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Mary’s Educational Institute

Ilustre Avenue, Lemery, Batangas


August 30, 2021 – September 3, 2021

The Uses of Variables in Quantitative Research

Variables Based on Scales of Measurement
Quantitative methods are used across different disciplines, such as political science,
economics, sociology, demography, psychology, business and management, development
studies and law. This module describes the importance of quantitative research in the different
disciplines or fields. Furthermore, this discusses the fundamental categories called “scale
types,” or just “scales.”
In this lesson, you are expected to:

• identify what variable is;

• characterize the different variables;
• distinguish the levels of measurement; and
• determine the importance of variables in quantitative research.

Online Learning 1
1) Variable is a central idea in quantitative research. It is an object, event, idea, feeling,
time, period, or any other type of category which can be measured (Kalof, Dan & Dietx,
2) Variables are measurable attributes or characteristics that can vary for different cases.
These attributes should be able to take on at least two distinct values or have at least two
distinct categories. They serve as basis for collecting, organizing, presenting, analyzing
and interpreting data.
3) Variables are “changing qualities or characteristics” of persons or things like age,
gender, intelligence, ideas, achievements, confidence, and so on that are involved in your
research study. Made up of the root or base word “vary” which means to undergo
changes or to differ from variables have different or varying values in relation to time and
4) Attributes are the possible observations of the data to be processed. These are the sub
values of variables.
5) Examples: Gender (Variable) has male and female (attributes); Length of Study Period-
1 hour, 2 hours, etc.; Types of Movies – Romance, Horror, Comedy, Fantasy, and
6) They have a prescribed period/duration when they start and stop.
7) They may have a pattern such as daily, weekly and monthly.
8) They are detailed though the summary is profound and thorough.
9) They may be dormancy which is the time gap between measuring dependent and
independent variables.

PAASCU Accredited Bureau of Immigration Accredited

St. Mary’s Educational Institute
Ilustre Avenue, Lemery, Batangas


10) Independent variables
11) The variable that is manipulated either by the researcher or by the nature or
12) Independent variables are also called “stimulus” “input” or “predictor” variables
13) Analogous to the “cause” in a cause-effect relationship
14) “Operationalization” of the independent variable
15) Operationalization: translating an abstract concept into a tangible, observable form in
an experiment
16) Operationalization can include:
17) Variations in stimulus conditions (public schools versus home schooling)
18) Variations in levels or degrees (mild vs. moderate vs. strong fear appeals)
19) Variations based on standardized scales or diagnostic instruments (low vs. high self-
esteem scores)
20) Variations in “intact” or “self-selected” groups (smokers vs. non-smokers)
21) The input variable
22) Probable cause of an event
23) Independent of everything that transpires during the experiment
24) Independent of everything that transpires during the experiment
25) Hypothesized to affect dependent variable
26) Also called change, treatment, antecedent, manipulated or predictor variables


Exposure to Different Colored Lights

(Independent Variable)

Plant Growth
(Dependent Variable)

27) Dependent Variable

28) A variable that is observed or measured, and that is influenced or changed by the
independent variable
29) Dependent variables are also known as “response” or “output” or “criterion” variables
30) Analogous to the “effect” in a cause-effect relationship
31) Confounding variable
32) Alternate causal factors or contributory factors which unintentionally influence the results
of an experiment, but are not the subject of the study
33) Mediating variable
34) Also known as moderating, intervening, intermediary, or mediating variables
35) A 2nd or 3rd variable that can increase or decrease the relationship between an
independent and dependent variable
36) For example, whether listeners are persuaded more by the quality or quantity of
arguments is moderated by their degree of involvement in an issue
37) Interchangeably of independent and dependent variables
38) The same concept or construct could serve as the independent variable in one
investigation, and the dependent in another
39) Intervening Variables
40) These variables are the links between dependent and independent variable
41) There are certain phenomena in which, without the intervening variable, there will be no

PAASCU Accredited Bureau of Immigration Accredited

St. Mary’s Educational Institute
Ilustre Avenue, Lemery, Batangas

observed significant effect to the dependent variable from the independent variable
(Kumar 1996).
42) Antecedent Variables
43) Are independent variables which precede other independent variables
44) These are the variables which affect the link between the cause, connecting, and effect
45) They increase or decrease the strength of the relationship between independent and
dependent variables

Independent Learning 1
Keeping in mind the meaning of variables in research, check all words in the list that can
operate as variables in any research study.
_____1. water
_____2. skills
_____3. ghost
_____4. experience
_____5. world
_____6. dreams
_____7. reading comprehension
_____8. voice
_____9. handwriting
_____10. guardian angel
_____11. life plans
_____12. class size
_____13. academic grades
_____14. aspirations
_____15. textbooks
_____16. economic status
_____17. mental pictures
_____18. physical exercise

Write QN if the given variable is quantitative, QL if it is qualitative.
1) Height
2) Weight
3) Gender
4) Year level
5) Average Daily Temperature
6) Response time of an athlete
7) Highest educational attainment
8) Average grade point average (GPA)
9) Body type (slim, moderate, obese)
10) Score in a reading comprehension

• To deepen your understanding about the dependent and independent variables, kindly
visit this YouTube link:

Identify the independent and dependent variables in each research problem. Write your
answer under the right column.

