenstein, 2011

Time table: Week 1

Learning Resources

● Before opening the files for personal readings, do the KWLH chart below. Begin by answering the
first two columns (KNOW and WANT). Do not answer yet the last two columns.

What I KNOW about What I WANT to learn about What I LEARNED HOW I learned
developmental process and developmental process and about the lesson about the
period period lesson

● After doing the KW, Open the PDF file “Nature of Development”
● Read and understand the content. For further readings, open the PDF book on the Life-Span
Development: J. Santrock Mcgrawhill (2010) Pages 62-68
● Digest and discuss the graphics on Periods of Development

Learning Activities:

A. Evaluating the Developmental Issues Although most developmentalists do not take extreme
positions on these three important issues, there is spirited debate regarding how strongly
development is influenced by each of these factors (Goldsmith, 2011; Phillips & Lowenstein,

B. Complete the matrix of the by writing one-sentence summary for each source/origin. Note that
your answers should be in sentence, not in keywords.

• What are three key developmental processes?

• What are eight main developmental periods?

• How is age related to development?

• What are three main developmental issues?

• In the previous section, we discussed biological, cognitive, and socio-emotional processes.
What concepts do these processes have in common with the issue of nature vs. nurture also
discussed in this section?

Reflect Your Own Personal Journey of Life

• Do you think there was/is/will be a best age for you to be? If so, what is it? Why?

Assessment Tasks
A. Compare and contrast the processes of development?

B. How are the unfolding of life’s periods of development influenced by the interaction of
biological, cognitive, and socio-emotional processes?
C. Complete the KWLH chart by answering the last two columns (LEARNED and HOW).
The interaction of heredity and environment is so extensive that to as which is most important, nature
or nurture, is like asking which is more important to a rectangle height or width.

William Greennough

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

● Come up with research abstracts/summaries of researches on child and adolescent development

● Take a research-based position on the three (3) issues on development
● Explain the basic principles of research
● Demonstrate application of the role of teachers as consumers and producers of developmental
● Present researches on child and adolescent development


1. Nature versus Nurture

2. Continuity versus Discontinuity
3. Stability versus Change

Reference/s: Reference/s:
● Corpuz, B. , Lucas M., Borabo, H.(2018). The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning
Principles ( Part 2)
● Corpuz, B. , Lucas M., Borabo,Lucido P. H.(2010).. Child and Adolescent Development.

Time table: Week 3

Learning Resources

● Open the PDF file on “Issues on Human development”

● Watch the recorded video lecture on “Issues on Human Development”. For further reading read
unit 2: Basic Concepts and Issues on Human Development. (p.42)
● Read the published book: The Nurture Assumption, by Judith Harris (1998).
● Watch “The Battle between nurture and nature” Irene Gallego Romero.
Learning Activities
A. Read a research or study related to issues on human development. Fill out the matrix

B. Read, analyze then answer the following questions:

1. Who are pro-nature? Pro-nurture? Are there additional reasons you can give in favor of
nature/ nurture? Who are neither for nature nor nurture? Why?
2. Who go for continuity? Discontinuity? Can you give additional arguments to defend
continuity/ discontinuity?
3. Who claims stability is more correct than change? Change is more correct than stability?

Assessment Task

● Research abstract zoom presentation

● Answer the following questions
1. What are three key developmental processes?
2. How is age related to development?
3. What are three main developmental issues?
4. Do you think there was/is/will be a best age for you to be? If so, what is it? Why?
5. In the previous section, we discussed biological, cognitive, and socioemotional
processes. What concepts do these processes have in common with the issues of nature
vs. nurture?

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