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Nama: Antonia Novita Nafa Anggraeni

NPM: 1934121020

The business that I will develop is a business in the field of photo printing and box.
This is because I love the world of photography and sometimes it lacks confidence in
expressing themselves in photos.
Therefore I want to set up the business, namely by, provide a special studio photo
box with various backgrounds and also camera and high quality lighting for photo lovers who
are less confident in posing in front of many people, there is also a decoration as a supporter
in photo such as cute glasses, hats and other ornaments in a variety of shapes and types In
addition to this reason, the reason I want to establish the business because the business is
already well known in the market share of Indonesia but not in the area where I live, while a
lot of children let alone teenagers who love to take pictures to post on social media, so the
possibility of this business success is very high. Strategic location is a place close to the
center of the city and middle school environment is one of my motivation to establish this

Purpose of Business Establishment

The purpose of establishment of this business is as follows:
• As an attempt to seek income and provide work for others;
• Providing free space as well as supporting media for photo lovers who want to take
pictures with loved ones;
• To add a love of people to the photo world; To help people who need a good
background to take pictures without fuss;
• To channel a hobby and try to do business with new innovations.

Vision and Mission

To be a different and innovative business success in the field of photographs and
printing that presents a new trend in the world of photographs and printing and awaken the
confidence and love of people to the world of photography.
• Make a comfortable and memorable place for customers;
• Indulge in photo lovers with the facilities available;
• Provide good service and friendly and professional;
• Made as interesting as possible in order to attract customers ' interest;
• Provide an opportunity for customers to come to argue in giving ideas for Photobox
concept or background;
• Give customers the opportunity to complain if there are damaged photos or other
technical errors.

• It has a comfortable and instagramable place compared to other Photobox studios;
• Have a place to relax for people who still do not want to take pictures;
• It has food stalls and drinks such as Boba and kebab;
• It has reading books and magazines for people who may only come to accompany his
or her photo relatives without participating.

Marketing Program Differentiation

The difference
In our business with other businesses is in the concept, We will change the
background of the photobox at least six months according to the trend and most
choice of consumers;

The price we set is the standard price and according to the budget of the teenagers
who are the main target of this business. That is ranging from Rp. 15,000 to Rp.
20,000 for a single photo;

Promoted through social media, such as Instagram, Twitter, Whattsap, Facebook as
well as the media that is the latter is being hit by the community namely TikTok;

To support this business, we have rented a strategic building because it is close to the
center of the city and the school environment is of course crowded by young people;

This business was founded by me who is a 21 year old teenager, so I can know well
the tastes of the teenagers in determining the photo background or studio concept.

Business Development Plan

If this business has been running long enough and has been known by many people to
make this business smooth, thereby we will present the latest innovations that will
increasingly attract the interest and attention of customers and so that customers are not
saturated with existing concepts.
Competition analysis
Establishing business in strategic place is advantageous especially in the crowded
areas such as schools. Although the Photobox business is a business that is still rare but we
believe and believe that our business will be successful with all efforts and efforts and
promotions that we have done, Moreover, coupled with the fact that the business has not been
run and still relatively new in our area. The business is also run by young children who are
full of innovations and creative minds who are always passionate about finding business
opportunities in this era.

Judging from the marketing aspect, there is a considerable opportunity because this
type of business is still relatively new to the community in our area, the business we run also
has a clear concept and targeting teenagers who love to take pictures with different and
unique backgrounds
Judging from the management aspect, this business is developed and managed by
myself with the help of qualified employees and we always want the best thing for this
Judging from the financial aspect, the capital that is available to this business is
assessed enough and the tariff and profit that has been determined and obtained has been well
calculated and tidy.
By looking at the various aspects above, it can be concluded that this business is
worthy to be established. For that to be successful effort must be done with hard work so that
the business is always successful and advanced.

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