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Number System
Quick Revision
Natural Numbers Equivalent Rational Numbers
Numbers, which are used for counting, i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, Two rational numbers are said to be
called natural numbers. Smallest natural number is .
equivalent, if numerators and denominators of

1 but we cannot find the both rational numbers are in proportion or

largest natural number, as
successor of every natural number is they are reducible to be equal.
again a natural
number. The collection of natural numbers is denoted 25 49
by. eg = 50 98
i.e. N={1,2, 3, 4,...}
Method t Determine Rational
Whole Numbers Numbers between Two Numbers
All natural numbers together with 0 form the whole There are infinitely may rational numbers
numbers, i.e. counting numbers including zero are
known as whole numbers. Zero is the smallest whole
between any two given rational numbers. For
determining one or more than one rational
number but there is no largest whole number. The numbers between two given numbers, we use
collection of whole numbers is denoted by. the following method.
i.e. W {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...} When One Rational Number is Determined
Let x and y be two numbers, such that y > x.
The collection of all whole numbers (i.e. positive, zero) Then,is a rational number lying8
and negative of natural numbers are called integers. 2
The collection of integers is denoted by Z or 1. between x andy.
ie. Z or I={.., -4,-3,-2,-1,0,1, 2, 3,4,. When More than One Rational Numbers
are Determined
Here, integers less than zero are known as negative Let x and y be two rational numbers, such that
zero are known as
integers and integers greater than y>* and we want to find n rational numbers
positive integers. between x and y. Then, n rational numbers
Rational Numbers lying between * andy are
The numbers, which can expressed in the form of
be (x+ d),(x + 2d), (x +3d),..., (x + nd),
and g#0, are known as
p/g, where p, g are integers whered
rational numbers. n+1
is denoted by Q.
The collection of rational numbers
Rational number/numbers between any twoo
ie. Q=:p.gare integers and g 0 rational numbers is/are written in the standard
Real Numbers
Irrational Numbers Basic Operations on
rational number and
difference of a
The numbers, which cannot be expressed in the (6) The sum or number is an
irrational number,
an irrational
form p/q, where p, q both are integers and q * 0, are
division of a non-zero
called irrational numbers. e.g. v2, V3, T, ii) The multiplication irrational number is
rational number with an
0.101101110111 1... etc.
an irrational number.
Decimal Expansions of Rational divide two
(ii) If we add, subtract, multiply get
numbers in the form of p/q, whereq*0,
numbers, we may
For rational cases occur either the
number or a rational
on dividing p by g, two main
a certain stage or
remainder becomes zero after
never becomes zero and we get a repeating string
of Radical Slgn
be a positive
remainders. Let a (0) be a real number and n

real number, then

integer, such that a"" =Va
is a
becomes zero
Case I The remainder
becomes zero after is called radicand anda
On dividing p by g, if remainder nis called exponent,
terminates or i s called radical sign.
some steps, then decimal expansion
ends after a finite number of steps. Such }a is called square root
Ifn 2, then a

expansion is called terminating decimal expansion.

of a.
e 4 10 0.25 Note The expression Va is called surd.
which hold good
Given below the
are identities,
for positive real numbers a and b.

( Vab-a
On dividing 1 by 4, we get the exact value 0.25,
i.e. remainder is zero. So 1/4 has the terminating
decimal expansion. (ii)(Va + Vb) (Wa Vb) -
= a-b

Case II The remainder never becomes zero (v)(a+Vb)(a - VB) =a2 - b

On dividing p by qg, if remainder never becomes
or (Va + b) (Wa - b) = a -b
zero and set of digits repeats periodically (or in
same interval), then decimal expansion is called 2Nab +b
non-terminating repeating decimal expansion.
v(a t Vb) = a t

