A Combined Method For The Hydrodynamic C

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Ocean Engineering 35 (2008) 310–322


A combined method for the hydrodynamic characteristics

of planing crafts
Hassan Ghassemi, Mahmoud Ghiasi
Faculty of Marine Technology, Amirkabir University of Technology, Hafez Avenue, 15875-4413 Tehran, Iran
Received 2 June 2007; accepted 31 October 2007
Available online 6 November 2007


The prediction of the total resistance of planing crafts at high speeds is very important. In this paper, a combined method is
investigated for determining the hydrodynamic characteristics of planing crafts in the calm water. The study consists of a potential-based
boundary element method (BEM) for the induced pressure resistance, the boundary layer theory for the frictional resistance and practical
method for the spray resistance. The planing surface is represented by a number of elements with constant velocity potential at each
element. The unknown-induced pressure is obtained by using the free surface elevation condition and the Kutta condition at the transom
stern. Hydrodynamic-induced resistance and lift are determined by the calculated dynamic pressure distributions. The boundary layer
analysis method is based on calculations of the momentum integral equation applied to obtain the frictional resistance. A particular
practical approach is introduced to present the region of the upwash geometry for the spray. A numerical program has been developed
for the present research and applied to the hull form of the craft. Four different hull forms of Series 62 model 4666 planing craft are
presented. It is shown that the present combined method is efficient and the results are in good agreement with the experimental
measurements over a wide range of volumetric Froude numbers.
r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Planing craft; Pressure distribution; Resistance and lift; Spray

1. Introduction the hull weight and payload of the planing hull. Experi-
ments have shown that the deadrise angle and the fine
One of the main aspects of marine transportation design bottom shape of the craft are very important for the
is to increase the speed and the payload of a craft. planing surface. The effect of the deadrise angle on
Increased demand for high-speed marine vehicles has led to hydrodynamic force, slamming load on the hull, and high
the development of several advanced hull form designs. As planing efficiency leads to an average deadrise angle
the speed of displacement crafts increases, the wave- between 101 and 151. The high deadrise angle and the
making resistance also increases significantly, so crafts chine give improved sea-keeping behaviors, but create
require critically high effective power. Therefore, it is other problems such as augmented slamming, porpoising,
essential to design the hull form to diminish the resistance. and dynamical heel.
The most important advantage of the planing hull is that High-speed crafts generally generate spray with impact
it generates a hydrodynamic lift, which contributes to the pressure at the bow region. The direction of the spray will
reduction of the wave-making component of resistance induce the position of the pressure to its maximum level.
compared to a conventional hull. In a well-designed The form and nature of the spray will vary with the craft’s
planing craft, the dynamic force should be generated on speed, trim, and body plan. However, the spray contributes
the bottom of the hull. There, the vertical lift force raises to the pressure on the body, especially as the speed of the
craft increases. The resistance of the planing hull in calm
Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 21 66419615; fax: +98 21 66413028. water is composed of the frictional resistance, induced
E-mail address: gasemi@cic.aut.ac.ir (H. Ghassemi). resistance, spray resistance, air and appendage resistance.

0029-8018/$ - see front matter r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Ghassemi, M. Ghiasi / Ocean Engineering 35 (2008) 310–322 311

