HAT Akes Iologics Nique: Efining The Ifference

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Many of the next blockbusters ucts share two critical traits that dis- other organisms but are not highly
may well be biologics. Two anti- tinguish their physical makeup complex, such as the estrogen hor-

WHAT MAKES Biologics differ from chemically derived

drugs in ways that affect their cost,
production, adminis-
diabetic drugs, Symlin (pramlintide
acetate) and Exenatide (synthetic ex-
endin-4), meet the definition of a
from chemically derived drugs:
only living systems can produce
them, and biologics are relatively
mones extracted from pregnant
mare urine (Premarin).
No matter what definition is

BIOLOGICS UNIQUE tration, and clinical

efficacy. Here’s a look
biologic. So do the monoclonal anti-
bodies and TNF inhibitors, as well as
large molecules, with an inherently
heterogeneous structure that can
used, it is likely to need to be modi-
fied as new products are brought to


at the most important

“ he difference between the ing the concept further, it holds Though most of today’s
almost right word and the promise for predicting health sta- differences and their blockbusters are chemically
right word is really a large tus and acting accordingly — the implications. derived, the next generation
matter — it is the differ- very notion of prevention on which of blockbusters could be
ence between the lightning bug and managed care was founded. BY THOMAS biologics, says author
the lightning.” Mark Twain’s obser- None of this is inexpensive, how- MORROW, MD Thomas Morrow, MD.
vation on the importance of three ever, thus posing profound issues With Linda Hull Felcone
little letters applies to the differences of resource use and appropriate se- Senior Contributing Editor
between biologically and chemically lection of patients. Purchasing and
derived medications. This time, using biologic agents effectively, brosis, growth deficiency, diabetes,
though, the three letters are DNA. then, necessitates an appreciation hemophilia, hepatitis, genital warts,
Protein-based biologics and de- of their enigmatic activity and struc- transplant rejection, and cancers.
vices are used to treat everything ture, the specificity of their action, Biologics predict genetic propen-
from wrinkles to rattlesnake bites, and the ways in which they differ sity to diseases such as Parkinson’s
and range from natural protein su- from traditional therapeutic agents. disease. Nondrug biologics include
tures to fibrinogen coagulant fac- cultured tissues and immune sys-
tors. Biotechnological applications OLD IDEA, NEW ADAPTATION tem suppressants for transplanta-
in healthcare encompass prophy- Biologics are not new; develop- tion and growth factors for tissue
lactic agents, in vivo diagnostic tools, ment of human growth hormone, reconstitution to treat conditions
and therapeutic products. Biotech- insulin, and red-blood cell stimu- such as diabetic foot ulcers.
nology provides imaging agents lating agents occurred decades ago, As with small-molecule drugs,
and molecular diagnostic tests for but the targets have increased ex- research and development of bio-
detecting a wide range of health ponentially with new genetic infor- logics is expensive and risky, often
problems, from excessive LDL lev- mation and new understanding of ending in failure. While pharma-
els to drug-resistant HIV strains. subcellular cascades and disease ceutical companies target the most
Advances in this field are rapidly processes. Scientific fields used in common diseases and conditions,
turning Western medicine inside developing biologics include ge- biotech has tended to target more
out. Rather than start with a disease nomics and proteomics, as well as difficult-to-treat populations that angiogenesis inhibitors — such as contain hundreds of amino acids. market. With a few exceptions, this
and search for its origin, biotech microarray, cell culture, and mono- would be too small for pharmaceu- the newly released Avastin (beva- Some groups would expand the article will use the definition that
medicine begins with the detection clonal antibody technologies. tical companies to be able to recoup cizumab) and Erbitux (cetuximab). definition of biologics to include biologics are created by either a
of a genetic variation and relies on Increasing knowledge of genet- drug-development costs. Yet, newer any substance composed of organic microorganism or mamallian cell
therapies that manipulate it. Carry- ics and cell processes leads to biologics also are targeting wide- ORGANIC ORIGINS molecules, no matter how small. and are large complex molecules,
potential new biologic (and drug) spread diseases, with profound im- Currently, there is no simple way Still others feel that any biologically most of which are proteins or poly-
Thomas Morrow, MD, is president of the targets at each step in the protein- plications: a drug that costs $20,000 to define all the drugs that are re- derived product can be called a bio- peptides.
National Association of Managed Care production process. This leads to per year that is useful for 1 person in ported to be biologics. There are logic, and still more think that any Chemical drugs are often more
Physicians and vice president and medical new therapies, which in turn lead to 100,000 has much less effect on a multiple factions that wish to de- complex molecule — no matter pure and better characterized by
director of Matria Healthcare. He has 20 new understanding of diseases. health plan’s cost structure than a fine biologics in various ways. Some how it is manufactured — should current analytical technology than
years of managed care experience at the Biologics have identified new tar- $5,000-per-year drug that is useful would apply a strict definition of be in this class. Others would in- biologics. A biologic agent’s activity
payer or health plan level. gets for treating anemia, cystic fi- for 1 in 100 people. biologics dictating that these prod- clude substances that are created in may be affected by the cell system in



