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Il ll lll llllllIlllIll K17U 0681

Beq, No. i

Name: ,,,,,..,........ . ..... .

tv Semesrer B.c.a. Degree (cBCSS-Reg./Sup.nmp.)

Examination MaY 2017
Coae Course
(2014 Admn. Onwards)


a) The command is u selul iol displavlng shodfiles ofalew

b) Howdo yo! stop a cu rrenny running process?

c) How doyou do number comparison sshellscrpls?

d) islhe cornmand usedlo sei the dela! l rv\r( permission to
a users on every lle crealed ln lhe cunenl she '

e) command s used to get help on any commands nLnux'

l) The sladUpscriplsin L n!xareknownas
g) ln run
level-- the svstem ls cornplelelv shul down

h) is used to searclr for conients in aille

Wiite shortnoles on any seven ol thelollowing questions' \7'2=14)
typica ux system ?
Whal arc the diflerent tvpes ol comrnonly used shells on
2 a

3. ExpLain thevadous slages ofa L nuxprocess'

4. Explain dlreclories used in Llnlxl esvslem'

5 What are the steos invo ved in creaiing a L nux user account ?
K17U 0681 r [[ tlmllllL lI
6, Whatare system configurallon iiles ?

7. Wrile the command which \i/lll print numbers lrom 0 to 1 00 and displav every
8. Wh;l is a umask ? Oeale a lmaskihatwould give nopemissions lolhe group

9. Whal is Kernel initialization ?

10. Howw you trace system calls ?

11. Howw you mountiile sysiems nLinux?


Answer any fou r ol the iollowing questions. (4x3=1 2)

1 2. Explain ihe Cron Job scheduling comrnand

13. Explain Vl edilor in detail.

14. Whatare lllie.s ? G veexamples

I 5. How will you compress a file !n Linux ?

16. What are lhe powers of a slpe ruser ?

17. What is thel!nclion of swapperln booling ?


Write anessayon any two ol lhe following questions (2x5:10)

1 8. Explain ihe Linux systern admlnlslraljon lasks

1 9. ExDlain in delail rpm package managernent.

20. DlsiinquishbelweenLlLOandGBUBboolprocess

21. Explain the lle access pemissions ln Linux How we can set or change the

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