Class Observation Form Lecture

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(For Lecture Classes)

Instructor/Professor: __________________________ Subject: ________________
Date: ___________________ Time: _____________ Room: ________________
Directions: Rate the items below based on the following rating scale:
5 –Outstanding 2 -- Fair
4 --Very Good 1 – Poor
3-- Good

Area of Concern I: Teacher 5 4 3 2 1

2. Mastery of subject matter.
3. Evidence of the correct/appropriate choice and effective
use of methods & techniques.
4. Awareness of current issues for lesson enrichment.
5. Communication skills competence/effectiveness.
6. Projection of dynamic personality traits(grooming,
refinement of voice/action,creativeness,resourcefulness,
democratic leadership,etc.
7. Promotion of desirable values.
8. Task on time (time management of activities,
accomplishment of objectives, provision of further research)
Area of Concern II: Students
1. Evidence of Apperceptive Learning (relatedness of the
Previous assignment with the present lesson)
2.Manisfestation of the student-teacher interaction(students’
active participation)
3. Tangible evidence/s of learning achievement (results of
quizzes, students’ feedback, lesson retention/application of
basic truths studied/learned.
Area of Concern III: Learning Environment
1. Classroom management/setting ( discipline; cleanliness;
2. Adequacy of instructional facilities ( prepared by the
Grand Mean:
Descriptive Rating:
Strong Points: _________________________________________________________________
For Improvement/s: ____________________________________________________________

Suggestions: __________________________________________________________________

__________________________________ ____________________________
Signature of Instructor/Professor ObservedSignature of Supervisor/Observer

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