Prediction of the resistance of a planing craft must be numerical and practical methods. The BEM combined with
performed in the early stage of design development in order the boundary layer is applied to calculate the induced and
to estimate the power of the propulsor and the main frictional resistance. Numerical results of the Series 62
engine. In the past, researchers have applied experimental model 4666 planing craft are presented. It is shown that the
tools and numerical computation to predict the resistance method is efficient and the results are in good concordance
of the planing crafts. with the experimental measurements over a wide range of
Savitsky (1964) has made a great contribution to the volumetric Froude number.
understanding and modeling of planing crafts. He devel-
oped regression formulas based on prismatic hull form 2. Mathematical formulation
model tests to estimate the hydrodynamic forces acting on
planing crafts. Recently, Savitsky et al. (2007) have Once model dimensions and running conditions have
investigated characteristics of the wetted bottom area and been defined, the potential flow solver based on the BEM is
the whisker spray area for the planing craft, and detailed employed to obtain the induced dynamic pressure, dynamic
the spray area for determination of the spray resistance. lift, and resistance. Frictional resistance is computed by the
Clement and Blount (1963) have conducted a comprehen- two-dimensional thin boundary layer, and the practical
sive set of model tests on a systematic series (Series 62). method is utilized to evaluate the spray resistance. Fig. 1
Their work is one of the definitive sources of the planing shows the scheme of the combined numerical and practical
hull practical information. Current challenges remaining method for the computation of the planing craft.
for researchers are to employ numerical tools to design the
body, and analyze the efficiency of the planing craft. Three
2.1. Calculations of induced resistance and lift
numerical approaches that have been previously applied to
the planing craft are given as follows:
Consider a Cartesian coordinate system fixed in the
space O-XYZ and a moving coordinate system fixed on the
 The first approach by Lai and Troesch (1996) applied
boat o-xyz, as shown in Fig. 2A and B. The horizontal and
the vortex lattice method (VLM) to the planing problem
vertical axes, ox and oz, are, respectively, along and
where the vortex is distributed on the wetted planform
perpendicular to the direction of motion. The origin o is at
determined by the slender body theory. Savander et al.
the base plane at transom. The ship-fixed coordinate
(2002) formulated the boundary value problem for
system o-xyz is moving with constant speed, VS, in the
steady planing surfaces and utilized reliable relations
between the perturbation potential and the vortex
The planing hull travels with constant forward speed, Vs,
distribution. They obtained numerical results involving
on calm water surface and unrestricted flow. The fluid
hydrodynamic pressure, lift and resistance for the
motion generated by the planing ship can be treated as
planing craft at various speed without spray.
equivalent to the disturbance created by a pressure
 The next approach is the two-dimensional boundary
distribution acting on the bottom of the ship. The fluid is
element method (BEM). Zhao et al. (1997) offered a
assumed to be inviscid, incompressible, irrotational, and
2.5D (2D+t) analysis of a high-speed planing craft in
without surface tension. These assumptions lead to a
calm water. Faltinsen (2005) has given details on the
boundary value problem for the velocity potential whereas
hydrodynamics of planing craft in his current textbook.
Laplace equation is satisfied in the fluid. Under the global
 The third approach is finite pressure element method
(FPEM). It was first applied by Doctors (1975) to the
three-dimensional flat planing craft. The craft hull was
modeled by the equivalent pressure distribution which is Potential-based boundary element method
represented by pressure pyramids. The double integral
equation in the Green function was simplified to a single
integral by the use of special function. Cheng and Planing
Wellicome (1994) developed a pressure strip method, in Boundary layer craft Practical method
which a planing surface is represented by a set of strips theory for viscous modeling,
running on the spray
of transversely variable pressure placed on the mean free term condition resistance term
surface. Xie et al. (2005) studied hydrodynamic problem
of three-dimensional planing surface by using the vortex
theory and the finite element approach. More recently,
Wang et al. (2007) used linear pressure distribution over Calculation of trim,
wetted length,
each element with continuous pressure over the length of total lift, total
the planing surface. resistance,

The aim of the present paper is to determine the dynamic Fig. 1. Combined numerical and practical method for hydrodynamic
pressure force, frictional and spray forces by combining computation of the planing craft.
312 H. Ghassemi, M. Ghiasi / Ocean Engineering 35 (2008) 310–322


Z C.G. chineline
z ⊕  water surface
o x E
O - XYZ: fixed coordinate system in space C.L.
o - xyz: moving coordinate system fixed on the craft



Y y
X x C.L.
O o
projected wetted area Spray root

Fig. 2. Planing craft configuration and coordinate systems.