PAASCU Accredited Bureau of Immigration Accredited

St. Mary’s Educational Institute
Ilustre Avenue, Lemery, Batangas

Research Problem Independent Variable Dependent Variable

1. How does logical thinking
develop critical thinking?
2. What are the effects of
Koreanovelas on Filipino
3. In what way does
collaborative learning
increase communicative
4. To what extent does
texting decrease students’
grammatical competence?
5. What corrupt practices
trigger off one’s resignation?

Online Learning 2
(September 11, 2020)


11) Discrete variable
12) Assumes a distinct point on a scale
13) Whole number, without decimal
14) Exact value
15) No fractional unit
16) Can be counted
17) Example: Number of puppies (5, 7, 9), number of siblings, fingers, number of chicken.
18) Continuous variable
19) assumes a continuous point on a scale
20) number, with or without decimal
21) These are measurements with fractional values.
22) Examples: time, height, temperature, distance, mass, age, and pH


Case 1:
A student is interested in determining the effects of exposure to different colored lights
(e.g. yellow, green and red) on the growth of plants.

Independent Variable
23) Exposure to Different lights
Dependent Variable
Growth of Plants
Attributes /Levels
24) Exposure to Yellow Light
25) Exposure to Green Light
26) Exposure to Red Light
27) No Exposure at All (Control)

Case 2:
A veterinarian wants to find out if a diet supplemented with blueberry, strawberry or
spinach powder has an effect on aging on rats.

PAASCU Accredited Bureau of Immigration Accredited

St. Mary’s Educational Institute
Ilustre Avenue, Lemery, Batangas

Independent Variable
28) Kinds of Diet
Dependent Variable
29) Aging of Rats
Attributes /Levels
30) Diet Supplemented with Blueberry
31) Diet Supplemented with Strawberry
32) Diet Supplemented with Spinach Powder
33) Regular Diet (Control)

34) Variables can also be classified according to the data they contain or levels of
35) The nature of information within the values assigned to variables.
36) It is important for the researcher to understand the different levels of measurement, as
these levels of measurement, together with how the research question is phrased, dictate
what statistical analysis is appropriate.
37) Nominal
38) distinguishes a variable from all others by assigning a name or description
39) lowest level of measurement
40) The name serves to identify the class or group and give qualitative distinction among
41) The essential point about nominal scales is that they do not imply any ordering among
the responses.
42) Numerical values assigned to represent various classes in a nominal scale have no
quantitative property.
43) only count the frequencies or occurrences
44) cannot be ranked
45) Mathematical operations: Equal or not equal (=,≠)
46) Examples are gender, nationality, ethnicity, language, genre, style, biological species,
and form.
47) Ordinal
48) Ordinal or ranking refers to order sequences.
49) It is useful in measuring behaviour such as degree of activity, motivation, amount of
inhabitation, damage and healthiness.
50) It is used when quantitative measurements are not possible or practical.
51) Unlike nominal scales, ordinal scales allow comparisons of the degree to which two
subjects possess the dependent variable.
52) ranked in a certain order
53) relative position of one case is known
54) The difference between two levels of an ordinal scale cannot be assumed to be the same
as the difference between two other levels.
55) Mathematical operations: >,<
56) Examples: Social class, competition results, typhoon signal, level of satisfaction
57) Interval
58) Interval scales are numerical scales in which intervals have the same interpretation
59) Though the difference between measurements, it employs an arbitrary zero point which
does not represent complete absence of the attribute.
60) rank-ordered and have equal distances
61) do not have “true zero”
62) exact difference between two values
63) no ratio

PAASCU Accredited Bureau of Immigration Accredited

St. Mary’s Educational Institute
Ilustre Avenue, Lemery, Batangas

64) mathematical operations: +, -

65) Examples: Temperature (°C and °F), Age, Standardized intelligence test scores
66) Ratio
67) The ratio scale of measurement is the most informative scale.
68) It is an interval scale with the additional property that its zero position indicates the
absence of the quantity being measured.
69) There is a true zero point (represents complete absence of attribute).
70) It employs same as interval in the sense that equal differences between the numbers
assigned to successive classes equal differences in the amount of property/ attribute
71) It has the properties of nominal, ordinal and interval scales.
72) Mathematical operations: +, -, x, ÷
73) Examples: Money, Work Experience, Temperature (K), mass, length, duration, plane,
angle, energy, electric charge

PAASCU Accredited Bureau of Immigration Accredited

St. Mary’s Educational Institute
Ilustre Avenue, Lemery, Batangas

Independent Learning 2
• For further discussion about the levels of measurement, watch
these YouTube links: and
• Accomplish Assessment Tasks #1, #2, #3 and #4.