It is also known as
non-terminating recurring (vi)(a +vb) (W+d)
decimal expansion. The block of repeated digits is = Vac + Wad + be + vbd
denoted by the bar'"over it.
Rationalising the Denominator
eg 3 2.0 (0.66 If the denominator of an expression contains a
term with a square root (or a number under a
radical sign), then the process of converting it to
2 an equivalent expression whose denominator is a
rational number is called rationalising the
0666..or0 1 1x(3+2)
On dividing 2 by 3, we get the block of repeated e.8 3 - 2 (3-2)(3+2)
number 6 again and again, i.e. remainder never
becomes zero. So, 2/3 has a non-terminating 3+2
repeating decimal expansion.
Laws of Exponents for Real
Let a
Numbers (iv)a x=(ab}
(>0) be a real number and p, g be rational
numbers. Then, ()a
G)a xa =a*
(i) (aP =
a -
P-9 (vi)am = (Va)" = {a", where m, ne N
Note The value of zero exponent i.e. a" = 1.

Objective Questions
Multiple Choice Questions 6. 1.272727..can be expressed in rational
1. Between two
rational numbers form as
(a) there is no rational number 4
(b) there is exactly one rational number 99
(c) there are infinitely many rational numbers
(d) there are only rational numbers and no0 (cl (d)
irrational numbers
7. The value of 1.999.. in the form of,
2. A rational number
3 and 4 is lying between where p and q are integers and q #0, is
(b (a)

(d) None of these (c) 2 d)

3. A rational number between 2 and 3 8. If 0.142857142857 express in the

of, then the value of (2m + n) is
2 (a)1 (b)2
(c) 1.5 (d)1.8 (c)7 (d)9
4. The decimal expansion of the number 9. The number 5-3W5 is
2 is (a)rational number (b) irrational number
(a) a finite decimal (c) integer number (d)real number
(b) 1.41421
10. The two irrational numbers whose
(c) non-terminating recurring product is a rational number, is
(d)non-terminating non-recurring
(a)3-2,3+2 (b)3+2,3+2
5. Which of the following is irrational? (c)3-2.3-v2 (d)3-2,4+v3
(a) 0.14
11. Additionof7-2
2 +611
18. Ifx = 1+/2, then the value of
(b)7+2 +511
(d) None of the above (a)2 (b)4
on rationalising (c)6 (d)8
12. The number obtained
is 19. Ifx = 1+ V2, then the value
the denominator of
(a)7+2 (b 3
3 (b)8
c) v7 +2 (d)7+2

45 (c)3 (d)5

13. is equal to 20.

20. Ir
If3 +a +bV7, then the values ofa

and b is
(a)3-2/2) b22 (a)3,5 (b)7,3
(c) 3-22 (d) 3+22 (c)8,3 (d)4, 3

14. After rationalising the denominator of 21. The value of [(16)"]2 is

get the denominator as (a)1 (b)2
33 2 2 (c)3 (d)4
a) 13 (b) 19
(c)5 (d) 35
22. V22 is equals to
15. The 4/3 +5 2 (a) 26 b)26
rationalisation ofAR 4+J18
(c)28 (d)2
23. The value of [{(81)-V?)-V4] is
(c) 4-9/6 (a)1 (b)2
15 (d) None of these (c)3 (d)4
16. The value of V3-V5](V5+V3) 24. The value
7-25 of| s
is equal to INCERT Exemplar]
29 15
(c44y5 ( d4-2/6
29 9

17. If 2=1.4142, then, the value 25. The value of 2+-2(2") is

of 2-1 (a) 2n+1
2+1 8

(a)0.8282 (b) 1.4142 (c)1-2

(c)0.4142 (d) None of these
26. The value of
34. The value of
IS 24 240-939

(b)2 (b
(d) 1/2 (c)
27. The value of
12 x V6 is
(a 2x3T 35. If 2* =
3 =
62, then z is equal to
(c)3 x2 (d) None of these

28. The value of
vm?n2xm*n? mn2 x (c)
(a) mn? (b) mn
(c)mn (d)mn Assertion-Reasoning MCOs
29. 25 Directions
If 125* =
, then the value of x is.
Nos. 36-45) In each of these
5* questions contains two statements : Assertion
(a) 2 (A) and Reason (R). Each of these questions
(b) also has four alternative choices,
any one of
(c) (d) None of these which is the correct answer. You have to
select one of the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d)

30. The value of x, if 125 given below.

216 (a) A is true, R is true; R is a correct
(a)3 explanation for A.
(b)2 (b) A is true, R is true; R is not a correct
(c)1 (d)4 explanation for A.