coordinate system, a total velocity potential F, which Boundary conditions are given as follows:
represents flow around the pressure distribution, is
harmonic in the fluid domain and can be defined as follows: I. On the body surface:
~S  X
F¼fV ~, (1) qf ~S  ~
¼ V n þ vBL . (4)
~ is the qn
where f is the perturbation velocity potential and X
position vector. The total potential and perturbation Here, vBL is the velocity which can be obtained from
potential are both governed by Laplace’s equation the solution of the thin boundary layer given by
( Takinaci et al. (2003) as
r2 F ¼ 0;
r2 f ¼ 0: qðU e d Þ
vBL ¼ , (5)
The potential f is computed by the BEM, which is
based on Green’s identity. In general, the boundary where s is the line along the surface of the craft, Ue is
surface includes the body surface (SB) and the free surface the flow velocity at the edge of the boundary layer, and
(SF). Thus, the perturbation potential f is given by d* is the displacement thickness. The solution is based
the following integral expression with points Q on on the two-dimensional boundary layer.
body surface and free surface SB+SF and P in the fluid
domain D. II. On the free surface:
qG qfðQÞ ~S Þ; rz ¼ fz
ðrf  V on z ¼ zðx; yÞ. (6)
4pEfðPÞ ¼ fðQÞ  G dS, (3)
S B þS F qn qn
where z is the wave elevation
where E is the solid angle, the value of which depends  
on the position of the field point P in the fluid domain. 1 ~ 1
z¼ V S  rf þ rf  rf ; on z ¼ zðx; yÞ. (7)
If point P is placed on the boundary (body surface), g 2
then the coefficient E is replaced by 1/2. If point P is
placed inside and outside of the body then the value
of E is one and zero, respectively. G is Green’s function III. At infinity:
which might be expressed in the form G ¼ 1/r+1/r0 ,  
limrf ¼ 0; when r ! 1. (8)
where r is the distance between the field point P and the
source point Q. r0 is the distance between the field point P
and the image of source point relative to the mean free IV. Boundary condition on the free surface: The resulting
surface. boundary-value problem is non-linear due to the
H. Ghassemi, M. Ghiasi / Ocean Engineering 35 (2008) 310–322 313

non-linearity of the boundary conditions on the free where ~nðnx ; ny ; nz Þ is outward unit normal vector on the
surface. Here, the linearized boundary-value problem craft.
is obtained by omitting the non-linear terms in the
boundary conditions. Then, the linearized boundary 2.2. Boundary layer theory and frictional resistance
conditions are satisfied on the undisturbed free surface
V S  zx ¼ fz on z ¼ 0, (9) The effect of viscosity can be approximated based on a
two-dimensional boundary layer model by computing
1 on-body streamlines. These on-body streamlines can be
z ¼  V S fx on z ¼ 0. (10) calculated once the velocities at the control points of each
element are known. The boundary layer displacement
Substituting Eq. (10) into (9), a composed boundary thickness can be calculated after applying a simple surface
condition on the free surface is obtained interpolation procedure for the control points. This
approach has been successfully applied to a wide range of
fxx  K 0 fz ¼ 0 on z ¼ 0, (11) complex flow problems, and provides a more adaptable
and vigorous engineering solution to the fully three-
where K 0 ðK 0 ¼ g=V 2S Þ is the wave number. dimensional boundary layer method. In the present study,
V. Kutta condition at stern-end: An important character- the boundary layer analysis method is based on the
istic of the planing problem is that the water surface is calculations of the momentum integral equations, Head’s
cut off smoothly from the edge on the bottom of the entrainment, and Luwieg–Tillman’s equations turbulent
stern-end. The separation of the flow corresponds to the condition (Cebeci and Bradshow, 1977). The results are
flow at the trailing edge on classical airfoil theory and is thickness d, the displacement thickness d*, momentum
secured by the Kutta condition. In the computational thickness y*, of the boundary layer and frictional
procedure the pressure distribution should be forced to coefficient Cf. For each element in the longitudinal
approach atmospheric pressure at the trailing end of the stripwise of the craft, the section frictional resistance RF
planing surface. It is not possible to satisfy the Kutta is obtained by
condition exactly, therefore an error is introduced as a Z s Z l wetðjÞ
small constant value for the pressure at the trailing end dx
RF ¼ t0 ds ¼ 0:5r C f U 2e dx
and the iteration is continued until the pressure at the 0 ds 0
trailing end reaches this constant value. The velocity N
X Strip

