Sagar Gosavi Project Report

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A Report On

Summer Internship Program 2021



Submitted by

BBA(International Business) Sem V

Batch 2019-22

Submitted to

Ajeenkya DY Patil University


I, SAGAR KISAN GOSAVI, a student of BBA IB Sem V of the

School of Management of Ajeenkya DY Patil University, hereby declare
that this report on Summer Project Program 2021 is the original piece of my
work and is based on my internship with INFRATECH, from 1st june, 2021
to 31st july, 2021. I further declare that none of the contents of the report
are copied from
any source. I understand that if found guilty of plagiarism, Ajeenkya DY
Patil University is free to initiate any action against me, including the
cancellation of my Summer Internship program.


Date: 18 / 08 / 2021 Research



With great pleasure I express my gratitude to INFRATECH for providing me this golden
opportunity to work in sales management as intern in their company. This short period
was full of experience, which will definitely help me in my future career. First of all, I
would like to thank my project guide Shikha Singh, for guiding me throughout the
project, and for giving us valuable insights about various aspect of sales and Operations.

I express my deepest thanks to Ms Menka Rathod [director] for taking part in important
decision and arranged all facilities to make life easier. I choose this moment to
acknowledge her contribution gratefully.

I perceive this prospect as a big milestone in my career development. I will strive to use
gained skills and knowledge in the best possible way, and I will continue to work on their
improvement, in order to attain desired career objectives.

Last but not the least, I am grateful to my Parents and family members all my friends for
their help and encouragement, without which this project would not have been possible.



The purpose of internship program during the second year of Bachelor's in

Business Administration is to familiarize students with the corporate world
and give them a corporate experience. With this particular objective in
mind, I started my internship in INFRATECH as a SALES intern from 1st
june 2021. I was tasked with , Facebook Marketing, then talk with different
clients about LAND TRADING, about flats and plots . The internship report
helps the student to document their corporate experience and in turn they get
to contribute to the field of business through it.

The First phase of my internship was about what is land trading and then
how to communicate with customers. I was given training in theory and
practical aspects of sales and how company uses it to fulfill the client's
requirement. After the orientation, I was put in a group of interns and our
intern head (menka rathod) directed us.

The Second phase of my internship was about Social Media marketing. Our
intern head provided us with a set of parameters and instruction on how to
market our client's web site. Scheduling social media post and updates was
daily process in keeping our target audience informed.

This internship was an exciting journey where I got ample opportunity to

learn and apply my knowledge. Also, along with core aspects of sales and
digital marketing as well and online scenario, this internship

improved/developed my creative skills, writing skills, social skills and was
indeed a confidence booster for me


Sr no Title Page No
1 Introduction 06
2 Company Profile 11
3 Objective 12
4 Research Methodology 13
5 Data Analysis 14

6 Findings 23

7 Recommendations 24
8 Limitations 25

9 Bibliography 26
10 Letter Of Acceptance 27

11 Certificate of Summer 29


This internship report has been prepared as a requirement of third year in Bachelor of
Business Administration in International Business from Ajeenkya D.Y Patil University,
Pune. I started my internship program at INFRATECH under SALES department. This
report focuses on a Two months work from home experience. The reason for selection of
this internship was due to natural interest and curiosity in online or sales.

Sales and marketing is one of the most trendy and effective marketing method in
this technological world of business in terms of cost and customer engagement.
And sales marketing deals with exploration and understanding of customer needs, with
response to them through the development and also deals with impact on customers
needs in accordance with strategic purpose of the organization.

Working in infratech proved to be challenge but exciting in a lot of way for me as this
was my first ever internship. During the period of my internship not only have I got to
learn a lot of practical aspects of theory taught to me . This exposure will surely help me
in my career. I also got to know many people and made new contacts that might help me

in the future. My responsibility has taught me discipline, effective communication ,
professional writing, social media management and many more.

There is not much opportunity to construct a research based report working in the sales
department. Nonetheless I have put my best effort in writing project.

Selection of the report title

My academic guide Ms. Ritika Singh provided me with some titles regarding digital
marketing and helped me choose the most appropriate title for my Summer Internship
Project. The project report titled “AN INVESTIGATION OF SALES MARKETING "
will be worthwhile and contribute to the study of Business Management.
My learning from the Internship

I briefly stated my learning in the executive summary. In the following pages I will
explain in detail regarding my work as an intern

First Phase

I started my internship on June 1st. Since my internship was during the national
lockdown due to COVID-19 , I couldn't travel to the office and work there. instead I had
to stay home obeying the lockdown rules and started my work online via digital
platform. the DIRECTOR explained us what this internship journey will feel like. The
first day my supervisor assigned us a task on "what is a LAND TRADING and how does
it work" which lasted for 6 hrs. This help us understanding the practical applications of it.

