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Base upon – to use sth as the thing from Bring on – provocar, causar. His allergies
which sth else is developed brought on the asthma attack.

Be able to + infitinive Bring sb to do sth – persuade

Be base at – trabajar en Call forth – to produce a particular

reaction. Her speech call firth an angry
Be base in – take place. Estar radicado en, response.
estar ambientado en, tener lugar en,
desarrollarse en. Compare in + noun

Be base on – formed on, adapted from. Concentrate on + gerund

Surgir a partir de, basarse en.
Confined to
Be on the point of + gerund – to be going
Conjures up
to do something very soon.

Be on the verge of + gerund – to be going Dependence on

to do something very soon. Did (not) come up to - If someone or
Break apart – destrozarse something comes up to a required
standard they meet that standard.
Break for – pausa para
Dig up – desenterrar
Break forth – emerge. Desatarse.
Emerge from
Break in – forzar la entrada.
Engage with
Break into – entrar a la fuerza
Expert at sth – at doing sth
Break off – desprenderse, partir, terminar,
suspender. Expert on/in sth – subject

Extending out
Break out – escape. Estallar (war, disease,
chaos) Fail to + infinitive
Break up – romper. Follow around - seguir a alguien.
Bring about – cause, to make something Follow from sth – deducirse de. This
happen. He promised that he would bring logically follows from the given evidence.
about change.
Follow on (from)– be a consequence.
Bring forth – llevar adelante, llevar a cabo. Deducirse de. It follows on that any rise in
Bring in – introducir, traer. In 2007, the taxes must be accompanied by an
improvement in services.
British government brought in a ban on
smoking in all enclosed public spaces. Follow out – carry out. Llevar a cabo.
Usually a new head coach will bring in his
own team of assistants.
Follow through with – seguir hasta el final. Set sth against sth – compensar.
A good manager ensures that their team is
Set sth forth / set forth sth – describir. In
able to follow a project through. Sam is
always making plans but she never follows his autobiography, he sets forth the story
of his life.
through with any of them.

Follow up – continuar. Set sth off against sth – compensar.

Steal out – move secretly and quietly so

Follow up on – investigar, estudiar. The
detective followed up on the lead. other people don’t notice you.

Stem from – se origina en

Get on well with somebody – like each
other and have a friendly relationship. Subjet to
Laying at Succeed in + gerund
Manage to + infinitive Take notice of – to listen, watch, think
someone or something carefully.
On the assumption that - Something that
you think is true although you have no Taken up – start sth
definite proof.
Wind up – terminar, acabar (become, end).
Put at risk – In danger of something Gastar una broma (tease, annoy).
unpleasant or harmful happening.
Lay off – despedir
Put off – aplazar
Shake up – make fundamental changes
Put up with – bear.
Take aback – be surprised
Remote from
Set about – comenzar a
Results from
Come about – suceder
Set apart – reservar
Go about – ir de un lugar a otro
Set aside – dejar a un lado
Bring about – ocasionar, provocar
Set by – reservar
Chuck out/away – tirar, echar
Set in – engastar, empezar, establecerse,
Passed on/awat – die
Set off – partir, salir (de viaje)
Slog on/ away – ttrabajar duro
Set on doing sth – determined to do.
Marcus is set on getting into Oxford. Came off / away – salir

Set sb against sb/sth – poner en contra de, Fire up – start

comparar con, contraponer con.
Wrap up – terminar
Set sb/sth on sb/sth – let loose. The
Bring out – sacar
hunters set the dogs on the scent.
Burst – explotar Lie ahead – esperar, estar por venir

Take off – quitarse, despegar See off – despedir a

Take over – relevar, encargarse

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