potential f on the wetted surface boundaries S can be ¼ 0:5r C f U 2e ðDxÞ, ð14Þ

calculated from Eq. (3) with respect to the above k¼1
boundary conditions. In this method, by using quad- whereas Cf and t0 are, respectively, the local frictional
rilateral element discretization and distribution of coefficient and shear stress on each element. NStrip is the
singularity strength, the integral Eq. (3) becomes an number of strips in the longitudinal direction.
algebraic matrix equation, which can be solved by
single-value decomposition (SVD) method. 2.3. Upwash geometry and spray resistance
Once the perturbation potential is obtained, the induced
velocity may be determined by the derivative of the The spray resistance for the planing craft caused by the
perturbation potential ~ vt ¼ rf. The pressure on the craft pressure and viscous friction component can be difficult to
hull surface is calculated by evaluate. Fig. 3 is an outline of the wetted bottom area of
the hull when planing. It is observed that the area is
~S  ~
P ¼ Pd þ Ph ¼ 0:5rð2V vt  ~
vt  ~
vt Þ þ rghz . (12) essentially divided into two zones. Where one is aft of the
The first term in the right-hand side of Eq. (12) is the stagnation line, which is referred to as the pressure area.
dynamic part of the pressure Pd that is generated by the
induced velocity. The second term is the hydrostatic
Length of Stagnation Line = OC
pressure Ph. The hz is immersed position of the hull
Bottom Pressure Area = AP
surface. The hydrodynamic forces (lift and induced
Spray Area = AS
resistance) acting on the craft can be obtained by C
integrating the pressure over the surface
F x ¼ Ri ¼ Pnx ds, AP   O
Fy ¼ Pny ds ¼ 0, LK
Fz ¼ Fv ¼ L ¼ Pnz ds, ð13Þ
S Fig. 3. Flow direction and scope of the spray area.
314 H. Ghassemi, M. Ghiasi / Ocean Engineering 35 (2008) 310–322

It is surrounded by the wetted keel length ‘LK’, the two the configuration of the spray jet. In the chine-wet region
wetted chine lengths ‘LC’, the transom, and the stagnation (section F–F), the sideway flow separates at the sharp
lines (OC). The stagnation line is occasionally referred to as chine, where the hydrodynamic pressure adapts to atmo-
the spray root line since the longitudinal distance between spheric pressure.
the two lines is rather small. The direction of the fluid The hydrodynamic pressure of the spray is proportional
velocity in this region is mainly aft as shown in Fig. 3 and is to the geometrical configuration of the hull (such as the
attached to the bottom. It is also shown that the flow deadrise, the trim, and chine wet/dry regions) and
velocity along the spray-root line is mainly alongside the operational conditions (such as the craft speed and the
direction of the stagnation line. resulting free surface waves). In this, the following practical
Spray resistance is related to the characteristics of the method is utilized to determine the spray resistance. Spray
‘‘upwash’’ resulting from the foremost bow penetration of surface may practically be expressed by the following
the planing hull and the still water surface. A practical equation:
method is employed to estimate the spray resistance. The
spray region depends on the deadrise and the trim angles. ASpray ¼ K 1 ðLK  LC ÞB= cos b, (17)
For prismatic hull forms, the following relationship
between the wetted length, trim angle, and deadrise angle where K1 depends on the speed of the craft and is given as
is given by Savitsky (1964): follows:
B tan b
< 0:2
> if Fnr o3;
LK  LC ¼ . (15)
p tan t K 1 ¼ f ðFnr Þ ¼ 0:4 if 3pFnr o5; (18)
: 0:7
Bowles and Denny (2005) offered a methodical model if Fnr X5;
tool for predicting the water surface disturbance in
proximity of the bow of a planing hull by the following where Fnr is  the volumetric Froude number
Fnr ¼ V S = gr1=3 , and r is the volume displacement.
B tan b 1
LK  LC ¼ . (16) The pressure due to spray can then be calculated by the
2 tan t ð1=1 þ tanðbÞ tanðb=2ÞÞ1=2 þ 1
following equation:
The parameters in above formulae are indicated in
Fig. 2. The dynamic pressure on the planing craft is related PS ¼ K 2 :P ðat bow of the keelÞ, (19)
to the relative flow around the hull. The craft is assumed to
run in steady state in calm water with constant speed VS, where P is the pressure obtained from the Eq. (11) at the
and trim angle t. The principal characteristics in the chine- nearest element to the spray root. The variations of the
dry zone is demonstrated in section E–E (Fig. 4). At the estimated K2 coefficient at the two bow sections b(y) due to
spray root, i.e. the junction between the deformed water
line and the hull, a spray-jet is created. The topmost point
in the hydrodynamic pressure distribution is associated to


C.G. 1


E F 0
B -0.50 -0.25 0.0 0.25 0.50
b (y)
b (y)