My daily task was to increase the reach of the clients assigned to me by calling them or
communicate with them and advertising their websites in diferent websites provided to
me by my intern head. They provide us 6 to 7 clients per day so we have to call them and
tell them about land trading and how its works then tell them about company offers and
land locations to invest. If clients are interested in this location so we send them pdf
about locations.

The first phase taught me important skills such as communications skills, and email skills
. This task helped me to gain tremendous knowledge on how trading works and the
difference between about land trading stock trading so on.

Second Phase

Understanding Social media platforms

The second phase of my internship was about social media marketing. Before staring our
task our guide explained us each and every step on how to organically increase the reach
of the content. We were taught how to use hash tags, mentioning someone, the
appropriate time to post content to get maximum reach and more.

I was told to focus on social media platforms such as Facebook LinkedIn. In this task the
main objective was to provide maximum exposure to the client by making their content
widespread by social media. The great thing about social media marketing is that I could
track how many people saw my content .I could use the analytics of my post to check
who all saw my post, who all liked, commented, disliked my content on each platform
and formulate my next content based on the data.

Digital advertising proved to be a challenge for me as I'm not used to the platforms prior
to this internship. I happened to learn that if you use right hash tags, Blogger is a great
platform for advertising.

Third Phase
Learning how to communicate

The third phase was about learning how to communicate professionally. In this they tell
everyone how to communicate with clients and how to interact with them. I had to learn
how to exact communicate with clients and what phrases we have to use with clients.

I had to communicate with 4-5 clients a day which was checked by my Intern head. This
was more of a learning phase for the last phase of my internship.

Company Profile

infratech is one of the finest land trading Company you can ever come upon solely
focused and dedicated to your career development. Their aim objective is to foster the
best growth and upgrade your career objectives with proper knowledge and skills.
Infratech is a leading Real Estate Company in india. Infratech is a subsidiary of the KD
Rathod groiup of companies,which has made significant contributions to variety of
industries including real estate, infrastructure, auto mobiles, education, entertaintment
and finance. Infratech is an ISO 9001:2008 accredited business that has been in the real
estate industry for over 15 years, providing investment opportunities and advice on deals
involving properties, plots, flats and homes. They have provided over 35000 satisfied
customers with their life best investment in plots and flats via land sales to date. In thane,
pune, navi Mumbai, they are go-to site for affordable and profitable real estate deals.
They are provide their customers with 100 percent clear title documents that comply with
all legal requirements and their team of land experts will direct you on your investment
journey, as land investment is the best way to invest your money , their mission is to
make clients investment more enjoyable and profitable and meet the expectations of
clients through profitable and safe deals thereby putting their clients interest above our
own. and their vision is to become then largest land banker in india thereby providing
excellent services and exceeding customer expectations. Their goal is to make every
person who is career-oriented to become more capable and skill-oriented.

Company vision

INFRATECH’s Vision is that all desire to achieve their dream jobs and position but a few
succeed to reach their goal. Our vision is to help you to achieve your aim. We work
tirelessly to create and better version of you so that you become the most desirable

candidate for the job you dream of. We are one of the most trusted and well known for
the work of holding your hand and helping you to climb towards the peak of your
success. their vision is to become then largest land banker in india thereby providing
excellent services and exceeding customer expectations


Primary Objective

1.) A study of sales and marketing .

Secondary Objective

1.) To understand land trading and how its works.

2.) To learn about how to communicate professionally with clients.

3.) To know the impact of sales and marketing in business.


The scope of this report is to learn and apply sales and marketing practices. This project
report is strictly limited to the clients assigned to the Interns of the company. This report
is also limited by my knowledge and application of it. The study has been carried not
only to find out how sales marketing is done but also to gain a corporate experience and
understanding how a company manages their employees and also understanding how to
communicate professionally and how to satisfied clients .

This project is limited to my knowledge and perspective.

Research Methodology

Research Design:-

Research Methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be

understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically.
The primary data are those which are collected afresh and for the first time, and thus
happen to be original in character. A survey was conducted to collect the primary data.
To do the data analysis questionnaire was prepared in such a way that all the necessary
data would be collected. The Secondary data are those which have already collected by
someone else and which have already been collected by someone else and which have
already been passed through the satisfied process. To get more information, secondary
data was also required. These data were collected from the company sources, like
Company’s Brochure,Various websites.

Sample Design:-

The methods of collecting primary and secondary data differ since primary data are to be
originally collected, while in case of secondary data the nature of data collection work is
merely that of compilation. Our batch of interns had 9 students. The data was collected
by conference call. A schedule was prepared to interview the interns. The sampling
method used is 'Convenience sampling'.



• Video conference and Phone calls
• Observation


• Publication, websites , Annual Reports, .