31. The value of

62/3 xV67 - is
(c) A is true; R is false.
(d) A is false; R is true.
6 36. Assertion (A) Every integer is a
(a)5 (b)6
(c)7 (d) None of these
rational number.
Reason (R) Every integer m can be
32. The value of
expressed in the form
(x-bab . (x®-")°*.(x**) *d is equal
to 37. Assertion (A) 2, V3 are examples of
(a)0 (b)1
irrational numbers.
(c)2 (d) None of these
Reason (R) An irrational number can be
33. The value of expressed in the form p/q.
38. Assertion (A) 0.129 is a
2a+b +a
Reason (R) A decimal in which a digit
or a set of digits is repeated
is equal to periodically
is called a repeating or recurring
(a)0 (b)1
(d) 1/2
39. Assertion (A) Rational number Case Based MCOs
lying between two rational 46. To support helpless people and orphans is
+b the collective responsibility of the whole
numbers a and b is
society. To measure this spirit, a survey was
Reason (R) There is one rational conducted in a city. It was found that 7 out
number lying between any two of every 13 households are donating some
rational numbers. mount of their income to an orphanage or
old age home or institutions for physically
40. Assertion (A) A rational number
between and,is
Reason (R) Rational number
between two numbers a and b
is Vab.
41. Assertion (A) If V2 =1414,
3 =
1732 then 5 V2+ 3.

Reason (R) Square root of a

positive real number always exists.
42. Assertion (A)
5-v2 =5-1.414
irrational number.
3.586is an

Reason (R) The difference of a

rational number and an irrational On the basis of this
information, answer the
number is an irrational number. following questions.
43. Assertion (A) The a) Write the fraction of households, which
factor of 3 25 is 3-25.
rationalising are donating.

Reason (R) If the product of two

irrational numbers is rational then 5
each one is called the
factor of the other
rationalising (d) 8
(ii) Write the fraction of
44. Assertion (A) 172.175 =173. are not donating. households, which
Reason (R) Ifa >0 be a real (a) (b 13
number and p and q be rational
numbers. Then, aP a' =aP* (c (d)

45. Assertion (A) 7* +7' = 7*. (ii) Write the decimal form of the fraction
households, which are donating. of
Reason (R) Ifa>0 be a real (a)0.538471
number and p and q be rational (b)0.538461
number. (c)0.548471
Then, a xp' = a%. (d) None of the above
(iv) Write the decimal form of the then value of
fraction of households, which are not (iv) Ifform of 0.38 is "n
(a)0.461538 (b)046128
m +n2
(c)0.465138 (d)0.416538 371
(v) The type of decimal expansion of is 350
(a) Terminating C123
(b} Non-terminating (v) The decimal number 0.38 is the
(c) Non-terminating repeating type of
(d) Non-terminating non-repeating
(a) Terminating
47. To judge the (b) Non-terminating
class IX
preparation of students of
on topic 'Number System', (c)Non-terminating repeating
Mathematics teachers write two (d) Non-terminating non-repeating
numbers on blackboard (as shown in 48. Orphanage is the home of those
figure), and asks some questions about childrens who don't have parents or
the two members, which are following, whose parents are not alive anymore.
then answer the questions.
So know about the charity of peoples
on orphanage, a survey was conducted,
it was found that 7 out every
0 ( ) 0.38 9 households are donating some old
age home or institutions for physically


G)Write the decimal form of

(a)0.81 (b)0.18
(c)0.17 (d)0.71
(ii) Write the form of 0.38. Now, answer the following questions,
which are based on above data

(b)T8 (d8 (G) Write the decimal form of

(ii) The decimal expansion of , is the a)0.63 (b)0.6
(c)0.7 (d)0.8
type of
(a) Non-terminating (i) Write the decimal form of
(b) terminating 9
(c) Non-terminating repeating la)0.2 (b)0.3
(d) Non-terminating non-repeating (c)0.4 (d)0.5
i) Write the type of decimal expansion (ii) (3+ 27) -(V12+3)is
(a) rational number

of (b) irrational number

(c)non terminating decimal

a) Terminating above
(d) None of the
(b) Non-terminating
6 irrational number.
(c) Non-terminating repeating is
(d) None of the above (6iv V5

