At A Restaurant Dialogue

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AT A RESTAURANT de Autor desconocido está bajo licencia

 Hello!
How can I help you?

 Hello! I would like a table for four, please

 Of course please follow me. Here is a table for four

 Thank you, Could you give us the menu please?

 Yes, of course

 Here you are!

 Thank you

 Can I get you

anything to drink?

 Just water for me. I’ll have a lemonade

I’ll have a little shake I’ll have an orange juice

 Great I’ll be right back

 Are you ready to order?

Yes, we are.

 I’ll have the grilled chicken and a salad

 would you like a starter?

 Yes I’d like the vegetable soup.

For starter I’d like the vegetable soup,
for the main course I’d like the grilled fish.
I’ll have the chicken soup and the lasagna.

I’ll have the chicken soup, the grilled chicken and some salad-
 Excellent, I’ll be right back

 It smells so great I am so hungry and I want to eat

but the soup is so hot I can barely touch it
Wait for it to cool down before you eat it.

The grilled chicken tastes delicious doesn't it Paul?

Yes Dad it does indeed. What about your laasagna, Amy?

I love it. it's my favorite dish.

Great! how's your fish mom?

It's excellent I’m so glad we came to this restaurant

Could you please pass me the salt, Paul?

Here you are mom

Thank you!

 Did you enjoy your meal? Yes it was wonderful, thank you

Would you like something for dessert?

 Yes for dessert I’ll have ice cream. Please.

I’ll have the chocolate cake. I’ll have ice cream
I'll have the cheesecake please

Everything looks great. Let's eat the desserts

Dad I'm thirsty, I would like to drink some water

 Excuse me!

 Yes sir, how can i help you?

 Could you bring my son a glass of water, please?

 Yes of course

 Thank you
 Can I bring you anything else?

 No thank you, just the bill

 Okay sir, I'll be right back with the bill

1. Where is the family?

2. What food does the father order? What about the mother?
3. Who orders the chocolate cake?
4. Who is thirsty?
5. Did they enjoy their meal?
6. What was the matter with the soup? Was it hot or cold?
Useful expressions:
Here you are! Aquí tiene
I´m thirsty: Estoy sediento
I´m hungry: Estoy hambiento
Are you ready to order? ¿Están listos para pedir?
Would you like something for dessert? ¿Desean algún postre?

I´ll be right back Enseguida vuelvo

Excuse me! Disculpe

Could you please pass me the salt? ¿Me puedes pasar la sal?
Could you please bring me the bill? ¿Podría traerme la cuenta por favor?

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