which it is produced, the fermenta- in the development process: locat- with the patient’s serum, or post-
tion media, or operating conditions. ing genes that code for proteins, dose enzymatic cascades.
The production process of chem- cloning genes, reproducing the pro-
ical drugs is relatively well defined, teins associated with the genes, de- COMPLEX MANUFACTURE
which allows these drugs to be pro- termining the role of the proteins in The fragility of biological macro-
duced in uniform large quantities. the disease process, and then devel- molecules and the sensitivity of the
Biologics, however, have a complex oping a potential therapy. living cells that produce biologics
production process that tends to All new proteins that are identi- impart complex manufacturing re-
yield small quantities. It is difficult to
fied undergo a series of cell-based quirements for fermentation, asep-
scale up biologics from laboratory assays providing information on tic processing, storage, and testing.
how a specific Although the active ingredient of
The use of living organisms to protein changes a chemical pharmaceutical is usu-
a biological pro- ally a unique molecule subject to
produce therapeutic extracts is cess. Bioassays to well-established analytical tests, for
not new. What is new is manipu- determine po- biologics, the active component
lation of these organisms’ genetics tency use biolog- often is a portion of a large macro-
ical indicators of molecule. That macromolecule is
to produce specific therapeutics. living organisms in turn a modification of the origi-
or tissues. These nal protein or polypeptide and
quantities used for early analysis and can include cell-based tissue cul- other biological substances that
preclinical testing to larger-scale tures, microarray expression tech- may not be clearly characterized.
batches and maintain product purity nology, knockout animal models, Protein and polypeptide products
and batch-to-batch equivalence. transgenic animal models, and anti- can contain variable complexes,
Biologics are often extremely sen- sense or antibody technology (e.g., meaning that they have variable
sitive to physical conditions (tem- diagnostic antibody characteriza- numbers of identical components
perature, shear forces, chemical tion). in the molecules. Also, biologics
phase, and light) and enzymatic ac- There is a greater potential for may have differences in their sur-
tion. They usually require complex immune reactions to biologics than face sugars (glycosylation) or fold-
bioassays for batch release and sta- to chemical drugs. The molecules in ing patterns, depending on how
bility assessment, rather than chem- chemical drugs are too small to be they are produced. With biologics,
ical tests for identity and purity. considered immunogenic and gen- there is also potential for microbio-
erally are not recognized by the im- logical contamination of the start-
HOW THEY WORK mune system as “invaders.” With ing materials.
The therapeutic target of a bio- biologics, depending on the drug, Because biologics are often heter-
logic is always a gene or a protein. the human immune system can ogeneous in the molecules and/or
The fact that genetic information is quickly identify the molecule and polypeptides present, they have an
decoded similarly among all cells, then mount an immune response to impurity profile that depends on —
regardless of species, allows hu- clear away a large molecule that it and can vary with — the processes
mans to study gene function in considers a foreign substance. This used to make and test each batch.
worms or zebra fish. can destroy — or in rare cases, en- With biologics, the protein mix
Recombinant DNA, an impor- hance — the activity of the bio- must be defined, and the active
tant process for producing biolog- pharmaceutical. agent and supporting agents must
ics, requires isolating the DNA from Almost all biologics can induce be characterized. In other words,
human cells and potentially modi- the production of antibodies, the product does not need to be
fying that DNA segment, inserting though most antibodies have be- homogeneous if the biologic acts
it into bacteria or a mammalian cell, nign clinical consequences. The via a molecular group. Blood, for
and getting that organism or cell to antibodies may be caused by tiny instance, is a biologic (according to
express it. Several steps are involved contaminant fragments, contact U.S. Food and Drug Administration