(a) True (b) False

(iv) A rational number between
(c) Can't say (d) Partially true/false
and 1 is
() The addition of (3+V3) and (2+/2) is
a rational number.
ta) (a) True (b)False
(d) None of these (c)Cannot say (d) Partially true/false

(v) Which number is repeated in the 50. If the denominator of an expression

contains a term with a square root
decimal form of7 (or a number under a radical sign),
(a)8 then the process of converting it to an
(c)7 equivalent expression whose
(d)9 denominator is a rational number, is
49. If we add, subtract, multiply or divide called rationalising the denominator.
(except zero) two real numbers, we get Based on this, answer the following
a real number, i.e. real numbers are
closed with respect to questions.
subtraction, multiplication or division.
Based on the () The fraction 42++6) is equal to
operations on real
numbers some questions are 32+3)
answer them
given (a)3
(c) 3

7/3 25
(W10+3) (6 +5)
(W15+3/2) equal to
(a)1 (b)2
310 (c)1/2 (d)3
(a)rational number (b) irrational number (i) If both a and b are
rational numbers,
(c) Integer (d)None of these
then a and b from 3-5
(i)+3 is an 3+2oE5=a5 -b,
respectively are
(a)rational number (b) irrational number (ay919 19 9
la) 11 (a0 21
(c)Integer (d) cannot define
11 11
(iv) 26 Based on the given rules, answer the
V2 +3+ 5 equal to
following questions.
(a) 2+3-5 (b)4-2-V3 6) Ifx 20, then the value of y*v*va is
(c)2+ 3+ 6-5
(d+5-V3) (a)x/ (b)x/x
()Ifx =
2-V3, then the values of (cx (d)
x+and x - respectively are i) The value of

(a)14,8/3 (b)-14,-83
(c)14,-8/3 (d)-14.8/3
Exponents of a number are used in
different ways in which we can (a)y'
determine the various product and (c)xP+ qr +rp
division of different
Some rules are
exponents. (ii) The value 4 1
given below of1G-2/3
(216)-2/3 (256)-3/41

Exponent Rules (a) 144 (b) 64

For a 0,br0 (c)80
Product Rule (d) 36
Quotient Rule (iv) The value of
Power Rule
(a- (x8(**(x*** is
Power of a Product Rule
(ab = ab

Power of a Fraction Rule (a)1 (b)4

(c)-1 (d)2
Zero Expone
=1 33x 6561
()If x81 x
Negative Exponen
3, thenx is
Fractional Exponent (a)3
a =a (b)-3
(c) 1/3 (d)-1/3

Multiple Choice Ouestions
1. (C) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (d) 6. b) 7. (c) 8. (d) 9. (b) 10. (a)
11. (b) 12. (a) 13. (d) 14. (b) 15. (b) 16. (c) 17. (c) 18. (b) 19. b) 20. (c)
21. (b) 22. (c) 23. (c) 24. (d) 25. (d) 26. (c) 27. (a) 28. (a) 29. (b) 30. (a)
31. (b) 32. (b) 33. (b) 34. (a) 35. (c)