E–E F–F y
T (z)
Chines - dry characteristics Chines - wet characteristics 

Fig. 4. Jet flow and its pressure at the bow. Fig. 5. Estimated K2 coefficients at the bow region.
H. Ghassemi, M. Ghiasi / Ocean Engineering 35 (2008) 310–322 315

spray is specified in Fig. 5 and can be approximated as

> if bðyÞo0:5B;
K 2 ¼ f ðb; t; bðyÞÞ ¼ 1:5 if 0:5BobðyÞo0:9B; (20)
: 1:2 if 0:9BobðyÞoB:
The spray resistance and lift generated by the spray can
be estimated separately by the following equations:
RSpray ¼ PS ASpray sin t, (21)
Model-a: Series 62 model 4666
LSpray ¼ PS ASpray cos t. (22)

2.4. Total resistance and lift

The most important force acting on the planing craft is
the summation of the hydrodynamic forces generated by
the hydrodynamic pressures produced on the bottom of the
craft. This force is divided into the induced resistance and
the vertical lift. The potential-based BEM is applied to Model-b: Convex model
determine the hydrodynamic force, including the boundary
layer effect. The initial step in the numerical solution is to
create a mesh based on the hull and the free surface.
The total resistance and effective power of the planing
craft is expressed as follows:
RT ¼ RF þ Ri þ RSpray , (23)

PE ¼ RT V S . (24)
The hydrodynamic lift and buoyancy are calculated by Model-c: Flat model
the following equations:
Ld ¼ Sw Pd nz dS;
R (25)
Ls ¼ Sw Ps nz dS:

A number of non-dimensional parameters are used in

this study, which are defined as:
The non-dimensional pressure coefficient
CP ¼ . (26)
1=2rV 2S Model-d: Concave model
The non-dimensional lift (hydrodynamic and hydrostatic Fig. 6. Body plan of various model bottom forms.
lift) and resistance coefficients
Ld Table 1
C Ld ¼ , (27) Main parameters of the series 62 model 4666
1=2rV 2S Sw
Parameters Value
C Ls ¼ , (28) L (m) 21.5
1=2rV 2S S w D (Ton) 45
L/B 3.06
RT LCG (% L) (abaft amidships) 6
CT ¼ . (29)
1=2rV 2S S w Ap/r2/3 7.0
b̄ ðdeg:Þ 12.5

3. Numerical results and discussion parameters are investigated, using the outlined methods.
3.1. Model series 62 with various body plan A number of different body plans from the series-62 planing
craft have been selected (Fig. 6). The main dimensions of the
In this section, the hydrodynamics of planing crafts with crafts are shown in Table 1. All crafts have the same dimen-
prismatic and non-prismatic hulls with known geometrical sions and displacement. However, each craft has a different
316 H. Ghassemi, M. Ghiasi / Ocean Engineering 35 (2008) 310–322

deadrise angle at each transverse section. Four models have surface. The wetted length is estimated by an iterative
been evaluated from the hydrodynamic point of view. procedure to obtain the converged solution satisfying the
Each craft operates with steady forward motion in calm Kutta condition along the trailing edge.
water. The hydrodynamic pressure produced on the
bottom of hull craft is calculated at each speed by the 3.2. Surface mesh generation and numerical technique
BEM. At fully planing speed, the hydrodynamic lift which
is generated from the pressure should be balanced with the The wetted body surface and free surface are discretized
weight of the craft. When the speed increases, the vertical to the quadrilateral elements. The discretized form of
center of gravity (VCG) rises so the draft of the craft is integral Eq. (3) for the wetted surface of the body and free
diminished, and the new mesh is generated on the wetted surface as expressed (Tarafder, 2007)
fðPi Þ ¼ fðQj Þ½DBij   ½SBij 
j¼1 j¼1
qn j

 ½SFij ; Pi 2 ðS B [ SF Þ, ð30Þ
qn j

1 qG ij 1
DBij ¼ dS j ; SBij ¼ G ij dSj ,
4pE SB qn 4pE SB
1 1
SFij ¼ dSj , ð31Þ
4pE SF rij
and NB and NF are the number of elements on the wetted
hull and free surfaces, respectively. The velocity component
(qf/qn) is known on the body surface from Eq. (4), while
that is unknown on the free surface. Due to linearized free
surface condition, it can be defined as qf/qn ¼ qf/
qz ¼ s. The influence coefficients (DBij, SBij, SFij) are
calculated by Morino et al. (1974).
In order to satisfy the free surface boundary condition,
f(PiASF), E ¼ 1, (from Eq. (30)) is substituted into
Eq. (11). Then, we have
q2 ½DBij  X NB
q2 ½SBij 
fj  ðV~S  ~n þ vBL Þj
qx 2 qx2
j¼1 j¼1
q2 ½SFij 
þ sj  K 0 dij ¼ 0; i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; N F .