and critical testing required of bio-

Selected categories of biologic agent structure
Hormone (growth hormone, parathyroid hormone, insulin): A sub-
stance, usually a peptide or steroid, produced by one tissue and con- DOSAGE AND DISTRIBUTION
veyed by the bloodstream to another to effect physiological activity, Biologics can cost thousands of
such as growth or metabolism. dollars monthly and require spe-
Interferons: Proteins that are normally produced by cells in response cial handling, as they are often less
to viral infection and other stimuli. stable than chemically derived
drugs and require controlled tem-
Interleukins: A large group of cytokine proteins. Most are involved
in directing other immune cells to divide and differentiate.
perature and light, as well as pro-
tection from jostling when in liquid
Growth factor: A substance such as a vitamin B12 or an interleukin form. For example, many large pro-
that promotes growth, especially cellular growth. teins cannot be shaken to reconsti-
Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs): A single species of immunoglobulin tute, as shaking can destroy the
molecules produced by culturing a single clone of a hybridoma cell. protein structure.
MAbs recognize only one chemical structure, i.e., they are directed Biologics are medications tar-
against a single epitope of the antigenic substance used to raise the geted to specific genotypes or pro-
antibody. tein receptors. They are most com-
Polypeptides: Peptides containing ten or more amino acids. Typi- monly stored, handled, and
cally, a peptide consists of fewer than 50 amino acids, while a pro- delivered by specialty pharmacies,
tein has more than 50 amino acids. distributors that specialize in ad-
Proteins: Naturally occurring and synthetic polypeptides having mol-
ministering complex-molecule
ecular weights greater than about 10,000 (the limit is not precise). products for small populations and
have specialized handling and pro-
Vaccine: An agent containing antigens produced from killed, atten- cessing and mailing processes in
uated or live pathogenic microorganisms, synthetic peptides, or by
place to accommodate these com-
recombinant organisms. Used for stimulating the immune system of
plex medications. In many ways,
the recipient to produce specific antibodies providing active immu-
nity and/or passive immunity in the progeny.
biologics are considered designer
drugs that are targeted for patients
SOURCES: International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Compendium with uncommon diseases or for ge-
of Chemical Terminology, 2nd edition, 1997; Cambridge Healthcare Institute
«www.genomicglossaries.com»; National Multiple Sclerosis Society Sourcebook
netic subclasses of patients who
«http://www.nationalmssociety.org/Sourcebook.asp». have widely prevalent diseases.
For some very rare disorders,
classification) that is not composed tion of new facilities is dispropor- such as Gaucher’s disease, the num-
of a single uniform molecule. tionately expensive and also time ber of patients in the United States
This is not to suggest that there is consuming. This helps explain the might not exceed 1,000. The high
a lack of quality-control measures global shortage of biomanufactur- cost of developing and marketing a
for biologic manufacture; actually, ing capacity and the cost differential product, combined with a small tar-
just the opposite is true. A typical between biologic and chemical get population translates into a con-
manufacturing process for a chem- drugs. siderable per-patient cost. Often,
ical drug might contain 40 to 50 Changing a manufacturing pro- specialized clinics treat patients
critical tests. The process for a bio- cess typically presents fewer chal- and/or administer these drugs.
logic might contain 250 or more. lenges with chemical drugs than it Dosage forms of chemical drugs
Biologic production uses special- would with biologics. Chemical are highly variable, and concentra-
ized processes that do not always drug batches are released according tions usually are easy to determine.
resemble facilities, machinery, or to specifications for the drug sub- Yet, because biologic molecules are
equipment used to produce chemi- stance and the final product, with- too large to be taken orally without
cal drugs. Construction and valida- out the extensive characterization being destroyed before passing