Assertion-Reasoning MCOs
36. (a) 37. (c) 38. b) 39. (c) 40. (c) 41. (d) 42. (a) 43. (a) 44. (d) 45. ()
Case Based MCOs
46. ( (a) (i) b) (iüi) b) (iv) (a) (v) (c) 47. Cd Cb) (id b) (iið (c) (iv) (a) (v) ()
48. (D (c) (ü (a) (üi) (c) (tv) (c) (v) (©) 49.( (a) (ið b) (iüid (a) (iv) (a) (v) (b)
50. ( (d) (ið (a) (iið (a) (iv) (a) (v) (C 51. () a) (i) (d) tii) (c) (iv) (a) (v) (b)
1. Between two rational numbers, there are On subtracting Eq. (i) from Eq.(i), we get
99x = 126
infinitely many rational numbers.
3 14
5 5
rational numbers, then
31 32 33 34 35
are infinite rational 7. Let x =1.999...
50 50' 50' 50' 50
numbers between them. Now, 10x=19.999...
2. Here,4 >3 On subtracting Eq. (6) from Eq. (i), we get
10x - * = (19.999.. ) - (1.9999..)
We know that, if x and y are two numbers
9x =18
suchthat y >x. Then, X+) is a rational
number between x and y. x==2
So, a rational number between 3 and 4
8. Let x =0142857142857.. ...4)
3 On multiplying both sides of Eq.6) by
1000000, we get
3. A rational number between
(2 and 3) 1000000x =(142857142857...) i)
i.e. 1.414 and 1.732.
On subtracting Eq. 6) from Eq. (i), we get
a 2+3
which is an irrational number, 1000000x - x =(142857142857...)
so it is not a solution. -(0.142857..)
999999x = 142857
b) which is an irrational x= 142857
number, so it is not a solution. 999999
Now, 1.5 and 1.8 both are the rational
numbers but only 1.5 lies between 1.414
and 1. 732.
Here, m =l and n = 7
4. The decimal
expansion of the number 2 is 2m +n =
non-terminating non-recurring. Because 2
9. Here, 5 is rational number and 3/5 is an
anirrational number.
irrational number. Since, we know that
Also, we know that an irrational number is subtraction of a rational number and an
non-terminating non-recurring. irrational number isalways an irrational
5. An irrational number is non-terminating number. So, 5-3/5 is an
non-recurring which is 0.4014001400014.. number. irrational
Here, 0-14 is terminating and 0 1416,0.1416 10. Let two irrational numbers be 3- V2 and
are non-terminating recurring, so they are 3+2.
rational numbers. Now, product of two irrational numbers
6. Let x =1.2727.. - (3-2)(3+ 2)
Then, multiplying both sides of Eq. () by = (3-(2
100, we get =9-2 7,
100x =127.2727.. .i) which is a rational number.
11. 37-6T a-m 15 4/3+52 43+5/24/3-3/2
48+ 18 43+3/2 43- 3/2
7 46-1 (43+5/2)(43 - 3/2)
by rationalising
= 7 + 2 +5/11
F:(a -6) (a + b) =a* -b]

7-2 7-2 77+2

+2 43(43-3/2) +5 2(4/3 3/2)
multiplying numerator and denominator 48-12/6 + 20/6 30
by 7+2
7+2 7+2 7+2 18+8/69+46
(7-(23 7-4 3 30 15
using identity (a - 8)(a +b) = a* - 8]1
16, 3-51/3+5)_(W3-(5
7- 25
1 1 7-2/5
13. 13+22
3-242 3-2/2 3+242 (a-b)(a + b) = a* - 6]

F8-2x2x2-2/2] 3-5 7+2 5 by

by rationalising
multiplying numerator and denominator
7-25 7+2 5
by3+2/2 -2(7+ 25)
3+2/2 (7-(2/5
9-(2/2)2 (a-b) (a + b) = a2 - b]
using identity(a - 6) (a + b) = a - ]
9-8 -2(7+ 25)
7 33+2/2 -14 45
14 _2/233-22 3/3+2/2
multiplying numerator and denominator 17. Given, v2 =14142
by 3/3 +2/2]
7 (3/3+2/2 Now, 2 2-1
+1 (2-1) (W2 -1)
(3/3-(2/2 (2 +1) 2 -1)
using identity (a b) (a + b) a* =

by rationalising

7(3/3+2N2)|.fraction= numerator 2-12V-1

27-8 denominator 2-1 1
7(33+2/2) :(a b)la b) a2 1
+ -
= -

Hence, after rationalising the denominator of = 14142-1 :/2 =14142]
the denominatoras 19 = 04142
3/3-2./we get
the coefticients of a and
On comparing
18. Given, x =1+ 2 both sides, we get
a =8 and
Now,1+J21+2*1-2 21. [(162/2 =|(2)'aj2
1-2 : (a"=a"
P-(2 E:(a-(a+ð) =(a? -8*)) = |221]=2' =2

