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Reducing air Pollution


Part I: The Method

Right problem
Air pollution is a solvable type of problem. Air pollution causes many diseases like long-term
health effects including heart attack, cancer like lung cancer respiratory diseases like
emphysema. Following is the method which I will use for identifying the specific sub-
problem and solution of the problem.

 Identification of the problem

 Analyze the problem
 Describe the problem
 Looking at the root causes of the problem
 Developing of alternate solution
 Implementation of the solution
 See the results.

Part II: Application.

Problem Analysis

Identification of the problem

Air pollution is a big problem in United Arab Emirates. Country suffer the higher rate of air
pollution because the natural resources of the country exploited, due to the rapid growth of
population and higher energy demand. Continuous rising in the temperature due to the global
warming which creates the contamination of water and higher demand of electricity.
Furthermore, given the population's overall lack of environmental ethic and also the country's
damaging natural resources such as oil, so is now much work to be done in the Emirates to
preserve good living circumstances.[ CITATION 1Bh19 \l 1033 ]

Analyze the problem

UAE has air pollution from many decades. These are not new in the country. This country
named with as the world worst air from the World Bank in annual report of 2015 on global
environmental indications. The book name was little green data book. China and India was
the popular for the air pollution but, UAE was worse than these two countries and lead this
negative competition. World Bank report shows that UAE air contains of 80 micrograms of
pollutants on per cubic meter is slight higher than china as china has 73 micro grams air
pollutants on per cubic meter air and India has 32 micrograms on per cubic meter. UAE have
heavy pollution then the cities which are known as hotspot of smog with fog worsened by the
pollutants. It is all due to the heavy amount of dust and industrial activities and also number
of cars which rejects the air pollutants in the air. Polluted air in large cities is typically
annealed by a massive amount of trees also plants[ CITATION Dai \l 1033 ].

Looking at the root causes

Emirates regards its primary sources of pollution as being comparable to those found in many
other nations in the area and throughout the globe, while also having some characteristics that
are unique to it as a nation owing to socio-cultural components of its freshly established
civilization. A ever component of vehicular emissions, especially prominent in metropolitan
areas such as Dubai at which personal cars are essential for day-to-day living to move this
same city, with car ownership and greenhouse gases remaining extremely high, though it's
worth noting that major gains in pollutant emissions had been seen throughout the 2020
lockdown era. Industrial sites, with countless industries and paper mills adorning the various
towns and cities, many of whom would run on burning of coal or diesel, among many
industrial strength vehicles including lorries, tractor trailers, and bus lines also wanting to run
on gasoline, having contributed to pollutant levels, are also major sources of pollution.
[ CITATION Asl21 \l 1033 ]

Solution Analysis

Pollution caused by the combustion of all fossil fuels is hazardous to the environment.
However, because coal produces additional carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, and metal ions
pollutants per unit of power than gasoline, it does have a greater influence on air pollution. In
addition, coal is responsible for more than a third of global energy generation. The worldwide
demand for coal has started to fall since 2019.

 O2, nitrogen oxides ( nox, and some other pollutants are released into the atmosphere by
automobiles and other vehicles. Taking public transit, bicycling, or walking instead of driving
helps to reduce air pollution. Using automobiles with improved fuel economy or electric cars
that do not use coal and oil can also help to reduce the amount of pollution we emit into the
atmosphere. To save money on gas, make sure your car's engine is tuned and tyres are
properly filled. Combining errands allows you to make fewer journeys. Many cities are
assisting by investing in more accessible public transport services and creating city plans that
incorporate equipment to walking, bicycling, and bus services. Over the last few decades, the
demand for energy, which is typically generated by burning of fossil fuels, has increased
dramatically. Turn off lights when not in use, get energy-efficient equipment, and set the
temp higher there in summers and lower in the winter to save energy. If at all feasible, power
your home using sustainable energy sources. To fulfil their growing electricity needs, a
number of countries are turning to renewables, nuclear plants, and reduced resources like
fossil fuels. In the future, several countries want to boost their usage of renewable energy
sources considerably.[ CITATION 3Ju \l 1033 ]

Ideation and Execution

Execution after the solution shows that 57% of the UAE residents are now focus on taking
preventive measures for reducing the air pollution. 26% of people are claiming for doing it on
regular basis and almost 31% do it when they remember it. A survey revealed to prove it. On
the world environment day a researcher asked to the people that what measures they follow to
reduce the air pollution in the country. 69% respondents answers that they switch off the
home electricity appliances when these are not under use. Women are more focused in this
regard percentage is 74% vs66%.61% people respond that they set their air conditioned on 24
degree and 61% responded that they recycle and reuse the products. People are implementing
some of the top methods to decrease pollution around them, like washing full loads inside this
machine or dish washer (58%) and following shorter showers (56%). Increasing indoor air
quality is also critical for lowering household pollution. To enhance the quality of indoor air,
many individuals use ecologically friendly cleaning products (59%), preserve indoor plants
(58%), and avoid smoking (47%).

Individuals either turn off their automobile engines while they are idle (60%) or maintain
them well tuned (58%) outside their houses, and maybe some people decrease individual car
use through opting for car pools or public transportation (49 per cent). Only three out of ten
people (30%) indicated they are investing in air-tracking or purifying equipment, the least
popular way of pollution management. Low knowledge of these goods might be one
explanation for this, since the study found that 28% of individuals were unaware knowing
they can be used to reduce pollution.[ CITATION 2Pa21 \l 1033 ]


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