Fn = 3.35
Strip 1 (Adjacent to keel)
0.3 Strip 5
Strip 9 (near to chine)



Stern Bow
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
x/ L

Fig. 8. Boundary layer thickness (d) on the model-a (Vs ¼ 20 m/s or

Fig. 7. Mesh surface of various forms of models (from bottom view). Fn ¼ 3.35).
H. Ghassemi, M. Ghiasi / Ocean Engineering 35 (2008) 310–322 317

For fðPi 2 SB Þ; E ¼ 0:5, Eq. (30) is expressed as Here, the second derivative of the influence coefficients
NB (DBxx, SBxx, SFxx) are computed by four-point finite
fj ½dij  DBij   ~S :~
ðV n þ vBL Þj ½SBij  difference operator (Dawson, 1977) and also four-point
j¼1 j¼1 upstream operator is introduced to satisfy the condition of
NF no waves propagating upstream.
þ sj ½SFij  ¼ 0; i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; N B , ð33Þ Another matrix form of Eq. (34) is
½AN T N T fxgN T 1 ¼ fbgN T 1 , (35)
where dij is Kronecker delta function. The total numbers of
unknowns are NB+NF ( ¼ NT). NB is the number of For this type of problem, a formal solution may be given
potential (f) on the wetted body surface and NF is the by the direct solution methods of LU decomposition or
number of velocity components (s) on the free surface. The Gaussian elimination. However, the solution vector may
matrix form of combined Eqs. (32) and (33) are expressed as have extensively large components whose algebraic elim-
" #( ) ination, when multiplied by the matrix A, may give a poor
½d  DBN B N B ½SFN B N F ffgN B 1
approximation for the right-hand vector b. This affects the
½DBxx N F N B ½K 0 d þ SFxx N F N F fsgN F 1 errors in the solution of the matrix Eq. (32). In the present
" # 8 9
½SBN B N B ½0N B N F < fV ~S :~n þ vBL gN B 1 = study, a SVD technique has been adopted to solve matrix
¼ . Eq. (32) (Press et al., 1986).
½SBxx N F N B ½0N F N F : f0gN F 1 ;

ð34Þ 0.006
Fn = 3.35
Strip 1 (Adjacent to keel)
0.012 Strip 5
Buoyant Coef. (CLs)
Strip 9 (near to chine) Lift coef. (CLd)

Fn = 3.35 0.003



0.003 0.001

0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Aft x/L Fore
Fig. 11. Distribution of buoyancy and hydrodynamic lift coefficient for
Fig. 9. Frictional coefficient (Cf) for model-a (Vs ¼ 20 m/s or Fn ¼ 3.35). model-b, Fnr ¼ 3.35.

Fn = 3.35 Strip-1 (adjacent to Keel) Strip-5 Strip-10 (near the chine)





0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Stern x/L Bow

Fig. 10. Distribution of pressure coefficient at various longitudinal stripwise for model-b, Fnr ¼ 3.35.
318 H. Ghassemi, M. Ghiasi / Ocean Engineering 35 (2008) 310–322

Fig. 7 shows the mesh surface of the all four models. The weight, and centre of gravity for a given speed. In order to
model meshes shown in this figure are generated for the obtain a unique pressure solution for Eq. (12), the shape of
keel line to the chine line. The side is not included in this the projected wetted area must be prescribed, i.e. for chine-
mesh surface, because it does not affect on the hydro- wet case, the wetted length along each longitudinal buttock
dynamic force or spray force. In total, 600 (30  20) and the number of the pressure elements need to be
elements on the hull surface and 1800 (60  30) elements on prescribed. By this means, the wetted length is estimated
the free surface have been coordinated in the computa- initially and then adjusted by an iterative procedure until
tions. Although the elements on the flat transom are the Kutta condition is satisfied along the trailing edge. In
shown in Fig. 7 but they are not considered in the the iterative procedure, the initial estimated values of the
calculations due to separation flow at the transom stern wetted lengths are obtained using Savitsky’s empirical
(Maki et al., 2005). formula. Different approximations of double body and
From a practical point of view, the wetted area is free surface at various volumetric Froude numbers
unknown for a given planing ship with specified profile, have been numerically tested for the planing craft. It was

0.12 Strip-1 (adjacent to keel) Strip-5 Strip-10 (near the chine)

Fn = 5.0





0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Stern x/L Bow

Fig. 12. Distribution of pressure coefficient at various longitudinal stripwise for model-b, Fnr ¼ 5.0.