2--1 22. 82=N2N* =[(2)a E: Va=a']

and *-=(1+2) -(V2 -1) 2 1 1
= |22/31=234= 26 F: (a")" = a"|
= 1+ 2-2 +1=2
(2 -4 23. (81)
19. Given, x =1+ /2 =[(3) =(8)*i=3
2 : (a = (a) and 81 =(3)|
+1+/2 *

by rationalising
F(a-6)(a +b) =a? - b]

-21-2 M-1 l)F-4)-

2***-2(2")_2**- 27+1
and (l+)-7- 2(23) 27+4

1 27
=l+ 2 - 2 +1=2 2n+4 -27+1-n-4

20. Given, a + by7=3tv7

a+b7t7 37
a+b7 -J7'3+ 7
by rationalising]


(a-b)(a + b) = a* - b1

(a+b)2 =a +b + 2ab]
a+by7= 16+67=8+37
27. 12 xV6 =(2x2x 3)" x(2 x3)7 31 6x 6$6xV6 6
: Va -a
= 2x2x 3 x 27 x 37 Va x b=Vaxb]
24+1/4+ 17 x 3/4+1/7
xa'= (a)"**]
2/2+1/7 x 3l/4+1/7
: a xa" =am*"] 6
= 2914 x 3/28 29 x *Y3 6
E:ax b =Vab]
vm'xm xma? =6 =6 FVa-al
(m*n?yl/2 x (m°n?/6 x (m?n?)/3 32. (x-** (x-*y* . (x*-as*a
= - -.-2
mnya" a'3 : (a" x (a)" (a)*"]
(4-B\A+ B) =A* -B]
3+1+2 =-+-+-a=0
(m*n*)6 = (m?n?jo/6 =m*n?
f:AxA =A*"]
29. Given, 125 25 =1
(5)= 5
53 = 52-*
On equating power from both sides, we get
3x = 2- x

4x = 2

=[-9) la . - ) 0+0*
- a e+a)c+a
30. Given,
:A-B =(4- B)(A+ B)]
= ()-(a-*)-(**) (4""=4
(-- - x-b+6-c+

= =1
:A" x A" = A"*"]

240+23+23 23(2 +2+1)

4 +240-230 23(2+2-1)
: (a)" x (a)" = (a)" **]
taking 28 common from numerator and
2 from denominator
On comparing the power from both sides,
=238-39(4 + 2 +1
4 +2 1
we get
x = 3
A rational number is
35. Let 2* = 3' =6* =k
2 k, 3 =k and 6 =k 11
2-, 3=kU and 6=kle
6- ( e is true but Reason is false
Now, Hence, Assertion
Assertion 2+ 3 1414 + 1732
2x3 (k 41.

(k x (E7 =(8} 3.146

# 5 or 2.236
(k1 =(k)/
On equating the power from both sides, Hence, Assertion is false but Reason is true.
we get 42. Assertion As v2 is an irrational number
and we know that difference of rational and
irrational number is a irrational number.
Hence, both Assertion and Reason are
and Reason is the correct explanation of
43. Assertion (3+2/5)(3-25)
36. Both Assertion and Reason are true and =(3)-(25)
Reason is the correct explanation of 9 20 -11
Hence, both Assertion and Reason are true
37. Assertion It is true that 2 and 3 are the and Reason is the correct explanation of
examples of irrational numbers. Assertion.
Reason Irational number cannot be 44. Assertion 172 17 =172+5 = 177
expressed in the form , where p and q are Hence, Assertion is false and Reason is true.

45. Assertion 78 +7* =7

integers, g+0. f:a? +a' =a-*
Assertion is true but Reason is false. 7
38. Assertion We know that a decimal that Hence, Assertion is true and Reason is false.
ends after a finite number of digits is called 46. ) Total households = 13
a terminating decimal So, Assertion is true.
Donating households = 7
Hence, both Assertion and Reason are true
and Reason is not a correct explanation of Fraction of household which are
39. Reason There are infinitely many rational
donating 13
i) Total households = 13
numbers between any two given rational
numbers. Not donating households = 13 - 7 = 6
Hence,Assertion is true but Reason is false. Fraction of households which are not
40. Assertion Rational number between 6

numbers a and b is
atb donating13
7 2
(ii) We have, 3 47. () We have,

13) 7.0 0.53846153 11) 20 (0.1818

65 11
50 90
3 88
110 20
104 11
60 90
52 88
13 . 2 0.18
65 ii) Let x = 0.38

x = 0.3888...