through the intestine into the blood plicate clinical studies after a drug exist. For some drugs, assays assist
stream, they usually are injected or manufacturing change, if they can in patient selection. The cost of
infused. Also, potency is more dif- show that it is bioequivalent and DNA-based tests and the expense
ficult to quantify for biologic agents, causes no new adverse reactions. of educating clinicians on their use
and monitoring is a key component Many biologic products — some must be factored into the net value.
of early therapy. vaccines, gene therapies, antitoxins,
New modes of administration, blood, and some in vitro diagnostics, EXCITING FUTURE
such as via food that is directly or in- to name a few — are approved by Looking ahead, several promis-
directly transgenic, are being stud- CBER. Remaining categories, in- ing technological advances are in
ied. An example of the latter is cluding monoclonal antibodies, various stages of readiness, each
goat’s milk that produces an anti- growth factors, enzymes, immuno- with deep implications.
malarial compound. Transdermally modulators, and thrombolytics, are RNA interference allows better
administered vaccines also are the domain of the Center for Drug characterization of the function of
under investigation. Evaluation and Research (CDER). a specific gene or DNA fragment.
Generic (more accurately, follow- Antisense molecules (small pieces
REGULATORY ISSUES on) biologics are not legal in the of DNA or RNA) prevent produc-
The FDA precisely defines bio- United States, and no regulatory tion of the protein encoded in that
logic therapies and devices for pathway exists for their approval. blocked DNA or RNA, effectively
regulatory purposes. A product’s With pretreatment genetic test- “knocking out” the gene. The
intended use may dictate its clas- ing, large clinical studies may be- knockout procedure also is used to
sification — e.g., an in vitro diag- come obsolete. Conventional clini- determine the function of a specific
nostic kit may fit a classic definition cal trials involve extrapolation to gene in laboratory animals. This
of a medical device but may still be larger populations to predict medi- knowledge then can be extrapo-
defined as a biologic, as it is used to cal outcomes in much larger popu- lated to corresponding human
test and release a licensed biological lations; to date, however, biologics genes. The physical manifestation
product such as blood. A similar kit have not been aimed at large hetero- of a trait or disease is usually the
used to test blood samples for diag- geneous populations, so conduct- culmination of many steps involv-
nosing a disease like rubella, or for ing large trials is wasteful. Also, the ing a protein-to-protein chain re-
monitoring a disease’s progress, risk/benefit ratio of a drug for an action, starting from gene expres-
may fall under medical device regu- otherwise fatal disease is skewed to- sion and going through a cascade of
lations due to its usage in diagnosing ward efficacy versus safety. This is small events in which a molecule
human disease. not true of a conventional drug for is changed by enzymes and then
With biologic products, the man- a chronic condition, such as hyper- handed off to other enzymes for
ufacturing process is part of the tension — for which there are many further changes.
patent and is subject to regulatory relatively safe treatment options. Scientists are studying the rela-
approval. Process changes trigger tionship among genes, traits, and
the need for new clinical trials, yield- WEIGHING COSTS, VALUE proteins by blocking gene expres-
ing greater development costs. Biologics, though much more ex- sion and characterizing the result-
Partly to remedy this, the FDA’s Cen- pensive than chemical entities, are ing biological or visible changes.
ter for Biologics Evaluation and Re- generally considered by health care The knowledge gained will help in
search (CBER) has developed draft providers and payers to be worth targeting future therapies. Replace-
guidelines for a postapproval com- their cost — as long as the appro- ment gene therapy, which targets
parability protocol allowing com- priate patients receive them and diseases such as hemophilia caused
panies to combine several manu- achieve the desired clinical out- by the lack of a protein, is one di-
facturing changes into a single comes. Patients for whom biologics rection of research.
abbreviated postapproval applica- are a good value include those who Science is rapidly unlocking the
tion when they change their process. have failed on conventional thera- secrets of human DNA. Healthcare
Companies are not required to du- pies or for whom no other options is catching up with it. BH


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