Time-Management Without Stress: Case-Study From Eduson - TV Course

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Case-study from

Eduson.tv course

without stress

Nikolay Dodonov, Time-Management coach

c h n i q u e t e a c h e s
GTD te
How to work
e ly a n d w i t h o u t

GTD techniques tea
how to work
t iv e ly a n d w it h o u t


s - GTD
The popular time-management technique
organize your
(Getting Things Done) - will help you to
problems one
working process and teach you to solve
at a time, in priority order.
c o nc en t r at e on
one important task
concentr ate on
one important

sc ar d all dis tr ac tin g pr og ra ms (Sk yp e, notifications

t ne w me ss ag es , et c.) an d co nc en tr at e on one
once (for
task at a time, and not several tasks at
, yo u ca nn ot ta lk on th e ph on e an d ch eck your
email at the same time).
ou r m i n d o f a l l
free y
that i s u n n e c e s s a ry
e g i ve n m o m e n t
at th
free your mind of a
that is unnecessary
at the given momen

nlo ad » dis tr ac tin g ta sk s an d th ou gh ts from your

ad sim ply by wr iti ng th em do wn on «a storage
m» (pa pe r da y pla nn er or sp ecial pr og ram). Thus
le to solve
you will free your brain’s RAM and be ab
problems more effectively.
eat a frog
Per day
eat a frog
per day

an t ta sk s th at yo u co nt inuall y postpo ne tend

e of such
to pile up very soon. Try and perform on
unpleasant tasks every day.

h your task
Do not set reminders - just look throug
(when you com
list whenever you change your location
to your office, home, etc.).
junk mail
at the entry

junk mail
at the entry

te r out un ne ce ss ary infor ma tio n at th e point of its

you have any
emergence (avoid email subscriptions). If
tion, you can put
doubts about the usefulness of informa
it aside for future consideration.
Pl an your
working day
before it starts
pl an your
working day

before it starts
to allocate
A regular review of tasks will help you
your time effectively and single out first
a n d ta s k s
all ideas
e p l a c e
in on
a s an d ta s ks
all ide
in one pl ac

ments and
It is very convenient to keep your docu
store them
notes in electronic form, and it is best to
will easily find
within one program. In such archive, you
necessary information.
ta bl e
a s
set c e
r k pa
w o
set a stable
work pace

step -b y- step sy st em at ic wo rk ing pa ttern is more

effective than working in peak-load cond
cy de cr ea se s shar ply wh en , at fir st , problems
in a rush, in
are completely ignored, and then solved
deadline mode.
n t i at e b e t w e e n
e v e n t s a n d tas k s
differentiate betwe
events and tasks

rangement to
Fixed events (business appointments, ar
ework of
see a doctor, etc.) constitute a rigid fram
ur tim e sc he du le. An d the ta sk s, wh ich are not
bound to any specific time, should be all
y of free
depending on their priority and availabilit
working hours.
take a course

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