10x 3888..
100x 38888..
(100x -10x) = (38888..)- ( 3.888..)
90x 35
(iv) We have,
13 6.0 0.46153846
52 7

20 (i) 13
has non-terminating repeating
39 decimal expansion.
104 (iv)
52 m+n
80 .'.
. n

(v) 018 373
Thus,has non-terminatingrepeating (Decimal number 0.38 is
decimal. non-terminating repeating number.
48. () Given,
49. a5v10which
is arational number.
9) 7.0 (0.77
63 (i) Leta=(rational) andb=/3 (irrational
63 a+b+V3 =2+3/3
3 irrational
On dividing 7 by 9, we
get the block of and a-b=-V=2-3/3 irrational
repeated number 7 again and again. 3
7 The sum or difference of a rational
0777.. or0.7 9 number and an irrational number is an
irrational number.
(i) Given, 2 (n) Given, (3+ 27) - (V12+ 3)
9) 2.0 (0.22 Onsimplification, we get
18 (3+3-/3)-(2/3+3)
20 3+33-2/3-3
3 which is rational number.
2 (iv) Here, 6 is a rational number and v5 is
On dividing 2 by 9, we get the block of an irrational number. Since,we know
repeated number 2 again and again. that division of a rational number and an
irrational number is always an irrational
022. or=0
Hence, is an irrational number.
) As02 5
() Now, (3+V3) +(2+2) = 5+ 2 +V3
The number is non-terminating Hence, it is an irrational number.
repeating. 22 + V6)
50. () Let v=

(iv) Here,1> 3/2+)

Squaring Eq. (i) both sides, we get
So, let x and
242+6) (2+6)
Since,a = (3/2+3)) 2+ 3
n +1
4 (2+6+ 212)
97 2 92+3
1+1 2 9x2 9 4((8+2 4x3
Now x +a
23 9
-07 Taking square root, we get
Hence, 7 is the repeating y=4/3
25 3/2
73 2+ 2+ /3
M0+3 6+ 5 15+3/2
73 V10-3 K (2- V3+(2+3)
V10+3 V10-3 = 2(4 +3) =14
25 x v6-V5
and x =(2-V3)-(2+3)"
3/2 V15-3/2 =- 43-4/3=-8/3
15+3/215-3/2 51. () y/xva =x{r2)/2= x.()3/4
= V7/ = 2/8 =

= 30-3-2/30+10+ 30-6=1
-3 --
(ii) We have, 5=av5-b
3+2 5

3+25 3-2/5 (ii)-4 2
= 4(216)3 (256)

(216)3 (256)
or aV5-b=(3-V5)(3-2/5) 2 3
-11 = 4 x (6 x 6 x 6)3 - (4 x4 x4x4)4

9-6V5-3/5+10 19-9/5 95 19 = 4 x6**3-4*i =4 x62-43

-11 -11 11 i
= 4 x 36- 64 = 144 - 64 = 80
On comparing, we get
(iv) (x +b(+**(x**a2
24 + 26 (26+ 2)(x2 +2a

(iv) Let y )
On rationalising (i), we get 2a +
(x +b+c)4
2b+ 26 +
2c +2c + 2a .4a+ 46 + 4c

x4a+46+ 4c x a + 4 6 + 4 = 1

26 (V2+3-V5)
2+ 3+5 (2+ 3-V5) 35 x81 x6561=3
(2+ /3)2-5 33 x(3)x3
26/2+ /3-5) 35 x 3x 3 7 3
5+2V6 5 32
= 2+3-V5 35x +16-2x = 37 33x +16 37
( *=2-V3
2+V3 3x +16=7 3 x = 7-16
X2-V3 2+3 3 x - 9 x =- 3

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