Fn = 5.0

Buoyant Coef. (CLs)
Hydrodynamic Coef. (CLd)



0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Aft x/L Bow

Fig. 13. Distribution of buoyant and hydrodynamic lift coefficient for model-b, Fnr ¼ 5.0.
H. Ghassemi, M. Ghiasi / Ocean Engineering 35 (2008) 310–322 319

found that for the volumetric Froude number approxi- 3.4. Pressure distribution and hydrodynamic lift and
mately greater than 2.5, the single body and free surface resistance
flow model can be used instead of double body and free
surface flow model. The surface pressure distribution is essential for the
design and analysis of the planing craft. Figs. 10 and 12
3.3. Boundary layer show the pressure coefficient defined by Eq. (26),
which includes both hydrodynamics and hydrostatics
The boundary layer thickness and frictional coefficient pressures terms for two speeds, i.e. Vs ¼ 20 and 30 m/s
for the model-a at Fnr ¼ 3.35 are shown, respectively, in (or Fnr ¼ 3.35, Fnr ¼ 5.0). The figures show that high
Figs. 8 and 9 for various strips from bow to stern. The strip pressures mostly occur in the bow part and low pressures in
1 is adjacent to the keel and the strip 9 is near the chine. the stern part. In the chine-dry area the largest pressures
The starting point of bow at each strip is different because are predicted by the spray practical calculations.
in the moving condition the hydrodynamic pressures The longitudinal variation of the hydrodynamic
generate lift, thereby, planing the craft with some trim hydrostatic (buoyancy) coefficients C Ld ; C Ls from the
angle. bow to stern are shown in Figs. 11 and 13 for model-b at

Buoyancy Coef. (CLs)-Prismatic Buoyancy Coef. (CLs)-Convex

Buoyancy Coef. (CLs)-Concave Lift Coef. (CLd)-Prismatic
0.01 Lift Coef. (CLd)-Convex Lift Coef. (CLd)-Concave

Fn = 3.35




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
-0.002 Aft Bow

Fig. 14. Comparison of hydrodynamic lift and buoyancy coefficients for three models (b–c–d) Fnr ¼ 3.35.

Rspray [KN] Rinduced [KN]

Resistance [KN]







0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5

Fig. 15. Resistance components for Series 62 for various volumetric Froude number.
320 H. Ghassemi, M. Ghiasi / Ocean Engineering 35 (2008) 310–322

Exp. Data; (Clement & Blount)
6 Present method

Trim [Deg] 5

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7

Fig. 16. Comparison of trim angle for Series 62 model 4666 for various volumetric Froude number.




Ld / W






0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5

Fig. 17. Dynamic lift–weight ratio (Ld/W) for Series 62 model 4666 for various volumetric Froude number.

two volumetric Froude numbers (Fnr=3.35, Fnr=5.0). 0.25

Figs. 12–14 further shows the comparison of the hydro- Exp. Data; (Clement & Blount)
dynamic and buoyancy coefficients for three models (b, c, Present method
d) at Fnr=3.35. The results display that for the concave
model the hydrodynamic lift is relatively less than the two
others (prismatic and convex models) at the bow part.

Resistance components are shown in Fig. 15, where the

induced resistance is proportional to the trim angle.
Additionally, the frictional and spray resistances are
shown to increase as the speed is increased. At the take-
off point the total resistance is lower than after the hump
condition. Take-off speed is about Fnr ¼ 2.56 as shown in 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5
Figs. 15 and 18.
The trim of the craft depends on the generated pressure of
the hull and is proportional to the induced resistance. Fig. 16 Fig. 18. Comparison of resistance–weight ratio (Rt/W) for series 62 model
shows the comparison of the trim at various Froude 4666 for various volumetric Froude number.
H. Ghassemi, M. Ghiasi / Ocean Engineering 35 (2008) 310–322 321

Present method
3000 Exp. Data; (Clement & Blount)

Effective power (KW)





0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5

Fig. 19. Effective power (PE[KW]) comparison with Series 62 model 4666 data for various volumetric Froude number.

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