Assessment and Evaluation

Assessment Task # 1
With the given cases, determine the following:
a) independent variable
b) dependent variable
c) two attributes of each of the independent variable

1) A study on the effect of gender on the academic performance of students

2) A study on the relation of length of study period and the grades of the students
3) A study on high school student’s choice of type of movies
4) A study on the relation between age and internet search engine preference
5) A study on the relationship between family income and food expenditure

Assessment Task # 2
Identify the independent variable (IV) and the dependent variable (DV) of the given

PAASCU Accredited Bureau of Immigration Accredited

St. Mary’s Educational Institute
Ilustre Avenue, Lemery, Batangas


1) A planned program of counselling interventions will enable clients to achieve low anxiety
levels more rapidly than clients who received normal nursing and medical car.
IV __________________________________________________________________________

2) As temperature increase from 65˚C to 95˚C, the zone of inhibition becomes bigger.
IV __________________________________________________________________________

3) In a study of how different drugs affect the severity of the symptoms, the researcher
compared the frequency and intensity of the symptoms when different doses of drugs
where administered.
IV __________________________________________________________________________

4) A florist wants to see if a certain product will extend the life of cut flowers so that they last
IV __________________________________________________________________________

5) A soap manufacturer wants to prove that their detergent works better to remove tough
IV __________________________________________________________________________

Assessment Task # 3
You received a set of note cards which contain the following information:
Identify the value measured as continuous or discrete.
1) Number of Plants Height of Plants
1 10
2 12
3 13.2
4 14.5
5 16


2) Family Number of Siblings

Mallari 8
Chico 5
Rocello 6
Dumayas 10
Flordeliz 4


3) Fruits Weight of Fruits (g)

Mango 250
Apple 125

PAASCU Accredited Bureau of Immigration Accredited

St. Mary’s Educational Institute
Ilustre Avenue, Lemery, Batangas

Grapes 10.5
Banana 500
Guyabano 300


4) Schools Population
OCNHS 7000
BCNHS 4500
SJSC 1000


5) Temperature Degree Fahrenheit

Boiling water 212
Ice water 12.5
Warm water 45
Juice 75.5


Assessment Task # 4
Identify the level of measurement involved in the following research situations. Write:
A – Nominal
B – Ordinal
C – Interval
D - Ratio
1) A movie critic lists the top 50 films of the decade.
2) A car dealer gives a list of top ten most expensive cars to his clients.
3) A health worker surveys the students’ health status whether it is excellent, average or
4) A veterinary assistant determines the weight of the dogs.
5) 5) A student wants to determine the percentage of correct answers that he got.
6) 6) A researcher wants to find out the number of hours that you spent in doing extra
7) A veterinary assistant records the breeds of dogs.
8) 8) Finding the number of minutes it takes for a student to reach his house from school.
9) 9) Finding the degree of difficulty of exam as easy, moderate or difficult
10) A geoscientist from PAGASA determines the daily temperature for the month of July.


• Abadiano, M. N. (2016). Research in Daily Life 2: Quantitative Research

Method. Cronica Bookhaus.
• Chico, Alegria M. & Matira M. D. (2016). Practical Research for the 21st
Century Learners (Quantitative Research). Manila: St. Augustine
Publications, Inc.
• psychology@castellalun. (2014, July 3). “Independent and Dependent
Variables.” [YouTube]. Presentation. Retrieved from

PAASCU Accredited Bureau of Immigration Accredited

St. Mary’s Educational Institute
Ilustre Avenue, Lemery, Batangas

• Quantitative Specialists. (2015, July 1). “Scales of Measurement- Nominal,

Ordinal, Interval, Ratio (Part 1) – Introductory.” [YouTube]. Report.
Retrieved from
• Quantitative Specialists. (2015, July 1). “Scales of Measurement- Nominal,
Ordinal, Interval, Ratio (Part 2) – Introductory Statistics.” [YouTube].
Report. Retrieved from
• Torneo, A. R. & Torneo, H. C. (2017). An Introduction to QUANTITATIVE
Research:Practical Research 2. Quezon City: Sibs Publishing House.

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