• Periodicals like Indian Express Business World ,


(A) Method of Sample Selection:-

1. Non Probability Convenience Sampling Method is used in this project.

2. The sample are the Interns who worked along with me.


The sample size is 100 people.(Interns worked with me , previous batch of interns,
and supervisors)


Observation study- Observation of the work of different interns and senior who guide us.


1.) Close ended Questions

2.) Open Ended Questions

A.) Questionnaires for Interns

B.) Questionnaires for Supervisors

(A)The questionnaire for interns consist of question from which we can understand their
knowledge and experience gain before and after the internship.

(B)The questionnaire for supervisors consists of question from which we can understand
the teaching proficiency and whether they were satisfied with the interns work


Q-1) The preferred app for running digital ad campaign?

Options Response Percentage

a) Facebook 53 53%
b) Linkdin 10 10%
c) Pintrest 21 21%
d)Twitter 16 16%
Total 100 100%

a) Facebook
b) Linkdin
c) Pintrest

From the above data it is concluded that from 100 Interns, 53% prefer to run ad campaign
in Facebook, 10% prefer to use Linkdin, 21% prefer to use Pintrest, and 16% prefer to
use Twitter.

Q2) Did you(Interns) had any prior experience in SEO?

Options Response Answers
a) Yes 20 20%
b)No 80 80%
Total 100 100%



From the above data it is concluded that from 100 Interns, 80% Interns didn't knew about
SEO, 20% had some experience with SEO.

Q3) Were you(Interns) satisfied with the internship?

Options Response Percentage
a) Yes 60 60%
b)No 35 35%

c) Cannot say 5 5%
Total 100 100%

a) Yes
c) Cannot say


From the above data it is concluded that from 100 Interns , 60% of the interns were
satisfied with their internship , 35% of the interns were not satisfied with their internship
and 5% couldn't state their response.

Q4) How would you(supervisors, HR) rate intern's performance?

Options Response Percentage

a)5 Star 15 15%
b) 4Star 35 35%
c) 3 Star 30 30%

d) 2 Star 18 18%
e) 1 Star 2 2%
Total 100 100%

a)5 Star
b) 4Star
c) 3 Star
d) 2 Star
e) 1 Star


From the above data it can be concluded that , 15% supervisors and HR gave 5 Star
ratings to the interns, 35% supervisors and HR gave 4 Star ratings to the interns, , 30%
supervisors and HR gave 3 Star ratings to the interns, 18% supervisors and HR gave 2
Star ratings to the interns , and 2% supervisors and HR gave 1 Star ratings to the interns.

Q5) Was training the Intern easy, or were they hard to deal with?
Options Response Percentage
a)Yes 22 22%
b)No 78 78%
Total 100 100%


From the above data it is concluded that from supervisors , 22% responded with
affirmation and 78% responded no.

Q6) How frequently you(Interns) had to post for the clients website
to increse their reach?.

Options Response Percentage

a) 1-5 Post per week 44 44%
b) 6-10 Post per week 52 52%
c)11-19 Post per 4 4%

Total 100

a) 1-5 Post per week
b) 6-10 Post per week
c)11-19 Post per weeek


From the above data it is concluded that from 100 Interns, 44% had to post 1-5 post per
week, 52% had to post 6-10 post per week, and 4% had to post 11-19 post per week.

Q7) How did the CORONA pandemic affect the marketing strategy of the

b) More focus on 25 25%
Email, SEO.

Others 6 6%
Total 100 100%

a) More focus on Social

media Marketing
b) More focus on E-mail,

From the above data , 69% agreed that the company should focus more on Social media
marketing , 25% agreed that the company should focus more on E-Mail, SEO, and 6%
agreed that the company should focus more on other aspects.


1) Company focuses more on sales.

2) Interns were disappointed with no stipend.

3) Lot of interns were not able to bridge the gap between theory and

4) Work from home has put limitation on the industry exposure

5) Few people are unaware of the companies services.

6) The number of sales promotional activities are less.


1) The sales promotional activities should increase.

2) The target audiences age should be from 15-45.

3) Interns should be offered some monetary benefits as well.

4) HR should take fun activities to reduce stress

5) Company should give stipend to every interns.


• This Internship was work from home, which may result in some inconsistency in
the data.

• The reserch is carried out by my own observation and questionair which is limited
by my perspective, views and knowledge about sales.

• Time constraint of 2 month was placed on the internship, because of this I was
not able to go deeper in some aspects of my work.

• The sample on basis of which the data was collected was a small part which was
assumed to designate the whole.

• The research report was made during the COVID-19 pandemic and the results
and interpretation may wary when the situation restores back to its stable self.

• Bias answers from the respondents


Letter of Acceptance

Certificate of Summer Internship

Thank you


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